WWE Censoring Fans - Right or Wrong?

WWE Censorship - Right or Wrong?

  • It's fine, they can censor anything they want!

  • It's OK in the case of Benoit signs.

  • They should be allowed to censor signs for competitors.

  • They shouldn't censor at all!

  • Who cares? People with signs should be shot!

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I saw a Save.us 222 sign at the raw just gone and I would have thought Id of seen it all night long cos it was right infront of the camera but didnt... maybe thats the one your referring too... right in the middle of the ring shot it was and was behind someones sign during the mcmahon bit with the 3 amatuers, then never again.

Yeah, that's the one I'm talking about. I saw it during the McMahon segment at the beginning and by the last match I noticed I hadn't seen it since...
the wwe takes the signs away to make sure that they are protecting the companies interest, i.e the john cena fiasco and such i think they have all right to take signs away, such as if someone is holding up a john cena sucks sign they try to protect the baby faces interest also with tna signs its just common sense dude
Hold up WWE secerity are still taking away signs and censoring fans, and people are starting to get mad about that now. They'll been doing that since the days when Cena turned faced.

They didn't want about complaining about the fact the Cena sucked so they made it seem like he didn't. They only changed there mind for that little amount of time that they did because of the fan overflow of Cena Hate.

Censoring fans on a show is not only wrong, but I think it's illegal. (I'm not sure though, I'm not a pro at legal stuff.) Ever hear of The freedoms of speech and expression. Well when it comes to the employees the company has to do that crap. The fans they have no right.

So Vince just in case I am right then that means you should be where Vick is right now, jail. All cause you want your fans to think Cena is god (Cause that's how my brother acts about it, he even goes so far as to say Cena's injury is a fake.) What a dumb@$$.
WWE should never try and censor any kind of signs its just totally wrong, People go to a wrestling show too cheer or boo who ever they want thats the whole point of it!

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