WWE Bragging rights

The problem is, you have an hour long match on the card. This means there is two hours for the other matches and the tag match at the end, which will likely be a six/eight man one, depending on how many tag matches there are, so it needs to be about 15/20 minutes plus entrances to live up to the hype. The other matches will likely be rushed.

Also, you have Orton or Cena turning up for the match after competing for an hour which takes away from the main event. It would have been better to have a series of matches and a tally being added up throughout the show, with the score being tied with one final big tag match, if they wanted to push the bragging rights concept through.
Thank goodness it appears this will be a show that is booked semi normally. When I read about it being purely based upon brand Vs brand, I thought the WWE deliberately wanted it to fail. Way to make this show even MORE of something that should be a TV special than it was when it was Cyber Sunday right? But it appears we will have traditional title matches as well. Whatever, still fucking stupid. Shouldve saved this idea for the Survivor Series, and had a bunch of traditional 5 on 5s, with SD Vs RAW Vs SD type stuff. Thank goodness I wont have to suffer through the moral quandry of wether I should buy this or not
When this theme of this ppv was first announced, I thought maybe they'd have all the champions from each show face each other (WWE/World Heavyweight, IC/US, Diva/Women's) but with the announcement of the Iron Man match, I guess not, at least not with the world titles.

If a majority of these matches are Raw vs Smackdown, I hope they're able to generate heat between the brands to give the matches some meaning. I remember the '05 Survivor Series was brand vs brand and that was booked great, with each team running invading the other teams show and stuff, it really helped create tension between the brands. Hopefully something similar can be done here.

Also, why isn't ECW included in this? Say what you want about it, but it's still a brand and leaving them off is rather dumb in my opinion. Including them would add variety to the matches and would only help the show overall. It could've also given guys like Sheamus, Ryder, and Yoshi a chance to appear on ppv. Leaving ECW buries the show in my eyes because it only tells the fans that it doesn't really matter.
I'm still trying to figure out when the christ any of these other matches are going to happen. These two title matches alone including entrances and such are going to suck up ALMOST half of the PPV itself. Are the rest of these "brand vs. brand" matches going to be like 8 minute, quick offense, spotfests? Much like the whatever match it was with Cena, Foley, Orton, whoeverthefuckelse and it just ended with everybody hitting their own finishers like... 9 minutes into the match and it just ended? Plus the whole "bragging rights" concept hasn't even been brought up on any of the shows yet has it? I missed the first hr. of Raw Monday. I dunno... it's all too much of a KotR/SSeries meshing together of concepts and I don't fucking like it. I'm attending the PPV and I just pray to the Small Freshly Placed in the Manger Baby Jesus that it doesn't end up like a puddle of runny diarrhea.
This concept is a new favorite of mine. Bragging Rights is number two among the Non-Big 4 PPVs on my list.

As for the Smackdown vs. Raw Main Event, I love the idea. I’m hoping for a 5 on 5 Elimination style match, but for some reason, I can’t see Vince giving us 11 matches in one night. If I had to guess, I could see a 4 on 4 Tag Team, one fall to a finish match. That would give us 9 matches for the night and saves the 10 Man Elimination SvR match for the Survivor Series. Of course they could do Tag Team Matches which messes up my formula altogether.

For some reason, I feel like Cena is going to screw Red Squad out of this one to start his slow @$$ Heel turn (hopefully wearing an ECW T-Shirt). I just hope it's not Undertaker, CM Punk, Kane, Chris Jericho, and Rey Mysterio vs. John Cena, Randy Orton, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and MVP. Actually, that doesn’t sound so bad. I’d rather see, Randy Orton, the Miz, Big Show, and a Raw Tag Team (MVP / Mark Henry or Legacy) vs. Undertaker, John Morrison, Chris Jericho, and Cryme Tyme.

