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WWE Capitol Punishment - Intercontinental Championship: Wade Barrett vs. Big Zeke

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Last night on SmackDown!, it was announced that Wade Barrett would face Ezekiel Jackson for the WWE Intercontinental Championship at WWE Capitol Punishment. Keep all discussion here.
It's time for that big ass mother fucker to get a run with a Championship.

In some ways, Barrett dropping the belt can be a good thing, with the end of The Corre it can propell him into a serious singles competitor run, and with a lack of top heels on Smackdown he'd find his place rather easily. Hes gained the advantages of being IC Champion and now its time for someone else to get a go, and that someone is Ezekiel Jackson.

I'm a fan of Barrett, but I'm hoping for a Jackson victory.
I think Zeke gets it here. Mainly because it is just time to give it to him. Two months of chasing is long enough for a guy they want to get over so bad.

The other reason is because the 10 seconds they actually talked about the 6 man tag during the 6 man tag was them just talking about how Wade should be better than where he is at. They talked up how the Corre has been holding Wade back, etc etc instead of talking about Zeke; which is odd because all they have done is talk up Zeke since he broke off.

Who knows? They might finally put Wade as the main attraction of SD as he should've been since he moved over. :p
I like Ezekiel Jackson. I think he's sort of the second coming of Ahmed Johnson, but I do like him. He's a guilty pleasure of sorts. He's not a technical master by any means, but his sheer power and brute force entertain me in a different way than a Daniel Bryan match would for example. Taking that into account, along with the fact that Jackson's been chasing the championship for a little while now, it looks like Zeke will be capturing his first singles championship on the Blue brand. I don't think Barrett's really done anything to impress me that much with the IC title, but he's got the skills to bounce back from this defeat. It'll be interesting to see who comes next for Jackson and for Barrett.
I too am an Ezekiel Jackson fan. Awesome theme, awesome look, the guy also does his part well in the ring. Just from a body slam he can get the crowd to cheer. I do think he picks up the win at Capitol Punishment. It's only fitting since Barrett has lost everything but the title now. I see big things for Big Zeke with the title around his waist. Hopefully, he doesn't get injured.
Not expecting much, maybe it's Zeke's very limited moveset. It gets bad when Booker T sits at commentary and calls it like it is and says he doesn't know how to do many moves. Big Zeke looks good, plays a good power-house type but, we see him hit a few clotheslines, a shoulder block, get beat down, then do a series of body slams and a torture rack. He could be good, but needs a more diverse move-set.

As for Wade, I see Zeke winning the IC title. Wade will eventually move up the ranks, but he'll probably have to do something with Slater/Gabriel first if the Corre's really separating.
Definitely Big Zeke will win here, the way he is been build up plus the recent events with the Corre, Barrett being by himself, etc. Everything is pointing for a good clean victory here for Zeke.

I don't expect much from these two but they have been solid in their past encounters. It should be fun.
I dont expect much from this match other than a good time to run to the fridge.

both guys have a severely limited moveset, are mediocore char, and we`ve seen them go at it before.

that being said zeke will win given its his second time around.

he`ll prob a transitional champ. as for stu they`ll prob try a singles run for a while but it`ll look too much like drew or sheamus`to really stand out.
Another Wade vs Zeke match? Right, I honestly couldn't care less who wins this, all I know is Zeke needs to stop fueding with the Corre (oh wait, does it even exist anymore?). Hopefully this will be short and sweet, absolutely no need to drag this match out. Zeke will probably win, if he doesn't.. well that honestly doesn't make much sense.
I agree that it doesn't make sense for Ezekial not to win this one, unless there is concern that he is not good enough in the ring yet. Although that's never stopped the WWE before.

From a personal standpoint though, I have to admit that I don't care one whit about who actually wins this. As of right now, neither opponent has really given me a reason to care, this "feud" doesn't seem to have been booked well enough to really gather a lot of interest. Also since the intercontinental title is pretty much meaningless right now (honestly, why did barrett even get it? what did THAT accomplish for anyone?), I don't think it matters which of these 2 guys happens to be the current champ.
Lets go ahead and get this over with.

I used to be a big fan of Ezekiel Jackson but damn the guy is terrible in every conceivable way. His mic ability is total shit, ring skills are god awful, and he in no way should be Intercontinental Champion. Wade Barrett is groomed as the future of the business and should be treated as such. Ezekiel Jackson has very little going for him except his very aggressive look. Though I do see a title change here tonight in this match, does not mean I will be happy with it. Their feud has been passable, with very little reason to watch. This feud is not an Intercontinental Championship feud, this is a feud between two guys who hate each other and the belt just so happens to be on the line and I for one hate when that occurs. Ezekiel seems as if he wants to destroy Wade and The Corre more than winning the Intercontinental title. Keep the belt on Wade. The Corre ended, and without the belt Wade will have little to do and I am not about to sit back and watch as one of my favorite up and comers simply get lost in the shuffle. Big Zeke can go somewhere, Wade needs this.

