Have you ever just stopped watching WWE?

I was a late comer to Wrestling, i started watching in early 2004, about Royal Rumble time. i always remember seeing The Undertaker's music hitting whilst Kane was in the ring just after he had buried him alive at Survivor Series and i thought that to be very cool. I always used to watch Smackdown and Raw but since i was only about 10 i didn't really know much about wrestling and i never used to buy the ppvs except Wrestlemania for the next 3 years, 2004-2007.

I stopped watching shortly after Wrestlemania 23 and i don't really remember why, maybe my friends stopped watching and i grew out of it? So i never watched anything at all until The Rock returned just before Wrestlemania 27 and ever since that Monday Night Raw, i haven't missed an episode or a PPV since.
I was a dedicated watcher of WWF and WCW. I watched one or the other depending on which sounded like it was going to be better that week and taped the other on VHS on another TV in the house. Immediately once I finished watching the first one on actual TV I would switch to the taped one and watch that.

I slowly started watching less and less WWE around 2008 and by 2010 I had stopped completely. Now I only watch a clip from time to time on Youtube that WWE posts and follow the storylines via WZ. I have purchased the WWE Network, however I primarily use it to watch all the old stuff from when I was growing up as well as the PPV's. So I did stop watching from about 2010 to about as year ago. Of the current product, I only watch the PPV's on the network. I will continue to do this until I see a dramatic improvement on their Raw and Smackdown shows. I just get way too bored now. I literally have to force myself to watch them, whereas before I would have sold my soul just to watch each week.
I don't believe this post for a second :lol:

There was not a wrestling fan alive who did not get caught up in Stone Cold's run to the title.

As for the OP, I never "stopped". My interest fluctuated depending on what was going on, it was at it's lowest when the Miz was the champion a few years ago. I skipped more RAWs during that period than any other.

This wrestling fan didnt get caught up in SCSA. After Hogan, HBK was my guy from 1992 to 1998. Loved his rise from the Rockers in the old AWA to his WWF days and original DX.

Is it really hard to believe I was more interested in DX than SCSA like the rest of the sheep?

Seriously, I was literally on 93 North headed home 10 minutes after the match ended.
Started watching NWA (Rock N Roll Express, Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair days) then started watching a mix of that and WWF. Watched on up until maybe 93/94/95 and then inexplicably quit watching. As a kid I always wanted to either be a wrestler or a writer, then in 2009 I decided I could maybe combine both, so started watching again with the intent of learning the roster to apply to a few positions and got hooked again.

Of course that means I entirely missed the Attitude Era, the Monday Night Wars, ECW, and pretty much everything everyone says was awesome.

Of course there are times I stopped watching WWE but it is not due to anything WWE did or didn't do. Sometimes there are better shows out there and I am too lazy to catch up on missed Raw/Smackdowns. Sometimes it was due to real life interfering. Nowadays I only catch Raw and highlights of Smackdowns on youtube.

There is no need to prove any WWE hardcore cred by watching 'every' WWE shit. Wrestling just isn't a big enough passion for me to quit after seeing something or follow 100% because OMG it is awesome. I also tried to avoid the forums until recently because of all the whining. Sometimes the whining is just an excuse to say WWE or Cena sucks which gets boring after the first 3 times.
I began watching wrestling in 1982 with Angelo Poffo's ICW promotion. As my interest grew, I watched EVERY wrestling program that was available on my cable network (Georgia, Mid-Atlantic, Memphis, WWF, Continental, AWA, etc.) I watched wrestling religiously up until 1993, when I went off to college. From 1993 to 1996, I drifted away due to sundry other interests, but never stopped watching completely. Some friends told me I should really start watching what we now know as the "Monday Night Wars". So, I started watching the weekly shows again, continuing up until about 2001. I was in grad school at that time, and at that point, my life was pretty much consumed by this endeavor. I did not watch wrestling at all for the next four years. I came back again in 2005, due to a coworker who was a huge WWE fan. I watched WWE (and later TNA) consistently again from 2005 to 2012 until the switch to the 3-hour format. Over the last year and a half, my interest in WWE has greatly waned, and I would now describe myself as a casual watcher. I actually now watch more ROH and TNA, primarily b/c it is closer to the shows I watched as a kid. WWE has really grown stale to me and I'm probably on the verge of drifting away completely now. I LOVED wrestling for well over 25 years, but the state of the game today, for me, pales in comparison to what it was even 10-15 years ago. I don't see any improvements, but rather, regression. I honestly don't see myself becoming a consistent watcher again unless the profession changes tremendously.
I don't believe this post for a second :lol:

There was not a wrestling fan alive who did not get caught up in Stone Cold's run to the title.

