
I never said I hate you, its not your fault your ugly, however if you werent inbred it might help, but i digress.
My point is all the virgins who salivate over you are pathetic.
And the only way you will ever be awesome is if

A; you were american
B; you invested thousands in plastic surgery
c; you then Shot yourself in the face thus destroying that monstrosity you call a mug.

Yes, because a picture alone tells someone that the person is inbred doesn't it? Where's your fucking logic.

Virgins here are only virgins cause they don't want to lose it to you.

I'm not a virgin yet I do what you just said... am I pathetic? What I find pathetic personally is that you're there calling someone ugly when chances are you don't really see the opposite sex that much to tell because you're too busy on these forums to go out and see the world. The sight of boobs probably confuses you.

A: So thats basically being racist
B: Yes, cause that worked for Michael Jackson didn't it?
C: The problem you seem to realise is most people wish the gun to be pointed at you instead, thus destroying this very opposite vision of Becca that you seem to have compared to other people's view... oh, and also your life. Good times.

Oh, and lets see a picture of you shall we?
Yes, because a picture alone tells someone that the person is inbred doesn't it? Where's your fucking logic.

Virgins here are only virgins cause they don't want to lose it to you.

I'm not a virgin yet I do what you just said... am I pathetic? What I find pathetic personally is that you're there calling someone ugly when chances are you don't really see the opposite sex that much to tell because you're too busy on these forums to go out and see the world. The sight of boobs probably confuses you.

A: So thats basically being racist
B: Yes, cause that worked for Michael Jackson didn't it?
C: The problem you seem to realise is most people wish the gun to be pointed at you instead, thus destroying this very opposite vision of Becca that you seem to have compared to other people's view... oh, and also your life. Good times.

Oh, and lets see a picture of you shall we?

Just what i would expect from a bitch like you
While I am a straight man, I was referring to the fact that for me to sleep with her, I would have to be blind,and more desperate than yourself.
As thats never going to happen, Let me put it like this. I wouldnt fuck that broad with YOUR dick. Cmon have you seen her picture? EEEWWW , Id tap Chyna before id hit that.

Its obvious you'd tap Chyna before that, because Chyna's muscles would mean she'd be in control... because judging by your own life, you can't seem to take control of yourself very well... otherwise you wouldn't be inprisioned in the first place.

I'm quite glad you wouldn't fuck her with my dick... because that would be disgusting... I mean, something of such greatness attached onto you. Bloody hell, I can't think of anything worse! Thats so downgrading. I think only the sex itself would make up for it (Y)

And of course you wouldn't tap Becca... only because she wouldn't even let you! That would be an insult to her.
He is spanking to your picture as we speak

Where are you? On theotherside of the window? *Comedy drum fill*

Um.. No seriously... spanking a virtual picture would be the most pointless wrist exercise ever... I mean what does hitting a computer screen open palmed achieve?

If you meant something that rhymes with spanking then it might have been more logical.

You really suck at this.
Come back when you know what you're talking about.

Until then, you're losing your own thread :) Chow.
Where are you? On theotherside of the window? *Comedy drum fill*

Um.. No seriously... spanking a virtual picture would be the most pointless wrist exercise ever... I mean what does hitting a computer screen open palmed achieve?

If you meant something that rhymes with spanking then it might have been more logical.

You really suck at this.

What the fuck are you talking about, you are a fucking idiot.
You are spanking your shit to her picture,in America we use spanking as you use Wanking so its not my fault that you are an idiot.

Ps you arent funny at all, why dont you pull your cock out of your dads ass and think a little harder before you try to insult someone.

Talking to you is like talking to someone with alzheimers, its funny, but for all the wrong reasons.


What the fuck are you talking about, you are a fucking idiot.
You are spanking your shit to her picture,in America we use spanking as you use Wanking so its not my fault that you are an idiot.

Spanking my shit? That just sounds like some German porn gone wrong. Why would I give myself dirty hands.

Okay, in all fairness I do get what you're saying. But I just keep trying to give you hints to say it in a way that means it more literally, and you still fail to see that. So if you want to talk about who's wanking too much, I beg you to notice yourself... because you seem pretty fucking blind to me.

But yeah, here's you with your "In Americaaaaaa" gimmick once more.

You're reminding me of this:



Ps you arent funny at all, why dont you pull your cock out of your dads ass and think a little harder before you try to insult someone.

Its not the first time you've made references to incest in this thread, which tells me that you have a fetish for it. So I'm sorry that I'm going to have to ruin your fantasies by saying: "No, my cock is not up my dad's ass". I love the fact you made such a pathetic accusation and then said I had to try harder. I mean, only a second ago you said I was busy "spanking my shit" to a picture... so how would it then also be possible that my cock is elsewhere than my hand?

You contradicting son of a bitch :)

Talking to you is like talking to someone with alzheimers, its funny, but for all the wrong reasons.

Nice to know you can use scripted quotes. It's not hard, I mean just look:

"You must have been born on a highway cuz thats where most accidents happen"


PS. I actually know where abouts in a post I should say "PS" and its not in the middle.
lol. juggalo fans. thats like saying hulkamaniac fans. anyways, i have deciphered from this thread that plantastic apparently has two penises, and tos is king.
My Mum dont know you, you cant even have a good comeback seriously, your probablly got gang bangged by your dad and a few of his work colleagues last week or something, heres an idea why not go find a nice prostitute and then pay her to give you head instead of having your uncle billy do it for you...CUNT

Okay , first you were way to specific with your insult. I dont have an Uncle Billy. And no my father and his friends never gang banged me, however, your ability to come up with this rant makes me inclined to believe that you are projecting your own experiences on to me.

Now if your father and uncle took advantage of you, thats not your fault. Mkay, they were bad men and you were an innocent child stuck in the middle.
Its even okay if you liked it little buddy. It made you feel loved for once in your life and thats understandable. Mkay. I think you need to see a counselor and get your feelings worked out over your daddy uncle love triangle you got stuck in.

Good luck little buddy.
lol. juggalo fans. thats like saying hulkamaniac fans. anyways, i have deciphered from this thread that plantastic apparently has two penises, and tos is king.

Plantastic DOES have two penises. And if you add up their length together you get 1.5 millimeters.
And dont take my word for it IC has the pictures to prove it.
lol. juggalo fans. thats like saying hulkamaniac fans. anyways, i have deciphered from this thread that plantastic apparently has two penises, and tos is king.

Plantastic DOES have two penises. And if you add up their length together you get 1.5 millimeters.
And dont take my word for it IC has the pictures to prove it.

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