Does Anyone Want To See Vince McMahon Fail At Something To Do With Wrestling?

Vince is the man and the Mr. McMahon gimmick is one of my favorite gimmicks of all time. I don't think him failing is anything good for pro wrestling/sport entertainment. It's the only product that everyone sees in some form or another since it seems as if a lot of people don't watch TNA, if he fails, I think things will be sectioned off again to the various regions of the country. Besides, I think he deserves to be on top of the business the way he is, he went toe to toe with another giant in the business and came out the victor. I also think that the channel is a good idea and it's his last hurdle in becoming a full media giant.
I don't want Vince to fail, I will admit that programing has slowed down a bit. But shit that's how it was untill the Monday night wars started, we most likely will never see that kind of a boom again. But why wish bad on Vince, you are a wrestling fan. You are posting on a wrestling forum. Sure you have many other indi companys and Tna to watch. But this is the E we are talking about.

A 200 million dollar loss would allmost cripple the company. Sure Vince has a billion dollar plus company, but 200 million dollers down the drain isn't a piss in the bucket like Ecw or Xfl was. He can still sell Ecw and more on dvd's and scrape back his money. But if he sinks with this channel I see hard times for WWE. You can't get back your money on that, you can't sell dvds about how your tv station fucked up.

This channel could be an amazing thing for WWE. It could feature other promotions and indi feds. It could lead to more people going into the WWE that we love. Why would you want him to fail on this. It might be slow at the start, but if people like this. Who's to say Vince wouldn't gamble on getting other promotions under his belt. Look at the Ufc, they bought Strikeforce, Pride, Wec, they have all the tallent they could want. This could be more of the same.
Vince & WWE just took out a 200 million dollar loan for this new WWE channel... I personally would love to see the channel fail, and Vince actually lose his ass for once, and knock him down a step. Making a WWE channel I think is not needed for any wrestling organization. That's why you have the internet, and probably 80 % of the things that will be on that channel you can find for free on you tube and other sites.
Maybe they'll crack down on YouTube and "other sites" when the channel goes up. Because technically, that footage isn't supposed to be on there. It's on there because, as of right now, WWE doesn't really give a fuck. If they decide that that's going to change, then it will change.
Vince in my opinion needs to feel a loss in the wrestling world, and let him know that he is not invincible when it comes to the wrestling world. He in my opinion has/ is also damaging the wrestling landscape with all of his corporate WWE crap, and taking away legacies of alot of great wrestling athlete's from past and future..Not allowed to say the word "wrestling" to running wrestling show's like soap opera's with former soap opera writers.
Who the fuck has he taken away a legacy from besides Benoit? WWE kisses the asses of their past stars all the time. Rock, Stone Cold, Bret, Eddie, Edge, Shawn Michaels, and Trish are just a few names that INSTANTLY popped into my head. Just because they don't say "wrestling" means that they're damaging those people's legacies? Is that really what you're going on?
Their have been alot of employee wrestler's & behind the scene employee's that are quitting WWE, and I have a feeling they all feel the same way about the current, and future product that WWE is executing.
Like who? Name some specifics here.
I am not a WWE hater. Don't get me wrong, I just think that Vince needs to substain a huge loss somewhere in the wrestling world to wake him up, and let him realize that he doen't have the only wrestling related product on the planet, and that people/fans are not always going to worship WWE when they continue to feed fan's crap, they can't even call "wrestling" anymore.
Like someone else said, wanting to see families go through financial hard times just so that Vince "fails" is absolutely being a hater. This whole thread is completely ignorant to the financial impact that a failure of this network would have. Luckily, I don't think it will fail, but if it did, WWE and a lot of their employees would be fucked in a major way. You sound like one of those people who want wrestlers to get injured or released just because you don't enjoy their work.
Right now I feel VINCE is so powerful with CORPORATION & his loyal fan's that watch regardless if the product is shit or not, that he could over the long term destroy the wrestling culture that we know today.
Triple H said:
Maybe some people here ACTUALLY LIKE THE WWE!
Guy took the words right out of my damn mouth when he said that.
The question posed in this post caused me to look-up my password and rejoin the WZ forum discussions, forcing myself out of retirement after my one and only post last year (Kane was the World Champion!), just to remind everyone that browses these forums.......that this is Vince McMahon's world and we're just living in it. The WWE is the NFL and any other promotion (Impact, ROH, whatever-the-fuck) is just the CFL or some other busted ass arena league where nothing that happens there matters and the champions are paper. Minor leagues. Vince McMahon loves pro wrestling and that's why he has made it what it is, it's his life's passion.....look it up, he wanted to be a wrestler (he became a decent one) before he became the Michael Jordan of promoters, therefore, NO! I do not want him to fail. Can you imagine if Bitch-off and Russo had won the Monday Night Wars and WCW beat out the E? I don't think I'd still be watching.....shit, I don't think that the industry would exist.....
It would be good for Vince to fail at something. The more success he sees with things HE thinks are a good idea, but the fans might not like, the more of those things we will become stuck with. Vince saw a massive failure with the XFL, but that wasn't wrestling related. I think that the WWE Channel will end up being a failure because they do not know what they are getting themselves into. I've been watching for two decades, and even brand-loyal fans like me will get sick of the channel after too much exposure. The channel will probably be a bad idea in the long run and could teach Vince a lesson that he is not always right with his ideas. That would lead to him being forced to listen to the fans more, and we will get a more enjoyable product. Arrogance is never a good thing, and Vince suffers from arrogance to a degree. As good as he is at promoting wrestling events, he's nowhere near as good as he THINKS he is. A failure at something could be a necessary evil that can benefit everyone in the long run.
I want to bring up the XFL, but you did say wrestling related, so I'll let that go...

