WWE Asking Fans Why They Stopped Watching

i'm a cm punk girl

Pre-Show Stalwart
- A research group is holding invited focus groups in New York City asking men and women from 18-54 who are WWE fans or former WWE fans to talk about the WWE product including what they like and why they've stopped watching if they are lapsed fans. The groups are an attempt by the company to figure out ways bring fans back and identify problems in the way the current product as t is promoted and marketed.

Credit: PWInsider
What would you tell WWE if you were in one of these research groups?

Personally,I Think the writing is Meh and there just isn't Much Too keep me intrested in the Company.
Ok here we go I was lucky started watching WWE in the Attitude era so was spoilt but I feel over the last 5 o r6 years the story lines have been rushed and characters have not been built up. John Cena for instance yes hes a face but he has always won in his big matches no one really ever screwed him like Austin/The Rock and Mr McMahon.Cena should of been the next Austin!Gm 's need to be heels or have face Gm vs Heel Gm . Unify the WWE and WHC belt once and for all! This will improve both the US & IC title - im not going to go down that route again. Make the no 1 contender match something of importance.We no longer see the immergance of a challenger!Tag Team matches make them important again.Keep The Shield together for the next 2 years make them a force.!
I started watching around '90/'91 toward the tail end the "Rock N Wrestling" Era I was about 10 and enjoyed the colorful characters i.e. Ultimate Warrior, Million Dollar Man, Jake "The Snake" etc....then stopped when New Gen kicked off but I was about 13/14 and got involved with sports and hanging out with friends etc....then I started up again around '96 just as the NWO kicked off then Attitude took off. I stopped around 2000 again when life kicked in when I graduated high school and found a job. It became hard to follow the storylines and I gradually lost interest....I think it has to do with life and just moving on.
I get sick of seeing the babyfaces constantly come out on top, and WWE not knowing how to create heels. The best heels are the ones who win matches clean, not relying on armies of guys for backup. That's why I loved WCW back in the day, heels were actually able to WIN in WCW.
I can't believe they don't know the answer to that question. I think everything that will be suggested to them is stuff they don't want to do and that's why those people stopped watching. This is a waste of time for WWE.
Well tbh if they are doing this they have mental issues.I mean first it was the twitter thing.Did that bring more people in?Nope.Did that annoy people? Yes.

Now they ask people?Isnt it obvious?Poor writing.This wrestlemania is a clear example of how uncoordinated and how non-creative ...creative is.The fact that the road to wrestlemania was filled week in and week out of just random squash matches and feuds thrown together and everything so rushed.

How come they dont realise this..I dont get it...why can we...why can I a random fuck of 23 years sitting naked in front of my computer realise this and they cant?
One: You dumbasses bought your competition which I was a huge fan of. Than you shat on that promotion and burried everyone that was affiliated with it. With thoes two actions you made me despise you brand.

Two: Your emphasis on goofy skits and stupid angles instead of having a good in ring product.

Three: Almost all of your "superstars" are bland and generic looking. They have no aura about them and do not leap of the screen in the same way that guys like Hogan, Hall, Nash, Savage, Piper, HBK, Demolition, Andre, Rock, Austin etcetera did. Thoes guys looked like super stars. They were believeable. I can't buy into any of this new generation at all. They are bland and booring. They look like they were made in a factor off an assembly line.

Four: A lot of people bitch about the PG rating... I am not one of them. Durring the Rock and Wrestling connection it was PG and it was awesome. Durring WCWs n.W.o. angle they were PG and it was awesome. I don't want the Attitude era to come back. I want logic and wrestling to come back. It should be as close to a sport as it can be. The attitude should be I am the best and you can't beat me. Unfortunatley, I think the idiots booking overe there think that that is too simple. Look you dimbats it works for MMA it works for boxing it works for basket ball and it works for every other sport on the planet. I know wrestling is the hybrid between sport and theatrics, but damn- make it somewhat like a sport rather than a soap opera! It is insulting to watch that putrid crap! Everytime I try I feel as if my intelligence is being insulted!

Five: Too many damn titles! One world title and that is it. And stop with the goofy bling-like belts! If you are trying to sell your title as the most important title inthe world MAKE IT LOOK LIKE IT IS!

Six: Enough with the evil GMs! This has been the single dominating story line in the WWE since 1997! Enough! We have seen it all again and again and again!

Seven: make every division mean something! What is the point of the tag division if you never have any legit tag teams! How could you let the tag division sink to the depths that it has? Are your bookers slow or something?

