WWE Championship Picture Post Summerslam


As of right now, the only confirmed match for SummerSlam is John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan for the WWE Championship. That match, however, might very well be the most anticipated WWE Championship match since Cena vs. Punk at MITB 2011. So what do you think or what do you hope the title picture looks like once SummerSlam 2013 is in the history books?

I posted a thread last week detailing what are, reportedly, solid plans for the event in which Cena is defeated by Bryan for the title only for Orton to cash in and take the title from Bryan. When this match was announced, that was honestly the very scenario that popped into my head and I do think it's a likely outcome. Daniel Bryan is white hot right now and if WWE truly wants to turn Orton heel, which he himself has wanted for a long while now, then "screwing" Bryan right after he picks up the biggest win of his life would be ideal for putting huge heat on Orton.

However, as I was working out this morning, another scenario popped in my head out of the blue. A lot of people would like to see SummerSlam end with Bryan triumphant as it would simply be a fantastic moment. I admit that I wouldn't mind that happening at all. The following Raw is almost certainly going to be hot and if WWE wants to garner a big rating for the night; I think one certain way of doing so would be this little scenario: John Cena invokes his rematch clause for a shot at the title for that very night and they hype the match heavily throughout the show. If Cena vs. Bryan for the WWE Championship, if Bryan wins the title at SummerSlam, doesn't draw a big audience then I don't think anything in wrestling right now will. An alternative for Orton's heel turn could come after Cena & Bryan have had a long, physical match in which he interferes and lays out Bryan, resulting in a DQ, before immediately laying out Cena. Orton cashes in and sets himself up for the RKO on a defenseless Bryan.

Now, I could see a few ways plays out. The most obvious is Orton hits the RKO and wins the title. Another is Orton goes for the RKO but Bryan is able to block it and mount some sort of a fight and come back against Orton before ultimately being taken down with Orton setting up for the RKO again. By this time, Cena manages to crawl back up onto the apron and Orton sees it out of the corner of his eye. He goes to Cena and lands a couple of shots before knocking him off the apron once again. Simultaneously, Bryan comes up from behind and quickly rolls Orton up for a three count. Another feel good moment for the crowd and the official start of Orton's heel turn with a vicious attack on Bryan afterward. Orton will feel "screwed" out of the WWE Championship and will genuinely be the first MITB contract winner to technically lose during his cash in attempt. Cena did beat Punk last year via disqualification, so it's technically a win.

I think the first scenario is the more likely because, at least based on info that I read about early last week I believe, WWE doesn't have a rematch for Bryan & Cena scheduled for Night of Champions. The rest is some fantasy booking on my part admittedly, but something that I do think has at least some possibility of happening. Regardless, I do think a very likely situation will be a three way feud for the title between Cena, Orton & Bryan. When it's all said and done, I do think that a LOT of people will be disappointed if Cena shows up on the post SummerSlam Raw still the WWE Champion.
I actually prefer your second scenario. Your first scenario is far too obvious and something I think a lot of people played out in their heads as soon as Cena/Bryan was official for SummerSlam. The second scenario allows DB to have his "special" moment and I think would truly excite people for the following Raw. They could even have Orton come out after DB wins at SummerSlam and tease a cash in. At that point Cena will have gotten up and will keep Orton from running in the ring and doing it that night.

If they really want to overbook the following Raw, they could have the Cena/Bryan rematch be like a no DQ or something and have Orton come out and lay out both men with a chair or something. He lays DB over Cena for the 3 count and immediately cashes in.

