WWE Bragging rights

I think we will see:

Christian vs John Cena vs Punk/Taker with the fans choosing what title is on the line.

I wonder if they will actually do a 5 v 5 match with SS just around the corner. If they do im guessing it will be:

Team Smackdown: Batista, Rey Mysterio, Kane, Matt Hardy, Punk/Taker


Team Raw: Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Randy Orton, MVP, Mark Henry
I'm totally digging this. Think of of the amazing matches we would get.

- Punk vs. Michaels (It would be very beneficial for Punk to go over here.)
- 'Taker vs. Cena (A man can dream.)
- Triple H vs. Batista (Yeah, it most likely won't happen but it'd be awesome!)

The list is just damn endless.
I love this idea. But the execution i'm going to hate. Here's why: We keep hearing about Smackdown vs. Raw, Survivor Series whenever that was, the videogame, and now this, which is slated to be Smackdown vs. Raw.

Has the whole world gone crazy? Am i the only one who gives a shit about ECW?!


WWE is pushing this Tri-Branded crap, then when it comes to brand feuds, they need to be included. Yes, i understand that Smackdown vs. Raw is a tidy little affair, with two brands. But WWE is the one who put in the THIRD. For christ's sakes.

I would love to see some of these young guys break their teeth into the WWE in a PPV, names like Yoshi Tatsu, Sheamus, Zack Ryder, The Hurricane...and let's not forget old favorites like Christian, Regal, and Dreamer.

I'm just sick and tired of ECW being outclassed CONSTANTLY by Raw and Smackdown. It's just like Baseball. All of the big teams (with the money) can bolster their rosters, while the little guy just sits and spins.

ECW got shafted by the draft last year. Punk and Kofi. GONE. This Year: Miz and Morrisson, PEACE! No Worries, ECW developed new stars in the form of Jack Swagger, Evan Bourne, and revitalized Mark Henry. Well, they got traded, along with the Up and coming Hart Dynasty...only to receive Goldust and Ezekial Jackson in compensation.

Well thank god.

And now ECW is bringing more talent, in the form of the names i just mentioned. They'll no doubt be shucked away, along with Christian, this year at the draft. If not before.

ECW has alot of solid performers, and i feel they are being overlooked by the "Powerhouse" brands. Hell, even look at the Champions:

Punk: World Champion, started on ECW
Morrisson: IC champ, got repackaged/big on ECW.
Kofi: US Champ,Debuted on ECW.
Big Show: Tag champ, Re-tooled on ECW.

Are you kidding me? ANd had ECW been around for the Debut of Cena and Orton (who both started on Smackdown, the "inferior" show) I'm sure they would have come through it too.

And Yet ECW gets no love.

I love ECW. ALways have...except for that period when they had the zombie/mummy/alien. That was just weak.

But yes, despite the lack of appreciation, I love the concept of this PPV.

I used to be a fan of ECW.. until Benoit did you know what to you know who...

At the current state of ECW, it has no place to be in the big main events. Maybe one match for the main eventers of ECW per PPV for the ECW title. The current superstars on ECW besides Christian, Shelton Benjamin, Goldust and William Regal have no place on a PPV because they are talent that are developing. They, most likely, will not entertain the crowd and the viewers from their homes or wherever. And since the logo of Bragging Rights has the SmackDown and Raw logo elements in it, it should be strictly based on Smackdown vs Raw especially when SmackDown vs Raw 2010 is the sponsor for the PPV. And since we don't get SmackDown vs Raw at Survivor Series like we did in 2005, we should get it at least once a year, plus the fans vote on certain elemnets of the matches. Bragging Rights is the only good themed PPV they have came up with.

If they put ECW in, it should be Christian, Shelton Benjamin, Goldust and William Regal or one of these guys because they would really have to work as a team because they are the minority.

An idea I came up with as how they can move Christian to Raw or SmackDown is if they have a triple threat for all 3 titles like in Cyber Sunday 2006 where it was voted that the World Title would be on the line. They should vote for the WWE Title and Christian wins it and goes to Raw or the World Title and goes to SmackDown and gets his ass over to the main brands then loses the ECW title to Shelton the following week in a Battle Royal or something. That would be a good idea for Christian to leave ECW and for ECW to have a take in Bragging Rights.
I like this concept, I liked it then too. Plus I think this is a nice way to build up to Survivor Series. Always been a personal favorite event of mine - SS that is.