Eight: Stop with these 10 time, 11 time, 12 time, 13 time world champions! The belt should not be treated as a prop! It was a huge deal when Razor Ramon held the Intercontinental title five times! IT WAS HUGE! THese days it dodn't mean squat because everyone gets a chance to held a belt in the hopes that it will get them over. It use to be that you had to be over to get a belt! It should still be like that. Don't give a guy a belt in the hopes that they will get over! That doesn't work! It just lessens the value of the belt!

Nine: Real heels! Not cool or hip heels. That isn't a heel. That is a babyface. Do you even know the difference anymore?

Ten: Hire people who are knowledgable about the business! Enough with this Holywood script writer crap! Obviously it isn't working when more than half of your audience left!

Unfortunately, all of this is like pissing in the wind. The WWE machine will keep doing what it does becvause it has no reason to get better. It has it's core audience of rugulars who will watch it no matter how bad it is. Sadly, Impact wrestling suffers from just about all the same defects. Too many idiots or old out of touch morons at the helm!
I would like to hope this is a means for WWE to not necessarily get back to what it used to be, because we can't dwell on the past and wallow in it. But there's no crime in revisiting history to help bring the alienated fans back into the fold.

Here are some things I have issue with:

Lack of managers - Yes there are folks like Zeb Coulter and Paul Heyman. But they are merely novelty acts and who knows how much longer WWE is really going to stick with this. The fact that I am even mentioning these guys as novelty acts shows that this is one of the biggest things about wrestling that has lapsed.

Too many PPVs - I am no financial wizard and this might be insane of me to think could ever happen, but this events are too much and they even recycle the same matchups. I mean how many times had John Cena, Randy Orton and Triple H wrestled each other. Either in varying one on one contests amongst these three or in triple threat outings. Completely ridiculous. Also, four hour WrestleManias and they still can't manage to fit every match in. Gag me.

Ridiculous segments - Ok, I get it WWE is a multi-billion dollar juggernaut that wants to keep its moneyflow or else it won't be in business. Absolutely 100 percent get that. However, that's what they make commercials for. These segments that have ran on RAW over the past few years are just outright stupid. Hornswoggle playing with Mattel's then-new WWE toyline backstage. And Jerry Lawler getting a Sonic soft drink roller skated over to him while sitting at the broadcast table, really now? Again, I understand you have to advertise but seriously the internet, and regular commercial time isn't sufficient? We actually have to have TV time that should be devoted to other segments get cut into over this horseshit? Give me a break.

Bland characters - Too many of these guys are cookiecutter and I just can't get into them or care to. People can say what they want about the old timers like Nash, Flair, Hogan and others being involved in wrestling. Granted, I don't want to see them wrestle, which thankfully neither have but man we need characters that have the same charisma as these dudes.

There is so much more I could say but those are the biggest reasons I have estranged myself from WWE and professional wrestling in general. Make no mistake about it, I might defend TNA from time to time on these forums, but in no way am I a fanboy of their "brand" of wrestling. While they might have cut down on their number of PPVs and have started touring, they've still got a long way to go to even consider enticing me to be a regular viewer. Either way, professional wrestling is far removed from what it once was. It's one thing to evolve and change certain nuances but the spirit of wrestling doesn't have the same feel that it used to, at least to me.
I originally stopped watching all wrestling towards the end of 1999. Can't quite remember why though, probably moved and didn't have cable or something. However I stumbled across TNA in 2008 and enjoyed it so started watching it. That then got me to thinking about whether WWF, WCW and ECW were still going. I started to watch (the now) WWE again around the 2009 Royal Rumble but stopped watching by the end of 2009 and there were numerous reasons for this.

The product is to childish - If a mate or anyone was to walk in while I was watching WWE I would feel embarrassed like as if your mum had caught you watching a porno when you were a teenager.

Lack of stars - Fair enough this may not be a valid reason as I hadn't watched pro wrestling for almost a decade so who am I to say who is a star and who isn't? But other than the guys who were around in the 90's, only John Cena and Randy Orton came across as being stars to me.

Lack of characters - No one (other than the old guys) on the roster has a unique character or stands out. I did become a bit of a Randy Orton fan though and found him to be quite interesting.

Toned down matches - I can't remember a wrestler ever coming up with anything different and all the matches were pretty much your same standard match. Except for The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels match at WrestleMania 25, that was a match I enjoyed.

Lack of psychology - I never got the impression that the two wrestlers in the ring hated each other or even disliked each other, other than the Triple H/Randy Orton feud at the start of 2009. A lot of the time I wasn't even sure why the guys were fighting, which brings me to my next point.

Pointless/random matches - Not sure if they still do this but WWE just seemed to put on random matches on Raw. Even worse is that sometimes it would be a top level guy versus a dude who stands no chance.

