Dave's Two Songs Of The Day Game!

February 13th 2011

So, when I play this game, it is funny how songs and artists manage to creep up on me. It happened with Rise Against when I finally discovered them as a band that I could and would enjoy. Today, that same stroke of luck has managed to strike me. When I woke up this morning, my brother was in my room watching American Pie 2. Instead of immediately shooing him from my proximity, I decided just to watch the movie in bed... It was pretty bad ass, to be honest. Not only was I watching one of my favourite movies, I got to watch it in bed and brighten my day from the off. I thoroughly recommend it.

Anyway, the band that I am going to cover today was on the soundtrack for that movie and I had never realized that with the American Pie movies, you are able to go to the special features and it tells you all of the songs that were included, even if it was just in passing. That realisation will help me a lot in future when I am struggling to fins music on my own. There is a lot of good songs and bands on that soundtrack and a soundtrack that I really think you should check out if you like the same sort of music as I do.

Anyway, today's band of the day is 3 Doors Down!

this is the song that first got me into 3 Doors Down and, as I stated previously, was the official theme song for American Pie 2. To me, this song is absolutely beautiful and I cannot help but sing along as it progresses.

3 Doors Down is not a band that I have ever heard of before but as I perused their Youtube VEVO, I was shocked to see how many views some of their songs had. This song, in particular, was a very big trending video on Youtube. Perhaps it is because they had never made it big over here, or even tried for that matter, that I was completely ignorant of them but with stroke of luck, I was able to get on board with them.

I personally think that is the best of their songs but the others are no slouches. However, first impressions last a lifetime and this was the song that piqued my interest in this band and was the first song I looked up on Youtube when I wanted to hear more from them. The lyrics are absolutely brilliant and I appreciate the singers tone throughout the song. It feels very heartfelt and I am usually drawn to that emotion. It is half the reason that I love rock because they seem to pour the most emotion into their efforts, if that makes any sense whatsoever?

It is important to note, that one of the reasons I included this song instead of some of their popular songs, was the official music video. When I was watching their VEVO, it was about soldiers and their efforts in wards that mean we can post these topics and talk about anything that comes to mind. It wouldn't allow me to post the video here but I highly suggest that you go listen to it and watch the video, it will bring a tear to your eye.

Just the feel of the song is completely different from “Here Without You” and I really enjoy that. Plus, there is a heavier guitar influence in this song and that is always something that I savour in a heartfelt song that intends to have a deep purpose. Perhaps they are taking advantage of the sentiment towards soldiers to sell more records but it doesn't matter to me. The song is brilliant and I cannot help but be thankful for everything I have when I hear it. I honestly hope that you can achieve some of the emotion I have when I hear this song.

Today's band of the day is 3 Doors Down.
February 14th 2011

Today, I decided to go about deciding my band of the day a little differently. I had gone to Youtube and to Last FM in search of a band that I could add to my music library and be happy with. However, nothing was jumping off the page to me. I had looked at a couple of different bands and decided to give up on them. Just when I thought that I would resume the search a little later on, I was surfing the net and came across the Grammy awards winners. Whilst I had already looked at Lady GaGa and Bruno Mars, a band that I had heard of but had never listened took my interest.

The band of the day for today is Arcade Fire!

I had heard of this band but I would be lying if I had said that I had even heard one of their songs. Like a lot of other bands, some of the songs seem familiar but none of them really could be placed into any sort of memory and I guess that is a good thing for me because it means I get to talk about them more from an unbiased point of view. It is worth noting that Arcade Fire won the Grammy for best album at last night's awards and although I haven't listened to The Suburbs, I am definitely going to make an effort to do that in the near future. Look out for it in the album review thread.

The is the, seemingly, most familiar song. I honestly have no idea where I have heard it from... Or if I have even heard it at all. However, it seems familiar and wouldn't seem out of place for a tournament of some kind. It is similar in feel to songs you would hear at the Olympics or The World Cup. It is very grand and the sound of the song is very lucid and eccentric.

That being said, it was the first song that I listened to when I looked up Arcade Fire and is definitely one of their better songs. The chorus of singers that is prevalent at the beginning really shape up this song wonderfully well and you can just tell that you are listening to something a little bit special when you start. For me, this is probably their finest effort and is the first of the r songs to go into my library...

Time for number 2!

This song is from their most recent album “The Suburbs”. This is the first release from that album and must have been a song that the band felt would have been the most successful. I must say that I enjoyed this song enough to want to listen to it again but it is very similar to a lot of the songs that Arcade Fire do. I must say that I feel, like many of the bands that I have covered, Arcade Fire seem a little one-dimensional. I really didn't hear anything that would differ from both of the songs I have listed. They are very soft and melancholic in their style of music.

Personally, I like that but I don't think I could take listening to it for a full album. I am hopeful that when I get The Suburbs downloaded and listened to, some of their songs will be a little more emotional and perhaps a little more hardcore. I am not holding my breath but seeing as how this album holds a very good score on Metacritic, I am hoping that it will be a worthwhile buy.

That being said, today's band of the day is Arcade Fire!
February 14th, 2011

My method for picking the band of the day was quite simplistic here. I decided to just use the magical Genuis icon on my Itunes account, and up popped a band Im sure most of you have heard of, but I simply hadn't. When doing a cross reference with one of my favorite bands, Breaking Benjamin, I came across a band that instantly produced at least one song from said band that Im quite sure will head to the top of my playlist quite soon. Im not sure how I missed them during my college years, but at the same time, I don't remember much from those days! Without further ado, the band of the the day is Trust Company.

Trust Company: Downfall

The guitar kicks in heavy at the beginning, but it really underlies the softer sider of the song, even with the screaming. I fell in love with this freaking song the second i heard the melodious chorus. The song sounds familar to me, but it's one I just can't place. I love the idea of the push/pull nature that the lead singer is describing when referring to his significant other(or a friend or family member) and the fact that the simply don't know the other side of the person. Self-destructive, self-loathing, and angry, all the things you would come to expect from an early 2000's band! That being said, I loved every bit of this song. The idea of trying to be one person with others and another person in their personal life truly can push one over the edge, or into the Downfall, that the title suggests. For those who have heard it, Im sure you'll enjoy hearing it again. For first-timers like me, enjoy yourself, my friends!

Trust Company: Heart in my Hands

So apparently this is the new single from the Alabama Post-grunge boys. After taking a long hiatus from 2005-2008, they reformed the band and began working on their third album, which included this one. It sounds far more polished then their original stuff, but you can still hear remnants of their earlier stuff I sampled, including the first song i posted, and other songs I sampled such as Falling Apart. It's worth checking out as well, because it's quite good. But as for Heart in my hands, these guys write some sick riffs, especially the beginning. Although nowhere near as heavy or angry as Downfall, it truly demonstrates some of the same emotion. They touch on the dangers of their lover putting their heart in their hands, and the possible repurcussions. So raw, so real, and i freaking love it. Not quite as good as Downfall, but still a fine song in its own right. Im glad I stumbled upon these guys, and they're EXACTLY the type of band I could see in concert(and am surprised I haven't) and easily listen to a full CD without. I found at least 5 songs i reaally was into, and that was out of only 6 songs. Not sure how they slipped through the cracks until now, but Im damn sure I found them!'

So easily for today, and my best find since SR-71, the band of the day is Trust Company!
February 15th, 2011

So I just had a couple small issues when it came to deciding today's band of the day. The first was that one of the songs had to have somewhat of an acoustic feel to it, as I needed something that would evoke that particular emotion within me. Second, I didnt want to use a band that used a cover as a single they released. Sometimes I really dig covers, but it's hard to put the same emotion into covers that it is into writing and singing your own stuff. Finally, I wanted a band that's been around for more then a decade, as I wanted to sort through a wide variety of their stuff. Fortunately, I was able to find aforementioned band, and found a damn good rock track to go along with the acoustic one. Having met the criteria I was looking for, I decided on 10 Years as the band of the day!

Ten Years: So Long, GoodBye
Okay, so there's a backstory here. I went to a festival a few years back, and i distinctly remember 10 Years being on the card. Unfortunately for them, they were playing at the same time Godsmack was, and 22 year old me cared about hearing a band Id heard at least 5 times before live then I did a group of unknowns. I think this was around the time GodSmack had put out their acoustic LP, so i was even more interested in hearing them then ever. Anyway, I didnt have much of a sense of divided loyalty here, so i skipped over 10 Years with the promise to re-visit them someday. I never did, until today. I listened to this particular song 3 times, and dragged my wife into my study to hear it as well. While she initially joked "Are you trying to tell me something?", she dug it too.

Theres something about this song that just moves me emotionally. It's obviously a song about loss, particularly about coming to terms with the fact that you and your lover simply aren't right for each other, and how no amount of convincing or "talking it out" is going to change that. It's two people who have become strangers to one another, which happens so often in relationships of any kind. It's certainly a cold-blooded song in that sense, but its done so in almost a regretful fashion. The saying "Love comes, Love goes, but the hurt still remains" rings true here, regardless of the situation.

