WWE Championship Design Change Soon?

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
PW.net posted an article today noting that John Cena said the WWE Championship – the spinner incarnation, that is – is "outdated" and "gaudy".


As for the spinner belt, I keep trying to evolve the WWE Championship and I just have to get the right people to listen. I think the spinner belt is outdated and gaudy

With the amount of stroke he's obviously got in the company with regard to being their biggest star (most recently responsible for Bourne's push, for example), what do you think that means for the future of the WWE Championship as it's currently designed? Do you think it needs to be re-designed, and if so what type of a design do you think would fit the new era of the WWE? Would a throwback work?

Personally, I was always a huge supporter of the old Bret Hart incarnation with the eagle wings, so I'd love to see that return with Hart being the GM and all...

Any ideas on (1) how to bring in a new belt design, and (2) on what it should look like?
I don't think it needs that much doing to it to be honest. The actual look is good, the WWE logo in the centre of the belt shows it is the 'WWE championship' the shape of the plate id good, all that really needs doing is making the colour more legitimate e.g. the colour of the WHC and have a 'Champion' nameplate instead of 'Champ'
(1) how to bring in a new belt design, and

I think it will be brought in with a new champion of some sort, John Cena brought in the new championship belt when he became WWE champion, Stone Cold brought his version in when he became champion (at some point at least, I can't remember what reign).

Seeing as Wade Barrett has been reported to be scheduled to feud with John Cena, if John is still world champion by that time, Wade Barrett winning it could bring in a new look to it, and it would make perfect sense as well all depending on the design.

(2) on what it should look like?

I think it should look somewhat large like the World Heavyweight Championship, but not in the same way, I think they need to recreate something fresh, but with a breath of recognizability in terms of perhaps a mixture of The World Heavyweight Championship, with the looks of something along the lines of the Undisputed championship, or the Eagles belt.

But in the end, I have to admit I don't care whether we get to see a new championship belt, or whether we get to keep the one we got now, I like the current look, but I will probably like the new look as well.
Long time reader, first time poster. I've always liked the eagle wings from the Bret Hart reign but couldn't stand the smoking skull. I agree with Ferbian that it will be designed to go with a new champion, but as alex-awesome said, it really meets all the criteria I think they want with "their" belt. I think it would be hilarious though if the current belt just got spray painted "NXT" instead of a new belt.
I myself have hated this belt from the very beginning. the us title was ok as a spinner but it is also a midcard title. i just dont think wwe should have a world title that is "blinging" if you will. now on to your question. i think the best way to write a new title into the script would be to have one of the NXT guys (preferably Barret) win the title and the proceed to smash it with a sledge hammer as cena watches on as he is handcuffed to the ropes. this would make the NXT guys look even more destructive and it would give cena more of a reason to feud with barret than to just get back his belt. this could also be done if say barret loses the title match, which would mean a new belt needs to be brought in. as for the design i always enjoyed the undisputed title
I liked it when it spun. I think that it needs to change because it really lost all its awesomeness when it stopped spinning, now it looks kinda dumb in my opinion. And I'm a really big Cena Supporter
Any ideas on (1) how to bring in a new belt design, and (2) on what it should look like?

I definitely support the Eagle Wings Championship belt if they ever go back to that. It was unique, and flashy; two things the WWE is deeply into these days with its superstar's finishers and such. The fact that maybe Cena wants the belt to change speaks volumes on when exactly that belt can change. But for now I don't see it repackaged anytime soon. Kids love that thing; with its spinny WWE logo they eat that up. As long as the PG Era lasts, I don't think they'll remodel the Big Belt. So:

1. Definitely wait till they phase out the children's era. Or at least on its last limbs. The belt now is quite a novelty in this point in time. Like I mentioned kids love that thing, and I would know because I live with a few that dig it. If they change it now it could possibly lose a few kiddy supporters. Wait for the new thing in WWE to introduce a new Heavyweight Championship Belt.

2. Whatever screams "Right Now". WWE has a thing for trying to make things as modern as possible. It's 2010; I'd expect perhaps a Platinum Edition of a championship belt. When was the last time you saw that, or even heard of that?? The belt should always look classy though, so whatever comes along it better not be a crappy substitute.
Winged Eagle was obviously the best. The Second incarnation of the Winged Eagle (AKA The Attitude Belt) was also pretty nice. I didn't really mind the Undisputed belt either.

In fact, the design of the belts hasn't bothered me up until the spinner belt was introduced. I didn't get it. I understand it was to reflect Cena's rapper gimmick but he was never into bling. So why did he pimp out his belt? Beyond my level of understanding.

A new design is needed and has been for a long time. Triple H, Randy Orton, Edge, Sheamus... they all just didn't look right when they were wearing the spinner belt.

Think back to the Smoking Skull belt. As soon as Austin lost it, it was replaced with the true title belt of the time. WWEshop.com sell (or used to sell) a Brahma Bull Title Belt which was similar in design to the Smoking Skull. I don't actually remember this ever being used but if it was, it would only have been The Rock who used it.