Lack of story line progression - After watching Raw I would often wonder why I'd watched it as nothing really seemed to have happened/progressed.

Forcing wrestlers on the audience - When I was originally a wrestling fan as a kid it was always the best/most over wrestler that held the World Title. You had to be a someone and be over before getting the World Title but now it seems like the philosophy has changed and it's more like give the belt to this guy to get him over.

There's more reasons than those I've listed as to why I've stopped watching WWE but those would be the main ones and WWE would not pay attention or fix any of them and do you know why? Because people are loyal to WWE and will watch whatever trash they put out. It's almost like a lot of people see a wrestling promotion like a sports team and I don't know why. I will always support/watch Chelsea FC whether we are great or terrible but with wrestling I will watch what ever is best and since I started watching again TNA has been by far the best wrestling promotion.
I can go into detail but it'll take me ages. Basically, the overall show was boring me. There were some things I liked, just as it is now, there were wrestlers I loved and some stuff were cool but the negatives outweighed the positives. However, if there's one reason I stopped watching, it's real simple.

Total Nonstop Action.

Saw TNA, it was a better show for me, I enjoyed it a lot more so I no longer needed to watch RAW. I watched RAW because I had nothing better to watch. I watched RAW because if I didn't I'd stop watching wrestling altogether and I don't want that since it's been a part of me ever since I was little. TNA came along, gave it a shot, loved it, stopped watching RAW.

As for what exactly made me stop watch, in short it was how bland and alike all the characters were, the wrestling was nothing special, the storylines were very very generic and basic in nature and the delivery by the wrestlers was very robotic and killed whatever appeal the story had to begin with, it was very repetitive, crowds were almost always dead and most importantly whenever WWE really hyped something they always ended up disappointing me and killing it.

It was always about interesting you, you get pumped and then nothing happens. I felt robbed as a fan and I got tired of them fucking with me. WWE seemed to care more about luring you in and not giving you a pay off. It's like they used RAW to run footage and hype videos that were very well produced, making you think "oh boy here we go they'll do something sweet, look at those videos", then the PPV comes along and NOTHING happens. I mean NOTHING. This is not my high expectations, NOTHING happens. In their mind they've won. "Shit, son, you bought the Pay-Per-View. Cha Ching". Glad I never bought any but you know what I mean. Then you're all depressed, and a week later they do it again and AGAIN you go "okay they'll redeem themselves, you know they know they fucked up and now they'll give us something sweet". You get pumped, PPV comes along, NOTHING HAPPENS. Again, you feel like shit, you feel robbed, and then they pump you up again and you think "well they won't do it for a third time, cmon it's the WWE they're the shit" and little do you know, they fucking do it again. And again. And again. Before you know it, it's WrestleMania season and things actually DO pick up and you stay with it through the whole thing and Mania kinda delivers, but it feels like they knocked it out of the park because everything prior to this was a big 'ol mess of shit. Then Mania ends, you're kinda satisfied and then keep coasting and coasting and coasting. You expect them to keep the momentum, but they don't, and you're disappointed. Rinse and repeat. They're just fucking with you ALL THE TIME. It was so frustrating.

Even when the whole show was shit they managed to do just ONE thing really well and that one single thing pumped you up out of desperation. As a fan I was DESPERATE to cling to ANYTHING WWE did so I can justify watching the show and not feel like shit for supporting such a crappy product. I don't care what it was as long as it was half decent, I made it pure gold. And of course you get pumped for that and they fuck that up too, then you're like "FUCK!" but you go along with it. They always find a way to fucking hook you to SOMETHING. It's never consistent, it's never mostly good, it's always shit and one decent thing to keep you kinda interested until they kill it. GOD I fucking hated them toying with the fans like that. And they still do it. Worst part is they know they're doing it. They know how we work and they know how to fuck with you. Assholes.

Thankfully TNA does that a lot less than the WWE and they actually give a fuck. I always felt like the WWE no longer cares. They do something big and instead of keeping with it and building it up they say "well, fuck it" and start coasting.

They just use your loyalty to keep feeding you pure garbage. And they know you'll take it. It's like a crack addict getting screwed over with a bad batch of crack he just bought. You know it sucks, but you need your fix so you take it anyway and you come for more, even if it's not what you paid for. Sinister stuff, McMahon. Sinister stuff.
First of all, let me state that I am a 34 year old male who has been a professional wrestling fan for as long as I can remember. I watched religiously until 4 or 5 years ago, when my viewing habits began to slow....and now I barely tune in, relying on wrestlezone for coverage instead (except for the stray episode of RAW or BIG pay per views). Below is the short list of reasons why I no longer watch the show faithfully.

