WWE changing superstars theme songs... For the worse.


Yeah, this probably isn't the best topic, but I mean come on, you can't deny that some theme music for some superstars has gone from good to terrible.

Case #1: The Big Show. Big Show's current theme sounds like his old theme done by a cover band who only covers that one song.

Case #2: Jeff Hardy. Jeff Hardy's iconic Hardy Boyz theme brought on not only the presense of Jeff, but also the nostalgia of the days when he and his brother Matt would have those epic clashes against Edge & Christian and The Dudley Boyz, and before he once again departed, we were 'treated' to a horrible new version which featured vocals, something that was never needed in the theme in the first place.

Case #3: Bret Hart: Really, Bret Hart's theme? What the fuck was with that? Bret's theme did NOT require a re-mixed update. His theme is legendary in itself, and then the WWE find SOME way to ruin it.

There's a million more I could probably name, but then I'd be more of a ranting ****** than I already am, so basically, is anyone else as pissed off as I am that all these great themes are being updated for no apparent reason?
Honestly I never saw anything wrong with any of these switches. I like Show's current theme better than the one before it. Jeff Hardy was super popular. In this day in age, you aren't the top face of a show with generic theme music. And it wasn't nastalgic at all to me. It was slightly embarressing. That wouldn't be much different if the Miz was still using "This Ain't No Make Believe". Using a theme that was specifically made for your tag team just clings to the idea that you aren't good enough without your partner. As for Bret Hart. Yeah, it probably needed an update. Hart left in 1997. Isn't that before
mp3 quality music was invented? And they didn't really do anything different with it anyways.

Just a counter argument. I know it's fun to rant.
Honestly I never saw anything wrong with any of these switches. I like Show's current theme better than the one before it. Jeff Hardy was super popular. In this day in age, you aren't the top face of a show with generic theme music. And it wasn't nastalgic at all to me. It was slightly embarressing. That wouldn't be much different if the Miz was still using "This Ain't No Make Believe". Using a theme that was specifically made for your tag team just clings to the idea that you aren't good enough without your partner. As for Bret Hart. Yeah, it probably needed an update. Hart left in 1997. Isn't that before
mp3 quality music was invented? And they didn't really do anything different with it anyways.

Just a counter argument. I know it's fun to rant.

Um I think you mixed things up in there. John Morrison uses "This Aint No Make Believe." The Miz' old theme used to be "Reality Check." I had no problem with Jeff Hardy's last theme. The Miz' current theme needed to be changed and I think this new one fits him better. One example of changing one theme and it ending up worse was Shelton Benjamin's theme. But I haven't really noticed any currently whose themes blow that used to be good.
Well Jeff Hardy's theme was changed because he needed a singles theme, the Hardys theme was used when he was tagging with Matt and if you're a big singles star you need your own theme not the theme you used when you were a tag team.

Big Show's theme isn't to bad, it's not that different from his original theme it's just a bit of a tweak, simiilar to Jericho's theme getting numerous updates but still essentially the same song.

I can see what you mean with Bret Hart's theme though, he wasn't going to be there on a full time basis and it kind of sounded more like the Hart Dyanasty theme (perhaps that's what they were going for) and seemed unnecessary as it kind of alienated his older fans.
I agree with you on the Brett hart I didn't like his "new" song it didn't need to happen.

I'm not sure if its true but apparently R-truth is making his new song which I hope will work but i have big doubts unless it will further more involve the audience.

Have a nice Day
Um I think you mixed things up in there. John Morrison uses "This Aint No Make Believe." The Miz' old theme used to be "Reality Check." I had no problem with Jeff Hardy's last theme. The Miz' current theme needed to be changed and I think this new one fits him better. One example of changing one theme and it ending up worse was Shelton Benjamin's theme. But I haven't really noticed any currently whose themes blow that used to be good.

I didn't mix anything up. I said it wouldn't be "much different" if Miz was still using "This Ain't No Make Believe" which he did when he was Taging with Morrison. I know he used the Reality Check going into singles. I was just making a hypothetical comparison.
Benjamins theme change sucked, the old 1 was much better

Christians "Just close your eyes" theme was better as the original, sung by Waterproof Blonde, no idea why they had to change it!

those two spring to mind, im sure there are other examples.
I’ve never got the feeling that the WWE are changing some of the theme songs for the worse. I mean for every song that you can give me that they have changed for the worse; I bet I can give you two that they have changed for the better. Look at some really recent musical themes changing and you will see what I mean:

Drew McIntyre: Drew’s theme is literally the only interesting thing about him. His mic work is good and although he is completely boring, his entrance theme fits him to a t. The WWE got this one spot on.

