WrestleZone Non-Wrestling End of Year Award Categories and Nominations

1) Best Wrestling Poster of the Year
Dagger Diaz,Jackhammer,Hamler

2) Best Non-Wrestling Non-Spam Poster of the Year
Mitch Hennessy,Mustang Sally, jmt

3) Best Spam Poster of the Year
Coco,Crock, JGlass

4) Rookie of the Year
George Steele's Barber, The Best, Dragon Saga

5) Most Improved
Notorious 718, Rattlesnake, Zrise

7) Best Barfly/Cage Monkey
Coco, GD, Milenko

8) Return of the Year
Dirty Jose

9) Best Feud of the Year
Jerichoholic4life vs Pole Smoker

10) Best WrestleZone Forums Storyline of the Year
Macios vs Wrestlezone

11) Worst Poster of the Year

12) Poster You'd Most Love to Pimp Slap

13) Best Mod of the Year
LSN, INDYjon, It's Damn Real

14) Finally Grabbed the Brass Ring

15) Best Arrive, Raise Hell, and Leave Performance
Serious Jones

16) Best Troll

17) Poster that Tries Too Hard
Zrise, SD619, XTheFutureX

18) Tournament of the Year

19) Wrestling Thread of the Year
The Official John Cena Thread

20) Spam Thread of the Year
Macios's Ban Me thread

21) Minority Poster of the Year
Joe's Gonna Kill You

23) Funniest Poster of the Year
Great White Sam

25) Future Endeavored Poster We Miss the Most
FSWWE, Sully
No. Their relationship is strictly professional. So is mine and Valentine's. For now. But in a couple years? The sky's the limit. If she plays her cards right.
1) Best Wrestling Poster of the Year

2) Best Non-Wrestling Non-Spam Poster of the Year
LSN, jmt

3) Best Spam Poster of the Year
Sam, Coco, JGlassy

4) Rookie of the Year

5) Most Improved

7) Best Barfly/Cage Monkey
Coco, SNS, Sam

16) Best Troll
Coco, Sly

18) Tournament of the Year
Battle Zone Tournament

20) Spam Thread of the Year
Saunter with GD and Coco w/ special guest MRC, Motaste Junk - Stop your brain thinking for 168 seconds, Glass Ass: The OFFICIAL JGlass Thread

21) Minority Poster of the Year

22) Debate of the Year
Darth Vader vs The Hulk; Darth Vader vs Wolverine

23) Funniest Poster of the Year
Coco, Sam, GD

24) Best User Name
Orton Pose

25) Future Endeavored Poster We Miss the Most
Hunter Kravinoff
Sure, but how long did it take you to crack the code? Probably longer than it takes to activate a Jam of the Month Club membership.
It's a shame my memory isn't adequate to record who's good at what - I love to fill out a good form.

If I were to fill this out, the only question you'd have for me is how Coco's cock tastes.
3) Best Spam Poster of the Year
Coco The Monkey

4) Rookie of the Year
George Steele's Barber

5) Most Improved
Classy JGlassy

7) Best Barfly/Cage Monkey

8) Return of the Year

11) Worst Poster of the Year

12) Poster You'd Most Love to Pimp Slap
xoxo French Kiss xoxo

14) Finally Grabbed the Brass Ring

16) Best Troll

17) Poster that Tries Too Hard

23) Funniest Poster of the Year
Great White Sam

24) Best User Name
Gaping Anus

25) Future Endeavored Poster We Miss the Most
1) Best Wrestling Poster of the Year
Slyfox696. Nick. DirtyJose.

2) Best Non-Wrestling Non-Spam Poster of the Year
Mitch Hennessy.

3) Best Spam Poster of the Year
ScreaminNormanSmiley. Sam. Coco.

4) Rookie of the Year
George Steele's Barber. No one else makes the grade.

8) Return of the Year
Whenever Serious Jones returns.

10) Best WrestleZone Forums Storyline of the Year
shattered dreams continuously trying to one-up Sly. And failing miserably.
Jenks and his quest for redemption.