1. All the wrestlers I supported in the past have either retired or work as part timers currently. Change happens, and I don't blame WWE for this. As is the case with any sport or field of entertainment, new performers are going to come and go due to age, injury or what have you. I just wish someone would pick up where a guy like Stone Cold left off and be allowed to run with the ball. There's a need for such characters, and sadly, I see none currently when I watch WWE....aside from the CM Punks of the world. There are workers on the roster currently who have lots of potential so far as I can tell, but it seems as if WWE is scared to actually pull the trigger on any of them. We see guys like Miz and Swagger become world champions/main eventers only to fall directly back into their former roles in the mid card when the first sign of "failure" is even sensed.

2. Most of the characters in today's WWE are too similar, with a few exceptions. You can line up, let's say, half of the current WWE Superstars....and most are cookie cutter, with no real gimmick or reason to care about them....and those who are given gimmicks that feel extraordinary generally become irrelevant or disappear altogether without it making a bit of difference in the long run. Gone are the days of larger than life characters in the WWE....again, with a few exceptions. To put it simply, I miss guys like Steve Austin, The Rock, The Undertaker, Triple H and Shawn Michaels being weekly fixtures I could depend on to entertain me whether it be in the ring or on the microphone. Those guys felt special. One could see their careers unfold into the realm of legendary from one week to the next. Even with John Cena, the current face of the brand, I don't see anything legendary. That's not a knock on Cena, as I feel he has carried the company to the best of his ability for a long, long while. I'm only saying I don't see him as being on the level of any of the workers I listed previously.

3. With the switch to full on PG and the rise of John Cena as the face of the WWE, I no longer feel "in touch" with the program. It's not that I feel alienated by the product itself, as there are things about the current WWE that do appeal to me. I just feel that the shows as a whole aren't catered to people like me anymore, which isn't bad...as all forms of entertainment must change with the times in which we live. I don't necessarily blame WWE for this, as it's smart business to lure in new/younger fans who do connect with wrestlers like John Cena. Ya can't blame WWE for trying, but it just doesn't appeal to me personally.

4. RAW doesn't feel worthy of being "must see" anymore. I don't know if it's due to there being too much emphasis on workers being told EXACTLY what to do & say these days when on camera, but it sure feels as if that's what's going on. Quite frankly, a lot of today's workers seem to be forced into roles they aren't actually suited for. I feel that the overall quality of the product suffers because of this. Let's take Miz for example. He was doing well as a cowardly heel champion....even headlining a Wrestlemania alongside Cena and the Rock, but look at the guy now. What was working for him was stripped down, washed out and totally changed. Now, the guy is playing a character that doesn't suit him at all (at least in my humble opinion anyway).

tl;dr verison:

1. I feel that my age limits my ability to get behind a lot of the younger workers in today's WWE, as I simply don't relate to most of them in any real or extraordinary way.

2. There aren't many characters in today's programming that stand out from the crowd.

3. The PG switch and John Cena being forced down my throat have turned me sour on watching regularly.

4. The average episode of RAW doesn't feel important, mainly because many of the workers aren't suited for the roles they portray.
Knowing that The Rock, Brock, Trips and Taker were going to get the entire years hype when they worked about a dozen venues together turned me off of watching weekly around rumble time.

Wasnt interested in Cena that much either, I've seen the way Cena reigns go, and how they've always gone.

Diva Division, they kept dumping the women with real talent in favor of eye candy, and the whole "Don't outwrestle the men crap they had going as well.

Tag Division, was about the only thing that was keeping me interested, as D-bry and Kane alone were drawing my view for a few weeks.

3 hour raws... scrap them, they didnt make WWE add more talent or matches, they just make Cena promos twice as long.
What I would tell these groups is that quite frankly the cool people aren't involved in good enough story lines and winning enough matches. By the "cool people" I mean the wrestlers I like and I'm only being so selfish because its kind of the basis of the question.

I fit into that age range (18-54) and have stopped watching as much so I am their target kind of guy.
A few quick points:

WWE is no longer scary or cool.

It is no longer offensive due to the P.G era, even Hulk Hogan realized back in the mid 90's that he had to stop being P.G and changed his most of his persona to Hollywood Hogan who is to this day one of the most bad ass wrestlers of all time.

The wrestlers are lame and some look like they belong on nickelodeon (John Cena) or the gay porno channel (fandango).