Cody Rhodes: He recently changed his theme as recently as a couple of days ago and the new theme really helps him fit into his new gimmick rather well. It is very grand and flamboyant and it just fist the gimmick and accomplishes what the WWE set out to do and that is get that gimmick over in any way possible,

The Miz: I absolutely adore his new theme and I think it was a vast improvement from what he was coming out to the ring to before. It’s a very good song and the lyrics are just completely dead-on with The Miz’s character.

I do think that the WWE makes some mistakes from time to time. I know that a lot of people were upset at Bret Hart’s change but it doesn’t bother me to be honest. Entrance music only plays a small in getting people over and evaluating a gimmick. For me, the WWE changing them isn’t too big of a deal in any situation and I think that most of the time, they end up getting it right. They reward people who are getting a push and anyone who is not using generic music is pretty much doing something right. In my experience, I can’t think of a time when I have been disappointed with new music.
Themes changing for the worse? Really? Really? (Thank you Miz).

As far as I'm concerned the worse theme music change in recent history was Shelton Benjamin, His last theme sucked!.

The Miz: His new theme is awesome! (All pun-intended), It suits him to a "t".
Big Show: Not much difference, Just new band, Slower paced
Bret Hart: For the better, More modern, Sounded better IMO, At least it still had the intro
Randy Orton; Burn in My Light was great!, Suited the Legend Killer gimmick perfectly. Voices, Even better!, Probably the best fitting theme song in the WWE (Just ahead of The Miz)
Jeff Hardy: Better than the instrumental, He needed a new theme, His intrumental was what? Like 8-9 years old?. It had the same rythm too it, Just added words.

So all-in-all a pretty silly thread too start, But I suppose if you feel passionate about this, You have every right to bring it up
From the past year's theme changes...

Became Better:
Nexus: "We are One" - Compared to "Wild and Young", I would have accepted just about anything.

The Miz: "Reality" was awful, and "I came to Play" is pretty good compared to it.

Cody Rhodes: In 4 years, he went from "Out to Kill" to "Priceless" to "It's a New Day" to "Out to Kill" to "Smoking Mirror". Anything is an improvement over "Priceless", "Out to Kill" sounds too plain, and "Smoking Mirror" REALLY fits his character, so it's good for now.

Became Worse
Primo: Not that I care about him, but I honestly prefer Carlito's terrible music to "Oh Puerto Rico".

Dude Busters: I might be the only one to think that the remix of "Bittersweet Symphony" that they used for 2 weeks was good, but their current song is too plain.

Luke Gallows: Too plain.

*Sidenote: Why don't any Divas have good themes? Or get themes changed?
"Yeah, this probably isn't the best topic, but I mean come one, you can't say that some theme music for some superstars has gone from good to terrible.

Case #1: The Big Show. Big Show's current theme sounds like his old theme done by a cover band who only covers that one song."

you confused the hell out of me by saying "you can't say that some theme music for some superstars has gone from good to terrible" and than giving an example. wow!!!

but anyway I love when music is updated. It gets old after a while. I honestly can't think of many that got worse, the majority gets better and should. Like the motor city machine guns lol, their old theme was horrible, the new one is good. oh wait, there is abyss using hogans old theme, now that was fucking ******ed just like abyss! also brian kendrick really needs a new theme. I think more superstars should use more mainstream artists like jack swagger uses rage against the machine. and when the rock used method man's remix of his was dope!!! so I mean for the most part they get better, some cases worse as you pointed out but change is good, and not Obama's "change" (I think he needs new theme music)
From the past year's theme changes...

Became Better:
Nexus: "We are One" - Compared to "Wild and Young", I would have accepted just about anything.

The Miz: "Reality" was awful, and "I came to Play" is pretty good compared to it.

