WWE Capitol Punishment LD - I Dream of Barack Obama Holding a Press Confrence...

> Guy impersonating president get mega heat.
> WWE wants more midcard heels to get this heat
> All heels are now impersonating the president
I'm extremely confused by the WWE. They claim to be a family show, but when you look at their advertising, it's clearly appealing to the 18-35 demo...which they consistently alienate with their programming. I mean, they advertise M rated video games, R rated movies...in the middle of their PPV they have a beer mascot come out. It doesn't make a lick of sense.

Also, did Booker T say that Obama was the first President to receive the Nobel Peace Prize, or did I mishear that?
This could probably be worse then the entire Wrestlemania 27 put together. This wouldn't even be AS bad if it wasn't right before the main event. They shouldn't have thrown in the little bonus match, or the promo, I don't even know what the fuck Keith Stones was doing. But we could have had Cena and Truth go on for longer...then again, I guess they also coulda just made that match go and then ended a half an hour earlier.

But still, they could have opened the show with the whole Obama shit, it would have been a lot more tolerable. Apparently Vince is a republican.
Vince, drop the political stuff. You're not funny at it.

Oh, but dont you remember the shots he took at Blumenthal? Those were HILARIOUS! I mean, Vince covering his bare ass with a Blumenthal campaign banner? CLASSIC! I mean, I was surprised he didnt win an Emmy or something for that!

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