Sincere question from new-to-wrestling fan about Randy Orton and Mr. Anderson

I'm not sure what's more hilarious in this thread, wrestling fans getting all high and mighty, or just the overall poor nature of the logic they use.

My favorites are the people who say Anderson is an asshole for writing what he wrote, but then also gloating about Anderson getting fired. That's amazing levels of hypocrisy.

I also enjoy the people who criticize Anderson, but then say we shouldn't judge people for outside the ring things, like that scumbag Chris Benoit. Here's a clue, jabronies, Anderson's comments ALSO count as outside the ring/wrestling world.

Bottom line, what Anderson wrote is much nicer then many of the things I've seen MANY people on this board write about wrestlers. Hell, I called Chris Benoit a scumbag in this very post, and that's par for the course in the IWC, but Anderson daring to not like Randy Orton and saying something about....THE HORROR! THE ABSOLUTE HORROR!

Wrestling fans are a bunch of hypocrites, which we already knew. The TS makes a valid point, but it's also sadly an obvious one.
I'm sorry, but people care FAR too much about how these two guys feel about one another. This is like the 445th thread about this.

Yes, it's quite obvious Anderson hates Orton, and I would guess Orton hates Anderson. Good. I don't care. Orton was part of the reason he was fired. Whether Orton was right or wrong, obviously Anderson is going to be pissed, it's a given. And now that Anderson won't shut up about it, I'm sure Orton has bad feelings toward Anderson. Once again...Good. Why should I care?

If they were still in the same company, it might be interesting. But they aren't. They wrestle in two different promotions, and will likely never work together again (can't see WWE bring Anderson back, but never say never).

Also, I really don't cares who's fault it was. "Orton was being a crybaby," -some random jack ass. "Kennedy was a danger in the ring," -another random know-it-all. The truth is, we have NO clue what happened with that situation. You can read every article you want, but in all honestly, neither do those writers. Were they there? No. So it's just speculation. Orton could have been 100% to blame, same goes for Anderson.

I just don't like how a bunch of marks take one side or the other. If Orton's your favorite guy, you side with him. If you like Anderson, Orton's a dick. We know, we get it. You mark out for these guys, even where it doesn't matter. But we have NO idea what happened between the two, and we never will.

I don't care what Anderson says about Orton, nor do I care what Orton says about Anderson. I am commenting on this because I am sick to DEATH of the marks crying because their favorite guy is getting bashed via Twitter. Twitter?? Who gives a SHIT about twitter. Whether Anderson is doing it kayfabe or for real, I just don't care. They hate each other. Both guys believe the other is to any other time two gigantic ego's have issues with one another. I just can't understand why so many people care about this shit.

See, now I have written this much about something I don't care about, just to stress how much I really, really don't care. For some reason, this subject really bothers me.
Hug his nuts some more, why don't you? The OP never stated such. Strawman argument.

oh really? so he didn't type this is just made it up?

The question is, will Edge be fired now for ACTUALLY injuring him?

No, I'm sure that if a pro wrestler working in TNA or WWE asked you to hang out with them, you'd be all like "nah, I don't want to, 'cause I don't see you as role models".

Wow someone reads a little lesson in reading What i meant by my statment was I do't see them as role models, only as entertainers, and quite frankly how they live their lives outside of the ring doesn't impact me at all.

They're role models, whether YOU want them to be or not, because they figure in the public eye in an environment where there are a lot of children and young adults, and the way they condone themselves outside the ring has a big impact on how they are viewed by the parents of said children and young adults, due to the openess of the business and the way tabloids and their internet equivalents (dirt sheets) these days are reporting just about EVERYTHING about their lives.

That just be one of the dumbest statements I've ever read. So your trying to force Mr. Anderson to be a role model for me? Hmm last i checked you chose your role models, and I chose not to take any wrestlers as my role models. So no their not role models TO ME, which is what I typed. Not them being role models to the public

... accused of it, yes. Convicted of it, no. None of the charges have ever been brought into court and this is one of the reasons people these days are starting to disbelieve stories about alleged complaints against Orton. Crying wolf, and all that. And the sexual assault stuff was never proven to be true - that was all rumor, spun off the fact that Orton definitely had some behavioral issues in the past. He's perceived as a loose cannon because of this - and because of his in-ring persona - and the line between kayfabe and reality blurs even more...

Looks like your just trying to argue for the sake of arguing now. I know he hasn't been convicted of any thing. My point is That famous people are just that, famous people. Peoples who's personal life are put under a microscope. They'll make mistakes.

Good for you. You also root for him because everyone else does. Nothing like conformity, is there?

Sweet dude. Rip on me because I like Orton. Man you have left me so ashamed

You what?

