"Wrestling With Manhood" Movie.

14-Year Old Virgin

Dark Match Winner
This is a movie that I will never watch. All through our lives we have had to listen to these angry Mother groups telling us that video games cause violence and more. Here's where I draw the line. Is wrestling any different from the Soap Opera's these MOTHERS sit and watch day in and day out? Why is it that everyone, since the Benoit inccident, has jumped on the Wrestling Bashing Bandwagon? Is it just me? During the Benoit inccident I watched as Nancy Grace reported every LIE she could to defame wrestling any way she could. She reported that he was on a "Roid Rage" trip and brought in former WWE stars (BTW, The one's that ALL held some kind of grudge against the WWE), All in which would have no problem dragging the WWE though the mud.

First off, Someone on a Roid Rage Trip would have brutally murdered everyone in a matter of minutes versus DAYS. Secondly, After the autopsy came back, they only found TRACES of steriods, which would otherwise prove it was NOT a Roid Rage thing. But, the damage had already been done by BIAS reporting and a personal vendetta she herself has against not just the WWE but professional wrestling itself.

Now enter half ass movie makers to show the connection Wrestling has with Bully's, Domestic Violence, Relationship issues, & others. First off, Movies could account for more of this than ANY other industry when it comes to entertainment. There have been several movies about bullies through the years. Nope, They will ignore that completely. Gotta be because of wrestling. Domestic, Nothing like that has ever happen in MUSIC lyrics or Soap Opera's. Relationship issues? Blame all of the above.

All those excuses are BULLSHIT. Let's call it what it REALLY is. Let's blame the REAL people that are 100% the blame, The PARENTS of these children. It is your job as a PARENT to make sure you teach your children how to RESPECT people and to teach them RIGHT FROM WRONG. PERIOD. If you let said things mentioned (Wrestling, Video Games, Music, Soap Opera's) raise your children and teach them their life lessons, How in the hell do you think they will turn out? I am so sick and tired of listening to these bad parents get every excuse they can from these idiots its insane! A parent that opted to go to the bar and leave their children (Age 10 and below) home to play a "M" Rated game and play it on Xbox Live to boot, are the ones to blame for their children acting out whats in those games. NOT the game industry themselves.

This subject really chaps my ass. I was allowed to play any game I wanted, watch any movie, listen to any music, & even watch Soap Operas even though I never watched one. Why? Becuase my parents taught me that this is almost ALL fiction, an act if you will and they explained to me that only bad people do these things. If parents would take 5 minutes out of their busy day to actually sit down with them and read a good book to them or just hold them, children now-a-days wouldn't be given excuses to be bad or hurt people from left wing IDIOTS like these movie makers and Mothers against IDIOTS.

Stop blaming wrestling and look in the mirrior.

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