The only good thing I can say about the current belt is that the two world titles are very distinguishable from each other. Nothing more. It needs to look like a trophy once more, not a gimmick.
I kind of enjoyed the look of the old Undisputed title which than turned back to the WWE championship once Lesnar signed with Smackdown full time.

I don't like the look of the spinner belt and been saying it needs a new look for awhile now. You remember when Edge won it and put the big Rated R on it? It didn't look good but it was kind of neat.

I think it looks dumb but does give the person holding the belt a little more character when the belt evolves around him.

Who here remembers Tommy Dreamer's old License Plate Hardcore title?
I'm all for a new belt design, I never liked the spinner thing from the start. The logo is fine as it clearly destingious between the WWE championship and the WHC but I would rather have it as one solid piece instead of the logo being deeper and get rid of the word "champ" and replace it with "champion" and title holders name included. It's the most prestigious title in pro wrestling, it shouldn't be designed to only suit one wrestlers character. It should look good and believable on any of the fed's top stars, which it doesn't.
PW.net posted an article today noting that John Cena said the WWE Championship – the spinner incarnation, that is – is "outdated" and "gaudy".


With the amount of stroke he's obviously got in the company with regard to being their biggest star (most recently responsible for Bourne's push, for example), what do you think that means for the future of the WWE Championship as it's currently designed? Do you think it needs to be re-designed, and if so what type of a design do you think would fit the new era of the WWE? Would a throwback work?

Personally, I was always a huge supporter of the old Bret Hart incarnation with the eagle wings, so I'd love to see that return with Hart being the GM and all...

Any ideas on (1) how to bring in a new belt design, and (2) on what it should look like?

Bro I read late last year around November time the WWE championships were getting a face lift and people assumed it was the Big Gold for some reason, but look at the WWE title belt since 1998 it's roughly been updated every 3 years (spinner 5 years but Austin did had his own version) so a new belt was coming, now as far as I knew the spinner was his own belt so when he dropped the belt in 2006 I expected Edge to debut the NEW WWE belt but he didn't then over time they took the spinner away.

it needs a face lift, it's an ugly design and the plates look far to thick, it's been out dated since 2006 just my opinion.
Ok since when I started watching wrestling full time in 1995 I will always love the Eagle Wing WWF Championship. Looked great but I believe it said World Heavyweight Wrestling Champion on it which is the exact same as the WHC, go figure. But like a few of you have said with Bret Hart the new GM. Why not bring back the Eagle Wing Belt, but update it and exclude the words that is the same as the WHC. I also liked the Pre Undisputed WWF Championship. But when it first came out on the Raw after WM 14, I didn't like the blue color so when they changed the color to black I was very happy. So basically, I wish they would go back in time a bit when it comes to the WWE Title. I always think that the World Heavyweight Championship looks way more prestigious than our current incarnation of the WWE Title. I think its very important for a title to be "neutral." Honestly, after Sheamus won the WWE Title I didn't buy him as Champion because like a common thread on here...."The Titles Are Just Props Now." I think that began with the U.S. Spinner Title and I was praying after Cena won at WM 21 that they wouldn't change it but nope....they basically said the "guy" is bigger than the "title." I hate the design of the title but I will never hate the title itself and the greats who were lucky enough to hold it when it still meant something.
The current title is exactly what describes the current state of the wwe. A f*** joke! It looks like a little kid designed it, Come on. That belt barely looks tolerable on Cena, no once else. It should've been scrapped 4 years ago. They need to go back to the version brock lesnar and jbl had, or the belt triple h had in 99. Like seriously. Those two belts looked like they meant something, you knew it was the big prize, you look at this current garbage and it's like wtf is that.
Honestly, I want Cena to keep the title... until Bryan Danielson returns. I want Bryan to make Cena tap the fuck out and win. Let's be realistic, he's much better as a heel. Bryan is the only one that I see can change the WWE Championship belt. It needs to be someone new because someone that has held it would've changed it the first time they've won it. Bryan should make he bitch tap out, he took Batista to the limit, why not take Cena over the limit (no pun intended)? I can't see anyone else being the one to change the belt. He should be the guy that says Cena is not better than him cause that's what he was screaming before he got fired and destroy the stupid WWE Toy belt. I would like for it to look something like the Undisputed WWE Championship belt.
I never really understood the hate for the spinner title, aside from the spinning part which they got rid of 2007, and the fact that it says "Champ" instead of "Champion." Other than that, the belt looks pretty damn gorgeous if you ask me. But I agree with Cena in that it's outdated and has probably run its course, so I'm all for a change in design to "evolve it even more." What I think that does not mean is changing it back to an older style belt, because that would be a step backwards and that's not evolution. While I can appreciate belts like the Winged Eagle and the Attitude Era belt, I think coming up with something completely new and different is the best direction to go in at this point.
I really am not one of the people that hate the WWE Championship in it's current form. I did hate it at the start but not any more.