So, either you have some kind of Aspberger's syndrome, where you're incapable of empathy towards other human beings or, well, you're a sociopath. You get stoked when someone is fired? How childish are you, really?

Yeah I got pumped i don't have to see him or his botch-fest of a match in the WWE anymore. Thats not me being a dick thats me being excited the WWE wrestling got a tad better. Addition by subtraction

And I'm absolutely, positively certain that Ken Anderson is ten thousand times the wrestler you ever will be.

Well i hope he's better than me, I've never once done any proffesional wrestling and he's been botching moves for years. And just because he is better at than me at something I've never attempted, doesn't mean i can't bash him not for being good at it. Lets put this in perspective. In the grand scheme of things mark sanchez is a pretty good QB, but when comparing him to the rest of the QB's in the nfl, he's not that good.

He wasn't in the WWE and he isn't in TNA because he is crap in the ring, smartass, he's there and was there because he obviously has a ton of potential, talent and skills.

He was in the E because he had potential, yes but he's in TNA for drawing power.

He'll never be a Bret Hart or a Bryan Danielson

You said that right.

but he has better in-ring talent than either The Rock or Stone Cold Steve Austin, yet people don't bash them relentlessly for it.

WOOOOOHA WHAT? Is that a joke? People don't "bash them for it, because its not true! Stone cold was one of the better techinal wrestlers of the 90's and the rock was only a small step behind him

Yeeeaaahh, no. If you'd ever actually listened to Ken on what actually happened that night (we have no account from Randy, obviously), you wouldn't be so quick to say that.

Hahahaha. Yeah i actually would. If a wrestler thinks another one is a danger in the ring they will let it be known.

Then again - "I'm guessing you didn't watch Ken's final match - or any of his matches

Right i just made the decision to think he is crap in the ring without watching any of his matches. Moron.

Yes, clearly. He's not having fun at all in TNA. It's all a ruse. Yeah, KEN hasn't moved on, but the IWC OBVIOUSLY has. Am I the only one seeing the irony in this?

He might be having fun in TNA, but that doesn't change the fact that because of orton he's not wrestling in the biggest sports entertainment company in the world, getting more exposure and earning a bigger pay check than he would in TNA, but no I'm sure he thinks this is the best it could ever get.

As far as production value and corporate net profit goes, yes. As far as entertainment value and, you know, actual WRESTLING ability of their performers...? That's arguable.

Agreed, so we wont argue about that .

"Kharma is a MOTHERFUCKER" is being a dick?

Yeah it is kinda dick, laughing at injuries, plus the fact that he sent out another tweet saying it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy (clearly sarcasm). Man what a role model huh?

He is expressing that he felt that he was wrong, he moved on, and now kharma has caught up with Randy. I don't necessarily agree OR disagree, but to say that it is a dick move, when compared to getting someone FIRED is beyond hypocritical.

Wrong in what? being a sloppy wrestler? Because thats why he got fired from the WWE. And it's not being hypocritical at all, considering Orton had a legitimate excuse to go to Vince. Anderson is not good in the ring.

Yes, because you're one to talk.

And you are?

Aaaand we end with some nuthuggery. Good for Orton.

Nuthuggery, do you mean like your sig? Your clearly in love with Anderson and it show's bud. Now I don't know how much Anderson's nuts being in your face obstructs your vision, but it's pretty clear that Anderson was in the wrong to say that stuff. And that he sucks a a wrestler ( im still laughing at you saying he's as good as a wrestlers as austin or the rock, my god if there's ever been a more ridicloius statement made on this website, i haven't found it), and that he is a danger to those he wrestles....
Ok just a reply because some of you are taking this to another level, when it was just a simple freaking comment from Anderson, yes he sounds like is a jackass but you have to see that he found funny that he was let go for being injury prone and careless in the ring and then apparently Rany got injured by only pounding the mat (I know it was the DDT and shit happens), so that is why he posted what he did.

I know none has stated really this but you have be kitting if you thing Edge would be diciplined if he would had caused the injury, which he didn't if Rany would have complained, Edge is also on Machmahon good side since he got in, proof? he was not the fired one when the whole Love triangle with Dumas came out.

Also eventhough the tweet statement that does not mean Anderson mean any harm for Orton, just pointing out a situation that seems ironic to him, it was just a comment, don't sweat it.

Also that crap of Tweeter is going out of proportion, someone cannot even make a comment because everyone tries to find something fishy about it, that is just too much, how many persons are monitoring that crap for God's sake?
Alright, so there have been some good intelligent responses (would be nice if I were able to express my thoughts as well as some of you)and some arguments that didn't make much sense lol.