10 Years: Beautiful

Such a well-written song. Our society is one that thrives on superficial attitudes, behaviors, and most significantly, looks. I love the line Your insecurities are concealed by your pride, pretty soon your ego will kill whats left inside. Again, this one rings true to me on so many levels. Ive met and dated prior to my marriage many women who fit this exact mold. If they didnt look a certain way, or their weight wasn't "just so", they were unable to find hapiness in anything internal. I take a sense of pride in how I look, but its not the end-all be-all for me, and Im thankful ive found a similar woman like that in my wife, even though Im the first to admit Ive outkicked my coverage. Great song that reminds me of past relationships, and makes me thankful for the one I have now. Anyway, the band of the day is 10 Years!
February 15th 2011

Today, I knew what I was looking for and found it pretty simply actually. There is a back story to this band selection though and I would love to share it with you now.

When I was turning 18, I thought I had met the love of my life. I know, 18 and in love, he doesn't know what love is blah blah... Anyway, this girl was amazing. I had met her in work one day and turned on the charm to make her buy a laptop from me. Well, she would later tell me that she was buying one anyway and I played a very small role in the purchasing effort. I still chalk it up to my amazing charm though. Nevertheless, she worked in a café that was pretty close to where I work. I would go in every day for lunch after that first meeting and we got on like a house on fire.

Nevertheless, we were talking one day and she told me that she loved Nickelback. I liked them too and there was a concert coming up soon. We made plans to go but I told her that I had called up and it was sold out. What she didn't know was that I had bought tickets for us both and surprised her with the tickets a few days before her birthday. She was absolutely over the moon and when we went to the concert, we had our first kiss. However, it is not Nickleback that brought us closer together, it was a band called Black Stone Cherry that did the deed and I cannot believe that I have failed to add them to my library before now. They are the band of the day today...


this song is known as Lonely Train and I have a sneaking suspicion that this is the song that has really crossed over to people in the general market the most. It is probably their most famous song and has been the theme song for a multitude of things. I seem to recall that it was the theme tune for the 2009 UFC Undisputed game as well as the theme song for The Great American Bash, as you can see from the video.

Personally, it is one of my favourite BSC songs and I assume that is because of how ferocious it is. It really keeps up the energy throughout and the vocal performance is very steady. The drum line incorporated into it is pretty damn awesome too. I don't know but this song just seems like it should be a more recognised song, although it is probably the most well-versed song of their entire back-catalogue.

It really is a great song and is the song they opened with when I seen them. It immediately manages to grab your attention from the start and that is particularly why it was so easy to find. Truth be told, I couldn't actually remember the band's name and having listened to that song, I immediately recognised them as the band in question.


This is the song that turned me into a BSC fan, without a doubt. Yes, they are pretty good when they are playing electric guitars and pounding their drums like there will be no tomorrow. However, this song is just so absolutely beautiful that I cannot get past it. Call me a sucker but whenever I hear piano in a rock bands songs, I always seem to appreciate and like the song a lot more. This song is no different, the piano adds a whole new dimension to this song and it manages to accompany the lyrics wonderfully well. This song is beautiful! It really reminds me of Fields of Gold. Does anyone else get that?

I am glad that I found a song like this that makes me think of the people that I love and that is to the credit of BSC. It really makes me think of my Grampa and although he is very much alive, it makes me think of how lucky I am to have that. Music, the great communicator.

Anyway. Today's band of the day is Black Stone Cherry!
February 16th 2011

Today, I was really putting this off because I felt so lousy. Maybe it is everything catching up to me with the death of mu Uncle or the fact that I haven't really had the time to go out of my way and find a new band that I had not heard anything from before. However, with a stroke of luck, I was able to find that band. On Facebook, I noticed that one of my friends has posted a song on the wall of another friend. Normally, I wouldn't even care about the songs that are posted on Facebook unless I have posted them but today was different. There was something more to this band and although I had heard of them before, I had never found the time to listen to any of their work and really didn't care that much about it.

Call it fate or what have you but I decided that I was going to give it a go. I pressed play and listened to a song that made me regret the decision not to listen to them way before now. Of course, I still had to find a second song that I liked before I put them into this post. What is normally a very trying and infuriating process of trying to find a second song was made remarkably easy today. I clicked on the very next song down and realised that I had been missing out on a great band that fits my style of music to a tee. That being said, let's get on with the posting of songs, shall we?

Today's band of the day is Editors!

Although I haven't been a fan of the Editors in the past and really don't know which of their two songs are their best. However, for the last hour or so, I have been reading some reviews of their work and listening to some of the songs that pique my interest. These two songs, Smokers outside The Hospital Doors and Papillon are probably their most talked-about songs.

However, more than that, they are likely their best songs, in my very brief opinion. Both of these songs really let me into the Editor's world and how they operate. Both of them also have very different sounds to them. Whilst SOTHD is a lot more poppy and grand, Papillon is a little softer... The prevalent drum element in SOTHD is no longer evident and I guess that is to be expected when the songs are form different albums. Personally, I love both of these songs and I also think that anyone who enjoys this sort of music, very similar to The Klaxons and Maximo Park, should check out the songs Munich and Bones. All of the songs that have been mentioned are ones that I listened to and have fuelled my love of a band that I really should have been enjoying years ago.

Today's band of the day is Editors!
First off Dave, screw you. We picked the same band by some miracle and you somehow posted first! How the hell did that happen? I even picked one of the same songs as you did(Smokers). Back to the drawing board. Bastard. :)

February 16th, 2011

My criteria for finding a band today was that I wanted to find an internationally based band. I thought I had found the perfect band, until Dave decided to use them already! Anyway, the Editors are a great band, so good choice. So I decided to completely switch gears and went with finding a local band.

It's amazing the directions that life takes us. I generally avoid Facebook at all costs, because I could spend hours on there and get distracted from actually doing my job. Today was different, as I went looking for a band. It couldn't be any band, i was looking for a specific one. One of my best friend's older brother started numerous bands when we were in high school together, until he, 2 other friends of mine, and two kids I know got together. I wasn't a very good friend, because although I bought the T-Shirt and the CD to support the cause, I never gave them a listen. But i wanted to make that right, so I asked around, and one of my friends confirmed the band for me, and she pointed out a few songs that I might like. They actually were damn good, so i felt even worse about never listening to the CD and selling it back to a second hand CD store. :shrug: Anyway, the band of the day is the Juliana Theory!

The Juliana Theory: Into the Dark


This is some of their earlier stuff, and while it is quite unpolished and poppy, it's obvious that the talent is there. Simple, basic lyrics, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The name of the album the song is off of is called Love, which is the overwhelming theme of the majority of the songs that I sampled. This song resonates even more for me because by nature, Im a rescuer. whether it comes to my career or my personal life, I feel good when Im able to put others needs above my own, and help others through difficult times. And that's exactly what this song is about. It's no masterpeice, but it's catchy and enjoyable. And along with a few others, including the next one Im going to share with you, has intensified my desire to find more of their stuff.

The Juliana Theory: If I told you this was killing me, would you stop?


As I think about it, these guys had a huge cult following when I was in college. I even went to college with the band's manager, and every time I would see him, he'd tell me, jokingly "Watch your tongue boy, why don't you say it to my face?"(the start of the chours) and then come up with something rediculous that I had supposedly said behind his back. Ah, good times! Anyway, another choppy song by some talented guys. The message here is simple and practical, and that's about biting your tongue sometimes, even if you really want to say something. There's always a time and a place for saying things, but it's through discretion and maturity that we figure those times out. Or something like that. :) There are so many times that Id like to cuss out clients of mine, and theres even been a few times Ive felt the urge to pop over my desk and hit a client or two. So thanks for the reminder guys that perhaps that wouldn't have been the best decision!

Anyway, from some of the stories Brett(the lead singer) has told me in the past, like at his brothers wedding, was about some of the bands he's toured with in the past. And perhaps it was complete and utter envy over them doing 15-20 shows with the Foo Fighters, Weezer, the Goo Goo Dolls, Incubus, and Evanescsence that precluded me from giving them a listen, or perhaps it was the fact that I listened to the same bands all the time. Either way, I missed out on a good thing when they disbanded in 2006, but I can look back, listen now, and enjoy a darn good band who I feel privledged to call 3 members lifelong friends. Anyway, the band of the day is The Juliana Theory!
17th of February 2011

I was pretty sure that this was the first day I was going to miss writing an entry for this and it was for good reason. I went to work this morning and just felt so sick. I rode it out and finished the longest shift of my life. When I came home, I had no energy whatsoever and after barely finishing my dinner, I fell asleep. Luckily, I seemed to have perked up a little bit and I am happy to go on write this little post. However, knowing my schedule for tomorrow, I will probably have to write two tonight and that just seems like the least enthralling idea in the history of posting. Still, I battle on like the Champion I am and bring you some more of the recently found musical choices of the day.