Untrue. Not everyone is an Austin fan. I've always found him limited and boring. The only time I liked Austin was when he turned heel in 2001, he finally became interesting and his moveset was much better suited to a heel wrestler. Then WWE chickened out and immediately turned him face again.
Untrue. Not everyone is an Austin fan. I've always found him limited and boring. The only time I liked Austin was when he turned heel in 2001, he finally became interesting and his moveset was much better suited to a heel wrestler. Then WWE chickened out and immediately turned him face again.

I won't argue with you about his wrestling ability, he became severe limited after Owen Hart nearly crippled him.

But you're saying you liked him in 2001, which by then, his knees were shot also.

Whatever, to each his own. But this idea, that the other poster put out there, that people who were into Austin were "sheep" is absurd.

Those "sheep" are the reason WHY Austin got pushed to the moon. The office never had grand plans for him to be the face of the company. The fans are the ones who forced the WWE's hand. "Sheep" means that they blindly follow along with what they are told to be into.
I'm in the UK and my first experience of the WWF was Royal Rumble 2000, I was 12 and there was a lot of buzz at school about the Rumble. It was also being broadcast for free over here so I checked it out. I haven't stopped watching since.

Sure there's been times where I really considered throwing in the towel, in 2008 I struggled, but that was mostly due to my life situation.

They got me for life it seems, and lately I'm really happy and optimistic with the WWE product. But mostly due to NXT
Yes. I stopped watching completely from 2005 - 2012. I think WrestleMania 21 was the last I watched until WrestleMania 27 with Rock vs Cena.

Even now, I only watch occasional RAWs and PPVs. I've gone back and checked out a few angles in the time period I missed, mainly the Summer of Punk and Bret Hart's return.
For a 3 or 4 month period in 2009 I did. I was burnt out and needed a break (I had been watching since 99). The product wasn't the best at the time although being burnt out may have played a role in my feeling towards it. I only watch WWE, so I completely stopped watching wrestling. The first show I watched when I came back was the little people court episode, so that stopped me until someone told me Bret Hart was returning. Since then, I have only missed a few Raws. DVR ensures I don't miss Raw now (though I stopped watching Smackdown last year). Without that (or the network that allows me to watch their PPVs whenever) I would rarely watch.
I watched periodically throughout 2008 and then just completely stopped watching in 2009. The only thing I watched was wrestlemania 25 that year. Then after Wrestlemania 26 I started watching again and I haven't missed many Raws or PPVs since then. Im glad I didn't watch in 2009 because I think it was a crap year anyway.
I've been watching since 1997 at the age of 9. I initially followed WWE & WCW then later on ROH & TNA as well. I stopped watching weekly from about 2007 to 2010 although I would still watch a DVD or PPV sometimes. Currently I watch RAW and all the WWE PPV's and alot of older stuff from WWE / ROH / TNA on DVD or stuff I've downloaded. I'll watch smackdown, ROH TV & Impact every now and then.
Around the time the Chris Benoit incident happened. I had to stop watching for a couple years. I don't think I started watching again until around the time The Nexus started, maybe a bit earlier.
Compliments to the OP. This is an excellent thread topic.

I started watching and became a fan in 1996 after my cousin took me to see my first live event in Richmond, VA. It was a WWF house show. I was hooked from then on and haven't looked back. My viewership of the WWE has lessened a tremendous deal over the years, as the product has been on a steady decline ever since the start of the Brand Division/the horrific mismanagement of the Invasion. Once those dark days hit, I started searching for alternatives and that was when I became a serious historian of the business as a whole and got into watching the older stuff from the other promotions during the territory days on tape. I also found other current promotions to watch and go see on the independent circuit. Finally, the likes of ROH and TNA arrived.

