Wrestling fans have the most screwed logic ever! (Ex. Randy Orton vs Mr Anderson)


Pre-Show Stalwart
Alright, so I just noticed posted on the front page of WZ an article about something Randy Orton had to say. This comment by Orton is old if you take the time and look for it. I used this quote by Orton to defend Mr Anderson when Anderson said "Karma is a mofo."

The chronological order of it all is ...

-Orton thinks Mr Kennedy "nearly" injures him, Orton was not injured but complaines too VKM anyway. (supposedly with help from John Cena)
The story is that both(Orton,Cena) say they will not work with Kennedy (this was the same time Denver Nuggets booked raw in there arena, but Nuggets had a playoff game same night and had to cancel raw ... and so the Lakers allowed WWE to use their arena (which is why Kennedy is wearing a Lakers jersey that night.) At this time, VKM was just looking for a reason to fire ne one b/c the Nuggets screwed WWE royally.

-Mr Kennedy does a shoot interview telling people what he thinks was going on and blames Orton and whoever for his release and explains how the day he returned was weird.

-Randy Orton comments on Mr Kennedy being fired and here is the last part of his comment

"I honestly hope for his wife's sake that he can find something else he's marginally good at, and earn a living. I know he really wants to entertain, so good luck Ken, you are gonna need it."

^right there Orton question's Ken's livelihood as a husband, provider, and as man!

I've never heard Ken speak about Orton's wife when he discussed his issue with Orton. Usually, decent people don't include families in personal disputes.

Orton had just cost Mr Anderson his job, even if Orton fell wrong, he was NOT injured(Unlike when he vs'd Edge and dislocated his own shoulder smashing the mat). Wrestling is a business where people are often injured ... and Ken was back his first night off injury so ring rust is an obvious thing.

But even after getting him fired, Randy wants to question Ken's ability to provide for his family? "Honestly, hope for his wife's sake."

And then the night Orton injures himself against Edge ...

Mr. Anderson (Kennedy) tweets ... Karma is a mofo.
That is not laughing at an injury. That's a fucking "what comes around goes around."

Orton fucking was a big reason Mr Anderson lost his job during a time when jobs where sparse and Orton was making 400,000 dollars for Wrestlemania alone.

And yet, at the time, everyone sided with Orton and said Anderson was laughing at Orton's injury and was therefore wrong and evil.

A few months later Bryan Danielson is released from the WWE and no one really knows why. Signs clearly point too WWE being PG, Danielson choking Justin Roberts with a tie, and Danielson spitting in John Cena's face seems to have really ticked Cena off. (Could Orton backed Cena up on this decision the same way Cena backed up Orton when they got rid of Mr Kennedy?)

Anyway, aside from people just blindly following Randy Orton (lets face it, he's only liked b/c he does the RKO ... and weirdos find him attractive.)
They like to say Orton is a much better worker and wrestler then Anderson ...
WTF? Has anyone seen Orton wrestler lately? It's punch after punch, Viper body slam, vintage Orton stomp on body, DDT through ropes, back breaker where he drops to his knees, and RKO.

The guy is obviously fragile. He's injured his collar bone twice and obviously takes light bumps in matches (in MITB he fell of the ladder basically one time and recovered outside the most of the match.) I mean he's also got a shoulder issue now.

I just hate that here's this guy Mr Anderson who was a member of the military in good standing ... and here's Orton who was dishonorably discharged from the military(for going AWOL twice). Not to mention any of the other civil problems he's had such as harassing divas and fans.

All in all, I'm just saying fair is fair. Mr Anderson and Randy Orton are just wrestlers and outside of the ring and in the real world ... it's easy to see who the better guy is. And if your a "purist" there is no way you can think Orton is a better wrestler .. he said it himself Ken is capable of doing more things like moonsaults. Ken might not be the most polished but neither are the RVDs or Sabu's ... and he doesn't just hit bodyslams, backbreakers, and RKOs either.
Alright, so I just noticed posted on the front page of WZ an article about something Randy Orton had to say. This comment by Orton is old if you take the time and look for it. I used this quote by Orton to defend Mr Anderson when Anderson said "Karma is a mofo."