Divas Matches aren't sexist enough anymore and they don't titillate as much. Sure the Divas want to be taken seriously and be proper wrestlers but I take them more seriously when they're sexy.
I also believe people watch the female wrestlers more for the sex appeal anyway whether the viewer is male or female.

Wrestlers like Kane should be involved in scary comedy segments that resemble d grade horror movies rather than stupid comedy segments like something out of Charlie Sheens anger management, although that segment was funny, it would have been better if it ended with Kane and Daniel Bryan torching the psychologist kayfabe to death.

They made Alberto Del Rio a good guy.

Dolph Ziggler is an annoying personality who should be more the mid card rather than the champion. A.J seems out of place with him and why would a big dude like "big E" want to follow around a white guy who uses soul glow shampoo.

When do we get a feud between CM Punk and Alberto Del Rio the two funniest characters?

Triple H looks weird with short hair.

The Rock lost to Cena at wrestlemania even though Cena was being booed out of the building every where he went. The chants weren't even going "lets go Cena, Cena sucks" but simply "Cena sucks". Shouldn't it be more geared toward what the fans actually want.

I actually liked the original Cena when he was a bad guy who was the best trash talker ever. Why did they turn him into... well a jabroni?

Wrestlers switch too often between face and heel, back in the day there were wrestlers who went their whole careers without switching from face to heel, it builds character. Imagine trying to turn Killer Kowalski face, I think that illustrated my point.

The big wrestlers like Big Show, Great Kali, Brodus Clay, Mark Henry etc aren't being portrayed as big enough and lose too frequently to much smaller guys and its unrealistic. Theres nothing wrong with pushing these guys in squash matches.

Having said all that they are doing an ok job and I wouldn't want to tell them what story lines to go with because I'm not in touch with what they're trying to do.
l ll tell you for many reasons

I used to follow WCW way before it became huge in 1996 I always rooted the underdog cause in the end it prevails as a winner as WCW did and soon TNA will trust me! Never say Never!
Only a loser buys out his competition and I am hoping as TNA gets Ted Turner for financial backup
You dumbasses bought your competition WCW which I was a huge fan of. Than you shat on that promotion and burried everyone that was affiliated with it. With thoes two actions you made me despise you brand.

A lot of people bitch about the PG rating... I am ONE of them. During the Rock and Wrestling connection it was PG and it was awesome. Durring WCWs n.W.o. angle they were not PG and it was awesome. I want the Attitude era to come back. I want logic and wrestling to come back. It should be as close to a sport as it can be. The attitude should be I am the best and you can't beat me. Unfortunatley, the moronic ignorant idiots booking over there at worst wrestling excrement think that that is too easy. If it works for MMA (UFC)it works for boxing, it works for basketball,football and it works for every other sport on the planet. I know wrestling is the hybrid between sport and theatrics, but make it somewhat like a sport rather than a walt disney/sesame street soap opera! It is insulting to watch that putrid crap! Everytime I try I feel as if my intelligence is being insulted!
Due to the P.G era, even Hulk Hogan realized back in the mid 90's that he had to stop being P.G and changed his most of his persona to Hollywood Hogan who is to this day one of the most bad ass wrestlers of all time.
With the switch to full on PG and the rise of John Semen as the face of the WWE, I no longer feel "in touch" with the program. I feel alienated by the product itself, as there are things about the current WWE that do appeal to me. I just feel that the shows as a whole aren't catered to people like me anymore, which is bad...as all forms of entertainment must change with the times in which we live. I blame wwe for this, as it's not a smart business to lure in new/younger fans who connect with wrestlers like John Cena that all fans jeer.

Almost all of your "superstars" are bland and generic looking. They have no aura about them and do not leap of the screen in the same way that guys like Hogan, Hall, Nash, Savage, Piper, HBK, Demolition, Andre, Rock, Austin etcetera did. Those guys looked like super stars. They were believeable.
Thankfully TNA does that a lot less than the wwe and they actually give a fuck. I always felt like the worst wrestling excrement no longer cares. They do something big and instead of keeping with it and building it up they say "well, fuck it" and start coasting.

