WWE Divas Can't Act

Wow second sentence in to your reply and you just further cement how stupid you really are. You are talking as if Eve was meant to do what she did, when it was blatantly obvious that she stuffed up and then started her line again, it wasn't on purpose or meant to show she was scared it was because she fucked up. Can you really not tell that? She didn't show any emotion she showed her inability to act and for some reason you are defending her.
Where is this irrefutable evidence that she fucked up her line? Oh, there is none? Oh, the segment was probably filmed before Raw even started and thus they would have re-filmed it if it was a line flub? Oh.

And you're gonna counter with something stupid like "you don't know when it was filmed" which will just make you look like a hypocrite for assuming YOU know everything.

Yes her acting is atrocious. Nearly everyone agrees especially about that segment and not just on this site, everywhere. It was really that bad I mean just look at AJ on Smackdown, she isn't great by any means but she isn't atrocious and doesn't make you cringe and want to change the channel, Eve does .
A lot of people on the internet think Cena sucks.

A lot of people on the internet think Benoit should be remembered primarily as a wrestler and we should all just forget about what he did.

If you're gonna use the "everyone agrees" thing, your argument is really fucking weak. I don't give a fuck who agrees, I think it's a stupid point, period.
IMO most of raw has become bad acting, not just the divas. Raw has become more about bad acting and fake tanner than wrestling. And the WWE wonders why Smackdown's rating is going up while Raw's is falling.
AJ doesn't really have to emote. She just has to be small and pout. Cena's angry face was a little much. His reaction to Ryder getting chokeslammed through the stage and pretty much everything else has been about as good as wrestling acting gets. To say that Eve hasn't been as bad as Cena, which he said, is ridiculous.

There's a HUUUUUGEEEE difference between someone's whole body of work and one segment. Since the focus was put on that particular segment, that was my reaction. Eve was horrible in the last segment of RAW last night. Cena's body of work over his career is 100 times better than what we saw in the ambulance scene though. Honestly it looks like in your eyes Cena can do no wrong even if he does. He's been in the business long enough he doesn't need sympathizers and apologetics to defend him.
Where is this irrefutable evidence that she fucked up her line? Oh, there is none? Oh, the segment was probably filmed before Raw even started and thus they would have re-filmed it if it was a line flub? Oh.

And you're gonna counter with something stupid like "you don't know when it was filmed" which will just make you look like a hypocrite for assuming YOU know everything.

A lot of people on the internet think Cena sucks.

A lot of people on the internet think Benoit should be remembered primarily as a wrestler and we should all just forget about what he did.

If you're gonna use the "everyone agrees" thing, your argument is really fucking weak. I don't give a fuck who agrees, I think it's a stupid point, period.
You sound like the whiniest little kid when you comment my goodness and you added absolutely nothing. Where is the evidence that she stuffed up? Maybe your eyes you dumbass. Now you go on a rant about this 'everyone agree's argument' and you say absolutely nothing to back up your point or say how she wasn't horrible.

To compare Eve's crappy acting in a scene to Cena and Benoit is just the stupidest thing you could do. I have not heard one valid argument that her acting was good in any way. You said nothing, I have said numerous times in this thread why she sucked and so have other people, again you said NOTHING to back up your point so it's pretty much worthless.

Look at the scene and then look at other major storylines with divas in the past and even present with AJ. Eve is on a whole other level of suckiness. Kelly and the Bella Twins are just as awful as Eve and butcher every segment their in, but because they haven't been in a major storyline it isn't highlighted as much.
AJ doesn't really have to emote. She just has to be small and pout. Cena's angry face was a little much. His reaction to Ryder getting chokeslammed through the stage and pretty much everything else has been about as good as wrestling acting gets. To say that Eve hasn't been as bad as Cena, which he said, is ridiculous.

A little much? Aha way to play it down, it was absolutely ridiculous. He's reacion to Ryder being choke slammed good as wrestling gets? Wow, just wow this is just a seriously absurd statement. This is the problem with some Cena fans, they can't handle the hate he gets and yes some of it is undeserved, but they overcompensate by defending the guy like crazy even when he does suck.

He's acting after Ryder got chokeslammed wasn't very good at all, it wasn't horrible but it wasn't very good. He looked caught in two minds on how to act, and had no idea what to do with his body or hands. He would move his hands robotically from his mouth back to air like he had no idea where to put them. Apart from that though he was good, he just has a lot of holes in his acting. When he plays to his strengths though he can be very good at times I just thought he'd be better at certain things at this point as sometimes he looks a bit amateur.
You sound like the whiniest little kid when you comment my goodness and you added absolutely nothing. Where is the evidence that she stuffed up? Maybe your eyes you dumbass. Now you go on a rant about this 'everyone agree's argument' and you say absolutely nothing to back up your point or say how she wasn't horrible.