I’ll add more to this post as the rest of the card is announced in the coming weeks.
This is actually what I thought the ppv would be like when the concept was first announced and I'm still surprised it isn't. If I had it my way, I would've done it just like this except I would include Christian in the main event, making it a triplel threat as well as adding ECW talent to the non title matches. If the ppv is brand vs brand, there's no reason why ECW should be left off.

Still, if I had it my way to begin with, Bragging Rights would never happen in the first place, but that's another story.
I agree. its completely nuts. i mean they didnt have these kinda ppvs back then why should they start now. i thought they were going pg. A ppv doesnt have to be violent to be good or entertaining neither does a match as long as the match is good and the rivalry is good and the build up is good. they need to work on their backstage politics or on their creative because they do got a major problem. like have a triple threat 1 person from raw 1 person from ecw and 1 person from sd and make a stipulation.
id end the pay-per view with morrison, mysterio, and hardy vs legacy, miz, jack swagger in a one fall math that ends with tifanny christian dreamer yoshi reks goldust and benjamain laying everyone out with various foreign objects and saying their pissed about being left off the card and they are here to earn respect john cena comes out and announce himself as the number one contender for the ecw title drops the mic and walks off
I know there alot of wrestling fans out there and i dont wanna spoil anyone's fun but i absolutely think that braggings right will be awful. I mean the raw vs smack down tag match is a complete joke. the tag team division is dead because of the unification of both world tag belts. and now they are having title vs title intercontinental title vs u.s title Miz and Morrsion are awesome wrestlers but theres no need to have a match for both titles. I know its the pg era but hey the adult audience deserves to have decent wrestling. Maybe those matches will be good but i just dont like the way its been booked.

This is the way it should be

Morrison vs ziggler for the i.c title

Miz vs jack swagger for the u.s title

Undertaker vs punk vs mysterio

raw vs ecw vs sd battle royal

Orton vs cena no holds barred

jericho and big show vs dx for the raw tag titles
I'm 50/50 on what has transpired last night on Raw and how it’s not the winners of the Raw Bragging Rights matches vs. the Smackdown Bragging Rights matches. I understand the time constraints of the PPV. I am happy that it’s 7 – on – 7 and not your traditional 6, 8, or even 10 man Tag match. Team Raw looks pretty good and I can only hope Team Smackdown looks just as good. I guess we’ll know in a few hours.
I think its beyond hilarious that they apparently...forgot? that ECW fucking even exists :lmao:

NO mention AT ALL on any of the PPV stuff, no matches made, just, no nothing. Couple this with the fact that the title didnt even get defended on the last show, and its a real head scratcher. I understand you cant make all triple threat matches, but shit, they need SOMETHING. Evem if they loose everytime, then at least they would be being shown as even competition, at all. Right now, they are anything but that. Confusing booking from the WWE on this one.
I would have loved for ECW to be involved, but I do not want them to be a part of Team Smackdown. That would ruin it for me and would basically mean Raw is the dominant brand before the match even took place. Now, if Team Tiffany were to inject themselves during the 14 Man Tag match and just destroy Team Guest Host and Team Teddy, that would be something to “Brag” about.
Bragging Rights is certainly looking quite good at the minute.

With some of the matches that have been scheduled, I don't think I will hesitate to purchase the PPV. People are obviously hyping different matches in this PPV but I am most excited about the John Cena and Randy Orton match. I have a feeling that that match will steal the show because there is no rules to it really. I think that it will throw up some exciting spots and it has the added spice of Cena leaving Raw if he loses.

Obviously there is more matches than that to draw my interest. I am very happy about the 7 vs 7 match that is escalating and I really think that WWE have written that match build very well. It is not often I say that so they must be doing something right. That should be a good match and I hope that it is an elimination match because one fall would seem like an anti-climax for me.