Today, I didn't have a lot of time or energy and decided to play it safe with one of the choices I knew I could write about. Today's act of the day is someone who has come into her own recently and although I never listened to her through and willingness of my own before, I knew that if I actually gave her a chance to impress me, she probably would. With that being said, I opened Youtube about half an hour ago and was pretty much blown away by how unique her sounds was. She recently won the BBC's Sound Of 2011 award, meaning that the BBC thought this would be her break-out year. In the short time since that award, she has released two singles, both of which have sky-rocketed to the top of the charts and for good reason. I'd now like to share them with you...

Today's artist of the day is... Jessie J!

The two songs I have listed and posted are the two songs that Jessie J has released since she was named the Sound Of 2011 by the BBC. Jessie J was also given the Brit award for being the Critic's Choice. Now, given that she only started finding fame a couple of months ago, I would say that is very good going. The Brit awards are basically like the Grammy awards and winning them is no mean feat, although it is Britain. Other winners this year were Rihanna, Justin Beiber and Cee Lo Green. So, she is amongst very good company with her Brit award this year.

Both of these songs have very different feel to them and I am very happy to include them in my library from now on. “Do it like a dude” is definitely a lot darker and showcases the less subtle side of Jessie J's character. I guess it is supposed to be some sort of social commentary aimed towards the divide between men and women in society but I just see it as a freaking awesome song that catapulted Jessie into the mainstream media. The video is pretty darn awesome too and I think any budding fan should check that out if they have time on their hands.

The second song “Price Tag”, is the follow-up single to her début in the charts. Some people say that it is more difficult to get a good second song to your name than it is to get the first. I believe this to be true, especially when your first song received so much praise and acclaim that it took a good song to match that and perhaps even go beyond it. Both of them are absolutely brilliant and accomplish different things. However, it should be noted that ”Price Tag” is currently number one in the UK singles chart. If she continues to be such a break-through artist, I totally suspect she will be going over the other side of the pond in the near future. Look out for her. She is very Lady GaGa like, in my estimation and I think she would be well-received in America.

Today's artist of the day is Jessie J!
I totally fucking made it!

February 18th 2011

As I reported in my last post, I have been pretty under the weather and given that I am going out tomorrow right after work, I will not have the time to post an entry for tomorrow if I did not get it done right now. I haven't missed a day since the 1st of February and I am actually very hopeful that I can go the full year without missing a day. I know that it will be very tough and there will be days when I simply cannot post. However, I made sure that today was not one of them. I am already in bed and the only thing to do is to write this post... So... Hurrah!

Anyway, after the resounding success that was Jessie J, I was keen to get a band that had a lot of potential, in my eyes. However, I didn't really want to go so mainstream with the latest entry and searched around for a band that I had never listened to before. After visiting a couple of my usual hotspots foe new bands, there was nothing that I wanted to write about and I was almost ready to give up and go to bed when I logged into Facebook. Luckily, one of my friends has a fantastic taste in music and when he posted a band to another friend's wall, I decided to give them a listen. To say that I wasn't expecting a lot from them would be an understatement and I really wasn't in the mood for giving them another chance if they sucked the fat one.

However, the song that I played grabbed my attention right away and it fuelled me onto listening to some more of their songs. I am very happy with this band and two songs have been added to my ever-expanding library. So, I guess I had better share them with you...

Today's band of the day is Hot Hot Heat!

The first song I have posted is the song that was posted on one of my friend's wall and is the song that got me into Hot Hot Heat. When you listen to it, you can immediately hear why it drew me in when I first listened to it. I doubt many of you have but it sounds very much like The Streets' “Fit but you know it” when it begins and that is what I thought it was in the opening seconds. That being said, it is a really nice poppy song that fits the style of music that I really enjoy for the most part. This song is really similar to things by Maximo Park and Interpol. Personally, I think this is my favourite song that they have released.

The second song, “Middle Of Nowhere” has a very chilled out feel to it that tends to remind me of bands like Snow Patrol and The Kooks, if you have ever heard of them? Either way, both of those bands are pretty high up in my regards and this song really fits that mould. I really love how relaxed it is and I always appreciate really simplistic songs. There isn't much to this song other than a guitar and a drum kit and I think you have to appreciate that. Doing less with more is always difficult and Hot Hot Heat have managed it with this song.

It is also worth mentioning that this band has been everywhere in the media. They have been all over TV and have been part of the OST's for video games and TV series galore. You have probably heard a couple of their songs and didn't even realise it. I know that one of their songs is in House and given that I have seen every episode of that show, I am surprised I didn't recognise any songs. What I will say though, is that these are the tow best songs. Please don't expect their library of songs to get any better because, having listened to them for a little while, it doesn't get much better than these unfortunately.

Either way, today's band of the day is Hot Hot Heat!

P.S. It is now 2:30 in the morning and I am doing this! That is commitment!
Ok, so today I was on a mission to find one of two things, preferably both. I wanted a band that wasn't from the States, and one that had a female lead singer. The first was a muct, as everything on here thusfar has been from the US. I figured a little estrogen wouldn't hurt the thread either. Unfortunately, all the bands with female lead singers I already had too much of their stuff, or they were brutally awful. However, I think I hit gold with the overseas band, and will gladly use the UK band the Lost Prophets as my song of the day!

Apparently they're quite popular across the pond, but not so much here in the states. I vaguely remember them doing a song for a montage on Jeff Hardy, so I elected not to use that song here(Rooftops). Still, I found plenty left to like.

Lost Prophets: Last Train Home


First off, the intro to this song completely kicks ass. And it only gets better from there. I liked this song better then Rooftops, which says alot, because Rooftops is a great song. But it's got quite the catchy vibe to it, the lyrics are well written, and its one of those songs that you caan't help but sing along with after a listen or two. The song ends with a nice hook, slow but emphatic. The best comparison I could make for these guys is a male version of Paramore, musically speaking. I love the line of We sing without a reason, to never fall in love again. Great song.

Since I cut Rooftops from here even though I donwloaded it as well for my Ipod, I still needed another song. Fortunately, I stumbled upon this fine song.

Lost Prophets: Wake Up(Make a Move)

This song has quite the anthem feel to it, and it's quite motivational as well. I can't wait to hit the gym tomorrow and play this one, to be honest. sometimes in life, we sit and wait for other people to provide the answer to the problems we have, when it's on us to go and find them. That's what I take from this song and I think it's done in a way that's not condescedning, because as I said, the chorus has an anthem feel to it, and like the first song, it's quite catchy as well.

So mission accomplished on one front, as I found my band for the day that originated outside of the States. I really dug them, as including Rooftops, I added 5 of their songs to my playlist. The band of the day is Lost Prophets!
February 19th 2011

Today, I want to do something a little bit different. I must thank your music moderator Smooth Sexual Chocolate for getting me into the mood for electronic music. Now, I was not the biggest electronic music fan and that hasn't changed much in the last couple of days. I am afraid that my knowledge of the sub-genre was a little lacking in places. That being said, I still like Calvin Harris and David Guetta when they pull off songs that fir into this appropriate category.

However, SSC sent me a whole list of electronic bands and I must be honest and say that some of them were not my kind of thing. However, a lot of the bands he mentioned are entirely what I am looking for. Perhaps, in a couple of days, I will share some of them with you because it really adds a new dimension to this thread if I can try and encapsulate as many sub-genres of music as I possibly can. I really wanted to get more involved with this style of music and I must thank SSC for giving me the drive to go ahead and listen to more than I normally would.

Today's band of the day is MSTRKRFT!


Both of these songs are what I am looking for when I add to my music library. Not only are they tunes that you could listen to at any time, in or out, they are tunes that will get you excited for anything.

The first song, whilst being accompanied by the best video in Youtube history, the type of song that I absolutely love to listen to before I go out for a night on the tiles and this is definitely good for that playlist. It is a terrific piece of House music and I absolutely love the lyrics that accompany the song too. I personally prefer when they include lyrics to a song rather than just the music. I think it just adds a little more to the song and gives people a base in which to remember the song. Are people going to remember the tune of this song? Probably not. Will they remember the chorus? Probably. I like how rap and house music seem to come together so effortlessly in this song, it definitely gives it another edge.

The second song is the probably the most successful of all their single releases as it managed to infiltrate the UK singles chart in 2009 and managed to get to number 5 in the Dance chart. It features soul legend John Legend (funnily enough) and although it is not as fast paced and upbeat as Bounce, you have to think that it is a well-crafted individual piece of work. I really like this tune and as was the case with Bounce, the lyrics and vocal talents of John Legend really bring this song to life. That being said, the tune is not half bad either. As I said, I just prefer lyrics in a house song. MSTRKRFT are definitely one of my favourite bands that practise in this area of music but other people like Calvin Harris and Cut Copy are pretty damn good too and worth a listen, in this man's opinion.

