WrestleZone Debaters League

In regards to IC vs. Gelgarin, this shit is on. And also can't wait for D-Man vs. Phoenix to fully commence. This should be a fantastic week.
D-Man, you doing a conclusion? If so, I will advise to Judges to wait until my conclusion post follows :)
The winner of this match has a 50% chance of getting TM's pick for Rookie of the year!

As well as the prize and knowledge that you are the Debater Champion!
I will judge tomorrow after work. I work 8 to 4.... I'll be home at like 7 though because I have to run somewhere....
I want to be the first to sign up for the next one of these. Phoenix was an awesome opponent, and I am not knocking him, but I think I won our playoff round, and I want another crack or two at him. He made his name against me in the Lita/Trish round, and I want to gain some respect as an actual wrestling poster, and for myself, I need to beat him to get it.

Phoenix is both my muse and the bane of my existence. I love you and hate you, but mostly love, but man, OK, completely love, but I need to debate you again in an organized league with real judges again.
I hope so... I need a break after that debate with Phoenix. And I'm assuming IC needed it after going toe to toe with Gelgarin again.
Yeah I judged one last night...Was working on the second one until I got knocked out from the pills I have to take....
But you didn't.

It's ok, Phoenix, I respect you...

No offence taken IC. I respect you too, though it's going to be interesting to over come a 7-1 lead with only 15 points still left to be given, one set from TM
If Phoenix doesn't think I respect him then I must prove my loyalty. But I have a feeling that he knows he's the shiznit to me...
I do indeed. You already shown me your respect on more than one occasion which is enough to show your loyalty, respect from you D-Man is like a bro-mance love that never dies

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