How about NXT every season after the first? Actually, no...let's throw in the first season because the Nexus coming out of it had nothing to do with how terrible the actual weekly show was.

How about Superstars? I mean...I enjoy the good in-ring action, but I realize how much of a financial and ratings failure it is.

This is hugely debatably, but what about the last 4-6 years of Raw ratings, going from legitimately one of the top shows on television, to a middle of the road production with a consistently falling viewership. Like I said, it's debatably because there are so many other factors, and I still woudln't necessary consider the last few years of Raw a "failure".

My point is, every good business person fails a lot more than you realize. I think it was Gates who said only 1 out of every 30 of his ideas actually takes off and makes money. I'm sure Vince has had PLENTY of failures, especially if you look at Superstars he pushed, and even some he let go that he should have hung on to. But his great ideas that did take off have made professional wrestling successful and cover up the bigger failures.

Also...Ahem...Big Dick Johnson.
How on earth is being one of the top rated programs on cable television each week considered a consistent failure?

WWE fans are so damn spoiled. If the ratings aren't 5's then everything is horrible. WWE is doing fine despite only getting around the 3.0 mark, because that's better than what most other shows get and they'll still pulling in plenty of revenue. Grasping at straws.
So the Op wants Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon to fail at his creation of the WWE Network. That is just sad. No seriously, that is just extremely sad. Wishing for bad things to happen to someone, just so said someone can lose his ego, is just pathetic. What's even sadder, is the fact that the Op doesn't give a damn about the fact that people could lose their jobs, especially with the way the economy is.

I also find it funny that the Op says he's not a hater, but he wishes ill will on someone. What kind of person who doesn't hate the WWE, wish for the WWE to fail? The Op is someone who is probably jealous of Vince Mcmahon, and the fact that the man has made more money than him.

Man, I can't honestly believe that a thread like this was even created. It's just wrong.
Actually, there are a number of things that Mcmahon has failed at. The big thing he failed at was the XFL. Secondly, Mcmahon failed to capitalize on talents that have gone through the WWE locker room. The third thing Mcmahon failed to capitalize on was ECW. Another failure is the NXT. Tough enough was also another big failure. You can't forget how much of a disaster the womens division in WWE is. Personally, the last thing on my mind is that the WWE channel will fail is because not everyone buys PPV's let alone subscribe to some channel.

To elaborate a little bit on the XFL failure, the league was rather cheesy. I remember reading somewhere along the line that the XFL was going to be a cross between football and wrestling. Instead you had a regular indoor like football league. It might as well have been an expansion of the Arena Football League.

Now there are so many talents that go into the WWE and never really get the chance that is deserved. Look at Mr. Kennedy, or as he is now known as Mr. Anderson. The guy had all the talent in the world and he still does. Mcmahon screwed that up by letting other talents like Randy Orton get involved. I mean common Anderson did nothing wrong. Randy is a seasoned veteran now, but at the time I didn't see Orton as a veteran. I feel like Orton was just trying to get Kennedy out. Kennedy is just one example, but there are many others. Thank goodness that CM Punk, finally, got his chance.

Another failure of Mcmahon was the resurrection of ECW. In my opinion, it was an attempt to give the ECW originals one last time in the lime light and bury the ECW originals by the WWE guys. The first One Night Stand and the second one was great. Everything went to hell after that because you had the originals come back and then suddenly one by one they were all gone with Tommy Dreamer being the last.

To anyone that was into ECW, you know that it was hardcore. It was an innovation. When WWE resurrected it, it wasn't ECW, it was WWE's ECW. It was crap. The original is the best and this is probably a biased opinion, but the point being that instead of capitalizing and making it a success, it was nothing more then a another edition of superstars. I don't recall tuning into SCIFI and seeing a hardcore match. It was all a bunch of regular matches under the ECW banner. Guess what happened next? Mcmahon brought in NXT.

NXT started of as a great concept; it was also innovative. The first season of NXT had the best talents. Look at Daniel Bryan, the guy was the biggest thing in the indepents, mainly ROH. He is a very technical in ring performer. He is a very well skilled in ring performer. For the Miz to degrade him actually pissed me off. This is why, Daniel Bryan was in the wrestling business far before the Miz was and far more talented than the Miz can ever be. To call Daniel Bryan a rookie, when he was not, was just a slap in the face to a guy who is better than eighty percent of the guys existing on the roster today.
Okay, so that kind of went off topic a little bit, but I will go back to say that season one was a success. Anything beyond season one was a poor excuse.