As for the WWE, I stopped watching for the first time around '00-'01. Why? The McMahon-Helmsley Era/Power Trip (an era they are grievously repeating as we speak). It started when they did the angle where Austin got run over by the car in the parking garage (and it turned out to be Rikishi in what seemed like a last-minute storyline having nothing whatsoever to do with the Authority storyline of the day because even then WWE couldn't consciously book its way out of a paper bag).

With Austin gone and Triple H forcing himself into the main event scene and controlling everything and just basically ruining everything that had come before him...I stopped. I didn't watch again until Austin returned and put an end to the McMahon-Helmsley Era. Things just continued to get crazier after that, though.

I stopped watching again around '02-'05. The reason, again, was Triple H. He'd forced himself back on top, this time ripping off the Four Horsemen in the process with Evolution. Some consider it to be a damn fine era. I do not. Not by a long-shot. Mainly because we as a fanbase had only just recovered from one of the worst eras ever. There wasn't enough time between these long periods. Once they succeeded in grasping all the gold, I stopped watching. I tuned back in briefly when Goldberg showed up and was elated when he won the World Heavyweight Title away from Triple H. I tuned right back out a couple months later when Triple H won it back.

After that, despite some pretty awesome angles that went on during the next few years, I rarely watched between 2006 and 2013. The reason, for once, wasn't Triple H. I entered into some pretty crazy living situations where I didn't have any cable. I still kept tabs on it all via the internet (still do), and during the one-year period when I had cable back I watched religiously. However, in 2013, I cut it off for the last time when the current McMahon-Helmsley Era II began and haven't watched an episode since. It's still going on without any signs of stopping despite the need to have done so a long time ago.

You might have noticed a pattern there LOL. I don't outright hate Triple H. I do have some respect for him. After all, as Katt Williams would say, he followed the Pimp Manual right down to the letter. He's carved out quite a history for himself and he'll be remembered by many for it and one day I'm sure he'll book himself into the Hall of Fame.

It's just that he was so ridiculously and irritatingly selfish during those first five years that he kept himself on top. Every Raw was about him, two hours of Triple H every week. He almost never lost. There was never any real payoff, and that may be the biggest problem. A payoff is extremely important when it comes to super-heels and super-heel stories. You need that as a fan. A grand and glorious moment where the S.O.B. on the other side finally gets some five-star, knock-down, drag-out comeuppance.

That almost never happened for Triple H. Sure he lost a match once in an extremely rare blue moon, but there wasn't any real payoff because he always booked himself to look strongest even in loss. My other huge problem with him back in those days was that many a rising star was shattered to make Hunter look the way he made himself look. Many a great wrestler was booked into oblivion during those years. That man had a profound influence over the creative direction of the company and he used it only to put himself over...and over and over and over. Title reigns mean nothing when you give them to yourself.

Worst of all, he wasn't even that good to begin with. That's what pissed me off about the whole 'B+ Daniel Bryan' thing. Trips was NEVER that A+ guy. King of Kings? Please. He was just the guy who just so happened to be across the ring from Kings. You guys want to give Cena guff over his 5 moves of doom? Triple H only has three, if that. At least Cena has two different ways he can end a match. Don't get me wrong, I know he can cut a mean promo and yes, there've been moments where I was H's biggest fan - and all of those times, he was a babyface. But still...I know I'm not the only one.

Just one man's opinion, I guess. Rant over.
Compliments to the OP. This is an excellent thread topic.

I started watching and became a fan in 1996 after my cousin took me to see my first live event in Richmond, VA. It was a WWF house show. I was hooked from then on and haven't looked back. My viewership of the WWE has lessened a tremendous deal over the years, as the product has been on a steady decline ever since the start of the Brand Division/the horrific mismanagement of the Invasion. Once those dark days hit, I started searching for alternatives and that was when I became a serious historian of the business as a whole and got into watching the older stuff from the other promotions during the territory days on tape. I also found other current promotions to watch and go see on the independent circuit. Finally, the likes of ROH and TNA arrived.

