Idea For Bragging Rights?

Tha Wolfpac

Hey Yo...
Now after watching the Bragging Rights pay per view i just couldn't help but realise how pointless the actual Smackdown vs Raw match is. This does nothing for either team all they win is a stupid trophy. The brand warfare is non existant or relevant until the next year where they play the brand feud all over again which i find very silly.

Now here is an idea to give the match some prestige and life and actually make it worth everyone's while. My idea is simple the winning brand gets to receive the main event spot at Wrestlemania. For example, Smackdown won this year so their world heavyweight title match would receive the main event spot and the opportunity to headline Wrestlemania. This will give the match a purpose other than stupid Bragging Rigts over the other brand and serve as a ploy to make Wrestlemania even more special and prestigious than it already is.

So what does everyone think?
i actually really like this idea and it kind of reminds me of the way MLB gives the winning league at the all star game home field advantage for the world series...the way they have it set up right now is pretty dumb cuz after a week they dont even talk about it anymore...i just see 2 minor problems with doing it the way you suggested but they're unrelated to the idea and are more about the way WWE usually does things....There are years where WWE waits until extremely close to Wrestlemania to finalize plans so having to be locked into what brand gets the main event spot so early could be a problem which leads into the other problem...the other issue is that whatever brand John Cena and Randy Orton are on would basically have to win every year just cuz they are always in the running for what match closes the big show

i really like this idea tho, maybe if they swap bragging rights with TLC and put it in december so it would be closer to WM it could work out nicely

I also think they should have an annual Champion vs Champion match with the two world titles on top of having the IC vs US championship match
i love that idea but who will get the main event spot e.g raw wins wade barret john cena or smackdown wins edge rey mysterio who will get it there will have to be a battle royal with the whole of the winning brand or something and also what will you get for winning the royal rumble normally its the main event spot at wrestlemania and smackdown could have both titles on the brand if that would work i love the idea
I said the same thing in the Bragging Rights General Discussion Thread.
I also thought that the number 30 spot in the Royal Rumble would be a good thing to give the winning brand. They would still have to draw to see what Superstar would receive the spot, but they would know what brand has it. I did not see the point in having this PPV so close to Survivor Series, the PPV known for elimination matches. They could have used that PPV to accomplish the same thing.
An idea I had is that the winning brand gets to "steal" a superstar from the opposing brand. So that it isn't realistic, and they just trade around the same two or three guys every year, the catch is that it has to be from the opposing brand at "Bragging Rights".

So, for example, Teddy Long gets to choose from Raw:-

The Miz, John Morrison, R-Truth, C.M. Punk, Santino Marella, Sheamus or Ezekiel Jackson.

Now, personally, I would choose either Miz, Morrison, R-Truth or Sheamus.

But this would make the match more meaningful, as any superstar knows that, if their team loses, none of their positions on that brand is certain. It's more "life and death".
I said the same thing in the Bragging Rights General Discussion Thread.
I also thought that the number 30 spot in the Royal Rumble would be a good thing to give the winning brand. They would still have to draw to see what Superstar would receive the spot, but they would know what brand has it. I did not see the point in having this PPV so close to Survivor Series, the PPV known for elimination matches. They could have used that PPV to accomplish the same thing.

I have thought of something like this but instead of just giving spot number 30 to the winning brand I think that the members of the winning team should get the last 7 spots in the Royal Rumble. In that way the matches that determine the members of the respective teams would also mean something.

The trophy is pretty meaningless though as it seems right now but who knows maybe 20 years down the line it might actually mean something. At least WWE tries to do something unique. Though it may not work out always.
The whole point of the Bragging Rights ppv seems to promote the latest version of the Smackdown vs Raw video game. This alone makes me never want to order the ppv. Don't get me wrong, the game looks cool and all, and I have bought the game in the past, but the ppv has no influence on that.

The Bragging Rights ppv also only got about 2 weeks of build up. This isn’t enough time to really get me interested. I only liked a few of the participants in the raw v. smackdown match, so buying the ppv is not worth it for me.