The chronological order of it all is ...

-Orton thinks Mr Kennedy "nearly" injures him, Orton was not injured but complaines too VKM anyway.

Depends you you believe. I'll take Orton's word over Anderson's. Since you know he was the one who was apparently injured by it.

(supposedly with help from John Cena)
The story is that both(Orton,Cena) say they will not work with Kennedy (this was the same time

With you so far, and if Ken did botsch, tottally justified.

Denver Nuggets booked raw in there arena, but Nuggets had a playoff game same night and had to cancel raw ... and so the Lakers allowed WWE to use their arena (which is why Kennedy is wearing a Lakers jersey that night.) At this time, VKM was just looking for a reason to fire ne one b/c the Nuggets screwed WWE royally.

Yep, and USA faked the moon landing with the help of the British, the French, the Australians and the Soviets in order to give the people of America something to smile about.

-Mr Kennedy does a shoot interview telling people what he thinks was going on and blames Orton and whoever for his release and explains how the day he returned was weird.

Everybody gets annoyed if they get released for reasons they don't expect. Scapegoats are also common if you think you're in the right. Which he probably isn't.

-Randy Orton comments on Mr Kennedy being fired and here is the last part of his comment

"I honestly hope for his wife's sake that he can find something else he's marginally good at, and earn a living. I know he really wants to entertain, so good luck Ken, you are gonna need it."

So? Orton doesn't think Kennedy is a good wrestler. He has a point because he apparently can't protect himself in the ring (hence the injuries) nor others (hence badly botching an easy move). Orton thinks Ken is a shitty wrestler and should get a new job.

^right there Orton question's Ken's livelihood as a husband, provider, and as man!

So? He's saying that Ken is a shit wrestler and should get a job he's good at. Nothing wrong with that.

I've never heard Ken speak about Orton's wife when he discussed his issue with Orton. Usually, decent people don't include families in personal disputes.

Your point? Orton is saying that eventually everybody else will realise that Kennedy is shit and he'll be blackballed be the companies which can pay him enough. At which point he'll find it hard to support his family. Hence he should get a job where he isn't at risk of perpetual unemployment. i.e. one he's actually good at.

Orton had just cost Mr Anderson his job, even if Orton fell wrong, he was NOT injured(Unlike when he vs'd Edge and dislocated his own shoulder smashing the mat).

He was injured before that match but showed up to work anyway. smashing the mat was the straw that broke the camel's back. Note how Orton didn't take that much time off.

Wrestling is a business where people are often injured ... and Ken was back his first night off injury so ring rust is an obvious thing.

BULL. SHIT. If Kennedy being out of action results in so much ring rust he's botching simple moves then good god stay out of the ring with him. Ring rist is nbot an excuse for botching a eimple ass move.

But even after getting him fired, Randy wants to question Ken's ability to provide for his family? "Honestly, hope for his wife's sake."

I hope for your teachers sake you aren't always this stupid. See what I did there?

And then the night Orton injures himself against Edge ...

Mr. Anderson (Kennedy) tweets ... Karma is a mofo.
That is not laughing at an injury. That's a fucking "what comes around goes around."

Yes, he also said that "It couldn't happen to a NICER GUY" i.e. he was kind of happy that it happened to Orton. also saying that Karma's a bitch means he thinks Orton deserves to be hurt.

Orton fucking was a big reason Mr Anderson lost his job during a time when jobs where sparse and Orton was making 400,000 dollars for Wrestlemania alone.

Yes, and Anderson being a botching injury magnet was a bigger part. And people divide up the pay day for Mania and PPVs. Anderson would have got a substantial amount too.