With that being said though, I am glad it is changing again. I don't buy into the thought that it looks like it is "made out of plastic" or that it is "for the kiddies". In fact, I think it had a real identity about it and that it really did it's job. It got John Cena over and gave the fans something else to buy. When Cena brought in that belt, it really did catch on. People were flocking to buy it and it gave an extra edge to Cena's character.

However, I think I must agree with him. Cena has outgrown that gimmick and I think it is about time to go back to something a little more professional. I liked the Attitude Era's winger eagle design and I am secretly hoping that it will go back to that, probably in vain. I have a feeling that it is going to be quite similar to the Undisputed Championship belt if another is going to be developed.

Either way, I am not fussed and wouldn't be completely unhappy if they decided not to change the current Championship.
I think they should change it too, Cena is right, its outdated, Cena doesn't even act ghetto anymore so it doesnt fit him, and it sure as hell doesnt fit anyone else on the roster. (except JTG) I think they should just change it back to the way it was before the spinner belt or come up with a new and classy look. Something simple yet gold and elegant.
The topic of this thread has been beaten to death on these forums, but I agree that it is news that Cena says himself that we wants to see it change, so more than likely we will see a change hopefully sooner than later. I agree with what-his-nuts on here that said going with i.e, the double wing style belt is a step backwards and not in direction of the future. I guess you can somehow mix the old with the new and hopefully come up with something exciting, who knows?! The "Champ" belt has lost it's luster so to speak, it was a different title for a whole different character. Cena has evolved, so should championship belt.

Besides, like I said before... new belt = new $$$. Vince loooooves new $$$
I agree with about 90% of what you all said.

I do however have a problem with someone winning the championship and then 'redoing' it.

I mean whenever I see the spinner belt it just screams John Cena even when someone else is holding it. So if a wrestler lets say WB wins it and then puts NXT all over it eventually that title will get 'outdated'.

So what I purpose is either Bret Hart or VKM come in and debut a new Championship belt that way it doesnt have any connection with a current wrestler and anyone can hold it without being in someones shadow the whole time. What do you guys think?
As a wrestling fan from the Hogan Era, no title will have the meaning the classic winged eagle did, period. The only other thing even close is the classic intercontinental, not the big gold WCW/WHC, nothing. Everything in between then and now has been so-so, but I've never liked the spinner/WWE title so this news couldn't have come soon enough as far as I am concerned.

If they are going to introduce a new belt any time soon I think they should make a point of doing so. In that I mean that they should have an actual announcement and unveiling of the new WWE Title. I wouldn't try to work any big storyline involving the current belt being destroyed or anything. Just have McMahon announce:

"Times are changing and the WWE is following suit, to signify this change we are taking our most cherished prize and giving it an update which will be revealed next week on Raw."

Simple as that.

What it should look like?

I would go with an updated classic design. By this I mean that they should go back to the eagle/globe look much like the winged eagle and attitude edition belts but give it a more modern look, whatever that means. I wouldn't put too much bling on it like the current title. The simplistic beauty of the older belts with their intricate etching and design made them everything they needed to be.
I hope they change it, it just looks odd i never liked it but it wasnt our choice to make, However i am agreeing to a change once again, since the original and the spinner werent cutting it, I would like the original back over the spinner. I think belts are too flashy back then you could have something so simple it could have a piece of wood nailed to it and you could call yourself the hardcore champion. While the spinner belt was creative it really doesnt fit anyone else but Cena. So as long as it doesnt turn out like the ECW phoenix version ill be happy.
yeah I am hoping they change it soon, it really is Out Dated, only for the last 2 years. I think it will just be the same though, minus the spinner. that's what it would most likely be IMO
I have been wanting a new belt ever since Cenas first WWE title reign ended. I could not believe that they kept it as the permanent desgin, Stone Colds belt never was, neither was Ultimate Warriors, so why Cenas?

This belt also makes the title look like a joke in my opinion. It looks like a toy! I mean the spinner belt suited Cena in his first reign so I was fine with it, but then others used it as well and Cenas character changed, so there was no one who it suited. Seeing an old school wrestler like Triple H wearing it looked ridiculous, I always saw him as someone who brought prestige to the belt and sorry but that belt does not look like anything worth winning. The belt has to look grand, it is the most important, longest running title in WWE! The world heavyweight title looks fantastic, it looks as if it is something so prestigious to win. Why can't the WWE title look good too? And this is not a case of me just not liking it, the title actually DOES look stupid. I was hoping so much for JBL to get another title reign because I remember in his feud with Cena he was always going on about how the title belt looked like trash and how he would replace it with a different one if he won it
I would like to see it go back to this one.


I is kindof big and flashy yet classy at the same time.

Something new would be good too though as long as it's not too flashy.
Seeing as Wade Barrett has been reported to be scheduled to feud with John Cena, if John is still world champion by that time, Wade Barrett winning it could bring in a new look to it, and it would make perfect sense as well all depending on the design.

Great minds think alike I guess. This was precisely what I had in mind when I opened this thread. I don't think it should be a throwback though. Never go backwards. I don't have that much preference for the design other than having the belt have a concave again. I can't stand the flat design.

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