The other match I am looking forward to is the mid-card title match. The Miz vs Morrison should be a great match and I am looking forward to see how they compare at the PPV. I also think it will be interesting to see who comes out on top of this match because you could argue that that person will be the horse that WWE is backing more.
In the past few years, WWE PPV has become increasingly predictable. Screw Night of Champions, almost every title is on the line in almost every PPV. It used to be that feuds were the main source of PPV matches, and once in a while a real World Title match would come along, so that if it switched holders, it would be a BIG deal. I remember shouting things like "OMG, we have a new champion!" Nowadays, I would be shouting that every 14 days or so.
I don't want to get into the differences and pros and cons of the Attitude Era and the PG era, and I don't want to complain that the WWE is stale or anything...
My point is this: At WWE Bragging Rights, there aren't going to be 6 title matches, two pointless matches, and 4 title changes... So far we have four matches:
-Team Smackdown vs. Team Raw (7 on 7)
-Undertaker vs. CM Punk vs. Batista vs. Rey Mysterio
-Randy Orton vs. John Cena (60 min. Iron Man Match)
-Miz vs. Morrison

In those matches, the two title matches are the World and WWE title matches! Orton vs. Cena, sure we've seen in a million times, but it's an Iron Man match! And if Cena loses, he leaves Raw forever! That's WAY more exciting than the rest of their matches... And the World Title 4-Way is awesome, because we get to see Mysterio and Taker in the same match again, and it's not just another 1-on-1. Miz vs. Morrison is going to be pretty great, as both of these guys are the up-and-comers on their brands, and the champ vs champ match is always a good time. Now, normally I hate these huge brand vs brand matches, because there really isn't any brand annomosity anymore. But the controversy that has taken place in order to bring us JUST the Raw team has made me sort of interested. Jericho and Show are on opposite teams? Cody Rhodes is in but DiBiase isn't? How on earth is DX going to work on a team with Big Show and Cody Rhodes, when Jericho and DiBiase are going to right there the whole time! Not to mention Swagger on the team.
So, I'm just saying, Bragging Right for me is breath of fresh air. I get a card with probably 5 quality matches on it, instead of 8 lame matches. I get a good ole' 60 minute Iron Man, Cena leaves Raw match. And I get a Fatal Four Way for the title! And is it wrong for me to be most excited about Miz vs. Morrison?
IN the end, I'm ordering this PPV, and like the Miz (who I actually don't like)... It's awesome!
Your thoughts?
when i 1st heard of this idea i though it was gonig to be shit but you r right. braggings rights is shapping up very very well. 60 minute iron man match. could be amazing!! miz v morrison. could be amazing!! fatal four way. could be amazing!! 7 on 7 match...well not neccessaraly amazing but could be fun. i expect some silly divas or womens title match and who is jerishow supposed to be facing?? dx??

anyway i am really exited about this ppv. one of the best potential cards in a long time.
I think Bragging Rights is one of the most predictable PPV's the WWE has put out there in a long time.

Orton vs. Cena - Aside from Cole giving it away Monday. There is no way they are going to change the title that quickly! Plus what happends if cena wins?? Orton is out of title picture? what then?

Fatal-4-way Does anyone really think anyone but Batista is going to walk out with the title. The Undertaker is looking slow and Smackdown needs a new feud. Batista is the easy choice here.

Smackdown vs. Raw - OMG!!!! Someone tell me I'm wrong here. Raw is going to win. This will lead to Smackdown being the inferior brand and thus leading to Teddy Long getting the ax. The writting is all over the wall on this one. Raw is going stong, Smackdown looks in turmoil. The only question is who is going to come in and clean up the mess for Survivor Series!
I actually am looking forward to Bragging Rights cause Im sick of the themed PPVs. We do not need two or three HIAC or EC matches to get ratings. Show us actual wrestling and not too many themed matches. How about a nice triple threat for the title. I know we have a fatal four way for the WHC on this PPV, but I would like to see that more, or how about a number one contenders match, how long has it been since we seen that at a PPV? A while. Also lets see WWE go back to a PG-13 rating, I like ECW but its the Extreme Championship Wrestling Champuioship Belt. So lets make these matches EXTREME! I could see some of those matches being themed, but not 3/4 of the card.
I'm looking forward to it simly because it's Raw vs SmackDown. I don't care how dumb that sounds especially with the game and all coming out, but it'll be nice to see champ vs champ in MIz and Morrison and a 7 on 7 tag team match to see whos the better brand. It's like a pre Survivor Series match!
I think Bragging Rights is one of the most predictable PPV's the WWE has put out there in a long time.