And yet, at the time, everyone sided with Orton and said Anderson was laughing at Orton's injury and was therefore wrong and evil.

Oh DAMN them for taking the word of a guy they work with, have no complaints with and apparently was injured by this guy (who not only has no remorse for doing so but cannot accept that it might be true), over the guy saying KARMA IS A MOTHERFUCKER, AND IT COULDN'T HAPPEN TO A NICER GUY!

A few months later Bryan Danielson is released from the WWE and no one really knows why. Signs clearly point too WWE being PG, Danielson choking Justin Roberts with a tie, and Danielson spitting in John Cena's face seems to have really ticked Cena off. (Could Orton backed Cena up on this decision the same way Cena backed up Orton when they got rid of Mr Kennedy?)

Or alternatively someone in management didn't think that LEGITIMATELY STRANGLING SOMEONE was a good idea. Probably the former.

Anyway, aside from people just blindly following Randy Orton (lets face it, he's only liked b/c he does the RKO ... and weirdos find him attractive.)

Nope, the guy who claims to be in pain's opinion on any injuries her has > the opinion of someone who cannot fathom the possibility that he MAY have fucked up and injured orton with a simple move.

They like to say Orton is a much better worker and wrestler then Anderson ...WTF? Has anyone seen Orton wrestler lately? It's punch after punch, Viper body slam, vintage Orton stomp on body, DDT through ropes, back breaker where he drops to his knees, and RKO.

Let me guess, you think Cena is shit too because it's just Clothesline, tackle, throwback, protobomb, 5 knuckle shuffle, AA, 1, 2, 3? Orton is a better wrestler because he hasn't gotten injured in quick succession, hasn't fucked up every single push Creative gave him, hasn't injured anybody seriously and is a better draw.

The guy is obviously fragile. He's injured his collar bone twice and obviously takes light bumps in matches (in MITB he fell of the ladder basically one time and recovered outside the most of the match.) I mean he's also got a shoulder issue now.

And Anderson isn't? Also, he was lying around after MitB because he wasn't booked to do any more ZOMG spots. nor did he have to he's getting 'Takerpops now. He doesn;t need to throw ghimself around a ring to be cheered. He could punt a baby, RKO a pregnant lady and shoot 12 people and be cheered for it.

I just hate that here's this guy Mr Anderson who was a member of the military in good standing ... and here's Orton who was dishonorably discharged from the military(for going AWOL twice). Not to mention any of the other civil problems he's had such as harassing divas and fans.

Your point? Orton actually saught help for his problems. He went to rehab both for his anger management problem and his drug addiction. Ken is still in denial that he has any problems.

All in all, I'm just saying fair is fair. Mr Anderson and Randy Orton are just wrestlers and outside of the ring and in the real world ... it's easy to see who the better guy is. And if your a "purist" there is no way you can think Orton is a better wrestler .. he said it himself Ken is capable of doing more things like moonsaults. Ken might not be the most polished but neither are the RVDs or Sabu's ... and he doesn't just hit bodyslams, backbreakers, and RKOs either.

Depends on how you define 'better wrestler' you could make a case for Hulk Hogan being the best wrestler ever if you tried hard enough. actually that's not hard at all.

The point of a wrestler is to make money for his promoter. Hogan was the best at doing that for 30 years, and made more money for people in the history of wrestliong. He's carried every company (excluding TNA) he's been in and bought it to new heights. That's a pretty damn good case for Hogan > all.
First of all,
Orton IS a better wrestler,
He does the same moves now because of his gimmick,
The whole Silent Predator thing doesn't work w/ an all star moveset.
Member of the military,
That has nothing to do w/ whats going on in the ring,
Seems to me like your just pulling stuff out of the air just to make Anderson look better,
Orton's Fragile??
Look injuries will happen,
But Kennedy was either recovering from an injury or in the ring getting one,
So calling someone fragile compared to Kennedy just sounds silly.
& Dude,
When Kennedy was released,
There was no up-roar,
There was no fans that were uber pissed,
There was a bigger uproar when MJ and Bryan Danielson was released,
Did he have fans,
But he was never there long enough to garner a fan-BASE.

