WTF is the point of the elimination chamber ppv???


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the elimination chamber ppv is supposed to be there for a last opprtunity to headline wrestlemania by winning the title , right? so what the hell is the rumble for???
in my opinion EC takes away the prestige of the rumble win as you know 5 other guys are gonna get a title shot before you, also wwe says the road to wrestlemania starts at the royal rumble, but does it? EC changes everything in relation to wrestlemania.
survivor series is being considered to be cancelled due to its poor ratings, maybe its because it has no incentive for people to watch , why dont they have a chamber match with the winner (or sole survivor) getting a title shot at the following ppv, maybe add starcadde back into the line up gve the wwe season two big ppvs and two "roads" to immortality

what do you think they shoudl do with the elimination chamber and its ppv?
should they add another big event such as starcade with good storyline lead ups like wrestlemania???
The Elimination chamber has died down over the last few years, due to having two elimination chambers. If I recall, they used to have one chamber match, and then the brand of the rumble winner would fight in a single match.

But now a days unless the story line calls for it, the rumble winner doesn't pick who he wants to fight until after the chamber. They do this because of the title matches, you can't pick to fight John Cena if Cena loses the title in the Chamber. And it's rules in the "contract" that the Rumble winner doesn't have to pick until after the Elimination Chamber.

It's more of a "bridge" type of PPV. They can have it to set up, or influence story lines. For example, in the Chamber last year, HBK wanted to fight Undertaker but was denied. So Shawn interfered in the match, and coasted Taker the title.

Plus, everybody loves the match. The gimmick is another reason for the ppv, with the high risks in the cage, risking the career right before Mania. It just adds to the excitement.
CHALLENGER: Must survive the Royal Rumble to prove he is worthy of WrestleMania title shot.
CHAMPION: Must survive 5 other men... in THE CHAMBER... to prove himself worthy of defending the title at WrestleMania.

The Road to WrestleMania is paved with impossible odds...
The Royal Rumble has never been called the last event to Main Event at Wrestlemania. It has always been called the Event where one man receives a main event title shot at Wrestlemania. The Rumble still has its purpose to main event WM. And the Elimination chamber has its purpose too! The EC is there to give a chance to have a new champion. Doesn't take away from the Rumble Winner they still get their shot at WM.

The point of EC is entertainment and a sweet match with carnage. I personally love the ppv! I think it is a great concept! It provides us with something in between the rumble and WM, not that it needs it but nowadays since the WWE can not make storylines. So it is a good thing they have EC because it is a buffer for the time being.
I agree and would think the best thing to do considering Royal Rumble is the road to wrestle mania, it makes more sense just to switch EC PPV and RR PV, have the royal rumble before WM instead of, as you said, bridge the EC in between
I agree. In fact I've made countless posts and even a few threads about this. They should just make the EC a yearly event in between SummerSlam and Survivor Series.

But remember, No Way Out was the same way. It's the LAST SHOT at Mania. It was years before EC became a PPV. It kills time and fills out the other matches for Mania.
i like the elimination chamber...but the match itself to me is kind of pointless because you can hold an elimination style match in a hell in the cell or actually even a cage match (although it would be a tight space).

i think also having it at a certain ppv at the same time every year takes away from the surprise of both the EC and hell in a cell matches.
Its just a way of taking away the title from your champion to give it to somebody else who has to main event Wrestlemania. Like HBK wanted a retirement match with Taker in 2010 and Jericho/ Edge were erstwhile friends who the WWE wanted to have a match, so they made Taker drop the title to Jericho and Edge win the Rumble. The EC is a good way to switch titles because the probability of the champ losing it is higher due to many opponents and the brutality of the cage, so its easier than losing in a singles' match.
The Elimination chamber has died down over the last few years, due to having two elimination chambers. If I recall, they used to have one chamber match, and then the brand of the rumble winner would fight in a single match.

Since they started the Elimination Chamber matches at No Way Out, they've had two Chamber matches. Not just one.