Today's band of the day is MSTRKRFT!
The band of the day is Lost Prophets!

I actually love how in sync we seem to be with our music choices. LostProphets are one of my favourite bands and if you are looking for a band who can give you the energy and drive to bust out another rep in the gym, or give you the motivation to do something that may not sound like such an attractive idea, then they are definitely a wonderful choice. I don't know which songs you have added your library but here are a few that I suggest:

“Burn Burn”
“Everyday Combat”
“4AM Forever”
“Everybody's Screaming”
“For All These Times Son. For All These Times”
“Where We Belong”
“For He's A Jolly Good Felon”

That should hold you for a while! The best thing about the LostProphets is how simple and effective they are/ They play one kind of music and you can either like it or not listen, it is that simple. My brother went to see them last year and said that they were outstanding live and that they seem like chill dudes too.

So, yeah. Fantastic choice.

February 20th 2011

Today, I knew what I wanted right from the start. I was playing some Guitar Hero 3 last night in commemoration of it's lasting legacy that is now in the past. It's gone! It will never be coming back! Anyway, I was rocking my way through many a great band and track when a band that I was familiar with popped up. However, I had not heard this band in far too long and my iTunes library was a few songs short of their name. Well, I actually had no songs of their on my iTunes library and that came as a shock to me. I previously had a couple of their albums but when I changed my laptop, I must have forgotten about them and never thought to add them back into the mix.

That, however, has changed and they definitely deserve it. They were one of my favourite bands at one point and although they have not released anything in recent years, they still get a reaction from me whenever I hear one of their songs. The band is currently on hiatus but, apparently, there is still plans to bring them back together again although a lot of the members are now doing their own things in other projects. That being said, the legacy they left us with, if they do decide to call it a day some time in the near future, is still pretty awesome. Let's have a look at just two of their songs, shall we?

Today's band of the day is Bloc Party!

The top song, The Prayer, is by far my favourite Bloc Party song. It was the song that got me into Bloc Party and is one of the reasons that I kicked myself so hard for forgetting to add them back into my iTunes playlists. The Prayer is off of the album A Weekend In The City and, if I recall correctly, is their highest charting single to date. I think it reached the top 5 in the UK singles charts and that was the first time that I managed to hear them. I think the first time I heard of them was on a show that showcased some of the best unsigned talents in the UK and they were the last act to perform. I think they did Helicopter as their opener and although I wasn't a fan then, I had a feeling that they were going to be something special if they could manage to get signed to a label in the near future. They did and the rest is history. This song is a lot different to what they normally do and I seem to recall reading it was about drug use... So there you go.

The second song is off of their debut album and is a song that I referenced earlier. It is the song that reminded me of them when I was playing Guitar Hero last night and one of their finest songs to date. It is an awesome display of guitar talent and never fails to lift my spirits. It is off the album Silent Alarm and I would like to take that time to recommend that album to you if you like this sound. It was nominated for the NME album for best album and the Mercury Music Prize. It didn't win but it had some stiff competition from the Arctic Monkeys, Kaiser Chiefs and Maximo Park (Yes, another Maximo Park reference). I read somewhere that people thought this song was about George Bush and that the lead singer had later denied that, saying it was about himself. Who knows? All I know is that it is a fucking brilliant song from a brilliant album!

Today's band of the day is Bloc Party! Go download them!
I actually love how in sync we seem to be with our music choices. LostProphets are one of my favourite bands and if you are looking for a band who can give you the energy and drive to bust out another rep in the gym, or give you the motivation to do something that may not sound like such an attractive idea, then they are definitely a wonderful choice. I don't know which songs you have added your library but here are a few that I suggest:

“Burn Burn”
“Everyday Combat”
“4AM Forever”
“Everybody's Screaming”
“For All These Times Son. For All These Times”
“Where We Belong”
“For He's A Jolly Good Felon”

It's crazy how similar our taste in music is and how many bands we've discovered individually that the other already was quite fond of! Good shit Dave! I added all 7 songs to the 3 I had already added from the Lost Prophets. Cheers for the heads up!

February 19th, 2011

I know that technically Im writing this one on February 20th, but I have a good reason for this. I had my band selected, my two songs posted, and my explanation typed up. And suddenly poof! I accidentally erased everything I had just typed up! I re-wrote it as best I could, and added more as Ive literally fallen in love with this band over the last 3 days. So (hopefully) you'll get to enjoy the band as much as I do!

I had mentioned in doing my last selection that I my desire was to not only find a band that had originated outside the States, but also had a female lead singer. This proved to be more difficult then I thought, as finding quality bands with female lead singers can be a tough task, let alone finding one outside of the States. I was unable on Friday to find success, but I did find a good band originating from Welsh in the Lost Prophets. So I continued my search for something that met that criteria that Id actually enjoy. While PJ Harvey and Tic-Tac Toe turned out to be decent, neither were acts that I cared to add to my Ipod. I finally found success in locating a solid band with a female lead singer, although the entire band was born in Texas. Having found a new band outside the states on Friday and a good band with a female lead singer today, Im confident Ill find the pairing at some point! But Im pleased with the band that I did find, and the band of today is Eisley!

Eisley: Invasion


To say that Im thrilled to have found Eilsey would be an understatement. These were only two of 15 songs of theirs that I added to my Ipod, so if you liked these two, there are plenty more Id recommend.

The Valley
Go Away
Lost at Sea
Come Clean
Marvelous Things
I wasn't Prepared
One Day I Floated Away
Head Against the Sky
Telescope Eyes

Eisley is a difficult band for me to classify, because their sound is so eclectic. Like Chevelle, the four main members of the band are siblings, with the two sisters who share lead vocals being twins. Ill always have an affinity for anyone whose a twin in being one myself, although my twin is female. The fact that they've been playing together from such an early age is evident, as they appeared to be perfectly in-sync with each other on every song I sampled.

Much of their music is very dreamy and full of imagery, while loaded with fantastic melodies and harmony that sounds like a soundtrack for one's dreams. You're not going to find them tackling major issues(for the most part) such as heartbreak, love, politics, or religion, and I like that about them. They seem to be quite idealistic in nature, although one of the songs I picked, Invasion, is quite the exception. Eisley is also different from most bands in that while they were once signed to a major label(Warner Brothers), they dropped the label and began to produce their music themselves, which is generally the opposite course most successful bands take. Regardless, it's worked for them, because their sound and writing has improved over time.

Invasion is the first single the band released, and is off their second album in 2007. As I stated earlier, there are a few exceptions in which Eisley DOES tackle difficult issues, and this song is one of them. Ignoring the ambiguous video, the girls are actually singing about an issue that hits close to home for me, which is cancer. The "invasion" that they're referring to specifically is lung cancer, and they specifically mention its destructivity when they sing And you, you you, you might take the cherished people that I love. Much of the song is a well-guised shot at the tobacco industry in itself. My paternal grandfather was dying of lung cancer when he died of a heart attack 10 years ago, and my maternal grandmother died of breast cancer two years ago. Almost a year to the day of when my grandmother died, my 28(now 30) year old wife was diagnosed with breast cancer, and it was the most difficult and gutwrenching experience of my life. This disease truly has taken "cherished people that I love" and almost took the love of my life itself. I applaud the band for tackling this sensitive subject when most of their music is more of a light-hearted nature.

I could be there for you instantly made me want to go see these gals live if they rolled through town or even nearby anytime soon. Their label of being an "Uplifting Female Radiohead" is evident here in the pace of the song. There isn't alot to say here other then this is a chill song that really gives me a feeling of relaxation and even comfort, which is often what I look for in a song. The message of the song is simple. When we close ourselves off emotionally, we lose out on some freaking awesome people that could really help us out in difficult situations.

If you want a female lead band that rocks hard and doesn't wallow in the misery of broken relationships(Evanescence comes to mind) or comes across as preachy(Flyleaf), then Eisley is the band for you. These girls can rock, and they have a way of drawing you in to their music because of its idealism and catchiness. While it often takes me a few listens to decide on a new band, I just went from one song to the next, downloading each as I went along. Do the same, and you'll be glad you did! Eisley is the band of the day!
February 21st 2011

Today, I was lucky enough to find what I was looking for with a minimal amount of fuss. For those of us that play this “game” constantly, like myself and LSN, you know how hard it can be to find a brand new band to talk about every day. Sometimes it can take a couple of hours to find a band that you are completely happy with and sometimes it takes a couple of minutes. For me, it took me one episode of Scrubs...

When I came home from work today, I decided that it would be a great idea to take a nap before what promises to be a huge episode of Raw tonight. I decided to put on some classic Scrubs and fall asleep. However, I put on one of my favourite episodes and ended up watching the full thing. Good one, Dave! Nevertheless, as the episode reached it's climax, a song started to play and I immediately thought of how awesome it sounded. The band that sings it, I have heard of. However, for all of the times that I have heard their names mentioned, I have never taken the time to listen to them properly. I am also sure that I have heard a couple of their songs without realising it and when I started listening to them on Youtube, I was completely blown away by how familiar their sound was.