One of the questions I had - is saying "Karma is a MF'er" and "Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy" really CELEBRATING and LAUGHING about an injury? Also, the injury is not like a broken neck and the comment is coming from a guy who also puts his body on the line, not one of us IWC.

I can agree the comment might be insensitive, but it's coming from a person who lost his job in a bad economy b/c Orton went to Vince (Orton didn't fire Ken but both him and Ken obviously know Orton played a role in the firing.)

On a side not, I believe Ken was fired b/c Orton is the WWE golden boy and the golden boy went too VKM at a time when VKM was on a rampage b/c the Denver Nuggets owner messed up and booked raw when the playoffs were to be held there. If this were any other night, VKM might of just heard what Orton had to say and kept the two away from each other.

I side with Ken on the issue b/c it was his first night back after being away 10 months and he did a move that could have or couldn't have injured Orton, but it didn't(remember Orton is sensitive about his neck b/c he's broken his collar bone twice, a point I was trying to make was is a basic back drop too much impact for a guy whose head collar bone/neck issues before?)
I'd expect you won't be seeing Orton german suplexed any time soon ...

But anyway, Orton now has stroke in the WWE b/c he is the golden boy. He is a monster draw and the fans love him (unlike Cena.) Do you remember how when HBK was leaving he told Sheamus the young guys have to step it up but don't step on Randy Orton's toes ... what do you think that meant and why do you think he said singled out Orton? I saw someone mention a thread about Orton being the new HHH and he is very much indeed. The thing is Orton is only 29 yrs old. In 5 yrs, all the superstars I mention will be 40 and over and possibly retired (hhh, taker, mysterio, edge, jericho, batista)
The list use to be longer when HBK was around and Batista might already be gone, but in 5 yrs Randy Orton will only be 34 yrs old. Right now there is a huge gap between Orton/Cena and everybody else. I think that is why Sheamus, McIntyre are being pushed hard b/c WWE needs guys who are power house world title contenders right off the bat (like the Undertaker was) b/c they don't have time to mold maineventers and they don't feel comfortable with the guys they have now to draw. Think of what Raw will look like tonight and the coming weeks w/o Orton/Batista ... and Edge, Shemus and Cena as the top guys. WWE is very worried about it's future and Orton is the piece they see as most important. What did Orton make at Mania ... like 400k?

Anyway, I'll wrap this up and say imagine you were just fired and the guy who played a part in having you fired says ...

"I honestly hope for his wifes sake that he can find sometrh Else he’s marginally good at, and earn a living. I know he really wants to entertain, so Good luck ken, you r gonna need it.” - Randy Orton

Now if I'm Ken, when I see dumbass (Orton) injure himself by either botching a neckbreaker as someone said ... or slamming the mat (lol)
I might say Karma is a MF'er too. And I think most sane people might agree I had a right too or at least consider the history involved.

Orton questioned Kennedy's integrity as a man, husband and a provider in his statement.
This is all directed at gametime; I apologize in advance for the sloppy post, but the nesting of quotes, or rather the lack thereof, on this forum sometimes makes it a bitch to backtrack and copy+paste quotes of the past. I'll try, though.

oh really? so he didn't type this is just made it up?

The question is, will Edge be fired now for ACTUALLY injuring him?

Yeah, rhetorical questions aren't your forte, I get it. I guess you missed the whole paragraph before that, where the OP stated the following:

Original Post said:
Randy has also broke his collar bone twice which makes him sensitive to his neck, so don't expect anything but his normal style match. He is only capable of doing certain things b/c he has a weak neck. And he is also sensitive about it ... why he flipped when Anderson did back drop, but he was fine. He is also a hot tempered person, remember him calling Kofi stupid for botching.
The question is, will Edge be fired now for ACTUALLY injuring him?

It's a rhetorical question, to put perspective on his argument that Randy did not, in fact, get injured in the match where Ken (and a clusterfuckload of other wrestlers) were involved, but he DID get injured in a match with Edge. That would constitute the basis of the rhetorical question "Ken was fired for something he DIDN'T do, so will it be the same for Edge?". I just rephrased it for ya.

Wow someone reads a little lesson in reading What i meant by my statment was I do't see them as role models, only as entertainers, and quite frankly how they live their lives outside of the ring doesn't impact me at all.

It doesn't matter if you see them as YOUR role models or not, that's the whole point. How you see them doesn't change the fact that they ARE role models to a LOT of kids and young adults. Because they are their HEROES. Unless you watched wrestling as a kid and remember what it was like, then please don't try to argue this point further.