And WWE has always had a title match at the Feb PPV.

in my opinion EC takes away the prestige of the rumble win as you know 5 other guys are gonna get a title shot before you, also wwe says the road to wrestlemania starts at the royal rumble, but does it? EC changes everything in relation to wrestlemania

It doesn't when people want to MAIN EVENT wrestlemania since Wrestlemania is the biggest thing ever. Angle lost the title in Feb to The Rock after Austin won the Rumble in 01 for example. Didn't "ruin" Mania.

Also the Chamber matches have been GOOD since the Feb. chamber matches. Crowd was highly into it, and goes crazy for the end.
but rather than use it to switch the titles around why dont the wwe use the rumble for that or maybe a normal ppv instead , i see no point of the EC right before mania as it just takes away the build ups of what used to be
i like where EC is currently slated in the yearly ppv format. as its been stated, it provides a bridge in the road to wrestlemania. helps flesh out the matches 4 mania and nearly all EC matches ive seen have been exciting. i do like what a previous poster said about having EC at Survivor Series and having it be its feature. but id much rather see SSeries adopt wcw's old Wargames main event format.
all EC is good for its a random way to put the guy they want in mania with the title.. dont be suprised HHH wins the rumble then shamus wins the title at EC or orton wins ec and faces HHH at mania.
its the easyest way to set up mania for both brands. dont be suprised if you see taker screw cane out of the title setting up kane vs taker WM or cena vs punk or orton vs HHH lot of ways even gives time for jericho to come back as the suprise entrant in ec
I agree...I feel the EC would be a better PPV if they had it after WM. If EC was the PPV after WM it would be a perfect opportunity for the post WM champions to show their dominance and further prove their spot at the top of the company. Having it before WM gives them a chance to strengthen the card at WM so I understand why they have it when they do. I just think it would be a stronger and more significant PPV if it was held after WM. I love the EC matches for the most part, but they tend to be predictable if the WWE wants certain matches for WM.
I'm going to disagree here. We're talking about Wrestlemania here. Not Starrcade. Not Bound For Glory. Wrestlemania. The biggest event in company history. Even non-wrestling fans know that. The Elimination Chamber makes sense after Royal Rumble because anyone who makes it out with a title or title shot is certainly deserving of a chance to main event Wrestlemania. No, it doesn't make much sense for 5 other people to get a title shot first, but it does also give that element of surprise. Let's look at last year when Edge won the Rumble. At that time, Seamus was WWE champion and Undertaker was WHC. Either match would have been fantastic, but they had been teasing HBK vs. Taker for months, so we pretty much knew he was going to lose the title. All in all, he could have ended up facing Seamus, HHH, Cena, Orton, Undertaker, Jericho, Mysterio, or Punk (because let's be honest, Kingston, Morrison, or DiBiase were NOT going to win) all of which would have been fantastic matches and he could have faced any of them. In actuality, not all of those would have made a ton of sense, but we don't know, they could surprise us. Going back to the Undertaker, the EC set up not one, but two matches. Ultimately, the Chamber does make sense.
WWE isn't about logic anymore, the Rumble is simply a gimmick to sell more PPV's to make money.
Elimination Chamber is simply the PPV before Mania that was a sitting duck kind until 2008 when they introduced the chambers and "last chance" shot at main eventing Wrestlemania, which now means in theoretical terms it's a "must see" show which in turn sells more PPV's which makes WWE MORE MONEY.

The good ol days of having 5 PPV's a year have gone and won't return PPV builds have lessend and the way forward is more PPV's to be added, and that means in the future we might get 3 different PPV's allowing chances to main event Wrestlemania.

Over all I'm generally not impressed by Elimination Chamber one bit, I believe it's been over used and should of been used at the right time due to it's uniqueness having it used once twice in a night was fun, but in that type of match there is only a certain amount of things you can do without it being repetitive so WWE adding the last chance line gives it another edge but in reality it's WWE knows they've overused the concept and are trying to put a new spin on it.
I dont think it takes anything from the royal rumble at all. The winner still gets a title shot against whoever he chooses and he doesnt have to choose right away.