As for the WWE, I stopped watching for the first time around '00-'01. Why? The McMahon-Helmsley Era/Power Trip (an era they are grievously repeating as we speak). It started when they did the angle where Austin got run over by the car in the parking garage (and it turned out to be Rikishi in what seemed like a last-minute storyline having nothing whatsoever to do with the Authority storyline of the day because even then WWE couldn't consciously book its way out of a paper bag).

With Austin gone and Triple H forcing himself into the main event scene and controlling everything and just basically ruining everything that had come before him...I stopped. I didn't watch again until Austin returned and put an end to the McMahon-Helmsley Era. Things just continued to get crazier after that, though.

I stopped watching again around '02-'05. The reason, again, was Triple H. He'd forced himself back on top, this time ripping off the Four Horsemen in the process with Evolution. Some consider it to be a damn fine era. I do not. Not by a long-shot. Mainly because we as a fanbase had only just recovered from one of the worst eras ever. There wasn't enough time between these long periods. Once they succeeded in grasping all the gold, I stopped watching. I tuned back in briefly when Goldberg showed up and was elated when he won the World Heavyweight Title away from Triple H. I tuned right back out a couple months later when Triple H won it back.

After that, despite some pretty awesome angles that went on during the next few years, I rarely watched between 2006 and 2013. The reason, for once, wasn't Triple H. I entered into some pretty crazy living situations where I didn't have any cable. I still kept tabs on it all via the internet (still do), and during the one-year period when I had cable back I watched religiously. However, in 2013, I cut it off for the last time when the current McMahon-Helmsley Era II began and haven't watched an episode since. It's still going on without any signs of stopping despite the need to have done so a long time ago.

You might have noticed a pattern there LOL. I don't outright hate Triple H. I do have some respect for him. After all, as Katt Williams would say, he followed the Pimp Manual right down to the letter. He's carved out quite a history for himself and he'll be remembered by many for it and one day I'm sure he'll book himself into the Hall of Fame.

It's just that he was so ridiculously and irritatingly selfish during those first five years that he kept himself on top. Every Raw was about him, two hours of Triple H every week. He almost never lost. There was never any real payoff, and that may be the biggest problem. A payoff is extremely important when it comes to super-heels and super-heel stories. You need that as a fan. A grand and glorious moment where the S.O.B. on the other side finally gets some five-star, knock-down, drag-out comeuppance.

That almost never happened for Triple H. Sure he lost a match once in an extremely rare blue moon, but there wasn't any real payoff because he always booked himself to look strongest even in loss. My other huge problem with him back in those days was that many a rising star was shattered to make Hunter look the way he made himself look. Many a great wrestler was booked into oblivion during those years. That man had a profound influence over the creative direction of the company and he used it only to put himself over...and over and over and over. Title reigns mean nothing when you give them to yourself.

Worst of all, he wasn't even that good to begin with. That's what pissed me off about the whole 'B+ Daniel Bryan' thing. Trips was NEVER that A+ guy. King of Kings? Please. He was just the guy who just so happened to be across the ring from Kings. You guys want to give Cena guff over his 5 moves of doom? Triple H only has three, if that. At least Cena has two different ways he can end a match. Don't get me wrong, I know he can cut a mean promo and yes, there've been moments where I was H's biggest fan - and all of those times, he was a babyface. But still...I know I'm not the only one.

Just one man's opinion, I guess. Rant over.
I agree with some of your points, yes we were overexposed to Triple H for a long time but he did do some good work putting other talent over, with Benoit defeating him and HBK at WM 20, Batista defeating him at WM 21 & Cena beating him at WM 22.

However he did hold the championship far too often times during that period and I never really saw the point of Orton winning it at Summerslam in '04 just to have Triple H take it off him at the next PPV. I think some of the booking early in Orton's career might have hurt him to an extent, in my opinion he has just never "quite" got there.
I agree with some of your points, yes we were overexposed to Triple H for a long time but he did do some good work putting other talent over, with Benoit defeating him and HBK at WM 20, Batista defeating him at WM 21 & Cena beating him at WM 22.

However he did hold the championship far too often times during that period and I never really saw the point of Orton winning it at Summerslam in '04 just to have Triple H take it off him at the next PPV. I think some of the booking early in Orton's career might have hurt him to an extent, in my opinion he has just never "quite" got there.

