WrestleZone Debaters League

If my debate isn't judged by at least ONE judge by tomorrow, I quit. If you can be a bitch about deadlines, so can I.

Stop being an asshole, this is why a lot of people don't like you.

The D-Man said:
And GD, to answer your question, when TM was running the Survivor Series tourney, he blatently and publicly tried to screw me and my team out of any chance of winning. In the end, he won and my team lost. However, I'm FAR over this issue and TM and I had reconciled (or so I though until this issue occurred). Now, I'm not pointing the finger at TM or anything, especially since the last thing I want to do is have a legitimate fight or beef with someone on this site, but it's pretty ironic how it all seemed to come again, full-circle.

Yes, I remember that. I was pissed at TM for that incident to and we exchanged a good amount of red reps, but I don't have a problem not. I am sure it said asset the whole time, I remember reading over it.
GD, two others have stepped up and saw the same thing I did. At first, I thought there was a possibility that I could've read it wrong. But I went back, checked my emails, looked at my proof, and heard that others saw the same thing that I did... now I'm convinced that I'm right. So why should I be a part of something that is completely unfair? Or anyone else, for that matter?
Why don't we just allow him to make an addendum to the debate about how the difference in words would have affected his thought pattern? Also, for fairness, we could allow GD to rebut D-Man's post.
First off to sly; it doesn't show up if you edit your own post.
First off, to Lee...yes it does. It doesn't show up in the "Edit Thread" section, but it DOES show up at the bottom of the post you edit, for all non-mods. It shows up in red. Go to the D-Man vs. GD Debate thread, and you will have an example.

I already explained this. But, thanks for passing around false information, which I had already taken care of, which could have only lead to trouble.
For fuck's sake, are we still arguing if it was changed or not? D-Man, no offense, but somewhere along the line you mixed something up. I don't know if you were given questions ahead of time, but as far as TM changing something in the original debate thread between you and GD, or a mod changing something in the original thread, it did not happen.

Here is a limited screencap of the AdminCP to prove what I'm talking about.


As you can see, unless you got the question within the first two minutes TM posted it, and copied it down to come back to it later, then nothing was done to the original question. I've already provided the proof that no moderator edited it.
Sly, I also appreciate your work in trying to resolve this. I hope there's no hard feelings.

As for my decision, most of the fun factor has been taken out of this debate for me. I want to see if I have any gas left in my tank for this, so I'm going to try one more round. If I'm not feeling it, I'll forfeit to my opponent and we can all go on with our lives. Like I said, the last thing I want to do is ruin this thing for anyone else. But if anyone else fucks with my round or my post, I'm going to cry bloody murder and no one will ever hear the end of it.
Good luck D-Man.

On another note, I just posted my rebuttal to IC's debate and I promise you it is one of the most challenging things I have done on here. I am certain I have chosen the right side and I am looking forward to his response.
Thunderball, your debate with IC is getting really hairy, real quick. I love the battle so far. Nice work.
TM, please PM me (or inform me in some other way) the link to my next debate when it's up, so I don't miss any time and I can get on it right away.
GD and I definitely have the toughest challenge of the round.

Why has week 1 still not been fully judged yet?

Yes and no.

You have the toughest debate in that the two sides are so close, and so polarizing.

What makes your debate easier is just how much research material there is out there for the Hogan argument. Both of you should be able to launch perfectly viable attacks. The best part is going to be who does the most with it.

I may read your debate out of interest.
That's why it's so difficult. In the last two rounds, I've been fully convinced I'm arguing the right side. If I had to choose between WWE/WCW...I'd choose WCW...but not without some thought. That's where I'm running into trouble.
Why has week 1 still not been fully judged yet?

Working on it... I think Marquis is just about done, and Luther is either done, or just has one left. Tdigs and I have finished. Only Echelon remains, and I havent seen him in a while. I might try to bring in a new judge.
Hey Marquis/ TM could one of you head to my week 1 thread to clear things up for me?
Hey Marquis/ TM could one of you head to my week 1 thread to clear things up for me?

I'll answer here so I don't spam the thread.

I agreed with that line of his sentence, just not everything else he said. I thought ST made a good point by bringing up wrestlers like the Beautiful people, who are basically over the top valley girls, for his pro gimmick argument.

Though looking at what Diglett said, I think misread, or was reading someone else's judging, but that's the gist of why I gave him the point,
I'll answer here so I don't spam the thread.

I agreed with that line of his sentence, just not everything else he said. I thought ST made a good point by bringing up wrestlers like the Beautiful people, who are basically over the top valley girls, for his pro gimmick argument.

Though looking at what Diglett said, I think misread, or was reading someone else's judging, but that's the gist of why I gave him the point,

Fair enough dude, I'm not bothered about not getting the point, just didn't know if you'd made a mistake so no harm done.
Hey, IC.

I will have to wait for tomorrow to post in the debate. My internet use is going to very limited over the next day or so. I will need the time to pick up my teeth too, that was an awesome rebuttal.
I'll judge. ;)

I was going to ask you actually, you were one of my reserve judges. If you are willing, I might go ahead and ask you now if Echelon can no longer judge.

Hey Marquis/ TM could one of you head to my week 1 thread to clear things up for me?

Is it cleared up? I will check out the problem now.

And the best match up so far this week is a heated battle between my master IC and my protege Dave


The debate is over the Big Show, and if he was better in WCW or the WWE.

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