Another failure of Mcmahon was Tough Enough. There were a lot of people that entered that contest who were not even wrestlers. Even if they were tough enough, they sure as hell were not ready to even be on the main roster. Look at Maven, the guy was athletic, but he should have been sent to development. He had no business in the main roster

Maven was just one of the Tough Enough contestants, but even if you look at the tryouts for the competition, it is a joke. To elaborate on tryouts let me look at a certain someone, he goes by the name of Austin Aries. A Double tried out for the competition and he was totally overlooked. I like AA, the guy is good on Mike skills, he could use a little more work on tightening up his in ring performance, but he is good. As good as he was, he got cut from the tryouts. On the other hand you had some model chick, I can't remember her name, but she was a model. She had no previous track record. I am not saying that she would be a bust by any means, but how does someone who has a track record get cut from a competition? This leads me to the Women's Division.

Let me take a look at the division for women in both WWE and TNA. When I look at the Knockouts, I see a bunch of hot babes that actually can kick ass and look good doing it. The women in the Knockout's division are not afraid to get their hands dirty. Look at Velvet Sky, Angelina Love, Mickie James. Those names are just a few to throw around. If you had a interpromotion match with those three against Kelly Kelly, Maryse and Rosa Mendes, my money would be on the Knockouts. The Divas appear to just be eye candy.
Let me be clear on this I love Divas don't get me wrong, but there in ring performance is not the best compared to the Knockouts. In fact, I will say that the best Divas are Natalya, Beth Phoenix, Eve Torres and the Bellas. Those Divas aren't afraid to break a nail and they are all gorgeous. They are not just pretty faces, but once again that is only four Divas that are carrying the rest of the division. Adding insult to injury, WWE has let go of some of the best Divas that they had. Gail Kim and Melina brought something to the table and they still do. Unfortunately, not according to WWE standards.

I am not going to get into too much detail on the channel failing, but it will fail because no one is going to want to pay for another monthly service charge on there cable or satellite bill right now. The economy has messed so many things up and the WWE channel would be another expense that no one really wants to pay. I do hope that it fails though.

Now I have given a lot of details in this post. It will give some insightful information for someone to read. I will say that it is mostly opinion, but it does have facts to back it up. Feel free to correct me on some of the stuff if I am wrong, although, I will be safe to say that I am near accurate.
Mike "The Kid" Killam;3432354 said:
I want to bring up the XFL, but you did say wrestling related, so I'll let that go...

How about NXT every season after the first? Actually, no...let's throw in the first season because the Nexus coming out of it had nothing to do with how terrible the actual weekly show was.

How about Superstars? I mean...I enjoy the good in-ring action, but I realize how much of a financial and ratings failure it is.

This is hugely debatably, but what about the last 4-6 years of Raw ratings, going from legitimately one of the top shows on television, to a middle of the road production with a consistently falling viewership. Like I said, it's debatably because there are so many other factors, and I still woudln't necessary consider the last few years of Raw a "failure".

My point is, every good business person fails a lot more than you realize. I think it was Gates who said only 1 out of every 30 of his ideas actually takes off and makes money. I'm sure Vince has had PLENTY of failures, especially if you look at Superstars he pushed, and even some he let go that he should have hung on to. But his great ideas that did take off have made professional wrestling successful and cover up the bigger failures.

Also...Ahem...Big Dick Johnson.


How you mention his great ideas taking off. That reminds me of an interview of "Rowdy" Roddy Piper I read many years ago.

In this interview, Piper tells the stroy that when Vince McMahon came up for the idea of "Wrestlemania", that he invested almost everything he had financially into it, to get it off the ground. Piper said that if the first Wrestlemania had been a bust, the WWF would have had to close its doors a week later, as Vince had invested all his life savings and capital into that one show. Well, as we all know, it was a monumental success, and helped Vince make WWE what it is today.

Would the OP have liked it if Vince had failed with Wrestlemania. Not only would we be deprived of the "Granddaddy Of Them All", but there would be no WWF either.
Vince has failed plenty at plenty of wrestling related things. Just "recently" he managed to somehow, against all odds, to fail making mega money at the biggest feud in the history of pro wrestling, the Invasion angle was that bad and he allowed it to happen.

Ever since then he has taken on various money making characters and stories and totally fail to capitalize on them, nWo, Goldberg, Steiner.

The only success he has had the last 10 years has been taking WWE to more international markets this has allowed Raw to hover around 3.0-3.5 rating for a whole decade and still make them some money, that and John Cena.

His biggest failure is not a storyline or some ex WCW star he didnt know how to properly use, his biggest failure is reverting back his way of booking wrestling and creating characters to late 80's - early 90's, he has regressed back instead of evolving with the times, the same times he helped push with WWF in 1997-2000.

Thus his shows have for the last 10 years been a weird mish mash of things people used to want to watch, rather than things people in 2011 want to watch. Allowing his own company to stagnate like this, for so long, and become so irrelevant is a massive failure

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