Having Orton win the WWE Championship away from DB would piss a lot of people off, both casual fan and IWC member alike. Some would be real heat, others would make it a great heel turn. And we all know how much the IWC loves their heels. Because everyone is better as a heel, right? :rolleyes:
I like your scenarios!! really good!
But I've been thinking people are saying DBryan will win. I don't know if WWE will do that to John Cena not now and apparently Vince doesn't like DBryan. just say they don't want Cena to lose against DBryan they have Randy Orton cash in on John Cena and win the title on the Raw before SummerSlam. Orton thinking he doesn't have to verse anyone for the title at SS but insted its announced that Orton will have to put his title on the line against DBrayn, We have seen Bryan and Randy verse eachother before and they did put up a good fight, this could continue there feud that they have and then have DBrayn win the title latter on the year and have him defend it against John Cena at WrestleMania and have Dbrayn win on the grandest stage!
Or we could see Orton cash in on Cena and win the title on the Raw before SummerSlam but instead of Orton and DBrayn verse its announced that its going to be a triple threat match and have Oton defend his title aginst Cena and DBrayn. This way Cena wont be beat cleanly and this would make the match more excitable?
i dont know just some ideas i thought hahah but probably unlikely i dont see DBrayn winning against Cena just yet, i want to see him beat cena at WrestleMania!
Post Summer Slam, I believe Randy Orton will be WWE Champion, either at Summer Slam or shortly thereafter. The picture will consist of DB and Cena chasing the belt still. I expect a long heel run for Orton as champ, so I don't think DB or Cena will get the belt back right away. I think around Survivor Series or the Rumble, Punk will find his way back into the title picture with Cena moving towards a program the Undertaker at Wrestlemania.
Apparently Vince doesn't like DBryan.

If Bryan is making money, Vince loves him.

But getting back to the OP, I am thinking Bryan will chase Orton for the belt, with a dash of Cena in there for a triple threat match.

As much as I love the SS scenario of Bryan winning, then Orton heeling and cashing in afterward, I hate it because it's the outcome everyone is expecting. Which takes away from the surprise factor. It'd be nice if the E pulled a GOOD swerve and did something else, but I doubt it.

You can't have Orton turn heel and cash in on Cena if he won. Although it'd be interesting because then you have a face in Orton, who will be over with one crowd and a face Cena who will be over with the other. But the E needs a top heel and Orton fits the bill now that Punk is back as a face again.

Only other scenario is Bryan wins at SS, stays champion until RAW, and then Orton cashes in during a DB/Cena "rematch clause" that night.

Worst-case scenario, obviously, is Cena wins cleanly at SS and nothing happens until a later PPV.
I think Cena will retain. Although DB is on a roll right now, I'm not sure if he's quite ready to win the big one at the 2nd biggest event of the year. That's not a knock on Bryan, I just think the IWC has a tendency to want to rush things. Plus, Cena/Orton is a proven draw.
I think Cena will retain. Although DB is on a roll right now, I'm not sure if he's quite ready to win the big one at the 2nd biggest event of the year. That's not a knock on Bryan, I just think the IWC has a tendency to want to rush things. Plus, Cena/Orton is a proven draw.

If they're not going to turn Orton then I agree with you. However, if they want Orton to turn, there's no way they can do that against Cena. No matter how heelish he does it, if Orton cashes in on Cena, the majority of fans will be cheering their heads off.
Money wise WWE is better with Bryan chasing, Cena retaining, and a 3 way feud between them and Orton with Orton as the clear heel, back to his 2007-08 style of character.

Bryan is hot, but he's hot at a time when ratings are lower than they've been since RAW was losing to Nitro BEFORE the NwO angle, circa early 1996. This isnt exactly the rise of Goldberg. If played right, maybe the numbers will rise with Bryan's assencion like they did with Austin, not sure Bryan has that kind of charisma though.

Give Bryan a great match, let him lose clean, let Orton attack, fail, and then let him lay out both Cena & Bryan in frustration, setting up the 3 way feud.
The best situation you have is Daniel Bryan getting the win on John Cena, Orton comes out and cashes in. You talked about the heel turn, well this is the ideal time to do it. If you don't do it now then when? you can't wait forever and people have already been waiting for what seems like a long time. I think a triple threat match at NOC seems likely at this point. If Orton becomes the new WWE champion, and apparently there is no re match booked for Cena/Bryan then the triple threat deal seems likely.

I think it's safe to assume that all three guys will be in the WWE title picture post Summerslam either way. I see Orton having a lengthy reign as WWE champion and holding until around Survivor Series or maybe even TLC and eventually, Bryan wins the title. I am not a big fan of Bryan but it's safe to agree that he will win the WWE title at some stage down the line.
SummerSlam will be the first pay-per-view of the post-Dolphins1925 WWE, so expect the unexpected.

I've heard the Orton cashing in immediately after the SummerSlam main event theory too much to believe that WWE will go with it. It would almost certainly accomplish its goal, but it's too obvious. Orton very well may attempt to cash-in and somehow lose, furthering Bryan's recent dominance over him, and driving Orton to drastic measures to get revenge. That's the "rocket on Bryan's back" dream scenario, however. I'm still not sold that Bryan wins in the first place. John Cena is John Cena. I don't mean that derisively; it's just that beating John Cena is not an easy feat, especially with a submission finisher. There are wild card scenarios, too. Bella interference. McMahon/Triple H interference. A forced Bryan heel turn over the next few weeks. None of those are particularly likely, but they're all possible.

