Wade Barrett - The NEW Intercontinental Champion!

Kofi Kingston was just a transitional Champion in his third reign. It was great seeing the way this match ended too. That counter into the Wasteland was beautiful. And, it's about time that Wade Barrett wins some gold of his own since establishing himself on RAW as a potential main eventer. This guy and his cronies Justin Gabriel and Heath Slater have all pinned John Cena already. The original Nexus also dominated the roster for a good while and came off looking like the most intimidating pack of wolves since the nWo. I also don't want this Intercontinental Championship win to become a convolution between Wade Barrett and Kofi Kingston. That will cheapen the title's value. Instead, I want Wade Barrett to defend the title against other faces on the Smackdown roster. I want to see another heel like the Miz who actively defends his title multiple times. I'm sure in due time, that will be what launches Wade Barrett into the World title picture.
I thought it was a bad decision based on the midcard situation on Smackdown. You have Barrett, Slater, Jackson, Gabriel, McIntyre, Rhodes, Swagger as heels while Kofi, Masters and, to an lesser extent, Christian as your only midcard faces. I guess Mysterio can be thrown in there as well. Smackdown is way too loaded with heels and unless this means Kofi is moving to the main event, who is Barrett going to feud with over the title? Big Show or Kane? I think some of these things should happen...

1. Turn McIntyre face. He's getting better and better in the ring and on the mic.

2. Unify the Intercontinental and U.S. titles.

3. Either send Morrison to Smackdown or turn Alex Riley face and send him to Smackdown.
great match. What the fuck was the point of putting the title on Kofi in the first place? How many times did he even defend it? twice?

Anyway, fucking pumped about it. Barrett is definately title worthy and can bring heat and credibility to the IC belt. hopefully some semi strong mid card faces can head to SD soon

Agreed, Kingstons reign was worthless and its about fuckin time Barrett got a title belt. He was in and around the ME scene for a while so hes an established big name now. This will be good for both Wade and for the IC title as it needed a credible NEW champion to hold the title, rather than someone like Kofi who has little or no potential to become a real main eventer and seems to have been fighting for the IC title for fuckin ages.

Barrett needs some good challengers like NorCal said, so hopefully we get a few Raw faces jumping to SD and taking him on. I would like to see a good, long reign from Barrett which is something the IC title needs. I hope to see him defend at WM, or if not, soon after and make the IC belt mean something again.
I'm happy Barrett has the title now. It is sad, but I actually forgot Kofi had the title. I guess that proves how great his run was. Kofi is a solid mid card guy, but hasn't ever excited me.
Great match and a great decision in my view. I'm not sure what this might mean for Kofi, possibly a character turn or elevation above the mid-card ranks. He's been buried really since winning the IC title for the 3rd time and I'm hoping he's not on the bubble.

But yeah, the title needed to be taken off Kofi and it was a great win for Barrett. He won the match cleanly and it just gives The Corre a little more credibility. It's also great to see Barrett get the win on his own. Even though there was some degree of interference, it was just enough that Kofi took his eye off the ball for a moment.

I don't know about the rest of you, but this seems eerily similar to what they've recently done with Sheamus and the US Championship on RAW.

Follow up otherwise uneventful title runs - and that is in no way a reflection of the former champions but more a condemnation of creative's lack of showcasing the championship and the champion - with title changes right before Wrestlemania.

Both wins were by 'big men'.

Both involved men formerly in the World Title picture as well.

And hopefully, both will lead to the championship being rightfully defended at Wrestlemania.

As for Wade Barrett, I think it's a great move, both for him and for the Intercontinental Championship. Hopefully it leads to more attention and prestige for both.
I don't know about the rest of you, but this seems eerily similar to what they've recently done with Sheamus and the US Championship on RAW.

Follow up otherwise uneventful title runs - and that is in no way a reflection of the former champions but more a condemnation of creative's lack of showcasing the championship and the champion - with title changes right before Wrestlemania.

Both wins were by 'big men'.

Both involved men formerly in the World Title picture as well.

And hopefully, both will lead to the championship being rightfully defended at Wrestlemania.

As for Wade Barrett, I think it's a great move, both for him and for the Intercontinental Championship. Hopefully it leads to more attention and prestige for both.

Meh, I hold by my belief that DB's title run was uneventful because A. All the talented mid carders are on Smackdown, and B. With Miz and Morrison getting pushed to semi-main event status, Ted DiBiase was the only real competition left. And got squashed like what, three times?

Anyway, good move, although I would have done it a week or two earlier so we could get some build to Wrestlemania. Barrett needs a title to show that he's a threat, and the fact he won it clean works wonders for him.
Meh, I hold by my belief that DB's title run was uneventful because A. All the talented mid carders are on Smackdown, and B. With Miz and Morrison getting pushed to semi-main event status, Ted DiBiase was the only real competition left. And got squashed like what, three times?

I think a good reason why it was largely uneventful is because we hardly ever saw him defend the title. In my opinion, he can have a 4-star match with a broomstick and I can thank Daniel Bryan for the only good matches I've seen on RAW for the past 6 weeks. I blame creative for failing to recognize the best 'prop' in all of pro wrestling - the championship. That should be reason #1 for whay these guys do what they dod - and the 'braintrust' forgets that all too often.

As for DiBiase, I have no idea what the guy did wrong to get buried like he's been but I hope he's sufficiently paid for it and can now go about becoming a future star for the company.

Anyway, good move, although I would have done it a week or two earlier so we could get some build to Wrestlemania. Barrett needs a title to show that he's a threat, and the fact he won it clean works wonders for him.

I agree it should have been done earlier, but it's another example to me of a Wrestlemania that smacks of desparation and last-minute booking. This year's version of wrestling's biggest event seems like it has not been given the level of planning and respect that it deserves.

I look forward to seeing what Barrett does as a champion.
Barrett is an excellent choice for the IC champion. He can wrestle and has good promo skills. He was kinda of rushed into the ME on Raw due to the whole Nexus angle luckly he never won the heavyweight title. Now they can build him up with a long run as IC champ which will make him look like a legit contender for the world title. Just wish they had put the title on the line at WrestleMania. Possible rematch with Kofi would of been good.

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