An idea for the Bragging Rights concept


Occasional Pre-Show
So I was just thinking with the Raw vs Smackdown concept going on every year the idea of that may go stale after like the 3rd year of the Bragging Rights PPV. So what I was thinking was the PPV is called "Bragging Rights" so it doesn't just mean that it has to be Raw vs Smackdown, we could have Heels vs faces, Canada vs the U.S., Main Eventer vs Midcarders, etc. It doesnt really matter but the Raw vs smackdown idea is just getting ridiculous as neither superstars from the brands show up on either show to invade. Another idea is move Bragging Rights away from october as there are 2 ppvs and there is not enough time for the PPV to develop, so i say move Bragging Rights to june where fatal 4 way is because that ppv sucks. This concludes my idea for Bragging Rights PPV
Honestly, I completely agree. The Raw vs Smackdown War doesn't happen as much anymore and I feel that's because we now have all PPV's dual-branded and the roster line is just there as a contract thing.

I was actually thinking when I saw the original Bragging Rights Promo with the Nexus Symbol crashing into the Bragging Rights Logo that the main event would be John Cena and Big Show leading a crew against Nexus and the match being 8v8 or 9v9 (Was already expecting Nexus to pick up members/supporters for the group. Not expecting a Cena loss though.)

But yeah, I would love to see a Heels vs Faces Bragging Rights or a US vs The World BR.
So I was just thinking with the Raw vs Smackdown concept going on every year the idea of that may go stale after like the 3rd year of the Bragging Rights PPV. So what I was thinking was the PPV is called "Bragging Rights" so it doesn't just mean that it has to be Raw vs Smackdown, we could have Heels vs faces, Canada vs the U.S., Main Eventer vs Midcarders, etc. It doesnt really matter but the Raw vs smackdown idea is just getting ridiculous as neither superstars from the brands show up on either show to invade. Another idea is move Bragging Rights away from october as there are 2 ppvs and there is not enough time for the PPV to develop, so i say move Bragging Rights to june where fatal 4 way is because that ppv sucks. This concludes my idea for Bragging Rights PPV

I agree that the whole Raw vs Smackdown thing has never been interesting, but I think if done right it could be. It's missing most of the elements that make a rivalry exciting.

First of all, everytime they do it, it's missing the heel/face dynamic. Prior to the PPV one show needs to be established as a heel and the other a face. There needs to be a reason why people would care about who wins or who loses. If not the heel/face then one show could be built as the underdog that everyone's pulling for and the other as the smug top dog.

Second, there needs to be something at stake, some kind of reward other than a brief forgettable mention by Michael Cole the next time the PPV comes around. Some kind of trophy maybe, or maybe a few good picks in the WWE draft. A win by a brand here needs to be made important.

It also needs to be built up more and needs and interesting story behind under it. There should be a real sense that the wrestlers on each brand hate the other brand.
I think that they should get away from the whole tag concept all together because I thought that is what Survivor Series was for?

I think that if Bragging Rights should get any kind of revamp that it should turn into some kind of Tournament. For example, King of the Ring!
This is a tournament that we have not seen done in a while since I believe William Regal won back in I believe 2008. It's been two years and it hasn't been brought up since.

This tournament has shot the careers of superstars such as Stone Cold Steve Austin and Brock Lesnar and with as much Mid-Card talent that we have now I believe it will work not only give them Bragging Rights that they are the best and winning the tournament proves it, but they will be guaranteed to be the next Breakout Star. And if they do bring back the tournament bring back the stipulation that says they will get a World Title shot so they are elevated to the Main Event scene.

You have so many superstars who can rebound off of this opportunity like; Daniel Bryan, Evan Bourne, John Morrison, The Miz, Wade Barrett, Christian, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler, Drew McIntyre, Kaval, Kofi Kingston, and MVP.

I like your idea, but I believe an idea like this one would be more relevant. Team SmackDown won the Tournament last year, but look where they are now barely getting any ratings and RAW still being the flagship show. If someone won a title like King of the Ring it will constantly be brought up for at least the rest of the year and a lot when they win the World Title. So I don't think they need to make it Team SmackDown vs Team RAW, but more for the upbringing of the next big thing!
While something like the U.S. vs the world would be interesting... like golf has their different tournaments, I think it could still stay Raw vs Smackdown. However, there is a change that I would make to the whole concept.