Orton vs. Cena - Aside from Cole giving it away Monday. There is no way they are going to change the title that quickly! Plus what happends if cena wins?? Orton is out of title picture? what then?

Fatal-4-way Does anyone really think anyone but Batista is going to walk out with the title. The Undertaker is looking slow and Smackdown needs a new feud. Batista is the easy choice here.

Smackdown vs. Raw - OMG!!!! Someone tell me I'm wrong here. Raw is going to win. This will lead to Smackdown being the inferior brand and thus leading to Teddy Long getting the ax. The writting is all over the wall on this one. Raw is going stong, Smackdown looks in turmoil. The only question is who is going to come in and clean up the mess for Survivor Series!

I see Punk claiming it back reason why he lost it is due to some incident that led Punk into the dog pound thus giving the undertaker his title so
I see Punk or Batista winning it and as for Cena/Orton Cena is heading to Smackdown good riddance to the 5 move boytoy brawler which lacks mic skills and moves cause Orton just got it back so I see World heavyweight title changing possibly since Undertaker is sloooooow
"A breath of fresh air" is the perfect way to put it. I would rather watch this PPV then SummerSlam, Breaking Point, HIAC and well every PPV other then WM and Royal Rumble. So here is why:

7 vs 7 Raw vs Smackdown: I am a Smackdown fan and i know raw will win but this could be a really fun match showing a lot of my favorite guys so as long as this is a long match it will be AWESOME.

Orton vs cena Ironman: This one is very simple Ironman no dq #1 face vs #1 heel I like the thought of Cea going to SD could add him to the SD team at last minute for i nice twist.

4 way WHC: this could be great if taker wins but I don't see that happening any time soon what with Batista.

Morrison vs Miz: I would like Miz to win this one but i think JoMo will get the W what with his superfacepush and all but this has the makings for a great match.
Well a pre determined seven-on-seven tag team match is much better than the rumoured each winner from the night's matches to compete in the tag match. I like the look of Team Raw, though I would have preferred Teddy to Cody.

The Smackdown one may be limited without 'Taker, Punk, Mysterio, Batista and Morrison. Jericho, Ziggler, Cryme Tyme, McIntyre, Hart Dynasty, R-Truth, Finlay and Mike Knox would appear to be the men in contention for a slot, and they don't realistically pose a threat.

So an hour long match, an interbrand champions match, which I'm looking forward to, a seven-on-seven tag match where the entrances alone will be up to 15 minutes and a lengthy fatal four way match. There won't be much time on top of that, but I expect either a diva's match or an ECW filler to make up the time. If not, it doens't matter, there's tnough on this ppv to be excited for.
I am actually very excited for this pay per view i haven't been this excited since Wrestlemania 25 which i actually liked, so this PPV should be outstanding, The Iron Man Match i believe could be match of the year contender just gotta top Taker Vs Michaels which it may just do that.

The Fatal Four Way will be great, well with the matches Rey Mysterio have been having i have no doubt in my mind he will be great.

Miz Vs Morrison will be a solid match which maybe able to steal the show, I love Morrison think he's a great wrestler and Miz is slowly growing on me so should be good.

7 Vs 7 tag match, this is match that has got me the most excited, i love the Smackdown Vs Raw scenario always fun and exciting to watch.

All in all i believe will be a great PPV, will definetly watch and when its out on DVD i will go out and buy it.

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