I heard that they only gave it to Orton because they wanted to overwrite the fact Lesnar was youngest world champ before then? I very well could be wrong but that's just what I had heard :p

I don't really agree with Triple H taking over the show for what you're saying as 2000-2014. I mean evolution basically existed to put over Orton and Batista, dare I say it worked way too well. Since then Orton became a 12 time world champ, Batista won it how many times? And since, Trips won it quite a few times. Granted I never saw the 4 Horsemen so you might be right. I personally liked Triple H as the omega heel for all that time. Yet his being an 11? time world champion just proves he helped trying to put new guys over.

Then again, TheNewGeneration...he did kinda push everyone else down to do it. One of my favorite feuds is the one he had with HBK...one of the feuds that gets you into wrestling. Then he recreated DX is 2006 basically to not be in the main event a Cena/Edge/Orton had taken it on Raw. But I do love all your points :) sorry Triple H has been such a thorn in your side for so long
Definitely an awesome thread especially since so many of us seem to have stopped at one point or another.

When Rocky starting going part-time and Austin was always injured, I started losing interest especially after WCW was gone (stopped watching them anyway when Russo killed them), and Vince ruined the Invasion angle (something we all hoped would be soooo much better, but wasn't because of contracts).

I stuck around until 2002 (Mania 18) after a dedicated 4 year stretch (1998-2002). Not being able to see Goldberg, HBK come back, DDP used correctly, and all the other top guys I hoped for, but seeing Jericho get a main event spot at Mania was the last straw for me. I stopped like a week after cold turkey.

The fact that I was a senior in highschool and was having a blast at house parties, and messing with a bunch of hot chicks didn't help either. It was going to take the aforementioned things to keep me interested in wrestling. None of it happened and I quit.

Of course, Goldberg, Steiner, HBK, etc all came back less than a year later, and Rock also beat Austin at Mania....I missed all of it and had to watch it after the fact. Biggest regret of my life. I Missed Brock's whole reign too, same with Batista, and Hogan's red and yellow return, plus Bishoff. God the regret! lol. I checked in periodically to see what was up, but it wasn't ever like the dedication I had from 1998-2002.

When Rocky came back in 2011, I started again and swore I'd stick around to see off the old school guys in their final run (Rock, HHH, Taker, Austin, Batista etc) since I'd never get another chance again.
I've only taken one break and one short hiatus from all wrestling since I started watching in 2003/2004.

The first break I took started at the end of 2008. Before that, my family and I were dropping about 100-150 dollars on wrestling every month. 50 bucks for WWE, 40 for TNA and then some for DVDs, Shirts, the WWE Magazine, etc. My mom and dad got a divorce, and I just couldn't watch wrestling the same after that. My friend who often would watch the PPVs with us would keep me informed about what was going on. I think I watched the week The Nexus debuted, but that was really it. Then in 2011, I got back into it from the same friend telling me about how CM Punk broke script the Monday prior and went rogue and was going back to RoH with the WWE Championship. Then I got hooked on it.

The other break was very short, at the end of 2012/start of 2013 was a really critical time for my school work and I had just gotten a boyfriend. So, obviously I wanted to spend time with other things. (I also didn't care how the Rock beat CM Punk at RR) I started watching just WWE Raw and an occasional PPV every now and then starting at Payback of 2013...things didn't go well between me and my ex and wrestling was still the one thing that comforts me.
I have consistently stopped watching for extended periods, picking up periodically, since about 2002. This has been the best as I simply visited all the awesome stuff on YouTube during dire boredom, avoiding all of the crap during my wrestling viewing hiatuses.
After Wrestlemania 27. I was really passionate in years before that, watching years of videos on youtube, reading what hapened before and even have gone to house show that was in my country(which is exactly one they had over last 20 years probably). But after that dreadfull Mania I just lost interest a bit(plus I had death of family member around that time so I kinda lost interest in lots of things after that). Even managed to miss that cool "Summer of Punk" and had to rewatch few of things that happened in that 6+ months I didnt watch because next time I gain some interest was before Wrestlemania 28 and wanted to see what are they gona do with Rock/Cena "Once in a lifetime" match. :lol:

Btw cool thread. :)

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