This band is an English band that has released many-an-album in their career. Needless to say, I have never listened to any of them in their entirety and the most I have actually listened to is 5 or 6 songs on Youtube. However, I did manage to find three songs to be placed into my ever-growing iTunes library. In many ways though, this is a first for me. This band would describe themselves as psychedelic rock and I don't think I have anything from that sub-genre in my iTunes library that really matches that. So, I guess it is a good time to announce them...

Today's band of the day is The Coral!

If you haven’t already heard of them, then these two songs are sure to jog your memory. In all truth, I am sure that I have heard them before. Like many of the bands I have found in the duration of this thread, they seem like an automatic entry into my library. They also seem to be very familiar and yet the only place that I can possibly place them is an episode of Scrubs and the missed opportunity to see them at a music festival I was at a few years ago. The Coral were also nominated for the Mercury Music Prize (I just got an idea for a thread) and although they didn't win, they were also named as one of the best albums of the year by NME, so perhaps that is worth a listen.

Anyway, the first song is my undoubted favourite song from my newly discovered band. Dreaming Of You is from their self-titled first album and, if NME are to be believed, their best so far. They have released 7, so that album is either very good or the rest of their stuff is really mediocre. Personally, I have to believe that it was a good album. I am definitely going to have to listen to it once I finish my Bloc Party marathon session. One thing is definitely of note here though. Pete Doherty, formerly of Babyshambles and your nearest rehab centre, claims that he wrote the song I a pub and sold it to The Coral for £30... The weird world of music, huh? That's probably not true. Either way, this song is so bouncy and happy-go-lucky, I believe it is actually impossible to hate. I know that I love it and hopefully you will too.

For the second song I wanted to post, I was torn between two and I think you should check out the other one, In The Morning. Pass It On, I believe, is just a better representation of what The Coral are all about. It came from the album Magic And Medicine and was the second song to be released as a single from that respective album. Holy shit! This song was in Scrubs too! Wow! The things you hear and don't even realise it... Either way, this is pretty similar to Dreaming Of You, in the respect that it is very eccentric and chilled out. I love it and I think it is a fair reflection of a band that I am very happy to get to know a little bit more.

If you like this band, you might also love:

The Fratellis
The Kooks
Kings Of Leon

Today's band of the day is The Coral!
February 21st 2011

Today, I was lucky enough to find what I was looking for with a minimal amount of fuss. For those of us that play this “game” constantly, like myself and LSN, you know how hard it can be to find a brand new band to talk about every day.

Damn right. But it's a "fun chore" searching for new music, and great sense of accomplishment when you find THAT band. They don't have to be a new band to appreciate them, just the fact that they're new to you is what makes this so much fun. Ive found some bands that have been around for 10+ years that Id never heard before. Such a rewarding feeling, a nice break from the grind of the normal day.

Today's band of the day is The Coral![/B]

Another great freakin choice. I absolutely love this band. I saw them live in 2005 I believe when they toured with Arctic Monkeys and they tore the house down. A must see Dave if you get the chance!

February 21 2011

Damn, this month really has flown by, and Im enjoying this thread more and more by the day. This was actually a nice break from the Sports Debators League, and i wasn't really sure what I was looking for. I had my weekly phone conversation with my little sister who lives in Seattle yesterday shortly before the PPV, and much of our conversations generally boil down to our love of music, although I generally dislike most of the stuff she suggests and burns for me. I decided today, if i could do it, I would use a band my sister had suggested, and was pleasantly surprised that I was easily successful! I didn't go with the songs she had suggested, but I did find two that I liked quite a bit! So without further ado, the band of the day is Thrice!

Thrice: All thats Left

If you're a fan of Rise Against, you would probably like Thrice. I was actually supposed to see them as the opening act for a Cold/Evanescense show back in 2004, but my now wife, her best friend and her boyfriend wanted to get drunk at a nearby bar first, so I happily obliged, knowing nothing about the band. But anyway, they share the same straight edge, "save us from ourselves" mentality that Rise Against, and it's no more evidenced then in this song, complete with the ominous finish of We are the ones who lost our faith, we dug ourselves an early grave, we are the dead, can we saved?. The basic message here is one that's easily applicable to every day life, and that's to take care of ourselves and our loved ones before we lose the things most important to us, and we have little left. Ive had at least 100 people walk through my office doors who have told me heartbreaking stories of the lives they used to have and live before they let alcohol abuse, drugs, infidelity, and worse take those very things from them. It's a message I very much support and try to live by each and every day these days as Ive gotten older and a little bit wiser. ;)

Thrice:Come All You Weary

Completely different sound from the first song, right? I love when a band re-invents themself, even for a song. The lead singer's verse has just the right twang that this could almost be considered a country song, but its a ballad at heart to me. Again, I love the message here. There's something completely comforting to me in knowing that there are people in this world that I can go to about and with anything and know that they're willing to help shoulder whatever burden I may be experiencing at the time. I like the sound and the lyrics, and its a damn solid song. It's the first my sister recommended, so I had to give it some love here.

Much of their music sounds like the former song than the latter, so it's a strong recommend from me if you liked the first song. I didn't hear anything else that sounded like the latter song, which was part of its appeal to me. Again, when a band can re-invent themselves and I wouldn't even recognize them had I not seen their name on the video, they've done a helluva job. Whether you like the first song or the latter, there's appeal here for many. Today's band of the day is Thrice!
Here's hoping you're ok Dave and didn't suffer an anuerism marking out from the return of HHH last night bro.;) Anyway, on to the subject matter at hand!

February 22nd 2011:

I absolutely love getting snowed in, s long as it's not a regular occurance. Its a nice feeling every so often waking up to 5 inches of snow on the ground, calling my staff and telling them to get their asses back in bed and stay safe, and closing down for the day. It frees me up to do so many other things around the house, including look for new music. I didn't have to look very hard today, in fact, I didn't look at all. I have my DreamMaker that holds my Ipod set to come on at random at 7am every morning, which my wife appreciates when Aqualung starts playing, but not so much when it's Soundgarden. By some malfunction(dont worry, the Dreammaker is ok!), the Ipod didn't kick on at all, and the player instead tuned to an obscure radio station I was completely unfamilar with. I didn't recognize the song either, and neither did my wife, but she heard enough to tell me to turn it off and let her go back to bed. wioth my interest piqued, I went downstairs, and Googled the lyrics of the song, and success was found! I had blindly stumbled upon my band of the day through an Ipod malfunction! Today's band of the day is the British soft alternative rock group Elbow!

Elbow: Grounds for Divorce


The live version was the one I woke up to, so it's the one Im using above. This is Elbow performing live with the BBC concert orchestra. The band appears to be having all kinds of fun here, which reminds me why i enjoy music in the first place. Music is supposed to be fun. It's supposed to bring a smile to your face. It's suppose to inspire you, and get you out of the duldrums of every day life. Just like the snow did that for me today, I got the same feeling watching the band perform this song live. The subject matter at hand was referring to the death of a close friend, and the band certainly did the best they could with difficult subject matter. They kept it lighthearted in spirit, with the idea of drinking together one day with their lost friend. Idealism indeed, and a fun song to listen to, especially the live version, which I found to be the better of the two.

Elbow: Not a Job

A truly lost art within rock music is the notion of volume dynamics. I think Elbow recognizes this well, as much of the music I sampled from them put an emphasis on changing the musical dynamics from song to song. Ive said it before and ill say it again here: A band can get quite boring at times when they fail to show range, and some of my favorite bands demonstrate that when they strip a song down or cover a classic. In the case of Elbow, I saw an entirely different type of range demonstrated well within the music I sampled. No two songs sounded the same, and if they were purely instrumental, I wouldn't be able to tell they were by the same band. I like that quite a bit, and this song was the best of a nice lot of 5-6 songs that I really enjoyed. This song was my favorite of the lot.

As an aside, my wife can make me laugh like no other. After scurrying downstairs to check these guys out, my wife emerged an hour later as I was listening to Not a Job. She smiled an intriguing smile, and said, "Ive never heard that song before, who are they?", to which I replied, "The same band you told me to turn the F$@% off an hour ago!" Impeccable timing!

Enjoy them, as I certainly did. I truly felt as if my musical tastebuds were taken on quite the journey as I listened to their music dating back from their early years up until today. Having said that, the band of the day is Elbow!
Oh my fucking God! I cannot believe that you have chosen Elbow! I absolutely love Elbow and I am not just saying that. I have the album that makes use of the BBC concert orchestra, like the video you have posted. It is simply stunning and well worth a listen if you can find the time. An Audience With The Pope is simply amazing.

Rep is coming your way... Again!