They just use your loyalty to keep feeding you pure garbage. And they know you'll take it. It's like a crack addict getting screwed over with a bad batch of crack he just bought. You know it sucks, but you need your fix so you take it anyway and you come for more, even if it's not what you paid for.
It was always about interesting you, you get pumped and then nothing happens. I felt robbed as a fan and I got tired of them fucking with me. worst wrestling excrement seemed to care more about luring you in and not giving you a pay off. Just luring in suckas! Look how they screwed over their fans by not reimbursinig their ppv purchase of Wrestlemania 29 where TNA would gladly refund it as they did to me once when they were technical difficulties.
You get pumped, PPV comes along, NOTHING HAPPENS. Again, you feel like shit, you feel robbed, and then they pump you up again and you think "well they won't do it for a third time, cmon it's the WWE they're the shit" and little do you know, they fucking do it again. And again. And again. Before you know it, it's WrestleMania season and things actually DO pick up and you stay with it through the whole thing and Mania kinda delivers, but it feels like they knocked it out of the park because everything prior to this was a big 'ol mess of shit. Then Mania ends, you're kinda satisfied and then keep coasting and coasting and coasting. You expect them to keep the momentum, but they don't, and you're disappointed. Rinse and repeat. They're just fucking with you ALL THE TIME. It was so frustrating.
The Rock lost to Cena at wrestlemania even though Cena was being booed and jeered continously out of the building every where he went. The chants weren't even going "lets go Cena, " but simply "Cena sucks". Shouldn't it be more geared toward what the fans actually want. McMoron failed in pleasing his fans and therefore goes with what wrestlers control! Hmmmm


Lack of characters
Lack of stars
Childis product
I have to say, if it weren't for me hanging with my wrestling friends on Mondays, I wouldn't even watch RAW anymore. I much more enjoy TNA's more adult oriented content, and good wrestling matches every week. There's so little in WWE that interests me on Raw anymore (Sandow,Rhodes, Ziggy, Punk, Bryan, and Henry) that It's just pointless. as many others have noted, most of the matches are just plain boring. I mean, my friends and I barely even pay attention to the show on Mondays, except for the 1 or 2 interesting segments. We play board games with the show on in the background lol, that's how exciting the show is.
I'm 33. I live outside Charlotte, NC. I've been a wrestling fan almost my entire life. Let's face it I'm in Flair country. Back in the days of the NWA, before WCW became what it became, all I had around to watch was live NWA shows in Charlotte which my dad took me to. As most have said before me in this thread today's characters are just too generic. Everyone knew who the good guys were and who the bad guys were. I'm trying to get my 7 year old daughter into being a fan and even SHE gets bored with the WWE product. A 7 year old should not get bored when WWE's entire product is centered around kids and being kid friendly. Does she like Cena? Not really. Does she like Brodus Clay? Not really. She thinks Santino is stupid. Her favorite superstar; Zack Ryder (despite my plea for her to change that). We went to RAW in Charlotte back in October and the only time she got excited during the 3 hour Raw was when Ryder fought...on Superstars that was taped before Raw. She likes all the divas, yet you rarely see them on Raw. Unless it's a 5 minute throw away match to fill time. I know she's a girl but if the WWE wants to appeal to kids, ALL kids, then they have to realize little girls watch also so show some strong women, not Vickie Guererro. I hate my little girl missed the days of Lita and Trish Stratus!

It's funny because she doesn't even know who to cheer for. The heels aren't very heelish, and the faces for the most part are boring. I remember being 6 years old and going to an NWA show at the old Independence arena in Charlotte the night Jim Cornette threw a fireball in Ronnie Garvin's face and burned him. To this day I remember that and to this day I remember the crowds reaction and to this day I still see Jim Cornette as a "bad guy". And that was in 1986!! I'm not saying the WWE needs to start having guys throw fireballs, but heels need to STAY heels and do HEEL things. Then again, the WWE is living in a politically correct world and with all the "anti bullying" stuff they do how can a heel REALLY be a heel? They need more than a focus group to find their problems.
I still watch WWE, but I don't sit through an entire program interested in every match like I used to 10-15 years ago. Here are my reasons:

1- Lack of story progression/too predictable of stories. Seriously, you can predict when someone is going to come out and interrupt someone or who is going to win the match.

2- Wrestlers insult/ praise the crowd to get over. Give me a reason to hate/like you instead of insulting/praising the crowd. Why do you hate the guy you are in a feud with, do something to your opponent to get over.

3- Too much focus on the same guys. All the attention goes to Cena, Punk, and Orton. Build up the undercard and give them some int resting storylines apart from the I pinned you and I want a title shot.

4- It's too kid friendly. Back 5-10 years ago, you wouldn't have had kids dancing in the ring like they do know with Brodus Clay.

5- They are constanly using stuff like Twitter, Tout that has no purpose being on a wrestling show. Also the WWE outlasted such and such in ratings crap is annoying. they could be using that time to have more time in matches, backstage segments.