I wish they would have more survivor series matches though and less singles matches as they have in recent years. Maybe one or two title matches, but survivor series matches only happen once a year and they have to take a back seat to matches that can happen at any other show? That to me is BS.

Back to Bragging Rights:

I don't see this being a 5 on 5 match, because if I'm reading this right....then THE WINNERS will square off at the end. So unless their are gonna be 11 matches or a ton of tag team matches, this doesn't seem likely.

Plus who says it's gonna be an even number of superstars? I wouldn't think that and highly doubt it would happen.

DX, Jack Swagger & Orton

Jerishow, John Morrison, Rey Mysterio & CM Punk

I dunno I have to see if they are all tag matches or singles matches. It makes a huge difference.
Yea I agree I can't wait for this. I've always loved the brand vs brand events, they're always good and it's always something fresh. The last one that occurred that somebody here mentioned was with Batista going through a winshield, that was so sick. At this event, I would really like Matt Hardy to do something, but he might be screwed, for now. So that may not happen. So, hopefully Jericho makes a big impact at the ppv.
at bragging rights they should do a champions vs champons type thing and if jershow are still champs have them feud against each other and they should have a smackdown vs raw main event ss type match
i can see it as team raw =dx legacy and orton or cena vs team smackdown = hart dinesty kane batista undertaker or jo mo
i think this would be a great match and a great ppv
the only problem i have it that ecw is left out
This will definitely turn out to be my favorite of the themed ppvs. It doesn't ruin the prestige of any one type of match, like some others. However, it might put a damper on whether or not Survivor Series will ever be a Smackdown vs. Raw themed ppv again, but that's fine.

The only problem I have with it is that it excludes ECW. I mean, ECW has been getting attention more as of late, but it is still not enough to add it to the Bragging Rights ppv. I don't understand why. I still expect it to be a great ppv. But I want to see ECW get a decent amount of air time, so that it doesn't make it seem like a waste. I mean, remember, the ECW Championship will not be defended at Hell in a Cell, so you need the ECW Champion to be involved at Bragging Rights somehow. It wouldn't be fair for the ECW Champion to miss two straight ppvs.

As always, I will be cheering for Smackdown to win each of their respective matches, as I am a Smackdown guy! Hopefully, it turns out to be a series of interbrand Smackdown vs. Raw matches, where Smackdown wins a majoity. But I still hope to see ECW involved. Regardless, I am very anxious to see how this Bragging Rights ppv turns out to be!
I think that my ECW may have taken away from the initial post.

While i feel that the whole ECW thing is important, I want to kind of go back to the PPV.

I think this will be a really great PPV. It's pretty clear that there won't be much (if anything) in the way of title matches because we are basically getting Night Of Champions at Hell in the Cell.

That said, i really think that this can only help the show. I think if they take the focus off of the titles and put it on Brand vs. Brand, it will be great. I'm thinking that all of the champions will square off against each other. I don't buy into this whole 5 on 5 brand v Brand match, but it may happen.

Yeah...should be alot of great matches. Hopefully this will continue the Raw vs. Smackdown feud into Survivor Series, making for some interesting matches.
im not at all looking forward to this.they've killed the brand war thing. and for them to get bringing it back year after year on ppv(if the concept continues) i think it will get boring and repedative. the only themed ppv i thing is good is night of champions. having every title defended on a single night is good seeing as how most championships were never defended on ppv really.they are more so now. breaking point is a dumb concept.hell in a cell is good for a one time deal like i think bragging rights should.tlc thats just going to be stupid. so much for no way out.and i hate to see whats going to happen to backlash and judgement day.the only two regualar ppvs left aside from WM summerslam and the bash.these themed concepts are getting out of control.they rely on a theme to sell a ppv than an actual good fued.god i hope next year they ton down these themed based ppvs. i dont mind a few but when almost every ppv is a theme type.it tells me wwe cant rely on a good fued,good match ups.and nice buildup to sell a ppv.now its all about themes.o well as long as they put an effort in their actual matches i guess i wont care as much
Ok first off i have been reading these forums for a little while now and never even registered. I like to hear what other wrestling fans have to say. Now is a different story, i could not just read so i registered just for this one.