February 22nd 2011

So, it may because you don't know what you have until it is gone but I cannot get enough of playing Guitar Hero 3 right now. I have the later versions of the game but this one definitely has the best soundtrack of all of the offerings. Maybe that is what it was so successful in such a short space of time. Honestly, I have to believe that it was the reason that Activision got a few more years out of the franchise. However, I will be careful not too make this thread all about video games.

That being said, the soundtrack for Guitar Hero 3 is utterly amazing. It was that game that helped me rediscover my love for rock music and bands like Metallica, a band that I had just drifted away from. I honestly think that if you enjoy rock music, you should be checking out those soundtracks as soon as possible because they are chalk-full of great rock anthems.

Nevertheless, this entry is about one band in particular who really caught my ear last night. To say that I haven't heard of them before would be a lie, so I am not going to say that. However, what I will say is that I had never actually wanted to add them to my library before. The fact of the matter is that I thought they were an emo band that wouldn't interest me in the slightest. However, I must have matured musically over the last couple of years because when I listened to the song contained in the Guitar Hero 3 soundtrack, something just clicked. It was almost like the scenario with Muse. I hated them and then when I gave them a chance, everything changed.

Today' band of the day is a well-known band that has their newly released album to look forward to next month and are already the proud makers of 3 world-wide albums. They are the owners of multiple awards, ranging from Brit awards to NME awards. They have been pretty successful and now they get to go into my iTunes library. I bet they feel so honoured...

Either way, today's band of the day is The Strokes!

The first song that I have selected is the song that got me interested in The Strokes in the first place. It was the song that was included in Guitar Hero 3 and the song that managed to both put me off of the band at an earlier age and then get me interested now. It is a wonderful song and is really demonstrative of what The Strokes are all about. This song is off of the album Room On Fire, which managed to climb all the way to the seventh spot in the UK album charts and number 15 in the US. Now, given that I have only listened to a few songs from this album today, I wouldn’t recommend going out and buying it. Sure, some of the song on it are pretty good but Reptilia is probably one of, if not, the best songs on the entire album. If you didn't like it, then this album is not for you..

The second is probably my favourite Strokes song. It is very familiar but I have no idea where I have heard it from. I toiled with the idea of leaving this song out and putting in the song Juicebox but at the end of the day, this is my game and I want to include the songs that I liked. You should check that one out though, it is a very good offering from a them. This song is from the album Is This It. Is This It, incidentally, was named NME's album of the decade and I must admit that it probably has a couple more brilliant songs than Room On Fire and if I had to suggest any album for you to buy, it would likely be this one. Last Nite managed to be named the best guitar song of the decade by NME in 2007, so it's resume is one that should not be ignored. Definitely a great track from an album that is well worth a listen.

If you liked this band, you might also like:

The Libertines
The Arctic Monkeys
Little Joy
Vampire Weekend
The Killers

Today's band of the day is The Strokes!
February 23rd 2011

Today, I didn't really know what I wanted to go after. However, after taking a look through my iTunes library, I decided to check out a band that I had only heard in passing. This band is a band that has captivated the minds of a couple of my friends and I would be lying if I told you that I had not wanted to give them a chance to impress me. That being said, every time I have attempted to sit down and listen to them, I have been interrupted and didn't really take everything in. Today was quite different though. Today, I managed to add a selection of their songs onto my iPod and took it to the gym with me, knowing that if they sucked major ass, I would just delete them from the device.

So, with my trusty iPod, I travelled to the gym and started my work-out. I really wanted to give them a chance at impressing me and skipped my normal gym playlist in it's entirety. That playlist has gotten me through many a tough gym session but it was put to the side this day. I started up their songs and had a good listen to what they were offering me. To say that I was blown away with what I heard would be an understatement...

This band is a very successful band that probably has a stigma attached to it by a lot of people. Any time that I have heard them being talked about by others, it is never very positive except when I am speaking to my friends about them. In that case, they always come up as a band that I should try out and today I managed that. The band have accomplished many things in their relatively short career but you always get the feeling that they are applying to a very limited audience that is going to love them no matter what. After downloading a whole batch of their songs, I can safely say that I am one of those fans that love their style and I think that you would be too if you gave them enough of a chance.

Today's band of the day is 30 Seconds To Mars!

The first song I have listed is one their earlier songs and is probably one of their most well-known. The video for this is absolutely exceptional and I would urge anyone to gout and have a look at it. It wouldn't embed properly when I tried to post it and said it must be viewed on Youtube. That being said, if you like the song you should go ahead and try to watch the video, it is utterly awesome. The video, whilst I am on the subject, is probably one of the best things that 30STM have ever done. Not only has it been critically acclaimed by many, has won a fair few awards in it's time. The song won an EMA and Kerrang's best song of 2007. The video managed to rack up many nominations for it's spin on the movie The Shining, where it took most of it's inspiration from. It is definitely worth a look-see.

The second song is lifted form their most recent and probably best album, This Is War. Again, this song has been nominated and won many awards for it's music video. It seems that Jared Leto knows how to put together a great video. This song, however, is just absolutely enthralling from start to finish. So far, the video for this song has managed to get over 100,000,000 views on Youtube and is pretty damn epic. The song just has a big feeling to it that manages to meet the epic feeling created by the video. When it rolls around to the chorus, I close my eyes and cannot help but be caught up in the emotion of the song. There is quite a few songs on this album that I would recommend listening to if you liked this one because you will not be disappointed.

Personally, I love 30STM. I know that I have only just started listening to them but they really tick all the boxes for what I am looking for. They produce epic songs that can evoke all types of emotions from me and no one can really match them for their sense of grandeur that they manage to put out when they need to.

If you liked this, then you might like:

Three Days Grace
Papa Roach
Good Charlotte

Today's band of the day is 30 Seconds To Mars!
Today's band of the day is 30 Seconds To Mars!

Shit dude, this is downright scary. 3o Seconds to Mars currently has 5 songs sitting at the top of my 25 most listened to songs on my Ipod! As you said, an infectious group that knows how to make good music filled with genuine emotion. The way they translate live is downright phenomenal as well! Im not sure what you've downloaded, but here's some of my favorites:

This is War
Capricorn(A Brand New Name)
Edge of The Earth
Night of the Hunter
Closer to the Edge
Search and Destroy
A Beautiful Lie
From Yesterday

That should get you through a workout or two! I owe you more rep when I can for picking one of my favorite bands! Great freaking choice!

February 23rd, 2011

I knew what I wanted today after watching an episode of one of my favorite shows on TV today, House. It's day two of being snowed in so Im looking for things to do, as not being able to get to the gym is getting me stir crazy. Upon hearing a familar song closing the aforementioned House, I ran to my Ipod, and shockingly found that this band had completely avoided my Ipod whatsoever. Off the top of my head, I could sing along with at least 15 of their songs, have seen them live on several occasions, and consider them to be one of my favorite bands of all time. They were one of the pioneers of the emo sound, although their name is a play on words due to the bands belief that no music is truly new. The raw emotion, memorable guitar rifts, and brilliant lyrics truly make them a band I can listen to over and again and not get sick of them, which I can't say about many bands. It's a monumental blunder that they've managed to escape my Ipod until today, and it was hard for me to pick just 2 songs of theirs, as I downloaded 15 and could have gone with more! With all that being said, the band of the day is Brand New!

Brand New: Okay, I believe you but my Tommy Gun don't

The bands second album,Deja Entendu, is the album that truly got me into the band, some 7 years ago. I had a difficult time picking a song off of it, because there are quite a few that I love. Lead singer Jesse Lacey noted that most of the songs off the album were about the recent breakup he had with a girlfriend, and no song illustrates that better then this one. It's a concept all of us can identify with, yet Brand New covers all the bases of the post-breakup emotions on this one. The calm beginning to the song both musically and lyrically is belied by the harsh words displayed throughout the first verse. The emotions range from haughtiness, (I am heaven sent, don't you dare forget. I am all you've ever wanted, what all the other boys all promised.) self-loathing, (I am the cause of all your problems) sorrow(Every line is about, who I don't wanna write about anymore), and cruel bitterness(Hope you come down with something they can't diagnose, don't have the cure for.) The heavier chorus underlines the real problem, where the couple spends more time in fighting with one another then fighting for the relationship.(We're concentrating on falling apart,
we were contenders, we're throwing the fight
). The second verse echoes similar sentiments, complimented by Lacey's trademark screaming and memorable guitar rifts as the song nears its close. Just a brilliant song regarding relationships and their complexity broken down with incredible emotion. It's not one of the more popular songs off the album or one of the singles, but to me it's the best song off a great album, and highly recommended.