11) Worst Poster of the Year
shattered dreams.

12) Poster You'd Most Love to Pimp Slap
Anyone who talks about "contributing to the forums". Fucking morons.

16) Best Troll
shattered dreams.

17) Poster that Tries Too Hard
shattered dreams.

18) Tournament of the Year

19) Wrestling Thread of the Year
The Official John Cena Thread.

20) Spam Thread of the Year
WZCW Discussion Thread.

23) Funniest Poster of the Year
Sam. Serious Jones.

24) Best User Name
I'd Wear Pippa Middleton Like A Feedbag.

25) Future Endeavored Poster We Miss the Most
FSWWE never had the mildly amusing prison thread that he deserved.
1) Best Wrestling Poster of the Year

Jack-Hammer, Hamler, Crock

2) Best Non-Wrestling Non-Spam Poster of the Year


3) Best Spam Poster of the Year


4) Rookie of the Year

George Steel's Barber

5) Most Improved


6) Mentor/Mentee of the Year


7) Best Barfly/Cage Monkey


8) Return of the Year


9) Best Feud of the Year

Doc vs J4L

10) Best WrestleZone Forums Storyline of the Year

FSWWE Self-hate thread

11) Worst Poster of the Year

xoxo Frenchkiss xoxo

12) Poster You'd Most Love to Pimp Slap


13) Best Mod of the Year


14) Finally Grabbed the Brass Ring


15) Best Arrive, Raise Hell, and Leave Performance

Bill Lesnar

16) Best Troll


17) Poster that Tries Too Hard


18) Tournament of the Year

Battle Zone

19) Wrestling Thread of the Year

John Cena Hate Thread

20) Spam Thread of the Year

Sully's Bar Mitzvah

21) Minority Poster of the Year

Me, I'm Scottish.

22) Debate of the Year


23) Funniest Poster of the Year

Uncle Sam

24) Best User Name

George Steel's Barber

25) Future Endeavored Poster We Miss the Most

1) Best Wrestling Poster of the Year - Dont pay enough attention

2) Best Non-Wrestling Non-Spam Poster of the Year - Dont know

3) Best Spam Poster of the Year - Not sure

4) Rookie of the Year - Rookies?

5) Most Improved - I am the last person to judge quality (lol debate league)

6) Mentor/Mentee of the Year - Sad concept

7) Best Barfly/Cage Monkey - No one

8) Return of the Year - Wasnt FTS's thing actually a return?

9) Best Feud of the Year - Slyfox vs CM Punk fans

10) Best WrestleZone Forums Storyline of the Year - The above I suppose

11) Worst Poster of the Year - Dont care

12) Poster You'd Most Love to Pimp Slap - Eh just trying to think who's reaction would be the funniest. Stormtrooper would be classic I think.

13) Best Mod of the Year - I dont watch you do your "jobs"

14) Finally Grabbed the Brass Ring - Pheonix as World Champ as I guess as that might actually be worth his time, although dont quote me on that.

15) Best Arrive, Raise Hell, and Leave Performance - FTS raised some hell, was that this year?

16) Best Troll - Most suck, those that dont are too good to be called trolls.

17) Poster that Tries Too Hard - Dagger Dias? I dunno

18) Tournament of the Year - One that got some interest. WZ Tourney I guess.

19) Wrestling Thread of the Year -

20) Spam Thread of the Year -

21) Minority Poster of the Year - D-Man

22) Debate of the Year - Usually fucking boring reads, I should know I've judged enough of them.

23) Funniest Poster of the Year - The usual suspects; GD, Coco, SNS (Shattered Dreams as well)

24) Best User Name - I'd wear Pippa Middleton like a feedbag

25) Future Endeavored Poster We Miss the Most - Sullington
1) best wrestling poster- Jack Hammer

2) Best non wresting poster- Tdgile

3) Best Spam poster- Great White Sam

4) Rookie of the year- JWGunslinger

5) Most improved- Hamler

6) Menor/ Mentee- ?