Now that im done going off subject. I am going to disagree with just about all of you. Sorry folks. I DO like the concept but i DONT like its timing, or any build.
When Batista went to Smackdown just recently he talked about how that was the no 1 show. That is what i want to see. This tri brand started as a battle. And that is how it should of stayed. There shouldnt be a raw rebound or whatever it is called on smackdown. The announcers should not talk about what happened on the other show. They need to battle! I wanna see Orton take the title and go back to a little of his cocky self and go punk the smackdown champion. I wanna see the Diva Champion say how she is way better than the divas champ (even tho the diva belt looks stupid) I wanna see some raw guys go mess with the other brand Go to war!! What i dont want to see is cryme tyme going to the other brand to help out. I wanna see cryme tyme stealing shit from raw.

This concept is amazing and something i have been waiting for but it has no build. And a little off subject just throwin this in there lets say its a 5 on 5 raw vs smackdown at bragging rights. What i would love to see is its down to hbk and some smackdown guy that is when brett makes his return screwing hbk and starting more brand war as he will run the hart dynasty and start war with dx brand war and hart/dx war i love it

Sorry about the length just my opinion. I welcome all criticism
Here are some dream matches that I should be at Bragging Rights:

Here's the Big Catch! The winner of the Final Match will not only Be the Brand with the Bragging Rights but the winner to score the Pinfall for there team will become the Brand's Newest Heavyweight Champion! (Champions going into the match should be Undertaker, Christian, and Randy/Cena, I prefer Randy for just this show)

Jerishow vs Christian and a partner of his choosing for the titles
Winner: Edge and Christian (Smackdown)

DX vs Brother's of Destruction:
Winners: DX when Kane backstabs Undertaker to recreate a feud with the Undertaker for the championship spot on Smackdown (Raw, Now Kane has cost the Undertaker his championship title so who ever wins on Smackdown will ultimately become the champion, they would hype it up so much.)

John Morrison vs. The Miz 1 and half
Winner: John Morrison obviously (Smackdown), Zack Ryder complains about not being able to fight for the chance and Morrison challenges him in an impromptu match which Morrison still wins.

Randy Orton vs Batista
Winner: Randy Orton due to legacy interence (RAW)

John Cena vs CM Punk
Winner: CM Punk due to intefere from Randy Orton, i figure continue with the Orton vs Cena program (Smackdown)

Mickie James vs Melina
Winner: Melina, she just needs a win.

MVP and Gail Kim vs Dolph Zigger and Maria
Winner: MVP and Gail Kim (Raw)

Edge and Christian, John Morrison, CM Punk and Melina vs. DX, Randy Orton, MVP and Gail Kim.

Winner: CM Punk after he hits the GTS or Anadacona Vice on Gail Kim and runs away with Bragging Rights setting up how he beat a lady to win the title and that he cant brag, most likely feud with Batista after. This match would also tease Shawn vs JoMo. Randy Orton would be taken out by Cena, Legacy takes out DX, Jerishow Takes out E&C, Melina is taken out by McCool, Morrison is taken out by the Miz, so its perfect to leave CM Punk and Gail in the ring for Punk to pick up the win and create even more heel heat.

Storylines create after the PPV

-Jerishow vs Edge and Christian (Perfect for a returning Edge)
-Undertaker vs Kane (CM Punk would win his rematch title match with the Deadman on Smackdown following Kane interference from Kane, brother vs brother program would get somewhere on smackdown)
-CM Punk vs Batista (Punk bragging about his win and batista coming out to say he hasnt done nothing as a champ and Punk cuts a promo about Batista always being injured and having to use drugs to get back in the game)
-John Morrison and Miz beef between promotions, (Downside it would burry MVP and Dolph most likely)
-Melina and McCool continues
-Cena vs Orton continues
-Legacy vs DX continues
-Mickie James and Gail Kim to push Gail Kim heel turn after being the caused of losing the match.