6- Give focus to ALL your champions on every show! When's the last time Kaitlyn defended the diva's title? She could be feuding with another diva and defending her title (looks like a Bella twin feud MIGHT be on the way). This goes back to a previous point i made here, but give a reason other than one of the Bella Twins pinned her in a match to start a feud. Make it personal. Example the Trish Stratus/Lita rivalry back in 2004-2005 time frame.
I quit in 2009

I've tuned in occasionally a few times since then to see people I like and to check out angles that were getting a lot of attention

And here's why I never come back to watching consistently:

1) Lack of any interesting storylines or angles

The Swagger gimmick was one of the only WWE angles I have been interested in at all in years, but it died down & lost momentum quickly. Really nothing else of note is going on. IMO they have been relying on factions (which I am not a fan of) too much in recent years

2) boring roster

Can't really expand on this other than I don't care about anybody on the roster. Barely anybody even has a gimmick and the few that do like Fandango don't appeal to me. I don't tune in for anybody anymore.

3) Misc little annoying things

They add up: bad commentary (mainly Cole but Lawler is very bad now); weird lighting on the crowd making it look less, well, raw; 3 hours is too long; too many shows; TWITTER this TOUT that; etc

there's a lot of things about WWE that annoy me and practically nothing that interests me anymore
My Advice? Stop fighting crowd reactions just because the guy that's getting over isn't who creative wants to get over.

They went with the CM Punk thing, and it gave them a guy who is now as over as John Cena with even the younger fans.

They could've forced him as the heel there but they didn't, and I think if they had, then Punk wouldn't be anywhere near the level of stardom that he is now.
If I have to pick just ONE thing to say? The product is based around keeping 8-12 year olds happy. I mean "hug it out"? Really? We'd have NEVER seen that before 2010.

There's a lot more that I could nit pick at, but I don't want to do that. If they eliminate my first point, then the other stuff isn't as noticeable IMO
The WWE should know the answer to this by now. The build for WrestleMania 29 was absolutely pathetic IMO. It was full of rematches and the build was extremely lackluster with the Rock not even appearing on some occasions. I am so sick of being letdown with the WWE every time I get my hopes up.

I'm too much of a fan to stop watching but I can understand why allot of fans have stopped watching because the WWE are not really doing what they should be in terms of building stars and creating fresh and interesting angles.
I stopped watching wwe a lot since i discovered ring of honor,chikara,and new japan pro wrestling.back in 09 i only check out wwe like everyother month to see if anything improved.

the things i have a problem with are:

1.the divas
i caught an alicia fox and bella match the other day i was like who the fuck is training these women??wwe needs to stop hiring these models/barbies thinking they can train them to wrestle in like 1month then sending them out in a match and they cant do shit.but stand there and be pretty.try hiring women who have talent who is seasoned wrestlers like sara del ray,bring kong back,mschief,athena,sarita,hamada,cheerleader melissa.

2.tag teams!
i miss the good ole days of hardysvsdudleysvse&c wtf happened to legit tag teams and not the random thrown together guys that have no chemistry.start forming tag teams in nxt so before they get to main roster they would already be polished.or just bring some outside talent in like forever hooligans or the young bucks.
3.lack of charactor buildups.

4.why is cena the only super face?

5.too many midcarders and noone really being pushed or built up to main event except the miz

6.darren young everytime he wrestles he makes me angry has no mic skills looks like a million bucks cant wrestle for shit.

7.stop turning ppl from face to heel 50 times in 1yr

8.and lastly most wrestlers lack edge/attitude except punk which is why hes so loved
I think most of the problems with WWE in the last decade are the result of three major problems that have occurred, which have resulted in every other thing that has happened in wrestling in the last ten years.

1) The Death of WCW/ECW- During the "Monday Night Wars", it was shown that WWE can produce good TV when pushed into a corner to. So a lot of the disappointment is that we KNOW that WWE can do better, because it has before. If WWE had never been good, then we wouldn't expect as much.

The day WWE bought WCW, the WWE "died" a little bit too. It was like King Arthur, who had no-one left to conquer. Vince loves a fight, and he won, but now doesn't know what to do next.

2) I think this is the biggest problem in society today. Everyone is so scared to offend. WWE plays it too "safe" because taking risks may cost it audience or sponsors. It listens too much to people who don't even follow wrestling (Hollywood, the media, mothers with children, politicians etc) rather than the loyal fanbase who will love what they do, even if it is a bit risky. WWE is more interested if Mattel likes them, or E! News likes them, then if their fans still like them. The price you sometimes pay for loyalty is being taken for granted. Maybe WWE figures you will always be there, so they don't need to cater to you. It is okay to add new viewers, but if they liked your product, they will like it without you having to change it for them.