Brand New: Sowing Season

The band's third album, The Devil and God are Raging Inside Me, is a slight departure from Deja Entendu. The band, most specifically lyrically, showed a great deal of maturity, but also grew infinitely weirder in the process. They outgrew the relationship angst from Deja Entendu, while their lyrics grew more emotional and difficult to understand in the same vein. I say that with the utmost respect, as Sowing Season is assuredly my favorite song by the band, and truly one of the most emotional songs Ive ever heard. I can still remember hearing it live and the emotion was so real and is to me to this day. The song is actually taken from British poet Rudyard Kipling's poem If, which relays the idea that even through great tragedy, a brighter future and peace can be found. I love the idea, which makes me love the song even more.

Brand New is a strong recommendation from me, as I truly cannot say enough good things about them. They're a band that truly can stir up emotion in me simply through a song, and I don't tire of listening to them whatsoever. They've managed to tweak their sound over the year while remaining recognizable for Jacob Lacey's raw emotion and memorable guitar rifts. It was difficult for me to narrow my choice down to just 2 songs, so here's 10 more I strongly recommend.

Fork and Knife
Jesus Christ
Sic Transit Gloria
Soco Amaretto Lime
Not the Sun
Seventy Times 7
Am I Wrong
The Quiet Things that Noone ever Knows

The band of the day is Brand New!
February 25th, 2o11

So I completely ran out of time yesterday after not being snowed in. Back to work I was, and the SDL took up all my time on here, so I had no time to look for new music. I have no such problem today, and I knew what I was looking for. I wanted something that wasn't necessarily heavy, but heavier then the music Ive been posting. I remember hearing this band back when I was i graduate school and really dug what I thouht was a neat sound, but I never bothered to follow up on them, until today. Suffice to say, they make for one hell of a gym workout, and they're an enjoyable band at the same time. They'ce since changed lead singers, and their newer material doesn't appeal to me musically, even though the lyrics were in the same vein. With that being said, the band of the day is Evans Blue.

Evans Blue: Cold(But Im Still Here)

To blatantly steal a line from Dave, this is the first song that really got me into Evans Blue. I heard it on the radio some six years ago, and I was instantly hooked on both the sound, lyrics, and the backround singing along with the lead singer. They're definitely a band that appeals to one demographic, but what they do, they do really well. Much of their music is about lamenting lost love, nd not being able to let go. This song in particular is about the person your love changing, and the singer not being or able to change with them because of certain aspects of the relationship they treasure most. As a result, they lose their "love" to someone they hate, at least in terms of personality/stereotypes. This song is off The Melody and the Energetic Nature of Volume was their best work in my opinion, and if their sound appeals to you, you'll quite like the band. They're definitely an all or nothing band, as I know noone whose heard them that is ambivalent about them. I really like them and their sound personally, so I happily downloaded this song and several more today and it got me through my workout. They have a Chevelle/ sound to to them, so if you like either band, they may appeal to you as well.

Evans Blue: Q(The Best One of Our lives)

This song is quite simple, as the band really hasn't changed much between Melody and The Pursuit Begins when this Portrayal of Love Begins, which this song is off of. This is likely their favorite song of mine, and the message is simple. Its about letting go of a relationship, but screwing getting in the way every time they try to say goodbye. They can't get anything else right in the relationship, but the sex was the one constant that got in the way of letting go. Pretty simple right? Most of the music is very dark and depressing, and has recurring themes such as this. Its only going to appeal to a certain genre of people.

Wht Evans Blue does, they do well, and they appeal to me. Ive heard plenty of people say that they're too whiny and depressing, and I can see their point. But they make a solid attempt at expressing their true emotions, and tell things like they are in a straightforward way. I like that in a band, and I think they're excellent musically as well. If you enjoyed those two songs, you might like these as well by them.

Stop and Say You Love Me
A Cross and a Girl Named Blessed
The Pursuit
Erase My Scars

The band of the day is Evans Blue!
February 26th, 2011

Im loving this thread more and more. I can never add enough music to my IPod, and will happily take suggestions. If you've read through the thread or my posts, feel free to PM with suggestions, and Ill gladly give them a listen and cover them if they fit my taste!

I was torn today between two bands, one being a band someone on this site suggested to me. I liked them, and downloaded some of their music, but not to the extent that I did Band #2, so Im going with them. The way I came about discovering said band was quite unique, as there was an assclown at the gym next to me that seemingly couldnt figure out his headset or his Ipod, and I was forced to listen to whatever he was, even over my own music . I wanted to let him know of this without coming across as a prick, so I simply asked him who he was listening to aftert hearing one particular song that I liked, and asked him about it and the band. He didn't get my insiniuation, but when I got home and sampled the band, at least something good came of it. It's a band that hasn't been round very long, but they channeled the post-grunge style that I enjoy so much, and have gotten away from sampling on this thread. Without further explanation, the band of the day is 32 Leaves!

32 Leaves: All is Numb


This band demonstrates some of the post-lyric yet deliberate muscially style of A Perfect Circle and Tool[/B, but goes into the opposite direction once the lyrics kick in, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Some would call them "just another rock band", and in some ways, they're right. They only released just 2 albums in their five year existance, but this song(and others) results in polished music with well though out, emotional lyrics, and a memorable sound with a brilliant refrain. Their deliberate style is one I enjoy as well, and is well evidenced in this song. As for the song itself, i think it describes the numbing feeling we've all previously experienced in the past when the realization sets in that a relationship is over, and the true effect it has on our lives. The longer we dwell on those thoughts and feelings, its truly what "f*cks us up", as the song describes in the refrain. Getting over a relationship is easier said then done, and this song accentuates that fact well. After sampling each of the songs off this album, "Welcome to the Fall", I downloaded the entire album, which was a good buy for $7.99. This was my favorite song of what I felt was a very good lot, and Id recommend the entire album to be honest.

32 Leaves: Human


This is the final single the band released before apparently splitting up, and it's off the band's second full length album, Panoramic. It starts off heaver then much of their music, but settles in nicely, and the chorus is actually quite melodic. The use of refrain is in full force here, which is a lost art for most bands. The music is tight and the song is even more polished then anything off their first album. I downloaded the majority of the songs off of this album, with this one being my favorite. The idea behind this song is the inability to fulfill expectations in any one relationship, only being human after all. Sometimes it feels like the weight of the world is on our shoulders in relationships, and we buckle under the pressure. The line "Blame me again, Im only one man" describes these feelings well.

I highly recommend this band, as I feel they succeeded in their only two albums in becoming more then "just another rock band." They never achieved much mainstream success, and they certainly weren't played in my area, as none of my friends I see concerts with bands like this has even heard of them, let alone know their music. I still feel they're more then a one-dimensional band, and channel Tool and A Perfect Circle at times musically(without the length). If you liked these, Id also suggest:

Blood on My Hands
Never Even There
Your Lies
Wide Awake
Watching You Disapear
Erase All Memory
Way Beyond
Seal My Fate:
Endless Shadow:

Thanks to the oblivious ass-clown at the gym ;), the band of the day is 32 Leaves!
February 26th 2011

Sorry I haven't posted anything in here for a couple of days. Truth be told, I had quite a heavy weekend and although I am completely drunk right now, I am going to do my best to add a new artist to my iTunes library. Whether I will be successful or not is still up for debate but I feel as though I owe it to people like LSN to keep trying with this thread and would hate to give up on it, simply because I am completely drunk right now...

Nevertheless, today's act of the day is a spur of the moment choice. Not only had I resisted the artist for so long, I was sure that we would never make a song that I liked. However, my hatred for him was blind. I absolutely love Rihanna, as you may or may not know. Now, the artist in question was closely connected to RiRi and it was after a sudden event that I felt I would never listen to him again. That's not to say that I ever listened to him before but this time I meant business. I would avoid him like the plague and I felt as though I would never get to like the music that the artist performed.

However, in my drunken state of mind, it actually sounds pretty damn awesome. I was in the club tonight and when a song came on, I could not help it enjoy it. That song was very familiar but I felt as though it was a new twist on something that already existed. Right now, there is no way that I can put my finger on what song that is but it made me think that perhaps I was being too harsh on the act. Perhaps I had written him off without actually listening to what he was giving us and when I headed home, I decided to give him an opportunity to impress me. Needless to say, he took the opportunity and grabbed it with both hands.

Today's act of the day is Chris Brown!

The first song I have posted is the song that managed to get stuck in my head. I think it is his most recent song but I wouldn't know right now. Either way, it is definitely one of the best party songs I have heard in recent times. Not only was every one up on the floor when this song came on, the chorus got everyone's hands up in the air, it really doesn't get any better than that. This song is taken from Brown's upcoming album F.A.M.E and really manages to impress me. Given that he has such a fabled history with Rihanna, I was very resistant to his music. However, this song is actually amazing and is such a crowd pleaser. Call me crazy but I also feel that the song takes some influence from the music of retro video games... Anyone else feeling that?