To compare Eve's crappy acting in a scene to Cena and Benoit is just the stupidest thing you could do. I have not heard one valid argument that her acting was good in any way. You said nothing, I have said numerous times in this thread why she sucked and so have other people, again you said NOTHING to back up your point so it's pretty much worthless.

Look at the scene and then look at other major storylines with divas in the past and even present with AJ. Eve is on a whole other level of suckiness. Kelly and the Bella Twins are just as awful as Eve and butcher every segment their in, but because they haven't been in a major storyline it isn't highlighted as much.
Obviously your reading comprehension isn't very good, as I didn't actually compare Eve's acting to Cena or Benoit. I used those as examples of why the internet's majority opinion isn't always right. But yeah, good job missing my point entirely.

I've said plenty to back up my point in this thread so I don't see what you're complaining about. I think her acting was okay, not great but not terrible, and I don't think it needed to be overdone; in fact, I think it would have been worse if it was.

Again, Eve isn't an Oscar worthy actress but she's not exactly in an Oscar worthy movie either. She's in a shit storyline where everyone's acting sucks, within a company where no one is really that great of an actor and I see worse every single week.

You also don't understand what "evidence" means and I hope to god you're never in a court case because you'll lose. People see different things through "their eyes." It's called having an opinion, and your opinion is no more factual than mine. Got it?
Obviously your reading comprehension isn't very good, as I didn't actually compare Eve's acting to Cena or Benoit. I used those as examples of why the internet's majority opinion isn't always right. But yeah, good job missing my point entirely.

I've said plenty to back up my point in this thread so I don't see what you're complaining about. I think her acting was okay, not great but not terrible, and I don't think it needed to be overdone; in fact, I think it would have been worse if it was.

Again, Eve isn't an Oscar worthy actress but she's not exactly in an Oscar worthy movie either. She's in a shit storyline where everyone's acting sucks, within a company where no one is really that great of an actor and I see worse every single week.

You also don't understand what "evidence" means and I hope to god you're never in a court case because you'll lose. People see different things through "their eyes." It's called having an opinion, and your opinion is no more factual than mine. Got it?
Over done? What the hell are you talking about that has nothing to do with it. She is absolutely horrible in every segment and is not comfortable at all. AJ isn't a great actress by any means but if you compare them Eve makes AJ look amazing. Eve just sucks plain and simple not one person thinks she's good at talking on acting there's only some people saying 'oh she's not that bad'. Compare her to most other diva's today apart form the ones I've mentioned that are as bad as her. Compare her to most of TNA's knockouts such as Mickie, Madison and even Gail all look increidble if you compare them to Eve. You can't even compare Eve to Trish and Lita and the like because she doesn't desereve to be mentioned with them.

She is a truly horrible actress and has no idea how to keep or play a character. She was horrible in an important segment and made it look a lot worse than it should have been. She's stunk up everything else she's been in as well just not on as big of a scale.

Diva's such as her, Bella's and Kelly should be nowhere near an important segment that involves any kind of talking or acting because they just can't do it.
Oh for the love of...

Over done? What the hell are you talking about that has nothing to do with it.

It has everything to do with it you assclown. If she'd have been over-the-top it would have come across as extremely melodramatic and would have ruined the segment. Contrary to your beliefs, Eve's acting did not ruin the segment.

She is absolutely horrible in every segment and is not comfortable at all.

And yet you have nothing other than your opinion to substantiate this claim. You say she forgot her line. I disagree. I explained earlier why I disagree. You haven't come up with ONE legit argument in your cause, other than how she apparently 'forgot' her line' in the space of one second.

AJ isn't a great actress by any means but if you compare them Eve makes AJ look amazing.

Bullshit. AJ certainly isn't terrible, but she is if Eve is as bad as you think she is.

Eve just sucks plain and simple not one person thinks she's good at talking on acting there's only some people saying 'oh she's not that bad'.

...and you want me to say she's great? She's not. On the same basis that most of WWE's divas arent. The only ones who seem to stand out are Natalya, Beth and at a push (as we haven't seen enough of her yet), Kharma. But you're honestly gonna tell me that Kelly kelly and the Bellas are better at promos and backstage segments than Eve?