Sounds to me like you just started this whole thread to make Anderson look good
I personally think they're both in the wrong and they both have some growing up to do. This is wrestling, mistakes happen all the time, and if you watch the video, you can clearly see that Orton actually doesn't even land on his neck.
A few months later Bryan Danielson is released from the WWE and no one really knows why. Signs clearly point too WWE being PG, Danielson choking Justin Roberts with a tie, and Danielson spitting in John Cena's face seems to have really ticked Cena off. (Could Orton backed Cena up on this decision the same way Cena backed up Orton when they got rid of Mr Kennedy?)

Um, iirc Cena was one of the people that was against Danielson being released. So there's a flaw in your thinking right there.

As for the Kennedy situation, meh, the guy had his chances, multiple times. First he got hurt, then he got busted for drugs (after claiming he didn't use them), and then this situation with Orton. He struck out. Deal with it.
Danielson's an internet darling and his firing was a way of McMahon saying there is nobody bigger than him in the industry. He choked Justin with a tie, got fired. End of story.

Kennedy WAS a risk. He just had a good look to him, but was shitty in the ring. To me, his only memorable match was with Eddie Guerrero the week before he died. At the time in the company, Raw really only had Cena, Orton, and HHH in the main event. When 2 out of 3 of your main eventers are saying they don't like working with a guy, you gotta do something.

Has anyone seen Orton wrestler lately? It's punch after punch, Viper body slam, vintage Orton stomp on body, DDT through ropes, back breaker where he drops to his knees, and RKO.

Have you seen John Cena wrestle with his "5 moves of doom"? Have you seen HBK wrestle (running elbow, kip up, elbow from top rope, sweet chin music)? Did you ever watch the Rock wrestle? How about Hulk Hogan? THEY ALL DID THE SAME MOVES. THE BEST STARS IN THE COMPANY DO THE SAME MOVES SO THEY AREN'T HURT ON A MONDAY NIGHT AND CAN DO THEIR BEST MATCHES AT PPVs. THAT'S WHY HE WAS PISSED OFF WHEN KENNEDY COULDN'T DO A FUCKING BASIC MOVE WITHOUT ALMOST INJURING HIM. GOD DAMNIT STOP PISSING ME OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :banghead:
Honestly every person in hear sounds like a die hard randy orton fan and seems to forget how much of a piece of trash randy is, what he does in the ring is ok its the best wwe can offer at the moment. Im not going to sit here and run off the stuff he has done you can do your research.

And no the poster didnt do this to make Anderson look good he did it to show how people want to just claim one persons a scumbag for saying Karma is a mofo.

This goes out directly at Unsex Orton has been injured 4 times once as a rookie the other in a match with the Undertaker, the other against HHH, and the other because he wanted to slam his arms on the canvas like a damn fool. So did you ever stop to consider MAYBE EVEN ONCE THAT ORTON HURTS ORTON. Not saying Kennedy is in the clear but you clearly sound like your stick riding orton and he is the greatest thing to hit wrestling since austin and he can do know wrong.

"I honestly hope for his wife's sake that he can find something else he's marginally good at, and earn a living. I know he really wants to entertain, so good luck Ken, you are gonna need it."

After those comments of pure sarcasim, Ken simply putting Karma is a mofo is way more acceptable then him going down to ortons level "for Randy's wife sake and his future children I hope he can learn to stay healthy, I know he wants to entertain, but thats hard to do when you can barely stay marginally healthy good luck Randy your going to need it"

Once again its ok to be a fan just dont sound like a 12 year old who is going to stand by their favorite guy when its clear his actions outside of his gimmick are immoral just because you had his action figure when you were younger or buy his tshirts doesnt mean you need to take his side for everything
Depends on how you define 'better wrestler' you could make a case for Hulk Hogan being the best wrestler ever if you tried hard enough. actually that's not hard at all.