And going back to the wreddit leaker, WWE may be out to swerve just for the sake of swerving. That throws everything out the window and could lead for some very interesting (or very disappointing) scenarios.
For me this only turns out one way.

Orton is one of the most over faces the WWE has, a quick drastic heel turn isn't going to cut the mustard.

Have him try and cash in, again and again, getting more and more frustrated. To the point where he's literally "injuring" superstars out of sheer frustration. Really let randy be randy. The man is so damn talented as a heel he can pull off injuring people and then regretting it immediately a la 2009 vince. You need to make it seem like he's descending into his old self to give people a reason to hate him again. Make him become more and more of an ass.

Everyone wants the heel turn. Now. But if its not done right its going to be austin in texas at WM17. He'll turn and no one will care and cheer him, you can't rush it.

Bryan wins. Maybe he starts taunting randy as the weak link after making him tap, saying that randy can't beat him and deep down randy knows this.
The way I personally see it happening is Cena beating Bryan at SummerSlam in an incredible match. Then, Orton cashes in the next night - possibly after a match or attack. Having The Shield or Wyatt family involved would be a good option. Thereafter, Cena gets his rematch at the next PPV (Orton wins) and then a triple threat involving Bryan; before Bryan faces Orton one-on-one. A feud between the three would work terrifically; all three can put on great matches and I really think the promos could be intense and personal.

Now, I could see a few ways plays out. The most obvious is Orton hits the RKO and wins the title. Another is Orton goes for the RKO but Bryan is able to block it and mount some sort of a fight and come back against Orton before ultimately being taken down with Orton setting up for the RKO again. By this time, Cena manages to crawl back up onto the apron and Orton sees it out of the corner of his eye. He goes to Cena and lands a couple of shots before knocking him off the apron once again. Simultaneously, Bryan comes up from behind and quickly rolls Orton up for a three count. Another feel good moment for the crowd and the official start of Orton's heel turn with a vicious attack on Bryan afterward. Orton will feel "screwed" out of the WWE Championship and will genuinely be the first MITB contract winner to technically lose during his cash in attempt. Cena did beat Punk last year via disqualification, so it's technically a win.

Playing on this idea; have Orton come out to cash in after Bryan wins. He RKO's Cena mid-entrance (instantly garnering heat from a set of fans that could cheer him). Then during the match between Orton and Bryan: Cena gets involved, resulting in Orton winning by DQ. That would allow Orton and Cena to stay in the title picture; turn Orton heel and ensures the MITB remains 100% successful.
Bryan is extremly over and s deserving of the WWE title. At summerslam i say he wins and Orton who was "injured" on Smackdown returns "out of nowhere" and cashes in on Bryan. He will get extreme heat since Bryn is one of the most liked guys in WWE and everyone (at least i beleive everyone) wants him to be champ. Anyway Orton comes back after Bryan and Cena put on a great match in which Bryan wins Orton runs to the ring hits an RKO/ punt kick to make it even more worse for bryan, Orton cashes in and boom we get WWE Champion Randy Orton with a heel turn
Let's be honest here. John Cena has not lost a match completely "clean" in like 3 years. All his losses to Punk were by some type of interference/distraction. His only clean loss was to The Rock two years ago. Why do you think that now of all times, Daniel Bryan will walk in and not only win, but make Cena tap out(which has been twice as long as he has lost a match clean, see the trend here?) This is the majority of the claims on this website right now is that Cena will tap to Bryan. I think is a complete hope and wet dream of the IWC for this to happen, but in reality, most likely not going to happen. The only true last shock I had with a submission win was Cena over HHH at Wrestlemania years ago. I can't fathom D Bry getting a clean submission here.