That just be one of the dumbest statements I've ever read. So your trying to force Mr. Anderson to be a role model for me? Hmm last i checked you chose your role models, and I chose not to take any wrestlers as my role models. So no their not role models TO ME, which is what I typed. Not them being role models to the public

And again, whether you see them as role models for you is completely irrelevant to the fact that they ARE role models to a TON of kids. Kids that have Internet acces. Kids that know how to type in their favorite wrestler and role model's name into Google and stumble across any kind of bullshit there is. Kids understand that it's scripted - in the same way that kids can differentiate between a computer game and reality, between a cartoon and reality. They're not STUPID. They just get caught up in the moment. They're marks. They're KIDS.

Looks like your just trying to argue for the sake of arguing now. I know he hasn't been convicted of any thing. My point is That famous people are just that, famous people. Peoples who's personal life are put under a microscope. They'll make mistakes.

I wasn't arguing, I was simply stating that I will say neither boo nor yay about the accusations against Randy Orton, I was merely extrapolating from general impressions what kind of idea people has about Randy Orton the person and how they superimpose that image of Randy Orton the character upon Randy the person without pausing to consider that Orton the person might have matured and be very different today compared to, say, three years ago.

Sweet dude. Rip on me because I like Orton. Man you have left me so ashamed

I don't rip on you because you like Orton. I rip on you because I think you're full of shit.

Yeah I got pumped i don't have to see him or his botch-fest of a match in the WWE anymore. Thats not me being a dick thats me being excited the WWE wrestling got a tad better. Addition by subtraction

So you're a dick, then. Yes, that means you're a dick. A dick with no sack. How sad is that.

Funny, also, how Ken barely botched ANYTHING. His injuries were usually due to the OTHER guy botching shit and/or changing things on the fly without saying anything first. Even when Cena botches his somersault in an armdrag, Ken catches flak.

Well i hope he's better than me, I've never once done any proffesional wrestling and he's been botching moves for years. And just because he is better at than me at something I've never attempted, doesn't mean i can't bash him not for being good at it. Lets put this in perspective. In the grand scheme of things mark sanchez is a pretty good QB, but when comparing him to the rest of the QB's in the nfl, he's not that good.

I have no fucking idea who Mark Sanchez is, nor do I care.

Ken Anderson didn't get injured ONCE before stepping into the WWE. Then he's unlucky with a few injuries strung together and suddenly he's Mr. Botchamania and Mr. Injury Prone. How about you get some perspective and pull your foot out of your mouth before you hurt yourself?

He was in the E because he had potential, yes but he's in TNA for drawing power.

He's in TNA because he draws, because he's a good wrestler and because he's entertaining as hell. Those three are not necessarily connected (see: Batista).

You said that right.

WOOOOOHA WHAT? Is that a joke? People don't "bash them for it, because its not true! Stone cold was one of the better techinal wrestlers of the 90's and the rock was only a small step behind him

And the same could be said about Ken Anderson. Have you even watched his matches with Kurt Angle? Granted, Angle can make a broom look good in the ring, but Ken more than held his own in their feud. Okay, so the feud was very... cheesy, but the matches were still ace.

Hahahaha. Yeah i actually would. If a wrestler thinks another one is a danger in the ring they will let it be known.

And you think that the right way to handle that is by shouting at the top of their voice to the person about how they're unsafe and needs to listen to them and take things seriously? In front of all their colleagues?

And then, after you've said everything is cool and you're OK, water under the bridge, you still run off to the boss and bitch about it?

Right i just made the decision to think he is crap in the ring without watching any of his matches. Moron.

I was paraphrasing you, moron. That's basically the kind of argument you made against the OP. How 'bout you own up to the fact that you're a hypocritical sack of shit and move on with your life, eh?

He might be having fun in TNA, but that doesn't change the fact that because of orton he's not wrestling in the biggest sports entertainment company in the world, getting more exposure and earning a bigger pay check than he would in TNA, but no I'm sure he thinks this is the best it could ever get.

And what the hell do you know about his paycheck? What do you know about his work satisfaction? Are you so certain that he absolutely hates taking a possible (actually, likely - I'll give you that) pay cut but in turn receives more time off and a lighter schedule?

You're jumping to conclusions without any factual basis.

Agreed, so we wont argue about that .


Yeah it is kinda dick, laughing at injuries, plus the fact that he sent out another tweet saying it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy (clearly sarcasm). Man what a role model huh?

Hey, I never said he was a GOOD role model. I think they're two peas in a can of soup, equally egocentric and just as big dicks. That doesn't mean I think it's right to bash one and blow the other.

Wrong in what? being a sloppy wrestler? Because thats why he got fired from the WWE. And it's not being hypocritical at all, considering Orton had a legitimate excuse to go to Vince. Anderson is not good in the ring.

Ah, typo. "Wronged". I guess it makes more sense then.