7) Best barfly/ cage monkey?

8) Return of the year- Bill Lesnar

9) Best feud- Dragon Saga vs Coco the Monkey

10) Best Wrestlezone storyline- The fall of macios

11) Worst poster- theneverendingnightmare

12)Poster You'd Most Love to Pimp Slap- Cult of brohanity or Jerichoholic4life

13) Best mod- LSN80

14) Finally grabbed the brass ring- not sure

15) Best arrive, raise heel, leave performance- Pole Smoker

16) Best troll- Coco

17) Poster who tries to hard- TWJC the beginning

18) Tournament of the year- No comment

19) Wrestling thread of the year- The WWE general complaints thread

20) Spam thread of the year- Awesome Miz official thread of stuff

21) Minority poster of the year- DirtyJose

22) Debate of the year- no comment

23) Funniest poster of the year- The Great whit Sam

24) Best user name- Orton's pose

25) Future endeavored we miss most: Sully
1) best wrestling poster- Gelgarin, JGKY

2) Best non wresting poster- tdigle, jmt

3) Best Spam poster- Great White Sam, Coco

4) Rookie of the year- Coco

5) Most improved- Killjoy

6) Mentor/ Mentee - SNS/Milenko

7) Best barfly/ cage monkey - Crock

8) Return of the year- Tenta

9) Best feud- Dman vs male pattern baldness

10) Best Wrestlezone storyline- mvp goes to prison

11) Worst poster- Everyone with less that 50 posts that goes in the TNA section, jack-hammer (makes as much sense putting him here as it does as best)

13) Best mod- IDR, Nick

14) Finally grabbed the brass ring- Nate

15) Best arrive, raise hell, leave performance- the christian that didn't have enough self control to not visit a message board and post

16) Best troll- Sly

17) Poster who tries to hard- WMD

18) Tournament of the year- Wrestlezone

21) Minority poster of the year- JGKY is a minority? Maybe I did know that.

23) Funniest poster of the year- SNS

24) Best user name- Gaping Anus
The categories are...

1) Best Wrestling Poster of the Year

Mustang Sally, Jack-Hammer, Gelgarin

2) Best Non-Wrestling Non-Spam Poster of the Year

LSN80, Big Sexy, JMT225

3) Best Spam Poster of the Year

Great White Sam, Classy JGlassy, Hamlertainment Inc.

4) Rookie of the Year

JWGunslinger, George Steele's Barber, The Dragon Saga

5) Most Improved

deanerandterry, Rattlesnake, Jerichoholic4Life

6) Mentor/Mentee of the Year

I'll have to come back to this one later.

7) Best Barfly/Cage Monkey

SNS, Coco The Monkey, Dirty Jose

8) Return of the Year


9) Best Feud of the Year

Slyfox696 versus xfearbefore

10) Best WrestleZone Forums Storyline of the Year


11) Worst Poster of the Year

Dizzy, xoxo French Kiss xoxo, WMD The Heel

12) Poster You'd Most Love to Pimp Slap

Dizzy, LetEmKnow

13) Best Mod of the Year

It's Damn Real, D-Man, LSN80

14) Finally Grabbed the Brass Ring

Big Nick Dudley, Nate, IndyJon22

15) Best Arrive, Raise Hell, and Leave Performance

Don't care

16) Best Troll

Coco The Monkey
Wicked Valentine's Menstrual Blood
Corporate Coco

17) Poster that Tries Too Hard

hyourinmaru, Cult of BRohanity

18) Tournament of the Year

Sports Debater's League
Video Game Tourney

19) Wrestling Thread of the Year


20) Spam Thread of the Year


21) Minority Poster of the Year

The Killjoy

22) Debate of the Year


23) Funniest Poster of the Year

ScreaminNormanSmiley, Coco The Monkey, Slyfox696

24) Best User Name

\_o_/ Orton Pose

25) Future Endeavored Poster We Miss the Most

None of them.

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