The point of a wrestler is to make money for his promoter. Hogan was the best at doing that for 30 years, and made more money for people in the history of wrestliong. He's carried every company (excluding TNA) he's been in and bought it to new heights. That's a pretty damn good case for Hogan > all.

Hulk Hogan is not a "wrestler". He could entertain a crowd, this I will give him, but he couldn't wrestle. Hogan was a Sports Entertainer. Do you honestly think he could have won a legitimate Wrestling match? Lets not mix Sports Entertainment and Wrestling up. Wrestling ability wins you Gold Medals at the olympics and State Championships. Charisma, Personality and "The Look" with no wrestling ability can win you WWE World Championships. 2 different entities.

Anyway back on topic, I like Anderson and I'm not bothered with Orton, take him or leave him. If every Wrestler who messed up in the ring was fired then we'd have one hell of an unemployment line! Example: Did Austin bitch when Owen Hart broke his neck in a botched Piledriver? No. He knew that accidents happen. Hell WWE even say "The Hazards are real so don't try this". If Orton was scared of getting injured, he shouldn't have become a wrestler. Simple as that. :)
Anyway, aside from people just blindly following Randy Orton (lets face it, he's only liked b/c he does the RKO ... and weirdos find him attractive.)
They like to say Orton is a much better worker and wrestler then Anderson ...
WTF? Has anyone seen Orton wrestler lately? It's punch after punch, Viper body slam, vintage Orton stomp on body, DDT through ropes, back breaker where he drops to his knees, and RKO.

The guy is obviously fragile. He's injured his collar bone twice and obviously takes light bumps in matches (in MITB he fell of the ladder basically one time and recovered outside the most of the match.) I mean he's also got a shoulder issue now.

I just hate that here's this guy Mr Anderson who was a member of the military in good standing ... and here's Orton who was dishonorably discharged from the military(for going AWOL twice). Not to mention any of the other civil problems he's had such as harassing divas and fans.

All in all, I'm just saying fair is fair. Mr Anderson and Randy Orton are just wrestlers and outside of the ring and in the real world ... it's easy to see who the better guy is. And if your a "purist" there is no way you can think Orton is a better wrestler .. he said it himself Ken is capable of doing more things like moonsaults. Ken might not be the most polished but neither are the RVDs or Sabu's ... and he doesn't just hit bodyslams, backbreakers, and RKOs either.

What the fuck is the point of this thread. Orton is a better wrestler. You don't need to be able to pull off 20 unnecessary moves like moonsaults, hurricanranas, and planchas to be considered good. Orton uses a decent bit of psychology and continuity in the ring. He tells a story while in the ring. So just because he uses the moves he does, doesn't make him a bad wrestler. He performs his set well, just like everyone else before him did.

Hulk Hogan is not a "wrestler". He could entertain a crowd, this I will give him, but he couldn't wrestle. Hogan was a Sports Entertainer. Do you honestly think he could have won a legitimate Wrestling match? Lets not mix Sports Entertainment and Wrestling up. Wrestling ability wins you Gold Medals at the olympics and State Championships. Charisma, Personality and "The Look" with no wrestling ability can win you WWE World Championships. 2 different entities.

What is this "not a wrestler" bullshit? What, he isn't an Olympic Gold Medal winner like Kurt Angle, so he is shit? That is fucking moronic! The man could go quite well in the ring if he wanted to. He was trained in Japan and actually used a nice technical set while over there. Over here in the AWA and the rest of his American career, he was the brawler we knew him as. Because you know, Professional Wrestling is meant to entertain. Amateur Wrestling appears to be what you are looking for, so go watch College or the Olympics. Hogan had wrestling ability, he just didn't need to use it here in the States.
All of this depends on what forum you are on.

