This is all directed at gametime; I apologize in advance for the sloppy post, but the nesting of quotes, or rather the lack thereof, on this forum sometimes makes it a bitch to backtrack and copy+paste quotes of the past. I'll try, though.
oh really? so he didn't type this is just made it up?
The question is, will Edge be fired now for ACTUALLY injuring him?
Yeah, rhetorical questions aren't your forte, I get it. I guess you missed the whole paragraph before that, where the OP stated the following:
Original Post said:
Randy has also broke his collar bone twice which makes him sensitive to his neck, so don't expect anything but his normal style match. He is only capable of doing certain things b/c he has a weak neck. And he is also sensitive about it ... why he flipped when Anderson did back drop, but he was fine. He is also a hot tempered person, remember him calling Kofi stupid for botching.
The question is, will Edge be fired now for ACTUALLY injuring him?
It's a rhetorical question, to put perspective on his argument that Randy did not, in fact, get injured in the match where Ken (and a clusterfuckload of other wrestlers) were involved, but he DID get injured in a match with Edge. That would constitute the basis of the rhetorical question "Ken was fired for something he DIDN'T do, so will it be the same for Edge?". I just rephrased it for ya.
Wow someone reads a little lesson in reading What i meant by my statment was I do't see them as role models, only as entertainers, and quite frankly how they live their lives outside of the ring doesn't impact me at all.
It doesn't matter if you see them as YOUR role models or not, that's the whole point. How you see them doesn't change the fact that they ARE role models to a LOT of kids and young adults. Because they are their HEROES. Unless you watched wrestling as a kid and remember what it was like, then please don't try to argue this point further.
That just be one of the dumbest statements I've ever read. So your trying to force Mr. Anderson to be a role model for me? Hmm last i checked you chose your role models, and I chose not to take any wrestlers as my role models. So no their not role models TO ME, which is what I typed. Not them being role models to the public
And again, whether you see them as role models for you is completely irrelevant to the fact that they ARE role models to a TON of kids. Kids that have Internet acces. Kids that know how to type in their favorite wrestler and role model's name into Google and stumble across any kind of bullshit there is. Kids understand that it's scripted - in the same way that kids can differentiate between a computer game and reality, between a cartoon and reality. They're not STUPID. They just get caught up in the moment. They're marks. They're KIDS.
Looks like your just trying to argue for the sake of arguing now. I know he hasn't been convicted of any thing. My point is That famous people are just that, famous people. Peoples who's personal life are put under a microscope. They'll make mistakes.
I wasn't arguing, I was simply stating that I will say neither boo nor yay about the accusations against Randy Orton, I was merely extrapolating from general impressions what kind of idea people has about Randy Orton the person and how they superimpose that image of Randy Orton the character upon Randy the person without pausing to consider that Orton the person might have matured and be very different today compared to, say, three years ago.
Sweet dude. Rip on me because I like Orton. Man you have left me so ashamed
I don't rip on you because you like Orton. I rip on you because I think you're full of shit.
Yeah I got pumped i don't have to see him or his botch-fest of a match in the WWE anymore. Thats not me being a dick thats me being excited the WWE wrestling got a tad better. Addition by subtraction
So you're a dick, then. Yes, that means you're a dick. A dick with no sack. How sad is that.
Funny, also, how Ken barely botched ANYTHING. His injuries were usually due to the OTHER guy botching shit and/or changing things on the fly without saying anything first. Even when Cena botches his somersault in an armdrag, Ken catches flak.
Well i hope he's better than me, I've never once done any proffesional wrestling and he's been botching moves for years. And just because he is better at than me at something I've never attempted, doesn't mean i can't bash him not for being good at it. Lets put this in perspective. In the grand scheme of things mark sanchez is a pretty good QB, but when comparing him to the rest of the QB's in the nfl, he's not that good.
I have no fucking idea who Mark Sanchez is, nor do I care.
Ken Anderson didn't get injured ONCE before stepping into the WWE. Then he's unlucky with a few injuries strung together and suddenly he's Mr. Botchamania and Mr. Injury Prone. How about you get some perspective and pull your foot out of your mouth before you hurt yourself?
He was in the E because he had potential, yes but he's in TNA for drawing power.