It fits perfectly for WWE. Its genious for them to do it. They may have their Wrestlemania plans lined up before it, but with EC they can easily change it within 30 days or so for whatever reason. It makes wrestlemania seem more unpredictable and keeps you guessing for a bit longer. RR is the beginning and EC pretty much cements the final card for wrestlemania. I love it.
I'm pretty sure that (from a cynical point of view) the point of the chamber is too get the belts on the people with the biggest drawing value before Wrestlemania, without making the previous champs look too weak.

To be honest, I think the Elimination Chamber concept has run its course, I'd rather see it replaced with another PPV, preferably going back to No Way Out, as that was never as focused on the Elimination Chamber gimmick.
I personally love the EC, but is should be kept far away from the Survivor Series. Survivor Series was originally a show filled with 4 on 4 elimination matches with all sorts of teams being thrown together. Survivor Series used to be must-see for this reason, now they just have one or two of those matches for "nostalgia". Go watch the 1990 Survivor Series in particular, but just about any one from the mid 90s and back will be in this format.

Back to the topic, Elimination Chamber adds that feel of a big match, and in no way lessens the importance of the Royal Rumble. If anything it's an actual "wrestling" version of the Royal Rumble with a similar countdown before a superstar enters the ring. Unfortunately WWE likes to give us too much of a good thing with their best gimmicks (hell in a cell, money in the bank, ec, 40 man royal rumble, fatal four ways, etc) and ultimately becomes so lazy with their booking they MUST devote and ENTIRE ppv to just one of these types of matches in repetition.
The Elimination Chamber is perfect as is. Last year, it was the third most bought pay per view after the Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania. The WWE is obviously doing something right.

What's the point, the point is the Champions of their respective brands don't get a free 10 weeks to Wrestlemania anymore after the Royal Rumble. It levels the playing field. The winner of the Royal Rumble has to win a match with 39 other men. Now the Champion has to go through a meat grinder of a match with arguably the 5 best wrestlers on his brand.

Now, the Rumble winner can just sit back, and pick what he perceives as the weaker champion coming out of the Chamber. The Elimination Chamber is fine where it is, no need to change it.
I'm going to be arguing the case for the elimination chamber, and for it being where it is more specifically. I see two key reasons why the elimination chamber deserves to be the PPV prior to the big one:

1) Vehicle for suprises/returns
2) Exciting

1) - Simple enough. People have made the arguement that the elimination chamber is too late for a certain superstar to return and go feud into mania. I disagree. I think if HHH were to return in that match it'd be just as much of a moment as in the rumble and the resulting feud, likely with Sheamus, would be as good as if it had an extra month on it because the momentum HHH would come back with wouldn't have the chance to drop in the few weeks leading up to mania.

Look at last years elimination chamber. HBK comes in at the last minute and delivers a sweet chin music to undertaker giving Jericho the world heavyweight championship and locking in their feud for the epic rematch leading to his retirement. That was the Smackdown elimination chamber. In the Raw chamber, Cena recaptured his WWE championship only to have McMahon force him into a match Batista who came in a gained a MITB style victory winning the belt and setting up their feud for mania. Yes. The three biggest matches going into mania all hinged on the suprises that went down in that PPV. It has the potential to do the same this year.

2) - Even simpler. Elimination chamber is IMO the best match formulated in the last decade. OK there weren't many new matches made, but of the ones that were it was most probably the best. Unless TLC counts, and even then it's a toss-up. The structure opens up so much oppertunity for new and original spots and allows three sets of opponents to go at it at one given time. It's like x1.5 of a fatal four way with the best cage structure outside of HIAC and the mini-rumble feature of the random next opponent who enters the match. I can't see a more exciting match type that you would want to have going into mania itself.