There are forums where pretty much everybody hates Orton. I can see why you would say his ring work is boring - he almost always starts the match with a five minute stare-down and then finally locks up with the opponent.

But other forums will defend him and say "this is all OBVIOUSLY ring psycology!!" I don't know about you, but I don't care about psychology if it's boring me. I don't need flips or super fast high fliers, in fact power wrestlers are usually my favorite wrestlers. But I do appreciate when a wrestler, you know, doesn't just stand there for half the match.

I can see why you get frustrated with the way certain wrestlers are defended. Take this forum for example. I noticed that a majority of this forum will defend whoever WWE happens to be thrusting into the spotlight at the moment. Notice how so many people on here are suddenly riding Miz's you-know-what? Yeah, that has nothing to do with the fact that WWE has suddenly started pushing him. Orton is currently one of the most over guys on the WWE roster, of course they are going to defend him.

I don't know if this post came out as confusing as I'm starting to think it did... but for the most part I'm trying to say that it doesn't matter what Orton says, people are going to defend him as long as he is getting pushed.

It's stupid and I don't agree with it. But that's why I go on several different forums. Don't limit yourself to just one because there are a hell of a lot of people who agree with you, they just don't post on this particular site.
Let's take out all the personal bullshit that may or may not have happened between Anderson and Orton. Ken Anderson (yeah, I'm using his real name, get over it) was a good in-ring worker and great on the mic. But do you know what killed him with the WWE? It wasn't his shit with Orton. It wasn't John Cena. It was him. Anderson screwed Anderson. Or more than likely...bad luck screwed Anderson.

Since his debut, he didn't have a single 6 month period of time where he remained healthy and on the active roster. Every time he got close to returning everybody would get really excited, they would plan something cool for him, and then he would go and injure himself again. I'm not really blaming him so much (even though there are definitely things you can do to keep from getting injured. Look at Chris Jericho.). Vince was already pissed enough at him before he even made that last return, and I'm thinking the Orton incident was just the lost straw. I don't think Orton could have done anything to get Anderson fired, if Anderson had a long run with WWE.

Let's take a look at this... imagine you're Anderson. You make your debut and build up a decent following. You're doing already and building yourself up as a character. And then you get injured. Not a big deal, it happens all the time. Take your time, heal up, and get back to work. Alright...you've been out a few months and now you're getting ready to make your return. We booked you in this cool feud, and we hope you're ready because we could push you hard if this pans out. Oh, what? You got injured again...sigh...alright take some time off. Now imagine that happening a few more times. Now imagine you finally get healthy and you're about to make your huge return. The company is actually going to put you in a match in the main event with a guy like Randy Orton...and you almost drop him on his neck. Now, Orton gets pissed and talks to McMahon about not wanting to work with him, because he's a hazard in the ring. McMahon takes one look at Anderson and decides that enough is enough. They've given him dozens of chances, and he can't stay healthy. And now one (maybe two) of the WWE's cash cows are complaining about him...yeah. He's gone.

I'm sorry to say it, but Anderson and bad luck killed the career of Anderson. The bullshit between them is just that... Anderson probably hates Orton and he has no idea how to keep his mouth shut. So he bashes the hell out of him and might even have made things up. Orton has no reason to lie about what he said. Anderson just wants to make himself look better. Now, I like Anderson. I like that he's in TNA. I would prefer him to be in the WWE. But...it's not Randy Orton or John Cena's fault that he's gone. And by the way, the two of them are pretty close in real life. If you had a problem and wanted to take it to your boss, of course you would get somebody to back you up just in case.
Alright, so I just noticed posted on the front page of WZ an article about something Randy Orton had to say. This comment by Orton is old if you take the time and look for it. I used this quote by Orton to defend Mr Anderson when Anderson said "Karma is a mofo."

Since you want us to take time...I'll answer each query...a little better than Unsex so that you can understand your folly.

The chronological order of it all is ...