Maybe a pin is in the works, but even that is so far-fetched at this point, I don't honestly know how they plan to take the belt off Cena in a clean fashion. My prediction is some sort of unwarranted interference on Bryan's behalf(maybe something to do with the McMahon's) leading to his win, with a cash in and loss by Orton. Leading to a triple threat at night of champions and possibly a team style match up, or elimination style at survivor series. Overall I think the feud will last the next 3 to 4 months, maybe even adding CM Punk in it to get 4 of your best in the ring at once.
I'd do something like this:

Cena vs Bryan at summerslam goes 25 minutes or so, at about the 22 minute mark, Orton comes out with the briefcase, looking at both guys in the ring; then sits down in a chair in the entrance way. Both guys keep fighting, completely ignoring him, at the finish, Cena goes for the AA and Bryan rolls up Cena for the 1-2-3, (face it, no way in hell Cena taps, nor should he for this match)

After the 1-2-3 a shocked Cena gets up, asks the ref if it was a 3 count then comes face to face with a "YES" chant from Bryan. Cena teases a heel turn, but shakes Bryan's hand...as he does this, Orton hits Cena from behind with the brief case, RKO to Bryan, cash in, then another RKO, and a punt and NEW WWE CHAMPION: Randy Orton, after the cash in, Cena eats another RKO, before Orton punts Bryan a 2nd time.

Bryan now hits the "injured" list until November; Orton faces Cena at NoC and wins in a match by DQ after "snapping" and attacking Cena.

Enter Kane: During September, vignettes air of Bryan returning; with a more serious character, he demands a title shot, but Orton makes up some reason that Bryan's rematch clause is voided because he took too long to use it.

Instead, a battle royal is help to determine the No 1 Contender that Bryan can't enter, Kane wins.

Hell in a Cell: Kane and Orton brutalize each other and Orton goes over clean, this is logical...Kane puts people over and Kane can take a clean loss without much issue. After the match, Bryan returns and attacks Orton, brutalizing him. In doing so, Orton says he "will never give Bryan a willing title match ever."

At survivor Series: Kane-Cena-Bryan-Henry go 4v4 vs Shield-Orton. The match is brutal, Kane and Henry both get punted to the kayfabe injured list. Bryan taps out all 3 members of the shield and scores a roll-up win over Orton to take home the team win.

At TLC: Cena-Kane-Orton have a triple threat ladder match; it won't be pretty, but the whole storyline will be how Orton manipulated the situation to facing 2 injured opponents who aren't 100%.

Orton will retain, and Cena will say that he'll overcome his demons like he did before; by challenging Rock for Mania XXX (or Undertaker if Rocky won't do Cena-Rock 3)

At the Rumble, Orton will defend against Kane again and retain.

Daniel Bryan will win the Royal Rumble; and will reveal that the rumble win trumps Orton's edict, Bryan vs Orton will be set for Mania

Elimination Chamber: Bryan will tap out Kane as a friendly warmup for Mania, Orton will retain the title in the chamber in a match that could test out 4-5 midcarders for future main event runs (say, Dean Ambrose, and some others)

WrestleMania: Daniel Bryan makes Orton tap out to become the new WWE Champion.

With that, Bryan becomes mega star; and he's set up for a ton of future success and it's one hell of a story if done right.
I don't see where Orton needs to be a heel. Hes been a "tweener" for a while now, kind of like Austin was, where he plays off the crowd, yet he still attacks the fan favorites and even cheats them like he did Bryan.

I think Orton might be a good TV/PPV draw playing heel, but he might be a better money maker as a tweener still playing off his fans/crowd picking feuds with faces and heels. If Orton cashed in on Cena and won, the crowd will love it, if he does it to Bryan the crowds going to hate him, but cashing in on Cena can still allow him to stay a tweener and feud with Bryan without looking like a full on heel.

But again I don't see why Orton needs to change, he gets his boos, but he also gets tons of cheers even when going against Bryan. The era of full blown heels seem to be going away, but still I will agree that WWE does need a top heel who isn't Del Rio. Orton can play the heel role really good. I just think he gets too many cheers still to need to turn. Look at Ryback when they turned him heel, hes no where near getting the booos like he was getting the cheers before.

And lets not forget this, fans in this day and age are going to end up cheering a heel Orton.

As for on topic. I'll go with Bryan having his moment, and then Orton cashing in and losing to Bryan.

Its time for WWE to put Bryan over as its new top guy along with Cena and Punk. No one has ever drawn more crowd support than Bryan does now, hes above any crowd support Austin and Rock ever had, only thing those guys did better was selling Austin 3:16 tshirts. Its Bryans time to be "best in the world" like Punk was. At this point after the month run hes had, he deserves to be champion up through Wrestlemania 30.

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