This is an awful idea for WWE. There is no real brand split anymore. Every wrestler has switched back and forth constantly and both brands are on Raw every week and PPV every month.
This concept only works in the WWE of 2003 or 2004 when most PPVs were brand-exclusive and half the roster didn't switch brands every year. Back then, there was a real brand split and fans could talk about Lesnar VS HHH or Cena VS Orton as dream matches that were unlikely to happen. Yes, the WWE did some damage to the brand split by moving Benoit to Raw and by moving RVD, Booker T, and a bunch of midcarders around in the Draft Lottery, but still most wrestlers were associated with one brand or the other.
I remember looking up the results of the 2009 Bragging Rights match before the 2nd one in 2010. I don't remember the exact numbers, but around half of each team switched brands in the following year. These days, WWE gives Dolph Ziggler the IC Title for most of a year on Smackdown and then gives him a sorta main event push. The following year, they move him to Raw, give him the US Title and do the same thing all over again. WWE has Alberto Del Rio and Rey Mysterio feud for 6 months on Smackdown and then sets up the same feud on Raw the following year when Mysterio needs to be written off of TV due to a legit injury. With a thin roster and awful PPV buyrates, it wouldn't make sense for WWE to go back to a real brand split, so they should just end it.
This concept only works in the WWE of 2003 or 2004 when most PPVs were brand-exclusive and half the roster didn't switch brands every year. Back then, there was a real brand split and fans could talk about Lesnar VS HHH or Cena VS Orton as dream matches that were unlikely to happen. Yes, the WWE did some damage to the brand split by moving Benoit to Raw and by moving RVD, Booker T, and a bunch of midcarders around in the Draft Lottery, but still most wrestlers were associated with one brand or the other.
I remember looking up the results of the 2009 Bragging Rights match before the 2nd one in 2010. I don't remember the exact numbers, but around half of each team switched brands in the following year. These days, WWE gives Dolph Ziggler the IC Title for most of a year on Smackdown and then gives him a sorta main event push. The following year, they move him to Raw, give him the US Title and do the same thing all over again. WWE has Alberto Del Rio and Rey Mysterio feud for 6 months on Smackdown and then sets up the same feud on Raw the following year when Mysterio needs to be written off of TV due to a legit injury. With a thin roster and awful PPV buyrates, it wouldn't make sense for WWE to go back to a real brand split, so they should just end it.