Wrestling Books

I've read Jericho's book 5 times. That's how awesome it is.

Foley's books are good too. I would also recommend Bret Harts book as well.
I read the book that was liek from 2002 I think or 2001 last year called I think beyond the mat, which is a great biography spotlighting different wrestler in the WWF from a non-kayfabe point of view.
I can't stop reading the Ric Flair book. Batista's talks about what a man-****e he is. He thinks his mom being a lesbian is pretty hot according to him...:wtf: then another good book was the eddie guerrero story.

edge's book is effin awesome.
Bret and Ric's books are informative, but you can just tell how arrogant they are from the writing. Though Ric comes off as less of a punk, it's definitely there.

I'd definitely read Stone Cold's book, and also The Rise and Fall of WCW. Another one I take in high regards, though it's dubious in the Wrestling community, is Ring of Hell, which goes into detail about Chris Benout's double murder suicide. Admittedly, it doesn't really shine a good light on wrestling, but it's still a good read, if not honest.
Edge's book is decent, I honestly didn't enjoy Stone Cold's that much. Jericho's book is the best I've read with Foley's close behind. I haven't read it myself, but Bret's book is supposedly one of the best.
Foleys are great read, especially the first one. Next one should be good and his novel Tietam Brown is great as well.

Jericho's is also recommended.
Read the books that the wrestlers you like wrote. Before he retired from WWE, I read Flair's book, which added to the drama of his retirement, if you didn't know how far he had come. If you like HBK, his book's worth a read. Some insight on just about all of his famous matches, including the Montreal Screwjob.
Chris Jericho's and Bret Hart's are definitely worth reading. Wrestlecrap and the Death of WCW are hilarious. I also like Ted Dibiase's book. I haven't read the more recent one published by WWE. The one I read was from back in 1998 or 1999.

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