Do you want Roman Reigns to ultimately succeed or fail

Do you want to see Roman Reigns ultimately....

  • ...succeed as a top guy

  • and never again be pushed.

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I chose to see Roman suceed, Roman and every other wrestler is going to have fans boo and cheer them. There are very few wrestlers that pretty much all the fans cheer Daniel Bryan is one of them. I think Roman has the potential to be very good but he needs to turn heel, he has the look of a cocky arrogant type of guy who can beat the snot out of anyone. They need to change his outfit and his music, he could be awesome. Now back to the fans I think Roman being Vince's hand picked baby to eventually replace John, the fans do not like that and Roman is not quite ready for that row. Let a heel turn for Roman happen and last for a few years than when he wrestles and speaks better turn him face and give him the row.
I chose to see Roman suceed, Roman and every other wrestler is going to have fans boo and cheer them. There are very few wrestlers that pretty much all the fans cheer Daniel Bryan is one of them. I think Roman has the potential to be very good but he needs to turn heel, he has the look of a cocky arrogant type of guy who can beat the snot out of anyone. They need to change his outfit and his music, he could be awesome. Now back to the fans I think Roman being Vince's hand picked baby to eventually replace John, the fans do not like that and Roman is not quite ready for that row. Let a heel turn for Roman happen and last for a few years than when he wrestles and speaks better turn him face and give him the row.

I would love to see Roman go heel, but when you fans start cheering him (because now he is a cool heel), I would love to see him stay heel, despite the cheers.

You know why. Because it could then be a big FU to the fans, telling them that they wanted Roman heel, so now they are stuck with him a heel. A case of "be careful what you ask for, you may just get it."

The fans need to learn that they don't dictate whether someone is a face or heel. Sometimes a wrestler is in the middle of a storyline, and is turned, for no reason other than the fans cheering him. The New Day should have stayed heels, for example, because their whole gimmick works on them being heels.

So I would like to see Roman be turned, and then be a career heel. You hypocrites can't start cheering him, after booing him and saying such horrible things about him. There should be consequences for your actions.
Always been a huge fan of roman reigns and I see why the wwe would want to push him as a top guy. The problem was always the creative and his push toward the wwe championship was with a lot of bump. But ever since he won the championship, they actually found what work as a character for reigns and he seem a lot more confortable with this character now and with the right opponen, reigns might be able to ge most of the fans behind him.
Honestly, i want him to fail and wwe learn from that for the next time. wwe has pushed the hell out of him, he is a 3 time champ now and people still boo him. Why? wwe needs to learn what is stopping him from being liked as a champ so they can push him. What needs to happen is he needs to lose the title and then spend the next year to year and a half working with the new talent like AJ so his work improves and so people get behind him. Look at The Rock - people like him as champ but love the buildup to him winning. That is what wwe needs to create here with Reigns. Once the fans are behind him, then you can start planning to make him champ again. That's been the biggest issue - fans just start to get behind him and wwe jumps the gun. Let the fans get behind him, hold off until fans demand you make him champ and then put the title on him. Fans will pay for that.

Fans will never get behind him because that would be admitting that Vince can do something right, and as we all know, the fans know better than Vince how to run a wrestling company.
Fans will never get behind him because that would be admitting that Vince can do something right, and as we all know, the fans know better than Vince how to run a wrestling company.

But the thing is fans did get behind him. He was massively over when he was part of the Shield, it was only when some fans not all, saw what he was really capable of doing they turned against him.

Now some might be because he was pushed they feel unfairly over someone they thought deserved that spot. Others because they felt he didn't have the talent or the experience to warrant the push either. Some like me liked him at first, but in reality he is very boring.

It's not about Vince doing something right or wrong, it's about Reigns and it's only about Reigns. If he can't carry the top spot then he shouldn't be there, and that goes for any title holder. You seem to forget that Vince runs this company but the people who support it, you know the fans are well within their rights to like or dislike any decision he makes.

No wrestler on the roster will have 100 percent of the fans behind them and I can't fathom why you think they should. Even Bryan one of the most popular wrestlers to come along in many years could claim that achievement. Reigns has his detractors and he always will have a section of the fanbase who isn't fond of him. He will just have to learn to live with it, every other wrestler does. If the boo's stop and people sit quietly he won't be where he is for much longer, they will drop him down the card like a lead balloon, so be glad he is getting some sort of a reaction.

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