3) Following on from worrying about what people think is a comment I read one time online, where someone said that they believed that 90% of what the WWE is today came as a result of the Benoit murders. Before then, Vince did what he liked, and stuck it to the government and the media. He mocked the PTA and was proud of "pushing the envelope". But then the Benoit murders happened, and the media and politicians seized on Vince. He didn't have a leg to stand on, as it had happened on his watch. It seemed like that this broke Vince's heart and spirit, and all I see now is a scared Vince McMahon, so scared of offending certain groups, that wrestlers needed scripted promos, so no-one says a naughty word.

This has resulted in the biggest change of all: Vince McMahon himself. Once the proud ringmaster of the WWE, who pranced around, he has now been reduced to a sorry old man, who looks like he has lost his touch. He could be compared to George Lucas, both were geniuses who had great success, but often their past genius is forgotten, and now fans only see pathetic old men who don't know when to quit.

Vince McMahon used to be like Mr McMahon, the ruthless businessman who did what he wanted, and if someone didn't like it, they could go to hell. Now, he is someone who wants to make films, who wants to be seen as "legitimate". He acts like he has outgrown wrestling. If Vince retired earlier, he would be lauded as the most influential man in wrestling history. But now, people just want him to go away.

WWE is suffering because Vince no longer cares. He no longer has a passion for it, and is going through the motions. He cares more about movies, toy companies, appeasing descenting groups and doing anything to distance himself from the product.

Vince, want to know why WWE is suffering. Look in the mirror, and then go and get your balls back.
I started watching wrestling in '91 and I was actually a fan of all the unique characters that were present during the early-mid nineties-Papa Shango, Bezerker, Skinner, Doink, Repo Man, Mantaur, etc. I'm not saying they should go back to having crazy gimmicks like a garbage man, a plumber or a hockey player, but can we have guys with more interesting gimmicks? Hell, some of them don't even have gimmicks. Jinder Mahal and Drew McIntyre sort of had gimmicks before 3MB, but they weren't that interesting. Now they're at least somewhat entertaining. Also, when announcers describe heels, they always use the same adjectives-cocky, brash and arrogant. Can we break from the mold a bit? Maybe have a wrestler here and there with unique ring attire (not the typical short trunks) and a mediocre gimmick. Fandango is an interesting character. We need more like him.

2) Better writing, better finishes to matches and better storylines. Well wrestler A will definitely not be here tonight or....Wrestler B calls out Wrestler C and expects him to come down the ramp. Instead, C runs through the crowd and sneak attacks B. How many times have we seen this? We all know how it turns out. What about the whole thing with Triple H relieving Vince of his duties only for Triple H to basically have the same thing happen to him a few months later? They repeat the same stuff and the creative team can't think of any original ideas. OK, we're going to add a stipulation to this match. Let's make it a "No Holds Barred" match! Really? Can't we think of anything more original than that? Oh yeah, and how many times have we seen the "Heel pulls tights or uses ropes to win match"?

3) Predictability. This kind of goes with two. Did anyone think for one second that John Cena wouldn't win at Wrestlemania? What about a match featuring a jobber like Yoshi Tatsu vs. Pretty much anyone else on the roster? We all know Yoshi will lose.

4) Over-reliance on Cena and failure to make new stars. He's been a ME guy for 8 years now. There's a good number of fans tired of him hogging the ME spotlight. Kofi Kingston has been on the verge of breaking into the ME scene, but thanks to Orton and some bad booking, he's stuck in the midcard scene holding a midcard title. Meanwhile, Alex Riley, Ted Dibiase, Justin Gabriel, Tyson Kidd and several others are probably sitting in the back wondering if they'll ever escape the bottom of the card.

5) Inability for them to make decent faces and create wrestlers that people can get invested in. I think most people agree Miz isn't cutting it as a face. MVP wasn't that good in this role either. Alberto Del Rio might be somewhat better, but I just can't really get into his face character. He's a good wrestler, but overall he's not that interesting.

6) Too much WWE programming each week. I've given up on watching NXT, Superstars and Main Event. Occasionally, I'll watch Saturday Morning Slam. Raw really needs to go back to 2 hrs though. The product is simply not good enough to justify this much programming a week. The "Must See" feel to the WWE just isn't there anymore. 3 hour Raws should've been done in 1998.

7) WWE not wanting to shut up about Tout and Twitter. I'm not interested in hearing a fan's tout on Raw. I don't care to read tweets scrolling by on the bottom of my screen during Raw. I want to focus on the damn match and my eyes aren't as good as they used to be in order to read that tiny print!

Anyway, I could go on, but if I did quit completely, these would be some of the reasons why. BTW, I love that picture of Trish, OP.

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