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WWE Censoring Fans - Right or Wrong?

WWE Censorship - Right or Wrong?

  • It's fine, they can censor anything they want!

  • It's OK in the case of Benoit signs.

  • They should be allowed to censor signs for competitors.

  • They shouldn't censor at all!

  • Who cares? People with signs should be shot!

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Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
Once again, WWE has started confiscating signs of fans making mention of Chris Benoit. In the past, WWE has confiscated signs mentioning TNA in anyway, and has even taken signs that give face heat to heels or vice versa. What I want to know is - is that right or wrong to you? In the censorship justified, or is it hypocracy on Vince's part after Right to Censor and his battles with networks and Phil Mushnick?
To a degree. Obvioulsy they dont want negative signs. Benoit signs will draw attention to something they want nothing to do with. But I think removing TNA signs is petty. It's isn't any competition to WWE. They need to get have a bit of humour about it. There's nothing wrong with having an Umaga fears Joe sign. Although you wouldn't advertise another company, so WWE are completley withing there rights.
I don't like how WWE edits chants on taped shows and DVD's. Like in the WM22 DVD you don't hear the 'cena sucks' chants which actually happened. As for removing the Benoit signs, I agree with them on that because if they didn't it would just give the media for ammunition against wrestling.
WWE does what it feels is best for thier compnay and their compnays image. The whole Benoit situation they want to far far away from that so of course they are going to rid any signs that are postive or negative. The deal with ther TNA signs they just dont to promote TNA in anyway even if TNA is smaller. They just dont want TNA signs shown as they want only WWE things at their events. So what WWE does is ok its all about proecting thier image and company.
I can understand the confiscation of Chris Benoit related signs. That is a real tragedy that should be taken seriously. However, there should be no confiscation of signs that are wrestling related. People buy their tickets to see their favorite wrestlers and bring signs in support of them. It's rediculous that signs made in support of a heel or are negative towards a babyface are taken away.
I agree with you all, signs should only be taken if the sign is inapropriate, and we all know what that is. No Benoit Signs, no signs that credit another company. As well, I can see why they would censor SOME chants. No one wants their kids to be listening to TV and hearing HOLY SHIT chanted after someone does somthing cool. At the same time, Vince don't want those same viewers to hear fans saying how bad Cena really is. see what I mean?
In a way its both right and wrong the WWE shouldnt allow the Benoit signs if they dont want to imo why would they want people to be bringing signs supporting a murderer it wouldnt look good on there part..they want to get there name far away from any negativity involving Benoit...as for the whole babyface/heel i dont see what the problem is there...We should be able to support whoever we want whether it be (ex:Carlito or Cena) or whoever else we want..I dont understand why its such a big deal and why they would take the signs away if they are negative to a face and TNA who cares? if its competition I dont really see a problem with it but I can see why they would being that TNA is another company and competition even if they are smaller but it really wouldnt hurt..The only thing i dont agree with is why they take away signs showing negativity to a face or supporting a heel because not everyone loves all the faces but o well
The big problem with the signs, and I know what everyone is going to say, but I'll say it later, is the WWE asked for them. All throughout the Attitude Era it was week in and week out "Bring Your signs, express yourself". The War is over, and the censorship begins. Bring you Signs, if you are cheering a Face. Bring your sign, if the bad guy sucks. And now to the cliched "Shocky, the Attitude Era is Over, blah blah blah". Yes I know, but the WWE is reaping what it sews.

Censorship by any company just sucks and pisses people off. You would figure the WWE would look at the signs and listen to what the fans want. If it's just a few signs, don't show them on camera. If it's a shit load of signs, then obviously your crowd is trying to tell you something, and you might want to listen to them instead of shoving something they don't want down their throats. I don't know what that something is, but I may remember tomorrow...

It's the same thing they constantly ripped WCW on about the Goldberg chants. Wow the crowd is chanting Goldberg, yet their moves aren't moving, simply amazing. Now it's the reverse. The crowds mouths are all open, yet nothing is heard except for the announcers screaming at the top of their lungs trying to drown out whatever it is the crowd is doing, again, I may remember tomorrow.
What Shockmaster said about "WWE asked for it" can also be used against WWE with SuperDerf's point about "Holy Shit." WWE created those "Holy Shit moments." When WWE crowds started chanting "Shane's a Pussy," they didn't censor it, they encouraged it.

When WWE started taking away signs that said "Cena Sucks," I refused to go to another live event. They were so hell bent on getting Cena over that they refused to allow the paying fans to have an opinion. Then, when thousands of those signs popped up, they decided to roll with it and make him "a very controversial superstar."

I think they even take away signs that say "security confiscated my other sign." I loved when a fan did that. Damn clever.
The freedom of expression....ahhh, i guess i remember a little of that. :D
Seriously, regarding Benoit's tragedy, i agree om taking the appropiate meassures, but about showing your true feelings about your favorites wrestler... Come on, if they allowed Austin to mock the Catholic religion with the 3:16, it shouldnt be a problem to say that if Cena wins, we riot ;)
I agree with most of the above posters, Benoit signs are inappropriate now, and WWE has the right to ban signs for their competition.

And yes, its weak to ban anti-face or pro-heel signs.....the fans are the ones paying their hard earned money to go to these shows, let them support whoever the hell they want on their signs. Obviously its one thing if youre being vulgar, but there should be no difference between an 'Edge Sucks' sign and a 'Cena Sucks' sign. Security should focus more on people who either advertise their websites on their signs, or those who post irrelevent vulgar signs (ex. so-and-so is gay).
JRod, let me add to your point. After King of the Ring when Austin 3:16 was born, he was still supposed to be a heel. WWE was building him as a heel. If they had enforced the sign ban the way they have recently and taken away all of the "Austin 3:16" signs on Raw the next day, we may have never had The Rattlesnake the way we did, and WWE may not even be in business without that character.