Hamler’s Prediction: Wade Barrett
Zeke has to win it here. WWE wants him over, the fans are behind him right now. Put the title around him and put Wade in the main event and pray Orton can do something with him. Zeke's a powerhouse with a limited moveset but that doesn't mean he can't go through the SmackDown roster a time or two and get some momentum. It's time, and it's going to happen the second time around.
I think Zeke is going to walk away with the gold on Sunday. WWE has given him a nice push over the past couple of months, the crowd does react to this guy, and I wouldn't be surprised if he held on to the strap for a good amount of time after this match. There's some obvious tension from within The Corre, so I don't think Zeke will have to worry about Barrett's help in this one. I also wouldn't be surprised if the rest of The Corre members decided to stick it to Barrett by costing him the match.

Zeke has an impressive physique, and he has tons of intensity. Sure, Zeke could use some more grooming. He always sounds horribly awkward on the mic, and it wouldn't hurt if he polished his in-ring work. I know Zeke is supposed to a power guy/wrecking machine, but his matches usually aren't worth remembering.
Zeke is from South America so his accent will come off awkward to most people but I don't have a problem with it. I hear all the time about Wade's great mic skills but I just think that's because of his accent. Zeke is slowly getting over and without Slater and Gabriel, I think it's time for Barrett to go to the main event even if I think he's shit. Jackson for the win.
Well we have seen in the past that the WWE has no problem putting gold on Zeke. If you recall he beat Chrisitan on the final episode of ECW to become champion. But enough, with history. I feel that it is time for change. Zeke gets the title in a very hard fought match. Barrett does not go for a rematch and instead goes for MITB. Then ultimately Barrett is ME. Then they could even write a storyline where Chrisitan wants his "rematch" for the IC title. (Rematch because he never got one for ECW). But enough ifs. I'm saying in a battle of titans this match goes to Big Zeke.
One would think with the Corre now gone, Barrett has no escape...Problem being, Zeke just isnt very over. Needs more time.

Barrett on the other hand has plenty of mid card faces to feud with, and could elevate the title far more than Zeke could.

For some creepy reason though, it appears WWE fancies Zeke, and is into this push. I think he will win, not sure if he SHOULD
I couldn't agree more with Norcal.

Zeke is still a bit green. However, he's got the intimidating size and strength that WWE higher-ups seem to love in a superstar. Although Wade is light years ahead of Zeke on every level, his IC title reign has floundered big time.

I can picture Zeke getting the Ahmed Johnson push. He'll win the title on Sunday.
I feel that Big Zeke is going to win this. His past attempts against Barrett for the IC title have been thwarted for whatever the reason but I feel that he is finally going to win it tonight.
I think this has the potential to be a half-way decent match. I think that there's no doubt that Zekes gonna dominate most of the match, before Barrett gets momentum. Then, Gabriel and Slater come down. One distracts the ref, and one nails Barrett. Zeke gets the 1-2-3. Either Zeke is going to get mad at Gabriel/Slater for the beatdowns during the Corre, or Zeke seems to forget everything and celebrates with them before beating down on Wade. A predictable match, yes, but hopefully the quality will be good.
I think this has the potential to be a half-way decent match. I think that there's no doubt that Zekes gonna dominate most of the match, before Barrett gets momentum. Then, Gabriel and Slater come down. One distracts the ref, and one nails Barrett. Zeke gets the 1-2-3. Either Zeke is going to get mad at Gabriel/Slater for the beatdowns during the Corre, or Zeke seems to forget everything and celebrates with them before beating down on Wade. A predictable match, yes, but hopefully the quality will be good.

No this match is in no way predictable. The Corre is no more, Gabriel and Slater have no connection to Barrett or Zeke now. I think that it will be your normal singles match for a title with two big guys going back and forth. Personally I feel this will go to Zeke however it is not set in stone. And I expect no interference in this match-up.
Me thinks I might have to change my prediction. They have talked more about Wade needing to prove himself than they have talked about Zeke for any reason in the past few weeks. The SD commentary team seems to be much more obvious when it comes to talking up the person getting the push.

I hope this is true. I love Wade. haha That and I just don't get the appeal of Zeke. The guy just comes across as a drunken ape when he does something physical.
I'm not exactly sure how this match will turn out. Barrett has had the IC title for a while now yet nothing has been done with him. Now that the Corre is gone, Barrett doesn't have much relevance in anything. Zeke is obviously getting a huge push and based on that I have to say that Zeke is going to win the title at Capitol Punishment. I think Barrett deserves it more but he has been getting buried compared to Zeke's huge push.
I'm not too sure whether Zeke will get the title, but because they have been pushing his hard and he has been after the title for a few months, I can see Wade dropping the title.. And then maybe from here, Wade can challenge for the World title, but the crap thing about that is we have seen Orton/Wade enough times on Raw!!!
I've got Zeke winning this match because he would make a better choice for IC Champion. Barrett is above that belt and can move back up to the main event to feud for the world title where he belongs. I am not expecting much out of this match, especially after the lack of hype it has received. It will probably be a decent match with Zeke dominating most of it then winning so Barrett can get moved up the card.

Ezekiel Jackson will win the Intercontinental Championship
I'm not really a fan of either of these two, but they had a decent enough encounter last month so I'm interested to see a rematch. I'm guessing Barrett will retain, but at the same time wouldn't be surprised if they gave Big Zeke the IC title either. This is likely just filler though.
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