Y Y-2-Jay Pre-Show Stalwart Jun 19, 2011 #355 Gaping Anus said: [youtube]T1fJaq1w8V0[/youtube] Click to expand... LOL at 0:15
T The Dragon Saga Whale in a Teardrop Jun 19, 2011 #358 Jack Swagger's career has gone to shit. Turn the dude face and come to the realization that he's not Kurt Angle. And awesome push for Sydal, getting a lot of air time lately.
Jack Swagger's career has gone to shit. Turn the dude face and come to the realization that he's not Kurt Angle. And awesome push for Sydal, getting a lot of air time lately.
Y Y-2-Jay Pre-Show Stalwart Jun 19, 2011 #360 Yep you decide what happens A. Debate B. Singing Contest C. Cage Match. Wonder what wins.
M Mac Attack I'm neat. Jun 19, 2011 #361 I'm going on a whim here and saying that Truth takes home the WWE championship.
C Constipated Badger Bottom Pre-Show Stalwart Jun 19, 2011 #363 I belive this is what the IWC calls a "Piss Break"
S Sully Pre-Show Stalwart Jun 19, 2011 #365 I am really considering whether or not I want to buy the next WWE ppv.
K klunderbunker Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House Jun 19, 2011 #366 He has the speech mannerisms down but this is idiotic.
J jholcomb22 Pre-Show Stalwart Jun 19, 2011 #368 Is this the same guy who told us that Mr. McMahon was the father of Hornswoggle?
S Slowdude Your Eternal Reward Jun 19, 2011 #372 Dammit Booker the hell are you doing dragging this on.
Hyorinmaru Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens Jun 19, 2011 #373 [QUOTE="Stone Cold" John Hogan;3195283]I feel sorry for those paying for this shit.[/QUOTE] Why this PPV has been good from what I've seen
[QUOTE="Stone Cold" John Hogan;3195283]I feel sorry for those paying for this shit.[/QUOTE] Why this PPV has been good from what I've seen
C Constipated Badger Bottom Pre-Show Stalwart Jun 19, 2011 #375 Is the president trying to do his best Nelson Mandela impression, because it's good