Fan expression has caused things to change before, and if you don't believe me, ask Matt Hardy how his second shot is going thanks to fan letters to the WWE.
If it pleases anyone, I spotted a "WE'VE CENA NUFF" (Havent we all?) sign on RAW this week.

And regarding the removal of any TNA related signs, I think the WWE has every right to remove them. Small, medium or large, it's still a competitor/rival of the WWE. Anyone would remove advertising of their business rival.
There are also reports of WWE taking signs at the most recent Smackdown taping, taking a sign from a kid who was in Support of the Undertaker. This doesn't seem right as the guy who reported this said that the writing on it was too small to even read. The only ones I can understand are the ones about Kennedy and Booker as they were related to the Drug scandel. Cena ones will be left as that is playing into the WWE's hands right now of marketing him as a controversial Champ.
WWE obviously want to turn us into a THQ audience with boring signs in support of or against the face or heel wrestlers respectively. They're clever really as they use signs when they want to make it appear like the whole audience is behind or against something but this just show's a snippet. It's disappointing really as Fans should be able to express their opinions against all wrestlers (except Benoit for obv reasons) otherwise it just turns into a childish pantomime where everyone has to boo the villain. Come to think of it, they do have a few of those "He's behind you" moments... ;)
In a world of democracy I really feel that fans should be allowed to speak their mind.

I can see why he's doing it, especially with the Benoit signs however the TNA signs is a different kettle of fish. Yes, TNA are a rival company and you have fans acknowledging TNA and in a way promoting them to other fans watching however the likelyhood is.... ALL THE FANS KNOW ABOUT TNA ANYWAY!! Why are you trying to act like it doesn't exist Vince?

He pulled the same crap when WWE brought in Monty Brown. Renaming him Marcus Cor Von so fans who had never seen him didn't Google the name "Monty Brown" and see all the links to TNA, running the risk they may actually tune in to the rival show. Let the fans watch TNA Vince and make up their own mind is what I say. They may not like it and just tune back into WWE.
I don't think Vince has it in him to go through another ratings war. C'mon, people, lets look at this. Some people forget that the Monday Night Wars was truly that. The stress everyone on both sides was tremendous. Everyone in the business was miserable at point or another. Especially VKM, who was in danger of losing his business at one point. I think he'd prefer to just supress TNA and prevent them from becoming a major factor in the industry, rather than wait and see how things turn out for TNA. I really honestly feel that Vince McMahon, at his age, would be physically and mentally unable to deal with what he had to go through with WCW. So, yeah, he tries to deny that they're out there. As for the pro-heel/anti-face signs, well that's kinda messed up.
Censoring some signs are ok. If someone brings a sign that has swears or is just inappropriate it should be taken away. But taking away signs like "Cena sucks" and "RIP Benoit" shouldn't be done.
I don't think signs should be taken away if someone is supporting a heel when you're not supposed to, WWE are basically saying "LIKE THE FACE NOT THE HEEL" and you should like who you want to like.

I think if people have TNA signs that is ok too because it is just making it more competitive and that's a good thing. WWE needs competition!

If signs mention Benoit in a bad way, of course confiscate them. But if they had "R.I.P Benoit" I don't think they should, but I understand why WWE would want to confiscate them.

On RAW there was a sign that said "Saveus_222" and I think they confiscated that. I saw it one minute then a few matches later, it wasn't. Did anybody else see it? There was also an "I miss Jericho" one.
Theres a WWE thread on another forum i go on, and one of the guys who posts in it says he was at a raw recently in wisconsin and he had a 'Benoit: Worlds best dad' sign and he said it didnt get taken away from him... which I doubt,

I think its alright to an extent. Some signs are hilarious and shouldnt be taken away even if they are to do with TNA like that umaga fears joe one someone said, unless its being outright rude to wwe, it should be left.

I saw a Save.us 222 sign at the raw just gone and I would have thought Id of seen it all night long cos it was right infront of the camera but didnt... maybe thats the one your referring too... right in the middle of the ring shot it was and was behind someones sign during the mcmahon bit with the 3 amatuers, then never again.
What we need to remember is that first and foremost the WWE is a business. People bring in signs advertising TNA, ROH, and the like. We saw it during the Monday Night Wars and albeit this little TNA/WWE rivalry (If we can even call it that at this point) isn't up to that level, it still makes a difference.

By allowing those signs it's like free advertising for whichever company the sign is promoting. If WWE allowed any sign other companies would send agents in saying to watch their show. It's just business by the WWE.
I do not agree with the censoring at all.

ESP with DVD content

I was at WM 22 and stared the FUCK YOU CENA chants... That may have been one of my proudest moments as a wrestling fan.
i saw at the beginning of raw this week "save us jericho" "save us .222" etc. and i dont remember seeing them at the end of the show... they probably dont want hints to be given away or something but it shouldnt be taken
I should take a TNA sign to me when I go to Survivor Series, I dare them to take it away from me, but WWE fans should be able to have freedom of speech, taking things isn't the best unless it is severe, lawls.
well, usually i'm against any form of censorship, but in this case, WWE has every right to take signs away they feel will be disruptive to their event or product. hell, they even have the right to have you thrown out of the event if they want. Bottom line, since WWE is a public company, they have to make every effort to maintain control of their audience.

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