This booking would definitely would and would create more interesting things from Bragging Rights, so what do you guys think?? Would this work?
Here are some dream matches that I should be at Bragging Rights:

Here's the Big Catch! The winner of the Final Match will not only Be the Brand with the Bragging Rights but the winner to score the Pinfall for there team will become the Brand's Newest Heavyweight Champion! (Champions going into the match should be Undertaker, Christian, and Randy/Cena, I prefer Randy for just this show)

Jerishow vs Christian and a partner of his choosing for the titles
Winner: Edge and Christian (Smackdown)

DX vs Brother's of Destruction:
Winners: DX when Kane backstabs Undertaker to recreate a feud with the Undertaker for the championship spot on Smackdown (Raw, Now Kane has cost the Undertaker his championship title so who ever wins on Smackdown will ultimately become the champion, they would hype it up so much.)

John Morrison vs. The Miz 1 and half
Winner: John Morrison obviously (Smackdown), Zack Ryder complains about not being able to fight for the chance and Morrison challenges him in an impromptu match which Morrison still wins.

Randy Orton vs Batista
Winner: Randy Orton due to legacy interence (RAW)

John Cena vs CM Punk
Winner: CM Punk due to intefere from Randy Orton, i figure continue with the Orton vs Cena program (Smackdown)

Mickie James vs Melina
Winner: Melina, she just needs a win.

MVP and Gail Kim vs Dolph Zigger and Maria
Winner: MVP and Gail Kim (Raw)

Edge and Christian, John Morrison, CM Punk and Melina vs. DX, Randy Orton, MVP and Gail Kim.

Winner: CM Punk after he hits the GTS or Anadacona Vice on Gail Kim and runs away with Bragging Rights setting up how he beat a lady to win the title and that he cant brag, most likely feud with Batista after. This match would also tease Shawn vs JoMo. Randy Orton would be taken out by Cena, Legacy takes out DX, Jerishow Takes out E&C, Melina is taken out by McCool, Morrison is taken out by the Miz, so its perfect to leave CM Punk and Gail in the ring for Punk to pick up the win and create even more heel heat.

Storylines create after the PPV

-Jerishow vs Edge and Christian (Perfect for a returning Edge)
-Undertaker vs Kane (CM Punk would win his rematch title match with the Deadman on Smackdown following Kane interference from Kane, brother vs brother program would get somewhere on smackdown)
-CM Punk vs Batista (Punk bragging about his win and batista coming out to say he hasnt done nothing as a champ and Punk cuts a promo about Batista always being injured and having to use drugs to get back in the game)
-John Morrison and Miz beef between promotions, (Downside it would burry MVP and Dolph most likely)
-Melina and McCool continues
-Cena vs Orton continues
-Legacy vs DX continues
-Mickie James and Gail Kim to push Gail Kim heel turn after being the caused of losing the match.

This booking would definitely would and would create more interesting things from Bragging Rights, so what do you guys think?? Would this work?
One thing they should NOT do, though I do like many of your ideas, is have a woman be in the final tag team match. I hate intergender tag team contests, and certainly don't believe one should be the main event of the payperview. That being said, I doubt the WWE is going to use this as a platform for some great matches that we as fans would love to see. More than likely it is going to be matches that are match ups with simliar wrestlers from the other brand.

But in keeping with the theme of this thread, it would be great to see some random matches for spots in the tag team main event. But with these kinds of stipulations, there is a problem. You know it isn't going to be a 7 on 1 main event, so it takes some of the mystery out of the wins. I'm sure it is going to be at least fairly predictable as to some of the outcomes, "Okay Smackdown! just got two in the main event, the RAW guy is going to win next."

I just hope I'm pleasantly surprised! :]

First off you have multiple guys wrestling multiple times.

Secondly, Edge is not returning that soon. Even if he was on HGH he wouldn't have healed that soon.

It would be a huge surprise for them to unify the belts, when they are trying to push the shows being separated, adding emphasis to this PPV.