Cody Rhodes: In 4 years, he went from "Out to Kill" to "Priceless" to "It's a New Day" to "Out to Kill" to "Smoking Mirror". Anything is an improvement over "Priceless", "Out to Kill" sounds too plain, and "Smoking Mirror" REALLY fits his character, so it's good for now.

Became Worse
Primo: Not that I care about him, but I honestly prefer Carlito's terrible music to "Oh Puerto Rico".

Dude Busters: I might be the only one to think that the remix of "Bittersweet Symphony" that they used for 2 weeks was good, but their current song is too plain.

Luke Gallows: Too plain.

*Sidenote: Why don't any Divas have good themes? Or get themes changed?

Luke Gallows' theme is actually very very old. Big Show used it when he first came to the old WWF in attitude era. And it doesn't match his gimmick at all. Last time I checked, Staight Edge was about Punk Rock, not weird rap beats.

And on your side note, that is a damn good question. The only reason I can think of is that creative doesn't really care about the Divas. Which is probably why I use their promos and matches as time to go get a soda.
really one that i was not a fan of, was when HHH switched to "King of Kings" and then switched back like 2 weeks later. the songs sounded a lot alike, but the "king of Kings" fit in with the name they call him more, i mean YES, the Game is another nickname he's had longer, and it ties in. but look at the last fued he had before he left. "The Celtic Warrior vs The King of Kings". that and the song had kickass lyrics to it! would love to have it play anytime i walked into a room!

"On Your Knees Dog! Bow Down To The King"
really one that i was not a fan of, was when HHH switched to "King of Kings" and then switched back like 2 weeks later

When was this? I can't recall.

But I can recall when for 2 weeks around the time of his 2007 return he had the "King of Kings" song intro for "The Game", And If i recall correctly King of Kings was Triple H's exit theme at SummerSlam 2007.

I like the King of Kings entrance at 'Mania 22 though, It was great, One of the few times where a one-off thing was good.

An appauling one-off entrance change was when Randy Orton used "This Fire Burns". It didn't suit him the least bit!
some theme changes are good some are bad. The one that sticks out in my mind is Randy Ortons it was great he went from the babyface theme to one of the best heels in the E with the Voices theme.
The Miz theme change went from the laughing stock/Kinda serious to serious new look feuding with top stars unified tag champ and Us champ and now Mister Money In the Bank.
Jerichos theme change this for me was bad theres not much of a diffrence but taking away the original countdown Jerichos signature entrance gone.
My point is when a superstar changes theme he changes persona, look and occasionally gimmick.
I know he isnt in WWE anymore but I hated when they changed Mr. Kennedy's theme song. The original version of "Turn Up the Trouble" was pretty bad ass, but when he came back from his injury as a face they had a new version that just sucked. It killed a lot of Kennedy's entrance for me and that was one of the best things about his character.
one of the most horrible changes in music would have to be Diamond Dallas Page when he switched from wcw to wwe. The reason for changing it made no sense. Granted he was coming from wcw into wwe but at the time vince owned everything. The "smells like teen spirit" ripoff was perfect for him and a remixed version like tna did would of been just fine but no.He was one of the biggest stars of wcw and because of that they bombed him with one of the worst themes i ever heard.
How has Kane not been brought up in this thread. Seriously. His old music (Slow Chemical) was awesome. His new music is god damn awful. I know they were trying to refresh Kane's character and make him seem dark and evil again with the Rey storyline at the time but surely they could have let him keep the awesome music. Whoever made that descision should be shot and Kane should be given his old music back. I really don't want to see the world champion come out to "Man on Fire".

Secondly, I used to love Randy Orton's old theme "Burn in my Light". Whilst I think that his current music is pretty awesome aswell, I still think his old one was better. I can understand this switch though as "Voices" really fits his character and is a pretty good song. Really though, I'd prefer Orton to have his old music as I preferred it.
Someone mentioned it earlier, but I am taking it a step further and will say Drew's entrance music is the best current music and MILES past his first theme. That music makes him interesting even though he is rather boring to watch. I do hope he grows like the Miz did, but regardless, his theme is dirty.

Miz' music is way better than it was.

Christian has another good entrance. Same song they just keep updating it over the past couple years.

And if it wasn't for Drew's, I would say Orton has the best. Primarily because it commands so much attention when it hits. Cena's get the biggest reaction even though its terrible, but Orton's is very similar where it just plain excites the crowd.