-Orton thinks Mr Kennedy "nearly" injures him, Orton was not injured but complaines too VKM anyway. (supposedly with help from John Cena)
The story is that both(Orton,Cena) say they will not work with Kennedy (this was the same time Denver Nuggets booked raw in there arena, but Nuggets had a playoff game same night and had to cancel raw ... and so the Lakers allowed WWE to use their arena (which is why Kennedy is wearing a Lakers jersey that night.) At this time, VKM was just looking for a reason to fire ne one b/c the Nuggets screwed WWE royally.

Orton doesn't think someone injured him. What logic is that? If he was hurt, he's hurt. How can he think hes injured when hes not? This is your greatest fail as your entire argument goes down a wrong road. Orton was injured and that's why he went to Vince...otherwise why would he...cause he thought he was??? The rest of your opinion unfolds into a perception of "A leads to B and that's why Anderson was fired". While I admit, Anderson has the odds against him..unlike him..I only blame him. He needs to take responsibility for his life.

-Mr Kennedy does a shoot interview telling people what he thinks was going on and blames Orton and whoever for his release and explains how the day he returned was weird.

Hence, he needs to take control of his life and not say "the day was weird" and so give an excuse for his mistake. Circumstances aren't always great. If he messes up and he knows it he should at least apologize. That might have saved him.

-Randy Orton comments on Mr Kennedy being fired and here is the last part of his comment

"I honestly hope for his wife's sake that he can find something else he's marginally good at, and earn a living. I know he really wants to entertain, so good luck Ken, you are gonna need it."

Wow....Orton has a way with words...

^right there Orton question's Ken's livelihood as a husband, provider, and as man!

LOL. Maybe so...but whats your point?

I've never heard Ken speak about Orton's wife when he discussed his issue with Orton. Usually, decent people don't include families in personal disputes.

That's because he hasn't thought of it yet...Anderson's just looking for anything to bash Orton with because he can't seem to accept the fact that he may be the one who screwed up...

Orton had just cost Mr Anderson his job, even if Orton fell wrong, he was NOT injured(Unlike when he vs'd Edge and dislocated his own shoulder smashing the mat). Wrestling is a business where people are often injured ... and Ken was back his first night off injury so ring rust is an obvious thing.

Your wrong again because he was injured. A legit question here would be to ask you why you think he wasn't injured and if your just a conspiracy theorist who's looking for any reason to discredit Orton. Also, I'd like to ask you why you don't think Orton faked his injury with Edge. Was it because his arm was 1ft longer than his other arm? If so, then I'm glad you can tell when someone is legitimately injured cause Orton showed little pain and was professional about it. Now I'm wondering why you couldn't do the same for this...

But even after getting him fired, Randy wants to question Ken's ability to provide for his family? "Honestly, hope for his wife's sake."

At least he didn't insult her...unless of course you think he did. But knowing Orton, which I do, he doesn't use lame insults....he does however use lame cliches..so regardless of how it could sound..he didn't mean it as a jab...to Anderson's wife.

And then the night Orton injures himself against Edge ...

Mr. Anderson (Kennedy) tweets ... Karma is a mofo.
That is not laughing at an injury. That's a fucking "what comes around goes around."

Wow, your not smart....or maybe you are but your sacrificing your smarts for willful ignorance because you like to side with Anderson. "Karma is a mofo.": He implies Orton deserves what he got....and "it couldn't happen to a nicer guy!" hes glad Orton got injured. Oddly enough, its ironic, because Orton does have a "nice guy" personality. Anyway....he's both wishing and enjoying the fact that Orton is injured.

Orton fucking was a big reason Mr Anderson lost his job during a time when jobs where sparse and Orton was making 400,000 dollars for Wrestlemania alone.

Great that you mention payroll because if Anderson was smart he wouldn't allow himself to lose his own job at a time "when jobs were sparse" by not being safe in the ring which is supposed to be for professionals.

And yet, at the time, everyone sided with Orton and said Anderson was laughing at Orton's injury and was therefore wrong and evil.

