Wrestlers WWE dropped the ball on.

In recent years there are two guys that they dropped the ball on big time.

1. MVP- He had everything going for him. The look, the wrestling ability, the mic skills, charisma both in and out the ring. He kept climbing up the ranks but then stalled out at upper mid carder when it became clear that they didn't see him as anything more than that. He could've been a star and a guy that could seamlessly go in and out of the main event when needed.

The Miz- This was a guy that could've been a massive star and a true crossover act. He was already known from his Real World days/MTV days. He may have started off a little green, but he came into his own once he started tagging with Morrison. He actually began truly getting over and his ring work improved immensely. His US Title run was one of the best ever in recent years. Then he wins the Money In The Bank and he's easily one of the most over guys in the company and THE hottest heel surpassing the Nexus. He becomes World champion and everything looks like it's on the right track. Then he gets made to look like an after thought in the buildup to the title match at WM 27, he eventually drops the belt to Cena which is fine, but they proceed to bury him afterwards. He hasn't quite recovered and imo his main event ship has sailed. But the WWE missed the boat on a potential star in the Miz.

Miz had no potential to be anything but a lower tier wrestler. The fact that he mainevented WM is a major dark spot in WM and WWE history. He's finally where he deserves to be.

If you guys remember him from his short run in 2004, This guy was the quintessential foreign heel. He was captivating on the microphone, he was a good wrestler in the ring, and he was just an entertaining character to watch. This guy was great and he had tons of potential. I would go so far as to say, had he not had that certain "incident" in the ring with those masked men at the wrong time, (there was a terrorist attack i believe, that coincided with this angle overseas) he had the potential to be a future WWE champion. Its too bad this happened, as the WWE was forced to completely drop the Mohhamed Hassan character, and he was immediately released, but this guy was the real deal.

Yes a terrorist attack happened in London, that angle with Undertaker derailed a massive push. He was booked to beat Batista for the title and go on a major heel run. WWE didn't have the balls to go against the network so they cut him instead, such a waste of talent.

You can read about it here too in this article from BR in 2011:

There's 2 guys who come to mind that I think WWE dropped the ball with:

1) Sheamus. (Heel Sheamus to be exact)

Sheamus in 2009 and 2010 was the best answer to John Cena's ever-annoying prominence as a babyface in the main event scene. The Irishman was catapulted to the top of the main event and made many well-received (booed) promos about his own greatness and Cena's eventual demise at his own hands. Sheamus was the full package. He's taller than Cena, muscular, has 5 powerful signature moves and is VERY believable as a brute. WWE dropped the ball by not continuing his role as the anti-Cena.

2) Ryback.

Ryback's 2012 run was Cinderella story of sorts. He quickly went from a guy who heard nothing but crickets and Goldberg chants, to a well-respected freak of nature who conducted the same very crowds into chanting "FEED...ME...MORE!" His impressive strength and routine match tactics were such an entertaining segment of weekly shows, that people soon started to cheer for him universally when his theme music began. Not to mention the feats of strength he'd display by either lifting large wrestlers or 2 moderately sized wrestlers at the same time to deliver the aptly named "shell shock". WWE dropped the ball by pitting him against CM Punk to face him at 2012's Hell in a Cell, thus ending his undefeated streak and marking the beginning of his being under-utilized.

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