He's in TNA because he draws, because he's a good wrestler and because he's entertaining as hell. Those three are not necessarily connected (see: Batista).
You said that right.
WOOOOOHA WHAT? Is that a joke? People don't "bash them for it, because its not true! Stone cold was one of the better techinal wrestlers of the 90's and the rock was only a small step behind him
And the same could be said about Ken Anderson. Have you even watched his matches with Kurt Angle? Granted, Angle can make a broom look good in the ring, but Ken more than held his own in their feud. Okay, so the feud was very... cheesy, but the matches were still ace.
Hahahaha. Yeah i actually would. If a wrestler thinks another one is a danger in the ring they will let it be known.
And you think that the right way to handle that is by shouting at the top of their voice to the person about how they're unsafe and needs to listen to them and take things seriously? In front of all their colleagues?
And then, after you've said everything is cool and you're OK, water under the bridge, you still run off to the boss and bitch about it?
Right i just made the decision to think he is crap in the ring without watching any of his matches. Moron.
I was paraphrasing you, moron. That's basically the kind of argument you made against the OP. How 'bout you own up to the fact that you're a hypocritical sack of shit and move on with your life, eh?
He might be having fun in TNA, but that doesn't change the fact that because of orton he's not wrestling in the biggest sports entertainment company in the world, getting more exposure and earning a bigger pay check than he would in TNA, but no I'm sure he thinks this is the best it could ever get.
And what the hell do you know about his paycheck? What do you know about his work satisfaction? Are you so certain that he absolutely hates taking a possible (actually, likely - I'll give you that) pay cut but in turn receives more time off and a lighter schedule?
You're jumping to conclusions without any factual basis.
Agreed, so we wont argue about that .
Yeah it is kinda dick, laughing at injuries, plus the fact that he sent out another tweet saying it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy (clearly sarcasm). Man what a role model huh?
Hey, I never said he was a GOOD role model. I think they're two peas in a can of soup, equally egocentric and just as big dicks. That doesn't mean I think it's right to bash one and blow the other.
Wrong in what? being a sloppy wrestler? Because thats why he got fired from the WWE. And it's not being hypocritical at all, considering Orton had a legitimate excuse to go to Vince. Anderson is not good in the ring.
Ah, typo. "Wronged". I guess it makes more sense then.
No, that's not why he was fired from the WWE. He was fired from the WWE because he was "too entertaining" as a heel and didn't stick to the scripts, he was caught with his pants down with that wellness programme violation, he had been on an unlucky streak with injuries that tested the patience of Vince & C/O (understandably) and then the straw that broke the camel's figurative back was when Randy Orton bitched like a child about something that didn't happen.
Anderson is twice the wrestler of a lot of guys on the current roster.
... well, yes I am. I'm not bitter. I'm not the one bashing Ken or anyone else every chance I get.
Nuthuggery, do you mean like your sig? Your clearly in love with Anderson and it show's bud. Now I don't know how much Anderson's nuts being in your face obstructs your vision, but it's pretty clear that Anderson was in the wrong to say that stuff. And that he sucks a a wrestler ( im still laughing at you saying he's as good as a wrestlers as austin or the rock, my god if there's ever been a more ridicloius statement made on this website, i haven't found it), and that he is a danger to those he wrestles....
My sig has nothing to do with my point of view - that I made what I think is a cool signature during the Monday Night "War" part deux has nothing to do with my like or dislike of Ken Anderson. I just try to keep an open mind and not bash wrestlers. If you'll notice, it's not an Anderson sig. It's a TNA sig.
Anderson is every bit the wrestler Rock and Steve were, as evidenced by his great - GREAT - matches with Taker, Batista (who needs someone to carry his ass), Cena, Angle, Jeff Hardy and William Regal.
He's been consistently good, if not a technical master. His style is unique and intriguing, his mic skills are golden and he has a very marketable look and gimmick. The same can be said about Orton.
And he's no more dangerous than, say, Batista (who was one of the people who injured Ken), Paul London (who is a sloppy motherfucker) or Jeff Hardy (who is basically high when wrestling).
I've made a complete listing of the Ken Anderson situation in the WWE in my other thread "The Defense of Mr. Anderson" (I think it was called) - it'll be in my "threads started by" list, so go ahead and look it up if you want to continue this debate in an informed manner