WrestleZone Debaters League

Ahh it seems to be a mess up with the names. SK and ST are similar, so Marquis probably just typed wrong. Hope it is settled, and I look forward to your work this week!
Hey, IC.

I will have to wait for tomorrow to post in the debate. My internet use is going to very limited over the next day or so. I will need the time to pick up my teeth too, that was an awesome rebuttal.

Thank GOD! I need a Big Show BREAK!

You're pushing my limits, killah...
Would it be a problem to get my debate extended into Sunday? I'm not exactly sure if I can devote the time over the three-four days out of the 5 days of debate or so for an 3-4 hours on WrestleZone it takes me to post. Not only do I have 50 page packet to do for school, ontop of other homework its also my 3 soon to be 4 year old sisters birthday this coming Wednesday. We're celebrating it with the family this wednesday, then Friday, I have to stay all night at my dads, meaning I won't have anytime whatsoever on WrestleZone, due to my birthday party to be able to make a final post. As explained to TM allready today, its iffy if I will be able to post, I'm just on my computer for a second or two, and took advantage of the time, to ask for an extension. If I get the chance to post today, then I will gladly do so, as most all of you know how much time I do put into my arguements, even if they do suck. If I can't get the extension, then I may have to forfeit this week, its according to how much time I actually have over the coarse of the week.
TM, is it possible that I can post my argument late in the evening tomorrow? I am currently still typing up my argument and then I need to respond to my opponents argument. I'll probably be going to sleep soon (I didn't get much sleep) so I don't know if I'll be done before I go to sleep.
If you bitch at me enough, I might judge your debate quicker...it worked for Milkyway!, so I thought it would only be fair to let everyone else know.

Judge my debate asshole :)

Also, I completely agree with Ricky. Our debate is tough because you could've went with either side. Even though I picked WWF, I wasn't sure about it.
GD, YOUR debate is tough?? I have to debate that X-Pac thrived more in WCW than in the WWE... and against Lee for that matter... ugh...
I will get back to my debate tonight at some point. I needed a break from the fecking Big Show.
From Week one, a new score to throw out there, General Disarray took a 16-7 victory over Little Jerry Lawler.
Yes, a judge is finishing up with his ratings. We like to take our time with these, as to not miss anything, and there are ten per week. A couple of the judges have even had some personal things come up, but there are working through it now. We care about how much effort the debaters are putting into these, so we do work to insure that the scores are given with effort.

7 matchups from week 1 are done, and only 3 remain.

IC is given a major run by rookie Franchize1990 14-11.
48.7 and Hip each get 25-0 victories over Unholy Profit and Rob, whose records will be transferred to their replacement.
Xfear gets the 17-6 victory over Thriller, but has now left the competition.
Rookie phenom ztwhite pounds MG Steve to a 18-6 victory
The S's battle to a 15-10 result as ST beats SK
The TNA battle as I like to call it has General Disarray go over Little Jerry Lawler 16-7

The three that remain are Milk vs Razorback, that has Milk ahead 8-5. Phoenix is showing his stuff, up 10-7 over FromTheSouth. And Dman and Ricky are fighting neck and neck at a 8-7 stalemate with Dman ahead.

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