No, that's not why he was fired from the WWE. He was fired from the WWE because he was "too entertaining" as a heel and didn't stick to the scripts, he was caught with his pants down with that wellness programme violation, he had been on an unlucky streak with injuries that tested the patience of Vince & C/O (understandably) and then the straw that broke the camel's figurative back was when Randy Orton bitched like a child about something that didn't happen.

Anderson is twice the wrestler of a lot of guys on the current roster.

And you are?

... well, yes I am. I'm not bitter. I'm not the one bashing Ken or anyone else every chance I get.

Nuthuggery, do you mean like your sig? Your clearly in love with Anderson and it show's bud. Now I don't know how much Anderson's nuts being in your face obstructs your vision, but it's pretty clear that Anderson was in the wrong to say that stuff. And that he sucks a a wrestler ( im still laughing at you saying he's as good as a wrestlers as austin or the rock, my god if there's ever been a more ridicloius statement made on this website, i haven't found it), and that he is a danger to those he wrestles....

My sig has nothing to do with my point of view - that I made what I think is a cool signature during the Monday Night "War" part deux has nothing to do with my like or dislike of Ken Anderson. I just try to keep an open mind and not bash wrestlers. If you'll notice, it's not an Anderson sig. It's a TNA sig.

Anderson is every bit the wrestler Rock and Steve were, as evidenced by his great - GREAT - matches with Taker, Batista (who needs someone to carry his ass), Cena, Angle, Jeff Hardy and William Regal.

He's been consistently good, if not a technical master. His style is unique and intriguing, his mic skills are golden and he has a very marketable look and gimmick. The same can be said about Orton.

And he's no more dangerous than, say, Batista (who was one of the people who injured Ken), Paul London (who is a sloppy motherfucker) or Jeff Hardy (who is basically high when wrestling).

I've made a complete listing of the Ken Anderson situation in the WWE in my other thread "The Defense of Mr. Anderson" (I think it was called) - it'll be in my "threads started by" list, so go ahead and look it up if you want to continue this debate in an informed manner :)

It's a rhetorical question, to put perspective on his argument that Randy did not, in fact, get injured in the match where Ken (and a clusterfuckload of other wrestlers) were involved, but he DID get injured in a match with Edge. That would constitute the basis of the rhetorical question "Ken was fired for something he DIDN'T do, so will it be the same for Edge?". I just rephrased it for ya.

Oh ok, so ill take your word for it. No but seroiusly if the OP says yeah it a retorical question then ok shame on me. But i have yet to see them say so.

The next couple of qoutes im going to put together because they are toward the same point.

It doesn't matter if you see them as YOUR role models or not, that's the whole point. How you see them doesn't change the fact that they ARE role models to a LOT of kids and young adults. Because they are their HEROES. Unless you watched wrestling as a kid and remember what it was like, then please don't try to argue this point further.
And again, whether you see them as role models for you is completely irrelevant to the fact that they ARE role models to a TON of kids. Kids that have Internet acces. Kids that know how to type in their favorite wrestler and role model's name into Google and stumble across any kind of bullshit there is. Kids understand that it's scripted - in the same way that kids can differentiate between a computer game and reality, between a cartoon and reality. They're not STUPID. They just get caught up in the moment. They're marks. They're KIDS.

Ok im going to say this in the easiest way i can think off. I was not talking about kids. I was talking only about myself and my personal ideals. I relieze that these people are role models to others, but not once did i talk about them being role models to anyone but myself. And i never tried to argue for anyone else or any other group of people.

I wasn't arguing, I was simply stating that I will say neither boo nor yay about the accusations against Randy Orton, I was merely extrapolating from general impressions what kind of idea people has about Randy Orton the person and how they superimpose that image of Randy Orton the character upon Randy the person without pausing to consider that Orton the person might have matured and be very different today compared to, say, three years ago.

Im pretty much on board with what your saying there. But you gotta realize that generally once a famous person is accused of something the general concensus is that they did do it.

I don't rip on you because you like Orton. I rip on you because I think you're full of shit.

No you try to rip on me because i hold different views than you.

So you're a dick, then. Yes, that means you're a dick. A dick with no sack. How sad is that.

You wanna call me a dick? Whatever dude. Ken kennedy got fired and I was excited because he sucks. You can call it being a dick, I call it seeing the Roster getting better.

Funny, also, how Ken barely botched ANYTHING. His injuries were usually due to the OTHER guy botching shit and/or changing things on the fly without saying anything first. Even when Cena botches his somersault in an armdrag, Ken catches flak.

Point out exactly what your talking about. When did this happen?

I have no fucking idea who Mark Sanchez is, nor do I care.

