WrestleZone PPV Prediction League

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This is merely a Thread to feel people out, if they want to be a part of it and so forth. I am willing to run this thing, and I'm hoping to get it started by Cyber Sunday. There will be more information available if/when its decided to go ahead, but the basics of it is, you simply predict winners of PPV's. So all you have to do is post if you wish to take part in this.
I will be in. What is the rewards for winning will there be a table based structure. What is the go mate.
What is the rewards for winning will there be a table based structure. What is the go mate.


St Jonny said:
There will be more information available if/when its decided to go ahead

There you go, it basically means, the details are not quite set and could change.
I think Cena will win champs of champs.. Just my thought.. But I will be in.. U gonna post the current card?
i think booker will win the WWE off cena so he can continue his gimmick which would lead 2 him being "king of both brands" which leads to a triple threat at SS between Booker Cena and Batista with Big Show as guest enforcer. During the CS match i expect Show to turn face and turn on heyman and booker
We've always just given out posts to the winners (a set number) and there have always been multiple tie breaker questions every time. Posts are really the only things worth offering, although post count means nothing.
Ive seen this at many places, so St Johnnny if you arent able to run it.. Ill do it.. But normaly theres the match card and like 5 questions so theres almost never a tie.. I like these games tho... So im definatly in, if you dont want me to help run it.
Biters...You bit that off our site but im in...I say just make a subforum in General Wrestling for it and let the mod of general wrestling or w/e run it or paul since he sed he'll do it.
PauLwaLL said:
Ive seen this at many places, so St Johnnny if you arent able to run it.. Ill do it.. But normaly theres the match card and like 5 questions so theres almost never a tie.. I like these games tho... So im definatly in, if you dont want me to help run it.

I've got a bit of a different way of running it, which makes it a little bit more fun, and maybe mean a little more to the people, and adds and extra elemet to the predictions. I'll have the First Thread up in the WWE PPV Forum within the next few days. And dude, leave the h out of my name, while your at it, take out a n as well ;)
It looks better with an H and the N was a typo lol.. But whatever then.. If you need any help, im willing to help.. Just shout me a holler, but I will take part in this.

I'll have the First Thread up in the WWE PPV Forum within the next few days.

Wouldnt you want to wait until the full card is announced?
Seems like it will be fun, and can't wait for it to get started. I don't really think there needs to be an award, it could just be for fun. Or you could just be able to call yourself the prediction champion or something like that
My guess is in the PPV Thread... When.. Im hoping by Cyber Sunday, but Jonny hasnt been on much.. So I was going to ask him if I can do the Cyber Sunday one.
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