I just pointed out how Anderson jabbed Orton...and there's no reason to not be on Orton's side as he was the one who was injured. Yet you expect them to take the side of a guy who didn't even apologize?

A few months later Bryan Danielson is released from the WWE and no one really knows why. Signs clearly point too WWE being PG, Danielson choking Justin Roberts with a tie, and Danielson spitting in John Cena's face seems to have really ticked Cena off. (Could Orton backed Cena up on this decision the same way Cena backed up Orton when they got rid of Mr Kennedy?)

Glad you decided to deviate away from an argument you can't win.....

I'm pretty sure being spat on irks anyone. Maybe you like it...but no one else does. So I really don't see your point here. Orton has nothing to do with this and if all your asking is if Orton helped Cena as if this was some grand master plan then, No. Daniel was kicked out not only for chocking a guy but spitting on Cena and Vince decided it was right to let him go.

Anyway, aside from people just blindly following Randy Orton (lets face it, he's only liked b/c he does the RKO ... and weirdos find him attractive.)
They like to say Orton is a much better worker and wrestler then Anderson ...
WTF? Has anyone seen Orton wrestler lately? It's punch after punch, Viper body slam, vintage Orton stomp on body, DDT through ropes, back breaker where he drops to his knees, and RKO.

Besides the fact that nobody likes Kennedy...lets face it...no one does....Orton is a much better worker and wrestler than Anderson. Your personal opinion doesn't change that. And you just named his move set as if that was your evidence of him being a bad worker/wrestler. Let me do that for Kennedy and lets see what we come up with: Kennedy doesn't show up to work cause most of the time hes injured...then he injures others and himself no less than 4 times. His only move set it..... punch, punch, Kenton Bomb, punch, inverted neck breaker, punch, clothesline.

The guy is obviously fragile. He's injured his collar bone twice and obviously takes light bumps in matches (in MITB he fell of the ladder basically one time and recovered outside the most of the match.) I mean he's also got a shoulder issue now.

You want to talk about fragile without mentioning Kennedy? LMAO. How many times was Kennedy injured? I'll give you time as you definitely can't name them all in one sitting.

I just hate that here's this guy Mr Anderson who was a member of the military in good standing ... and here's Orton who was dishonorably discharged from the military(for going AWOL twice). Not to mention any of the other civil problems he's had such as harassing divas and fans.

Why does them being in the military matter? You know what I hate? Using the army as an excuse to judge a man. You don't know Orton and he had his reasons. No ones perfect. However since we're going to judge a man based on current knowledge...Kennedy has no supporters in the WWE...(I wonder what that means)...he apparently bear hugs people from behind as he did to Orton....he's a coward for not taking responsibility for what he did to Orton and he didn't even apologize....he pretends it didn't happen...and he's happy Orton injured himself later...great guy!!!

All in all, I'm just saying fair is fair. Mr Anderson and Randy Orton are just wrestlers and outside of the ring and in the real world ... it's easy to see who the better guy is. And if your a "purist" there is no way you can think Orton is a better wrestler .. he said it himself Ken is capable of doing more things like moonsaults. Ken might not be the most polished but neither are the RVDs or Sabu's ... and he doesn't just hit bodyslams, backbreakers, and RKOs either.

Your right. Its very easy to see who the better guy is. So easy that I feel you just made yourself out to be ignorant. I don't know what "purist" means here but if it means "blind" then in no way am I a purist because I "see" that wrestlers who don't injure themselves often and who are over with the crowd are the "better wrestler". Anderson screwed Anderson.
It is for this reason that I never will like Orton.

Kennedy was very very good on the mic and was not bad in the ring either.

Orton whined over a move that you see almost weekly on wrestling shows. I never dislike guy for storylines because well they are storylines but this was real life and imo Orton is a piece of S@%T and now he continues to attack Mr. Anderson almost a year after the incident has happened.


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