WrestleZone Top 10 Songs

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
This is your Music Mod coming at you in the hopes for a fun new thread. It is dedicated to the top 10 songs on WrestleZone Forums! What I am asking you is to give me the top 100 songs of all time. If you are not able to think of 100 songs, just give me the best list that you can!

I will take everyone’s list that is PMed to me and combine them, and from that, establish the top 10 songs. Each day I will present a post dedicated on the song, and give the WrestleZone Audience the chance to chime in on each song.

So get your lists in by Friday!

Also, don't list your songs here, send them to my PM. Then starting Saturday, We will begin the count down right before Raw on Monday the 15th! You can follow along in this thread, and as the top 10 are decided, you can chime in on the song with your thoughts on it!
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Well, I think I have done it. After pouring through dozens of lists, I believe I have found the top 10. It was a lot of work, as their were many songs that were only on one persons list. Also, because people didn't numberize some, I assigned the numbers in the order the gave me, so alphabetical songs were seeded that way. Also, Killjoy fails at making lists. Also, I think Nita didn't have a song #25, might have been someone else, so I filled it in with the Chicken Song.

Another problem is when a song has two names, should put both, I know some songs on the lists that didn't do this, so it was hard to seed them. If I didn't know it, then those songs didn't get put with them.

I tried a way to determine the songs in order that I think works, otherwise it would have taken forever, as I eliminated songs that had less than the 15th song. I am sorry if I made any mistakes on this, but heck, it is all for fun as it is. Some people had fun with their lists. But if you didn't PM the list to me, I didn't count it, so the great hit Armbar failed to make the list. And if a song was by an artist twice, I put it together, such as one of the songs in this list.

The songs that were placed 11-15 are here:

We Are The Champions- Queen (Separated From We Will Rock You)
Smells Like Teen Spirit- Nirvana
Layla- Eric Clapton
Baba O’Riley- The Who
Tag Team - Whoomp There It Is
I'd have no problem making room for this classic gem on my top 100 list

[YOUTUBE]<object width="640" height="505"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/Z-FPimCmbX8&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/Z-FPimCmbX8&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="505"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

The rest of the 11-15 is pretty solid as well, even though I didn't any of the songs on my list, I'm still down with teh classic rock, so its all good.

When is highly anticipated top ten going to be released Mr. TM?
Pretty decent choices for the most part. I guess we aren't all complete morons on here.

"Whoomp There It Is" is actually annoying as hell. There are about a bazillion other rap songs that don't suck as much, namely anything by the Beastie Boys. I blame tdigle for this one.

The rest of them are pretty much classics. You got the most popular song of one of the greatest (British, right?) bands ever with The Who, Eric Clapton's only hit, I think. I've heard the song before, but honestly have never heard of him.

"Smells Like Teen Spirit" is surprisingly low for me. Was expecting it to be closer to #1. Of course, I forgot about it whilst making my list, but if I remembered, it would've been near the top. I have no idea what other 10 songs would be ahead of it.

Consider the Queen love on here, not surprising to see "We Are the Champions" near the top. It's ok though, because it truly is a great song that'll likely still be around 500 years from now.

Excited for the rest of the list. I have a feeling Journey will take the top spot. At least it should.
The songs that were placed 11-15 are here:

We Are The Champions- Queen (Separated From We Will Rock You)

I really thought that this song would have been much higher on the list. I mean, I never voted for it but I know how much love Queen get around here. Personally, I don't care for "We Are The Champions" a great deal. It is a good enough song and is very inspiring but I think Queen have much better songs than that. I fully expect Bohemian Rhapsody to be very much higher on the list and I don't think this is Queen's best song.

Smells Like Teen Spirit- Nirvana

I've never been a huge fan of Nirvana. In fact, I generally hate everything they do. That being said, "Smells Like Teen Spirit" is the song that did eventually cross-over to me. It is the only Nirvana song that I will listen to and the only one I can stand, basically. However, due to all the love it gets, I expected it to be higher.

Layla- Eric Clapton

Mark the fuck out! I love this song. The only song listed so far that was actually on my list and one of my favourite songs of all time. It was actually Miko that introduced me to this song. I had no idea what the song was but as soon as I listened to it, I recognised it and I have loved it since. Eric Clapton is one of the finest musicians to live and I really mean that. "You Look Wonderful Tonight" and "Cocaine" are other fantastic songs from Clapton but I don't expect to see him again on the list.

Baba O’Riley- The Who
Tag Team - Whoomp There It Is

Don't know these ones. Hence, I have no opinion.
I, too, expected "Smells Like Teen Spirit" to be a lot higher on the list. It's a bit surprising to me that it wasn't.

Also, I had "Baba O'riley" criminally low on my list and it shouldn't have been. But at the time, most of my songs weren't in order. I'm glad it made top 15, though. #1 will be somewhat of a shocker now...I like that.

TM, I'm curious, how many lists did you have to choose from?

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