The second song I have posted is probably my favourite Chris Brown song. In my inebriated state, this song just sounds like the absolute business. Yes, I had heard it before but that should not take away from the gravity of the fact that I have added it to my library. I am a RiRi fan and admitting that you like Chris Brown is like treason. That being said, this song is actually incredible. I know that it is taken from the Forever Edition of “Exclusive” and it should be noted that the place I know this song from is the video from Youtube when the bride and groom are entering their wedding to this song. It just seems so lively in every sense of the word and that cannot be understated. It really took a lot for me to start enjoying Chris Brown but this song, coupled with Yeah 3x, is a special mix and really brought me into the fold.

Hopefully Chris Brown can move on from his past and go on to produce music that is as lively and as magnificent as he has done in the past. I know that I am not the only person who has been resistant to Brown because of his actions towards Rihanna and I likely wont be the last. F.A.M.E is perhaps an album that I will buy, depending on what is released from the album in the future. Yeah 3x is a great song and I am hoping that Brown can follow that up with some solid music.

So yeah, Chris Brown goes in the library... Until tomorrow, when I will likely realise what I have done in my drunken stupor and delete him.

Today's act of the day is Chris Brown!
So yeah, Chris Brown goes in the library... Until tomorrow, when I will likely realise what I have done in my drunken stupor and delete him.

Today's act of the day is Chris Brown!

Keep him in there. Sinced you mentioned him, let me give a quick aside. What Brown did was reprehensible, and there's no defense for that. Your love for Rihanna likely makes his actions even more irreconcliable. But sometimes, it's difficult to seperate a human being's talent and contribution to his industry from his actions away from his living(Chris Benoit comes to mind, at a FAR greater extent), and its difficult to listen to an artist or watch a match at times without immediately flashing to what said person has done. But there comes a time when we simply have to seperate talent from actions, and the time is now for Brown. The assault was over two years ago, and again, reprehensible ones. But the man is incredibly talented, and while Im not a fan of R&B and rap in general, Brown is one of the select few I enjoy based upon talent alone. If we truly were to see inside the lives on most musicians in our IPod, we'd delete half of them in disgust. So leave Brown there, with the understanding that while his actions were reprehensible, it's time to let go and appreciate him for the talent that he is. This could have been a thread itself!

February 27th, 2011

When it came down to choosing my band of the day, I took a recommendation from a fellow Wrestlezoner and friend, who wishes to go unmentioned. I actually had heard one of their songs before, as it was the theme song(Seasons) for the NHL playoffs last season. I didn't realize it was this particular band, however, and had never heard of them specifically. and The songs he recommended i wasn't a fan of particularly, but my friend urged me to listen to more of their music. I did, and was pleased to find that I enjoyed some of the music he didn't necessarily recommend, and identified with even more. Several of their songs were very solid musically and lyrically, and I wound up adding 12 of their songs to my library. With a special thanks to my friend, the band of the day is The Veer Union!

The Veer Union: Darker Side of Me

Ive listened to this song three times now, and there are few songs Ive found that I can personally identify with. I look back on my graduate years, and i can honestly say that the only positives that came out of it were getting my doctorate and meeting my wife near the very end. While I don't look back and regret the good times I had in drunken debauchery 4-5 nights a week,(although at 28, I no longer drink) I do have some regret about my actions. Hookups with taken women, married ones, and ones I feigned interest in. I met my wife, who was a completely different woman then the ones I was used to. I was always a "nice guy", which she confused with me being a "good guy." That "darker side of me" was one I tried desperately to shy her away with , but I was intrigued because of her character, among other phenomenal qualities. But I was unwilling to walk away from my lifestyle, and remember our first kiss being tainted by me having sex with another woman an hour earlier. As a result, I tried to get her to "walk away" because I was "living hollow." I still "found a sense of satisfaction, in a one night stand with passion", over the the thought of a relationship. I even acknowledged my actions to my now wife before we entered into a relationship. She was hurt, but displayed her faith in my that I truly was a good guy instead of just a nice guy, which was a major factor in faciliating my change. Still, this song is reminscent of those days, and who I used to be. Its also solid musically and obviously lyrically to me, so it was the first song I picked.

The Veer Union: Breathing In

A very melodic song with a positive message, quite the opposite of the first song I posted. If anything, it's an anthem like song that sounds like a mission statement for the band. Of the songs Ive sampled and added, the message of this song is much more reminscent of the band, and makes the previous song seem like an abberation. This is easily my favorite song of the theirs, and I love the idea "of breathing in healing" as the idea of a certain someone(although the song could be interpreted many ways, which anyone who reads this knows Im a fan of!) being able to heal a wounded heart is something I believe strongly in. It's a very melodic band that's strong musically with excellent background vocals, and this song demonstrates it better then any either. The band displays an urgency of need for change that is very reminscent of Three Days Grace, despite sounding nothing alike. They also made for a solid sound that I enjoyed listening to during my workout today.

If you liked these, Id also recommend:

Youth of Yesterday
Better Believe it
Into Your Garden
Final Moment
Where I Wanna Be
What Have We Done
Over me
Your Love Kills Me
Im Sorry

The band of the day is The Veer Union!
It is not 2 in the morning and instead of watching the Oscars and slowly embracing the Sandman's spell, as I drift off to wonderful sleep, I am listening to music for this thread and my own enjoyment. So, without further ado, let's get the Hell on with this “induction”! Is induction the right word? I don't care actually, I am too tired to worry.

27th of February 2011

Lately, I have been trying to diversify my library and the music that I listen to. The fact that I have been stuck in the same rock genre for the last couple of months became abundantly clear when I was on my break during my shift on Saturday. Now, don't get me wrong, I have been trying over the last few days to add something a little more varied to my library. However, as I sat in the canteen listening to the collection of music that I had amassed over the last few months since “rebooting” my iTunes library, people laughed at how stuck in a rut I was. They laughed at the fact that I didn't have any of the mainstream music that they listened to. They laughed that I didn't have Lady Gaga on my iPod and I must say that it got to me slightly.

I mean, I am not here trying to dictate to you what music you should like. Rather, I appreciate the fact that music is never bad. In fact, music is so good that it can separate a room and a crowd like nothing else. I do not do this thread simply to tell you what music you should be listening to. What this is, is a guide to try and opening up people's musical taste. I would never dream of dictating music upon people because I am actually like Nickelback... You see how that works?

Either way, I had to try and embrace my more mainstream side. I decided that I would look up the UK singles chart today and get the name of an act that I could possibly add to my library. Truth be told, it wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. I am not adversed to mainstream pop music and I actually like how a lot of the dance music that I listen to regularly is being integrated into mainstream singles charts now. People like Enrique Iglesias and Tinie Tempah have shown us that there is room for a wider variety of acts in the mainstream media without having to compromise what you are and you can pull it off whilst staying true to what you do best. Today's act is an act that I had heard a lot out of but had really just written them off as boy band junk. To be fair, they are a boy band but as far as I can tell, they seem to be pretty talented and I enjoyed two of their songs that I would love to share with you...

Today's act of the day is The Wanted!

So, the first song I have listed is the first song that The Wanted released and really brought them to the forefront of a lot of people's minds. Truth be told, it is my second favourite song but you cannot doubt it's potential. It really is a wonderful tune. The only thing that worries me is that they likely haven't written this song themselves and that is why I tried not to post a lot of mainstream stuff in here. I am not a snob in that way but I just like to commend people that work hard on songs from start to finish and it just seems as though The Wanted were just the lucky guys who wound up with this song. That being said, it has been wonderfully successful and the guys in the group seem to be very talented at signing. Is there room for them in today's market? I assume there is because this song propelled them to the top of the charts and they haven't slowed down since.

The second song is probably my favourite song of theirs. The video is filmed at a carnival and I cannot help but get that fact out of my head. To me, it seems as though they are being pushed down the throats of the gullible members of society that idolise acts like Justin Beiber and by putting them in a fun setting, they are trying to pass them off as part of the everyday action of the normal man. I just don't like that. However, putting all of that aside, you cannot say that this is a bad song in any way. The guys again show that they probably have more talent than they ought to have in their position. For too long, this type of act has been fabricated by Simon Cowell and have failed. Right now, this act seems to be going places and I can't say that I don't see why that is.

Today's act of the day is The Wanted!
Guys, I am going to join this thread if it is ok with you?

It is? Great! Then I will bring to you on this fine day of February 28th, a couple of tracks from a UK band...Embrace

When they first hit the charts in the late 90s, Embrace were criticised as Oasis clones...now I cannot see the similarity AT ALL...(although "All You Good Good People" does sound a little like "D'Ya Know What I Mean" by Oasis), but the vast majority of their songs are epic sounding, without the rock n' roll stylings of the Gallagher brothers.

The 2 songs I have chosen are 2 favourites of mine, and are 2 tracks that I never skip when they come up on shuffle on my ipod. "All You Good Good People" was their 1st major hit I believe, and "Natures Law" shows the change in their style to the more Coldplay-esque arena filling anthems. Check them out and let me know what you think!



Other songs of theirs to check out are "Gravity" and "Ashes"

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