What do you live under a rock?

Ken Anderson didn't get injured ONCE before stepping into the WWE. Then he's unlucky with a few injuries strung together and suddenly he's Mr. Botchamania and Mr. Injury Prone. How about you get some perspective and pull your foot out of your mouth before you hurt yourself?

This "unlucky string of Injures" were the steroids started taking a toll on his body. It's well documented that he abused roids and his body started shittig out on him.

He's in TNA because he draws, because he's a good wrestler and because he's entertaining as hell. Those three are not necessarily connected (see: Batista).

See: Ken Anderson

And the same could be said about Ken Anderson. Have you even watched his matches with Kurt Angle? Granted, Angle can make a broom look good in the ring, but Ken more than held his own in their feud. Okay, so the feud was very... cheesy, but the matches were still ace.

Ok im done arguing this with you. Anderson is nowhere near Austin or the Rocks level in terms of actual wrestling skill. And yeah i saw a good amount of his matches with angle, and it was pretty clear that angle was carrying him the whole time

And you think that the right way to handle that is by shouting at the top of their voice to the person about how they're unsafe and needs to listen to them and take things seriously? In front of all their colleagues?

What do you think Vince would have done if Anderson actually had injured orton during that match? Alot worse thats for sure.

And then, after you've said everything is cool and you're OK, water under the bridge, you still run off to the boss and bitch about it?

I was paraphrasing you, moron. That's basically the kind of argument you made against the OP. How 'bout you own up to the fact that you're a hypocritical sack of shit and move on with your life, eh?

You paraphrasing doesn't change the fact that you tried to say that I think Anderson is a terrible wrestler without watching him. Now tell me what excatly im being hypocritical about ? Anderson saying that crap about Orton was because he was being bitter. Him actually being fired was a buiness descion.Why don't you just own up to the fact that you have no idea what your talking about and move on with your life,eh?

And what the hell do you know about his paycheck? What do you know about his work satisfaction? Are you so certain that he absolutely hates taking a possible (actually, likely - I'll give you that) pay cut but in turn receives more time off and a lighter schedule?

I know that theres no way in hell he's making as much in TNA as he was in WWE. And yes some wrestlers like TNA because of the work schedule, but if you ask any one in the buiness today i garantee they will say that if they could they would be in the WWE. It pays the most, gets you the most exposure, and is the most well known sports entertainment company bar none.

Hey, I never said he was a GOOD role model. I think they're two peas in a can of soup, equally egocentric and just as big dicks. That doesn't mean I think it's right to bash one and blow the other.

Well considering I do not look at these people in any way shape or form and see them purely as entertainers, ill take the side of the guy who is more entertaining.

No, that's not why he was fired from the WWE. He was fired from the WWE because he was "too entertaining" as a heel and didn't stick to the scripts, he was caught with his pants down with that wellness programme violation, he had been on an unlucky streak with injuries that tested the patience of Vince & C/O (understandably) and then the straw that broke the camel's figurative back was when Randy Orton bitched like a child about something that didn't happen.

Yeah he was fired because he was too entertaining. That makes sense. Im sure if he was entertaining enough, the E would find a way to make it work.

Anderson is twice the wrestler of a lot of guys on the current roster.


... well, yes I am. I'm not bitter. I'm not the one bashing Ken or anyone else every chance I get.

Well considering im not bashing him "every chance i get" im bashing him for being a bitter dickhole......

My sig has nothing to do with my point of view - that I made what I think is a cool signature during the Monday Night "War" part deux has nothing to do with my like or dislike of Ken Anderson. I just try to keep an open mind and not bash wrestlers. If you'll notice, it's not an Anderson sig. It's a TNA sig.

hahaha part Deux, what a douche

Anderson is every bit the wrestler Rock and Steve were, as evidenced by his great - GREAT - matches with Taker, Batista (who needs someone to carry his ass), Cena, Angle, Jeff Hardy and William Regal.

So he's had great matches against people who are amazing at carrying people? (minus Batista and Hardy who i personally don't think he's matches were that great against, but we won't argue against that, because thats just a difference of opinion

He's been consistently good, if not a technical master. His style is unique and intriguing, his mic skills are golden and he has a very marketable look and gimmick. The same can be said about Orton.

He's better on the mic than Orton. Skills wise however he's got nothing, and how you think he's any good is beyond me.