I like the idea of having some type of significant prize for the winning team. I am not sold on the last match at Mania though. The chance to headline Mania cannot be determined at a shit ppv like Bragging Rights. This is already determined by winning the Rumble. I think the 30 spot in the Rumble would be a good choice, but with a catch. 2 members from the losing team should have to enter the Rumble at 1 and 2, as well as 1 member from the winning team at 30. It is like the MLB all-star game...means nothing unless something is on the line.
The whole point of the Bragging Rights ppv seems to promote the latest version of the Smackdown vs Raw video game. This alone makes me never want to order the ppv. Don't get me wrong, the game looks cool and all, and I have bought the game in the past, but the ppv has no influence on that.

The Bragging Rights ppv also only got about 2 weeks of build up. This isn’t enough time to really get me interested. I only liked a few of the participants in the raw v. smackdown match, so buying the ppv is not worth it for me.

I like the idea of having some type of significant prize for the winning team. I am not sold on the last match at Mania though. The chance to headline Mania cannot be determined at a shit ppv like Bragging Rights. This is already determined by winning the Rumble. I think the 30 spot in the Rumble would be a good choice, but with a catch. 2 members from the losing team should have to enter the Rumble at 1 and 2, as well as 1 member from the winning team at 30. It is like the MLB all-star game...means nothing unless something is on the line.

Hmm how about this? All members of the losing team have to come in the first seven spots. And the winning team members get the last seven spots in the Royal Rumble. The order in which they come out depends on the order in which the members got eliminated.

For example the guy from the losing team who gets eliminated first gets to be number 1 in the Royal Rumble. Likewise the last man standing for the winning team gets to be number 30.

That way if someone wins the Royal Rumble from #1 the announcers can play it up as how just three months ago this guy was the weakest link of his team and look where he is now. That will put the guy over huge.
As others have mentioned in other threads, I think that the whole Bragging Rights PPV needs to be tossed out as a concept. Having two team-based PPVs (Bragging Rights and Survivor Series) back to back makes no sense. We spend the whole year in an individualistic mindset only to have these team PPVs come up? I would just stick with the Survivor Series match and have it be Smackdown vs. Raw. Better yet, go back to the days when the entire card is 5-on-5 elimination matches.

I also agree with drewpost that the biggest problem with the bragging rights ppv (at least this year) was the short build. If they knew this PPV was coming up, they could have started having the qualification matches well before the PPV (even if it overlaps with other PPVs). Here's my idea for a timeline:

1) Two months out have each brand determine their captain (either by appointment or via a match)
2) Have the captain come out week after week to "scout the roster."
3) At the 4-5 week out mark have an episode or two with qualification matches the captain has put together to determine their team.
4) For at least three weeks have different members of each team cut promos or make appearances across the brands.

Throughout this two month process you can create controversies within a team or across brands that makes people want to see what happens during the match. Really hype up the "how will Alberto Del Rio and Rey Mysterio get along" concept or "Watch Kofi Kingston and John Morrison, good friends collide." The story could even be as simple as "14 men - 2 Brands - 1 Match," it's just a matter of taking the time to create a compelling narrative for the audience rather than just throwing guys in the ring and saying GO!
That's not such a great idea. It might seem good now, but what happens if the plans for that match fall through before Wrestlemania? Say the rule behind your idea was in place last year. Edge VS Jericho would have main evented Wrestlemania, meaning it would have gone on after both Cena VS Batista AND Michaels VS Taker. By the end of those two matches the crowd would be too worn out to care. It's not good to have the main event of Wrestlemania locked into place when the event does not happen for another 4 months. A better idea in my opinion would be to get rid of Bragging Rights. The Raw VS Smackdown match would fit in perfectly at Survivor Series, and then we won't have two October PPV's anymore. We don't need Bragging Rights honestly. The first was good due to the Iron Man match, the second one wasn't that great. This show would have been so much better during the time when Raw and Smackdown had brand-exclusive PPV events. It could have become the 5th biggest show simply from having both brands on it. Today it does not really fit in and is not necessary.

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