
I'm guessing this is the same guy who sent me a PM, so since he can't read any PMs I send back, I'll reply here:

Your PM said:
ok first off how can you say that me posting a post about donald trump is spamming? can you answer that to me.. Second where do you see spamming in place before you make accusations make sure you know what spam is. here Spam is the abuse of electronic messaging systems (including most broadcast media, digital delivery systems) to send unsolicited bulk messages indiscriminately. While the most widely recognized form of spam is e-mail spam, the term is applied to similar abuses in other media: instant messaging spam, Usenet newsgroup spam, Web search engine spam, spam in blogs, wiki spam, online classified ads spam, mobile phone messaging spam, Internet forum spam, junk fax transmissions, and file sharing network spam. did i post advertisements.No exactly unless you can explain to me how i was spamming stop making accusations. Thank you and have a nice day

1) What I gave you was a warning, and had exactly dick to do with anything. It was just a flashy little yellow light, warning you to be careful.

2) Here at WZ, we classify what you posted as an abuse of our electronic system, bogging down our servers with useless information...you know, spam. Your post did not contribute to the thread, and thus did nothing but bog down our servers with uselessness, which is the CORRECT version of spam, not the definition you cut and pasted from Wikipedia. And yes, I know you cut and pasted your information, because there is a difference between your grammar and spelling and the definitions grammar and spelling.

3) You didn't read the rules. If you had, you'd understand why your post was spam, according to WZ rules.

4) Regarding your post about freedom of speech, you clearly don't understand what that means. Freedom of speech means that you cannot be legally imprisoned for saying what you want to say, as long as what you say doesn't put people's lives in danger. It prevents the government from becoming a dictatorship. What it does NOT do, however, is protect you from the consequences of that speech. In this case, your speech violated our rules, and thus, your consequence was a warning (and now being put in the Prison of WZ). If you go on TV and call someone a child molester, you can be sued for slander. Freedom of speech only protects you from the government and government related issues. It does not apply on a independently and privately owned message board forum, which may not even exist on a server in the United States.

5) You're a dumbass.
Did anyone read his message in the complaint thread?

KB fucking owned him. It was amazing.
[QUOTE="The Olympic Hero" Christian Battlez;1160802]Welcome to prison Im gonna warn you its really lonely in here. But you should be fine...just don't drop the soap...[/QUOTE]

Battlez....what're you going to do to this young man if he drops the soap? lol.

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