That main event is absolutely horrendous. Really? A mixed tag match with 5-6 people who have already competed? How are you going to advertise THAT? ESPECIALLY when you already have had an intergender tag match, the match directly before.

Lay off the pipe.

First off you have multiple guys wrestling multiple times.

Secondly, Edge is not returning that soon. Even if he was on HGH he wouldn't have healed that soon.

It would be a huge surprise for them to unify the belts, when they are trying to push the shows being separated, adding emphasis to this PPV.

That main event is absolutely horrendous. Really? A mixed tag match with 5-6 people who have already competed? How are you going to advertise THAT? ESPECIALLY when you already have had an intergender tag match, the match directly before.

Lay off the pipe.

Apparently, thetruemike AND WWE are both on a pipe, because I read that is what they are planning on doing at the event, have a series of matches between Smackdown and Raw, then in the main event have all the winners of those matches in a huge tag match, so it's not that crazy...and I have to say, I kind of like the idea.

I'm actually going to the event in Pittsburgh and when I saw that they changed it from Cyber Sunday, I was immediately pissed because I always thought that Cyber Sunday was a good PPV. So ever since I found out that it changed, I've been making sure I read anything that has to do with it, and I gotta say, I'm pretty excited about the Smackdown vs. Raw concept, especially considering that they still may keep the fan voting theme into the PPV to decide who goes into what matches.

The ONLY thing that I'm worried about is the fact that it's so close to the Hell in a Cell PPV and there's only 2 weeks of Raw and Smackdown for any kind of story to build out of something that hasn't even been announced yet.

HOPEFULLY the concept is a success and it turns out to be a decent show.
Well Apparently Twist is a prime example of people who dont read in this World. When it says Dream match, well anything can happen!! Does that mean it will? No, if it did come to friutation that would mean it wasnt a Dream, i'll say it again DREAM match. Gotta stay off the drugs CM Punk always talks about, really

Now if your complaining about multiple wrestling in the same show, then why is the stipulation the winners of the matches will go on to represent their brand in the final match. And oh yeah, there is no title being unified. It says the winner of the match will become THAT BRANDS CHAMPION. While I do agree that a woman should be in the main event, I just dont see them not putting a woman match up on the card and not letting it be in the final match up because that would receive backlash not that WWE cares much.
What people are failing to realize here is that a concept like Bragging Rights is the only PPV that doesn’t really need any buildup. The story of Brand vs. Brand (vs. Brand) for Brand Supremacy writes itself. This is the only time where the matches and the use of the Brand Extension is the story. Competition between shows (I didn’t want to over use the word “Brand”) is good enough to have two weeks of buildup. This will be the first PPV where a storyline is not needed. All that has to happen is Cena comes out and says, “Raw is the best”, Punk comes out and says, “Smackdown is the best”, and Vince comes out and says, “You two…prove it!!”
if we're gonna go dream matches i would love to see micheals vs morrison, 3 way match with swagger vs shelton vs ziggler, mark and mvp vs batista and rey, and punk vs orton but being realistic u have to think that final match is gnna have the raw team of cena, DX, and Jershow vs taker, batista, rey, morrison, and punk vs chirstian, shelton, and regal's group and we all knw raw is gnna win there's no way they make the flagship show lose that. i dnt see any new storylines coming out of this at all
Apparently, thetruemike AND WWE are both on a pipe, because I read that is what they are planning on doing at the event, have a series of matches between Smackdown and Raw, then in the main event have all the winners of those matches in a huge tag match, so it's not that crazy...and I have to say, I kind of like the idea.

I'm actually going to the event in Pittsburgh and when I saw that they changed it from Cyber Sunday, I was immediately pissed because I always thought that Cyber Sunday was a good PPV. So ever since I found out that it changed, I've been making sure I read anything that has to do with it, and I gotta say, I'm pretty excited about the Smackdown vs. Raw concept, especially considering that they still may keep the fan voting theme into the PPV to decide who goes into what matches.

The ONLY thing that I'm worried about is the fact that it's so close to the Hell in a Cell PPV and there's only 2 weeks of Raw and Smackdown for any kind of story to build out of something that hasn't even been announced yet.

HOPEFULLY the concept is a success and it turns out to be a decent show.