It should be a best of 7 series, with some sort of bigger reward (other then the BR Cup) to be used at a later date...

WWE Champ vs World Champ
I.C. Champ vs U.S. Champ
Raw vs Smackdown Divas Match (could be one-on-one for title or a tag match)

Then the 7 on 7 team concept...

Team captains or GMs set up on the stage like they do on NXT. Raw sitting on one side, Smackdown on the other. Bring out the Raw Roulette Wheel to decide the format of the other 4 matches of the night. Have a ref then flip a coin to see who gets the match advantage (picking the match participants).

Example using this year's teams...

Match #1... Bodyslam Challenge (Smackdown wins advantage)
Big Show would pick himself vs Santino to get an easy point for SD

Match #2... Tag team Match (Raw wins advantage)
Miz would pick Rey and Del Rio (since they hate each other) against anyone from his side betting on SD team not working well together

Match #3... $70,000 Ladder Match. (Raw wins advantage)
Miz would get to choose who is in the match. He would make the match CM Punk (with 2 MITB wins) vs Reks (due to his lack of experience in ladder matches)

Match #4... War Games with remaining team members (Smackdown wins advantage to go in last)
This would be the match that would decide who wins the trophy... and Bragging Rights

I know that was a little drawn out, and won't likely happen. At the same time it would be better then the 7-on-7 one fall to a finish tag match crap they are doing again.

While something like the U.S. vs the world would be interesting... like golf has their different tournaments, I think it could still stay Raw vs Smackdown. However, there is a change that I would make to the whole concept.

It should be a best of 7 series, with some sort of bigger reward (other then the BR Cup) to be used at a later date...

WWE Champ vs World Champ
I.C. Champ vs U.S. Champ
Raw vs Smackdown Divas Match (could be one-on-one for title or a tag match)

Then the 7 on 7 team concept...

Team captains or GMs set up on the stage like they do on NXT. Raw sitting on one side, Smackdown on the other. Bring out the Raw Roulette Wheel to decide the format of the other 4 matches of the night. Have a ref then flip a coin to see who gets the match advantage (picking the match participants).

Example using this year's teams...

Match #1... Bodyslam Challenge (Smackdown wins advantage)
Big Show would pick himself vs Santino to get an easy point for SD

Match #2... Tag team Match (Raw wins advantage)
Miz would pick Rey and Del Rio (since they hate each other) against anyone from his side betting on SD team not working well together

Match #3... $70,000 Ladder Match. (Raw wins advantage)
Miz would get to choose who is in the match. He would make the match CM Punk (with 2 MITB wins) vs Reks (due to his lack of experience in ladder matches)

Match #4... War Games with remaining team members (Smackdown wins advantage to go in last)
This would be the match that would decide who wins the trophy... and Bragging Rights

I know that was a little drawn out, and won't likely happen. At the same time it would be better then the 7-on-7 one fall to a finish tag match crap they are doing again.


honestly, that was one of the best ideas I have ever heard from a wrestling fan. Good job! So im assuming it would work like this on the Raw and Smackdown shows they would assemble the team like they have done, and when it comes down to the PPV it would go down where the ref or some hot diva rolls the roulette and flips a coin(either being Heads or tails or Raw or Smackdown on each side) to see which captain gets to pick which superstar from both brands will be featured in the match that will give the brand an adavntage and later a wargames match . Really cool idea

So let me try this if I had HHH Cena Orton HBK MIZ Batista Sheamus for Raw against Undertaker Mysterio Kane Show Edge Christian Swagger for Smackdown lets say HHH is captain for Raw and Taker is captain for SD

Roulette spins and and its Hell In A cell flip the coin and raw wins

HHH decides he'll face Swagger just because HHH has more experience in cells and swagger doesnt

Roulette Spins and its a tag TLC smacdown wins advantage

Undertaker decides he'll put Edge and Christian against Miz and orton and lets say miz hates Orton then it will also give SD an advantage

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