And he's no more dangerous than, say, Batista (who was one of the people who injured Ken), Paul London (who is a sloppy motherfucker) or Jeff Hardy (who is basically high when wrestling).[/QUOTE]

All of which are bad enough that they deserved to be fired from the WWE. Huh, isn't that funny?
Firstly, no one on this site knows Orton or Anderson personally, and news and insight from the internet does not justify or give people a valid view of what these people are like or even what kind of person they are in real life, so to pretend like some people know enough to comment about the person (in either case) is ridiculous. One could assume Anderson was making those comments to further his character, although since he's now suddenly going face and turning into a pussy as a chacracter it doesn't really go along with this one 'asshole' promo he did. It could be stemmed from personal views, but who knows. For all anyone knows Orton's shoulder injury could've had it's beginning back when Anderson dropped him in the match that got Anderson released from WWE and had Orton complaining, and it's been months of wear and tear and continued stress on it, including what seemed to happen at some house show, that's gradually worsened into what happened at the ppv and finally his shoulder gave out. So in the end it could be Anderson's fault which would make the comment very assholish. But who can ever say for sure? The fact is is that the person, Orton and Anderson, shouldn't define whether someone enjoys or even gets behind the "character" they play in wrestling. It's no different then an actor on a show.. regardless of who the actual person is in reality it shouldn't change a person's view as a viewer of the show about the character he's 'portraying'. Robert Downey Jr. has had his problems and negative issues as a 'person' but people shouldn't dislike Tony Stark as Ironman because of that.
Yeah, it was a rhetorical question about Edge injuring Orton, I should of probably phrased it better.

Someone mentioned on this thread how Ken Anderson is a general whiner while Randy Orton is a general complainer.
The point I was trying to make was that Orton seems to be the guy who is always complaining about the mistakes his opponent may or may not have made. He was pompous to begin with but now he knows he's a top dog and able to always get his way so it's easy for him scold another wrestler for missing their que or doing something he didn't like.

And also with an attitude like that, generally you think everything is everyone else's fault. I'm not sure how Randy Orton injured his arm or whatever his injury was against Edge(I did see the match), at first the way he was all tensed up I even thought it might have been the collar bone again ...
so if Edge was in anyway involved in it, how would Randy Orton react? I know even if Randy did complain about Edge injuring him ... Edge would probably be fine. I just thought it ironic
Mr Kennedy vs Orton ... Orton says he was nearly injured ... Kennedy is fired.
Edge vs Orton ... Orton is legitimately injured ... Edge will most likely get even more of a push to pick up the slack for Orton/Batista being gone/out if that is indeed the case lol.
It's confusing b/c most people agree Randy hurt his arm pounding the mat (that's just freaking ridiculous ... thats the type of injury I would think "how can you not laugh at that)
but the overall point is that if you are not a 15 year vet or in very close with McMahon's and you hurt Randy in anyway ... You're Gone!

Also, if your going to say you were excited and glad Kennedy got fired from his job ... who even cares what your opinion of Ken's tweet is?
Your a person of low moral character. If I said to someone I'm glad your dad got fired or You got fired and you have a family to take care of ... that's just plain evil.
Oh ok, so ill take your word for it. No but seroiusly if the OP says yeah it a retorical question then ok shame on me. But i have yet to see them say so.

See the post above mine.

The next couple of qoutes im going to put together because they are toward the same point.

Ok im going to say this in the easiest way i can think off. I was not talking about kids. I was talking only about myself and my personal ideals. I relieze that these people are role models to others, but not once did i talk about them being role models to anyone but myself. And i never tried to argue for anyone else or any other group of people.

You display a lack of knowledge as to what the definition of a role model is and since it'd be like arguing theoretical physics with a frog trying to explain it to you (since you don't grasp the basic concept of "other people", I'll just leave this alone.

Im pretty much on board with what your saying there. But you gotta realize that generally once a famous person is accused of something the general concensus is that they did do it.

... and that makes it RIGHT? Sheesh...

No you try to rip on me because i hold different views than you.

Then your reading comprehension is even worse than I could've possibly imagined. I feel sorry for you. ******ation in someone so young is tragic.

You wanna call me a dick? Whatever dude. Ken kennedy got fired and I was excited because he sucks. You can call it being a dick, I call it seeing the Roster getting better.

No, I'm pretty sure that's universally agreed upon as the definition of being a dick: cheering for others' misfortune.

Point out exactly what your talking about. When did this happen?

Yeah, totally ignore what I wrote at the bottom of my post. Fine, I'll link it to your Neanderthal ass, since clicking to find it yourself is obviously too much of a task for your cognitive capabilities:

What do you live under a rock?

No, but not everyone in this fucking world is an American, which is why it says - plain as day - that I am from SWEDEN and thusly have no interest whatsoever in american football. What do you live under a rock?

This "unlucky string of Injures" were the steroids started taking a toll on his body. It's well documented that he abused roids and his body started shittig out on him.

That's not how steroids work, and you're talking out of your ass.