The only flaw like all of the gimmick PPV matches is that they pretty much ruin the chance for that match type to occur at another PPV. That means the match type isn't based around the feud, the feud has to be adapted to the match no matter if it is a week old or 3 months. That is unfortunately a common feature and shortfall of every gimmick PPV, nothing elim. chamber can do to prevent that.

Either way this is the PPV I would have before mania if I was booking, just a shame that the PPV's you have to choose from are so short-sighted. PRO ELIMINATION CHAMBER.
I personally do not like the gimmick PPV such as hell in a cell, TLC and elimination chamber if the want to have 2 chamber matches put them in the survivor series ppv and go back to the no way out ppv just before Wrestlemania
I think I can understand what the OP is trying to get at but I do not think that the EC diminishes the prestige of the Royal Rumble in any form. Firstly the guy who qualifies for an EC match has a lesser chance of winning the title as compared to the guy who wins the Royal Rumble as the winner of the Royal Rumble generally faces the champion at WrestleMania in a one on one match. Secondly its a great way for a champion to prove his worth. The winner of the Royal Rumble went through 29 other men( 39 this time round) to win his title shot. A chaampion cannot claaim to be on the same level unless he does something equally worthy. Hence we have the EC match which is an equally gruelling match. Now it really becomes a clash of the eqauls as the winner of an EC match is just as worthy as the winner of the Royal Rumble match.

Also its a match type that most fans like a lot and unlike the HIAC match, there is no other way to have an EC match other than to make it mandatory to have one, which this PPV does.
WWE isn't about logic anymore, the Rumble is simply a gimmick to sell more PPV's to make money.
Elimination Chamber is simply the PPV before Mania that was a sitting duck kind until 2008 when they introduced the chambers and "last chance" shot at main eventing Wrestlemania, which now means in theoretical terms it's a "must see" show which in turn sells more PPV's which makes WWE MORE MONEY.

The good ol days of having 5 PPV's a year have gone and won't return PPV builds have lessened and the way forward is more PPV's to be added, and that means in the future we might get 3 different PPV's allowing chances to main event Wrestlemania.

Good ol days? They only had 5 PPVs a year for 2 years in 93 and 94. Then the In Your House PPVs started in 95.

Were those PPVs that bad after 95?

WWE and the Pay Per View companies make money off of 13 a year. No way in hell would they lesson them. And that still doesn't guarantee the shows would be good.
the elimination chamber ppv is supposed to be there for a last opprtunity to headline wrestlemania by winning the title , right? so what the hell is the rumble for???
in my opinion EC takes away the prestige of the rumble win as you know 5 other guys are gonna get a title shot before you, also wwe says the road to wrestlemania starts at the royal rumble, but does it? EC changes everything in relation to wrestlemania.
survivor series is being considered to be cancelled due to its poor ratings, maybe its because it has no incentive for people to watch , why dont they have a chamber match with the winner (or sole survivor) getting a title shot at the following ppv, maybe add starcadde back into the line up gve the wwe season two big ppvs and two "roads" to immortality

what do you think they shoudl do with the elimination chamber and its ppv?
should they add another big event such as starcade with good storyline lead ups like wrestlemania???

1. Leave it; having the 6 man elimination match makes the winner of that match look strong heading into 'Mania to face the Rumble Winner. Also; the Chamber match sets up some of the other non-title feuds (Taker/HBK) and allows a midcarder to get a quick taste of a title match to see if they're worthy of a push going forward or not (Legacy/JoMO last year).

2. Starcade: NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER. There is *ahem* NO CHANCE IN HELL that Vince McMahon would ever use a WcW PPV therefore it's just a waste of time and space to ask for it. If they build SummerSlam or Survivor Series right; they could make due with what they have. That's the issue. If the booking, emphasis and the build up was correct; Bragging Rights could be the next big's all in the marketing/booking/build-up

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