I don't mean the actual concept of the main event tag, I mean making it both a Survivor Series style match (the next PPV) and an inter-gender match.

And there's no way Edge is back in 2 weeks, that would be insanity.

If it's Champ vs Champ, and one becomes the other show's champion, what are they doing? Unifying the belts.

Beyond the absurdity, I love the concept of having a PPV, because it's fresh, and a unique way of creating new feuds and continuing existing programs.
Well I hope this is Raw vs SmackDown with an ECW title match or so in the mix. I like the idea of a tri branded battle royal where the winner faces the ECW champion later in the night just to mix it up and draw interest. Champions vs champions and a "dream match" of sorts would also be nice to see. This PPV would be a nice build up for a brand vs brand elimination tag team match at Survivor Series.
If the rumor is true and they are having another Iron Man Match.......

That is a prayer answered! Oh wait....John Cena's in the match? In an Iron Man match? really? No way! This can't be true......

If this is true then WWE has lost sight of what fans want. This guy gets booed at half the arenas he goes to and they are putting him in an hour long match, when he's the worst wrestler on the roster?

Orton vs. anybody else would be decent. Triple H, HBK, for god sakes I'd rather see Hornswoggle and Orton for 1 hour than Cena. He is so useless it's not even funny anymore, it's depressing. He's a clean cut Ultimate Warrior with a hip/hop cd. His promos get worse and worse, his fan base (lol) is fading (thank God some one must've smacked them) and he's getting put in a WRESTLING HEAVY MATCH? He can't even take a bump properly. I'm losing it with this clown. How does he still have a job?
This PPV is just a terrible, terrible, terrible idea. As if the WWE didn't have enough PPVs, having one every 3 weeks seemingly, now they add ANOTHER PPV into October, which will then be followed a few weeks later by Survivor Series. Seriously, do they actually think this Bragging Rights PPV is a good idea? I'm calling it right now, this PPV is going to bomb and the buyrates are going to be absolutely dreadful, possibly even giving December 2 Dismember a run for it's money. Add to that the whole "Bragging Rights" gimmick of Raw vs. Smackdown...I'm sorry, but isn't this something you could have booked for Survivor Series? Seriously, it's been done in years past, why again can't they just build this Smackdown vs. Raw gimmick for Survivor Series? And let's not forget the terrible job of promotion they've done, most people hadn't even heard of the PPV until they mentioned it on the PPV last night.

All around a terrible idea by WWE. Nothing new.
I concur that this PPV seems like it isn't going to be too awfully great. We're gonna get the same guys shoved down our throat twice with the SmackDown vs. RAW tag team ME. We have to have on hour of Orton (which I don't mind) vs. Cena (really, an hour? How's he gonna pull this off?).

Are they really gonna pull Cena from RAW? Or does Orton have a 3-week reign? Ugh. This entire PPV is going downhill quickly in my estimation. I just hope the undercard matches are something special.
Yeah I too hate the idea of this PPV the more I hear about it. If they were just cross branded matches, titles involved, of match-ups we don't see often, I'd be all for it. But I don't think it's going to be that from the sounds of it. I'm attending this PPV and regardless of how good of an idea the PPV is, I'm in the lower level for around 55 bucks. Can't beat that with a stick. Now with the major main event that's been announced... I don't know how I feel about it. Orton/Cena in a 60 min. Iron Man match with No DQs. IF Cena loses, he leaves Raw forever. Sure I'll probably be bored for 60 minutes. But I must say this will definately let me see more than Cena's 5 moves of doom. Plus how many Iron Man matches have there been in history? Like 3 or 4 in the last 13 years? I'm somewhat excited I get to see a match live that has not been seen a ton before. I guess I'll just have to let the PPV "build" and see what I get. Going in with these low expectations, I can only come out pleasantly surprised. I've had a great time at the one other WWE PPV I've attended and a great time at the TNA PPV I've attended. As long as the matches are solid, I'm a fan.
Champion vs Champion sounds great but I can live with the idea of the winners of the matches teaming up to face off in a brand vs brand tag team match. The best of each brand facing off to see who the better brand is! Love the idea and the concept.

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