See: Ken Anderson

Oh my, what a retort, someone call the burns unit. Or you could've actually, I don't know, replied to what I said.

Ok im done arguing this with you. Anderson is nowhere near Austin or the Rocks level in terms of actual wrestling skill. And yeah i saw a good amount of his matches with angle, and it was pretty clear that angle was carrying him the whole time

You are nowhere near me when it comes to arguing and I am carrying you through this debate (as evidenced by the fact that you don't even quote everything I say, but leave things out of context and ignore those parts that doesn't suit you). I don't value your opinion on this matter in the slightest, since you have shown no indication that you know the first thing about, well, anything.

What do you think Vince would have done if Anderson actually had injured orton during that match? Alot worse thats for sure.

Yeah, Vince would have had his ass killed, right? Beaten him into a pulp and had him shot, surely?

He FIRED him, what else could he do, jackass?

And then, after you've said everything is cool and you're OK, water under the bridge, you still run off to the boss and bitch about it?

Yeah, that's what I said. And you didn't even include that in your quote, because - oh noes - that would totally fuck up your argument. Weak.

You paraphrasing doesn't change the fact that you tried to say that I think Anderson is a terrible wrestler without watching him. Now tell me what excatly im being hypocritical about ? Anderson saying that crap about Orton was because he was being bitter. Him actually being fired was a buiness descion.Why don't you just own up to the fact that you have no idea what your talking about and move on with your life,eh?

Sarcasm flies right over your head. What are you, like ten years old? You're being hypocritical when you're supporting Orton and bashing Ken, ignoring or explaining away Orton's mishaps or misogynist behavior, but adding to the Ken Anderson bash train. They're two peas in a pod (hah, THAT's the expression) yet you treat the differently. THAT is hypocrisy.

I know that theres no way in hell he's making as much in TNA as he was in WWE. And yes some wrestlers like TNA because of the work schedule, but if you ask any one in the buiness today i garantee they will say that if they could they would be in the WWE. It pays the most, gets you the most exposure, and is the most well known sports entertainment company bar none.

You guarantee me? Well, fuck your guarantees. Find me one person - ONE - with credibility that has said so. There are several ex-WWE AND ex-TNA workers that will tell you that TNA is a family, while the WWE is a corporate machine and that they loved it in TNA. So, what is your guarantee worth when put against people who actually were there?

Well considering I do not look at these people in any way shape or form and see them purely as entertainers, ill take the side of the guy who is more entertaining.

So you're a dumbass, without moral fiber, too. Great.

Yeah he was fired because he was too entertaining. That makes sense. Im sure if he was entertaining enough, the E would find a way to make it work.

You're an idiot and I'm not even going to bother with you anymore, because you are talking out of your ass and you obviously haven't taken any interest in Ken Anderson beyond bashing him, since you'd know what the hell I was talking about if you'd even seen one single shoot interview with him. Any point you try to make from this point forward is basically moot, since you know fuck all about this subject and obviously wrestling as a whole.



Retort of the weak. You're pathetic.

Well considering im not bashing him "every chance i get" im bashing him for being a bitter dickhole......

You're bashing him, thus adding to the general bashing going on, thus... I'm not even gonna bother. You're too stupid to get it anyway.

hahaha part Deux, what a douche

I could just quote your entire post and say the same. You've added nothing new, you cling to your own sense of self like it was a puppy... You're such a pathetic little person, I would almost feel sorry for your parents, if it wasn't for the fact that they put scum like you into the world.

So he's had great matches against people who are amazing at carrying people? (minus Batista and Hardy who i personally don't think he's matches were that great against, but we won't argue against that, because thats just a difference of opinion

Yeah, let's not argue about opinions! Debate is NOT about opinions, it's about FACTS! My God, you're stupid.

He's better on the mic than Orton. Skills wise however he's got nothing, and how you think he's any good is beyond me.

Quite a number of things are beyond you. Like first grade math and common sense.

All of which are bad enough that they deserved to be fired from the WWE. Huh, isn't that funny?

Batista hasn't been fired from the WWE. Jeff Hardy left on his own terms. Paul London was fired, yes. But you, I guess, are a better judge of who should be fired than, I don't know, the people who actually run the business? And -I- am the douche here?

Get over yourself, dickwad. I've owned you with every sentence I've typed here and, amusing though it is, your pathetic attempts at discrediting my opinion and the facts I present are laughable. You have brought nothing to the table except arguments that have no basis in reality and you talk out of your ass, with no knowledge about the subject of which you speak.

If you'd been a dog, I'd suggested euthanasia. Now, I just suggest you shut up before you embarrass yourself even more.

I won't reply to your inane diatribe and worthless arguments any further.

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