Compare her to most other diva's today apart form the ones I've mentioned that are as bad as her. Compare her to most of TNA's knockouts such as Mickie, Madison and even Gail all look increidble if you compare them to Eve. You can't even compare Eve to Trish and Lita and the like because she doesn't desereve to be mentioned with them.

And your examples are three of TNA's top knockouts, and two Hall of Fame-bound divas? Of course Eve doesn't compare to them, you moron. Mickie and Gail have been around WWE/TNA for years, have vast experience and have had much more promo/backstage time in their careers. Madison was with Shimmer before she came to TNA in 2009, so she also has more experience than Eve, who only started wrestling at all in 2009. And as far as Lita and Trish go...they're legendary divas, and the only two divas to ever main event Raw ina singles match. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE on WWE's roster will look horrible compared to them.

She is a truly horrible actress and has no idea how to keep or play a character. She was horrible in an important segment and made it look a lot worse than it should have been. She's stunk up everything else she's been in as well just not on as big of a scale.

I'm sensing you don't like Eve. She has a minor role in a pro-wrestling storyline, which is about as good with acting quality anyway as a bad porn movie. I don't see how, in any way, shape or form, she could have ruined that segment for you. It wasn't a great segment, but served a purpose. Quit bitching about it, it really, really isn't this important.

Diva's such as her, Bella's and Kelly should be nowhere near an important segment that involves any kind of talking or acting because they just can't do it.

And you should be nowhere near a 'Post New Thread' button.
Oh for the love of...

It has everything to do with it you assclown. If she'd have been over-the-top it would have come across as extremely melodramatic and would have ruined the segment. Contrary to your beliefs, Eve's acting did not ruin the segment.

And yet you have nothing other than your opinion to substantiate this claim. You say she forgot her line. I disagree. I explained earlier why I disagree. You haven't come up with ONE legit argument in your cause, other than how she apparently 'forgot' her line' in the space of one second.

Bullshit. AJ certainly isn't terrible, but she is if Eve is as bad as you think she is.

...and you want me to say she's great? She's not. On the same basis that most of WWE's divas arent. The only ones who seem to stand out are Natalya, Beth and at a push (as we haven't seen enough of her yet), Kharma. But you're honestly gonna tell me that Kelly kelly and the Bellas are better at promos and backstage segments than Eve?

And your examples are three of TNA's top knockouts, and two Hall of Fame-bound divas? Of course Eve doesn't compare to them, you moron. Mickie and Gail have been around WWE/TNA for years, have vast experience and have had much more promo/backstage time in their careers. Madison was with Shimmer before she came to TNA in 2009, so she also has more experience than Eve, who only started wrestling at all in 2009. And as far as Lita and Trish go...they're legendary divas, and the only two divas to ever main event Raw ina singles match. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE on WWE's roster will look horrible compared to them.

I'm sensing you don't like Eve. She has a minor role in a pro-wrestling storyline, which is about as good with acting quality anyway as a bad porn movie. I don't see how, in any way, shape or form, she could have ruined that segment for you. It wasn't a great segment, but served a purpose. Quit bitching about it, it really, really isn't this important.

And you should be nowhere near a 'Post New Thread' button.
Omg you are such a dumbass. I said it has nothing to do with overacting because that was completely irrelavant and no one ever said the problem was that she underacted, it was that her acting absolutely sucked.

How can you say it did not ruin the scene? I'm not saying it entirely ruined sabotaged everything they did but I a long with many others have said they felt it took something away from it. Just because it was fine for you doesn't mean it was fine for everyone.

You really think Aj is as bad as Eve? No one has complained about Aj's ability because she has done a fine job so far even though it's been nothing special. Eve looked bad and is obviously not comfortable and lacking ability in her acting and talking skills.

Wow you just proved you can't even read you ******. I said Kelly and the Bella Twins are just as bad as Eve multiple times and never said they could do better, learn to actually read a comment if you're going to reply to it otherwise you look plain dumb.

Lol not like Eve? I have never ever cared about her, she just stunk up the screen when she was in an important segment. I'm sensing you like her because there is no reason to defend her performance and if you really can't see how she was worse than other divas at the moment (such as AJ) then you obviously no nothing about wrestling or acting.
Omg you are such a dumbass. I said it has nothing to do with overacting because that was completely irrelavant and no one ever said the problem was that she underacted, it was that her acting absolutely sucked.

