Dave's Two Songs Of The Day Game!

June 25th, 2011.

Im going to resurrect this thread Dave, mostly because I put alot of effort into it in the past, and I can't let it die with Copper being the last band I found on this thread. They're simply not good enough for this thread to end with them! That, and I really need new music again....;)

Anyway, I just saw the movie the Ledge, which is one of the most thought provoking, introspective movies Ive ever seen. There was a song on the soundtrack for the movie that portrayed that theme, and despite my best effort, I couldn't find the band based upon the lyrics. So I found another band that mirrored some of the same introspective values that the movie displayed. I'd never heard of them before, and Im guessing neither have you. Without further ado, the band of the day is Love Split Love!

Love Split Love: Am I Wrong


I freaking loved this song the first time I heard it, from the early lyrics, to the stirring chorus. The line "I turn my back on my faith" early on sets the tone for the song, which presents its major theme in the chorus with "Goodbye, Lay the blame on luck." Sometimes, there are things that happen in this world that I can't attribute to faith, God, or anything related to a higher being. It's simply the way life plays out, and some of it is dumb luck, be it good or bad. Can what we do influence what happens to us? Sure. But I can't control what the people around me do, and sometimes, the way people respond to situations is baffling. There's no rhyme or reason, and I could spend days trying to figure out the why, with no success. Sometimes, things happen just because, and we're just a small cog in a much bigger machine, nothing more. There's no logical explanation, and there's no higher meaning either. Stuff just happens.

Love Split Love: How Soon is Now


To stay true to the game, I needed to find two songs by the band that I truly liked and would actually add to my IPod. While this song is nowhere near as good lyrically or musically as the first song, it's still solid. I knew I had heard this song before, and I realized I had heard it when I used to do In-Home therapy with mental health patients. Id work with one woman's son while she watched Charmed, the show about the sisters that were witches, or something like that. I know Alyssa Milano was in the show, and Ive had it bad for her since Who's The Boss?, so how bad could the song be if it was the theme for a show with Alyssa frickin Milano? Actually, I think it's a pretty darn good show.

The theme of the song is pretty simplistic. Sometimes the way we were raised and grew up influence who we are, and our search for acceptance is sometimes complicated by our past issues. We all long for connections, and without them, life sucks, and can cause people to lose hope. Yet we often do things to push away those we connect with, and it's usually a cyclical thing.

It's not a band Id listen to at the gym, but they make for some good background noise. The music is introspective, to say the least, which goes hand in hand with where my head is right now. I can't find other songs Id highly recommend, as the band basically was birthed out of the ashes of the Psychodelic Furs, who re-formed later. These two songs were solid though, and worthy additions to my IPod. The band of the day is Love Split Love!

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