P.S. I highly recommend the download. Broken Dream by Shamen something.
Okay, I love "Burn In My Light", but then again, randy orton hated that theme. he even tried to switch to cm punks current theme, but got it taken away, lol

I cant make a post without mentioning jbl, so his theme fit his character, and i personally loved how he changed his theme from his APA theme to Longhorn. It fit him perfectly.

And I love Luke Gallows theme, its a remix of the wwf st valentines day massacre theme. it doesnt fir him, but it brings back memories of big show using it. i hate big shows current theme. i liked "Big" better than "Crank it up". Wwe always tries to fix a themw song to fit a superstars gimmick ( by the way, what is up with the great khalis song?) Well , were probably never gonna hear "Rwal american" again, but we just have to enjoy what we got.
The theme songs all sound the same these days. I can barely tell them a part from one another. It's all some form of washing machine sounding modern "rock" or something.

As cheesy as the theme songs of old were...at least they were original and different.

I mean they don't have to be cheesy either. Bret Hart's is pretty badass and they kind of brought his back (kind of) for the Hart Dynasty. They don't all have to be Dusty Rhodes theme. Albeit, I kind of thought it was quite catchy and perhaps a guilty pleasure lol.
Let me state that there is nothing wrong with the themes of today. They all fit this era of wrestling to perfection. Other than the shitty remake of Bret Hart's theme song (which isn't even going to be used anymore) I have no problem with the theme songs that the superstars use. You gave Jeff Hardy and The Big Show as examples as well. Hardy's theme song before he left the WWE was great, and pumped up the crowd every time he came to the ring. It just matched the pure intensity and adrenaline Hardy had during his entrances and matches. The Big Show's theme, while it is mediocre, isn't terrible. I have no problem with it, it suits his character and gets it's job done.

I also love the theme songs used by The Miz, Sheamus, and Christian just to name a few. These theme songs are not only great to listen to, but they fit the wrestlers perfectly in every aspect. Even though basically all theme songs have lyrics now of days, they're still good at matching those wrestlers certain characters. Certian superstars such as Cena, Edge, and Orton all have themes that have be iconic with the wrestlers themselves. I have no problem with the themes of today and to me they, for the most part are a lot of fun to listen too.
SpoodBeest™;2233378 said:
Let me state that there is nothing wrong with the themes of today. They all fit this era of wrestling to perfection. Other than the shitty remake of Bret Hart's theme song (which isn't even going to be used anymore) I have no problem with the theme songs that the superstars use. You gave Jeff Hardy and The Big Show as examples as well. Hardy's theme song before he left the WWE was great, and pumped up the crowd every time he came to the ring. It just matched the pure intensity and adrenaline Hardy had during his entrances and matches. The Big Show's theme, while it is mediocre, isn't terrible. I have no problem with it, it suits his character and gets it's job done.

I also love the theme songs used by The Miz, Sheamus, and Christian just to name a few. These theme songs are not only great to listen to, but they fit the wrestlers perfectly in every aspect. Even though basically all theme songs have lyrics now of days, they're still good at matching those wrestlers certain characters. Certian superstars such as Cena, Edge, and Orton all have themes that have be iconic with the wrestlers themselves. I have no problem with the themes of today and to me they, for the most part are a lot of fun to listen too.

I respect your opinion but every theme song today sounds exactly the same. It's all some pour "modern rock" theme song they are only using because the bands are paying them to do so. It's all about the money. If the bands weren't paying WWE...they certainly wouldn't be using them.

Which is quite a turn because back in the day if Vince wanted to use any songs...he would have had to pay for them. My have the times changes since then.
I think Christain's remake after he returned was kinda retarted. I mean same sound different voice singing the words LAME. Since he came back he should stuck with the old version or go a complete different direction, but this could be since playing Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 i'm sick of hearing the same crap over and over.
Yes, Kane's new Music is TERRIBLE!
It sounds so damn cheesy.
I would seriously take any of his old themes...
Although my personal Favorite was Slow Chemical.

And as for Christian, please find a way to get him to go back to the Old Version of his song.
That song was so Epic.
Love looking on YouTube for videos of 2004-2005 Christian, and that song comes out.
It was Awesome.

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