The fuck it doesn't. It has everything to do with overacting because thats what most people do when they try to act without actually having any experience or knowledge of it. Eve didn't do this, which for me was the right thing to do, and made the scene perfectly bearable. I'd rather see what Eve did than some idiot on her knees in tears screaming and shouting, or someone just standing there saying nothing.

How can you say it did not ruin the scene? I'm not saying it entirely ruined sabotaged everything they did but I a long with many others have said they felt it took something away from it. Just because it was fine for you doesn't mean it was fine for everyone.

Right, this right here. Best thing you've said. Now apply it to your position; just because you think it was bad doesn't mean it is for others. I have my opinion, you have yours. I've never hidden that this is my opinion, but I'm sure mine is right, just as you will be sure yours is.

And you've said constantly, multiple times that it ruined the segment, not take something away from it.

You really think Aj is as bad as Eve? No one has complained about Aj's ability because she has done a fine job so far even though it's been nothing special. Eve looked bad and is obviously not comfortable and lacking ability in her acting and talking skills.

Wait a sec, if I say they're not too dissimilar, and I say that Eve isn't bad, then how the fuck would I be saying that AJ is bad? I've never said anything otherwise. I said that if Eve is as bad as you say she is, then so is AJ. You know that I don't think Eve is bad, so how the fuck am I saying AJ is bad there? You fucking stupid?

And actually, you can make a thread about most things and you'll get people to agree. I could make one about AJ being awful, and people would agree and disagree. Not only that, but a lot of people in this thread have criticized all of the divas, not just Eve.

Wow you just proved you can't even read you ******. I said Kelly and the Bella Twins are just as bad as Eve multiple times and never said they could do better, learn to actually read a comment if you're going to reply to it otherwise you look plain dumb.

Actually, only once, and towards the end of your post. You're focusing on Eve a lot here, in fact a LOT. Your thread is titled "WWE Divas Can't Act" and yet, you've focused almost exclusively on one diva, so you clarly have a lower opinion on Eve than the others.

Lol not like Eve? I have never ever cared about her, she just stunk up the screen when she was in an important segment.

Previous point proven.

I'm sensing you like her because there is no reason to defend her performance and if you really can't see how she was worse than other divas at the moment (such as AJ) then you obviously no nothing about wrestling or acting.

Yeah, suck my BA (hons) that proves otherwise, motherfucker.

I don't recall saying AJ was better OR worse than her. Prove me wrong on that one, I beg you. And I'm defending her because your argument is very, very poor. People agreeing with you doesn't mean you've proved it, it means they share an opinion. So far, you have showed no proof or analysis of how it was bad, other than 'she repeated two words and looked around before speaking' which I've already covered.

I've said what I think of the segment in a previous post here, and I stand by it. I don't think she fucked up. In that situation, she might be upset and scared and angry, but do you know what else she would be in? Shock. She did shock with a side-order of anger pretty well if you ask me.

So, with that said, PROVE to me that she did. Telling me that she repeated the opening of a line and that she was looking around before speaking isn't proof.
an real champion women was Alundra Blayze or Fabulous moolah or Wendy Richter,there's no need to say negative about theirs.
The problem with Divas WWE that's they make Fake wrestling matchs and they feuds are boring and sad to watch.
If i was Vince mac mahon, i was closed the Divas for good and serve for vallet for an wrestler, like Sable with Marc Mero.
It's time to developped and real program with REALS womens wrestling.
As I noted to in the AJ/Bryan=Edge/Lita thread, I think AJ's acting has drawn sympathy out of a woman I haven't seen in a long time. While it may not be Oscar-winner worthy, for the WWE it certainly more than works. Either AJ will swerve the world and stay with Bryan, or actually have that mega pop when he leaves him.
I see Lita mentioned up there, and man what bothered me the most about her was she couldn't talk! It always seemed like she had a mouthful of marbles or something.
Is it just me or this entire thread nothing more than a pissing contest? I haven't read it all but it seemed full of people knowing they know best because they have studied or do act, yet have a go at Eve for repeating a word after a pause. I would hate to see anything you're in, when overcome with emotion it is only fair that she would repeat a word or two.

Yes it was bad but if this ruined the whole segment for you, maybe its time to get out more. It bothers me how casually people bring up firing people and how rubbish people are, a whole thread on the fact the Divas can't act is pathetic and exactly why the IWC is being left behind. The anger some people seem to build up over some poor acting for one segment is beyond me, seriously come on.

The Divas are eye candy and just something to look at but I like that and so do countless others, is it sexiest? Maybe, but this thread has seven pages but I haven't seen a single thread about how good the Beth Tamina match was. (sorry if there is one)

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