Wrestlezone Court!

And D-Man, an opening statement if you please.

KB, I apologize but I got slaughtered with work today. What is the position I am taking and who am I prosecuting against? I'm leaving work in about 25 minutes so I might not be able to get too involved with any of this.
Well he hasn't done those things. What he has done is been pretty damn irrespectful to other posters. When Uncle Sam made a thread about a potential nexus wolfpac on Smackdown, Jackiz came in and bombarded it saying he had made one first and that the thread should be taken down.

Jackiz felt that he had all ready covered the Nexus Wolf pack on Smackdown and must have felt that this thread was a multiple topic. I agree Jackiz should have been more respectful and not bombarded a thread. But in all seriousness can someone please tell me they have not done stupid things like this because we are all humans that like wrestling?

I think he also bad repped a moderator or two with disrespectful comments if I remember.

Now he should in no way have done that unless he was provoked by the Mod in some way by rep or a harsh comment made on the forums. (I am not sure what has happened with the mod rep)

Basically to anyone who hasn't agreed with his ideas he's been very hostile about it. Instead of conversing with people he's tried to shoot them down ironically as his ideas are awful.

His ideas are different then yours and most off this forums and his way off getting them across to you are by being hostile then he will be hostile. By the way how can a person be hostile on the internet without swearing?

Worst of all he doesn't recognize he has done anything wrong as opposed to people like Jenks and even Y2JforLife who were both man enough to raise their hand and acknowledge what they had done.

Seriously what does he have to recognize? Oh wait he bombarded a thread and maybe insulted a mod. Jenks posted porn! Y2J4Life probably spammed alot. How can a guy that made bad threads be compared to those?
Oh man, I just found a different monkey video and it's funny as hell. But obviously, I can't post it lol.
I've never been a fan of probation. I think the main thing is that you would need to actually contribute something. I'm sick of prisoners being released and sitting around in the cage all day doing nothing, making maybe one good post every 3 months.
I can understand that. How about after 3 weeks of being let out, if I haven't made at least 5 good, contributing post. You put me back in here until at least June. I'm willing to work with you.
Takes Pricks Like A Man!

Since being confined to the walls of the WrestleZone Prison, that is exactly what my client has done. He has taken his punishment “like a man” and has worked towards becoming a better poster because of it.

Now, I , like many of you, had my doubts about whether he would be able to take this punishment and roll with it. However, Takes Pricks Like A Man has become a whole new poster. Under the pseudonym of Safari Man, he has gone on to show us, that if released, he would not be a danger to other posters. His stupidity of calling staff names has all but disappeared and now there only remains a poster who is willing to do anything to make it back to the regular WrestleZone Forums.

Having spoke to Safari Man in the role of somewhat of a mentor to him, I can see that he has accepted what he did was stupid and has become a more rounded personality because of it. When was the last time you saw him attack the point of view of another? When was the last time you heard him being completely irrational? My point being that Safari Man is a better poster. Having accepted what he did was wrong, he now knows what is correct. He has continually showed us that if he was released, he would look to spend time in more constructive efforts. His glass-making ability is coming along nicely and if he was to be released soon, then I suspect that is what he would like to make one of his port of calls. He has also expressed some desire to take part in the official eFed of WZF and that is to be encouraged, I think.

At the end of the day, Safari Man is in here for a stupid mistake that he accepts as being such. In his long spell in the Prison, he has gone from being a silly poster, to someone who could make a difference in a few areas of the boards without causing any problems. It is my view that he would integrate well into the forums society and perhaps show us that he has grown as a poster and personality from the one he started WZF with.

So, I ask you as a man of reputation, to hear the case of Safari Man. A poster who knows he has committed his crimes and has served his punishment accordingly. He is ready to be integrated back into regular society having been completely rehabbed by his stay in The Prison.

Jackiz felt that he had all ready covered the Nexus Wolf pack on Smackdown and must have felt that this thread was a multiple topic. I agree Jackiz should have been more respectful and not bombarded a thread. But in all seriousness can someone please tell me they have not done stupid things like this because we are all humans that like wrestling?

In that case it's fine to mention that you have made a similar thread, perhaps even report it so an independant adjudicator can decide. What actually happened is that he made a thread called "What next for Gabriel and Slater?" wherein he posed the question as to whther they would join the mythical team known as Dashex, composed of Cody Rhodes and Wade Barrett. Similar thread idea, not the same.

And I really hate the "we're all human" excuse. It was unecessary plain and simple. I've done some stupid things since I joined but I'd like to think that I have tried to be respectful to the people who've been here far longer than me and built a good reputation. He didn't do that

Now he should in no way have done that unless he was provoked by the Mod in some way by rep or a harsh comment made on the forums. (I am not sure what has happened with the mod rep)

Indeed he shouldn't. I think it was one of the contributing reasons to him ending up here.

His ideas are different then yours and most off this forums and his way off getting them across to you are by being hostile then he will be hostile. By the way how can a person be hostile on the internet without swearing?

Can you please learn when to use of and off in their respective places, thought it was a mistake until you did it twice. Ideas are fine, everyone has some radical ideas. But he doesn't base his ideas on anything. He just plucks a mad scenario out of thin air and acts like it has either already happened or is destined to. When people who have a radical idea decide to thread it, they should explain why it is they feel things are going to happen that way.

How can someone be hostile on the internet without swearing? Ever heard the words idiot, moron, stupid, pathetic. Pretty easy to do actually.

Seriously what does he have to recognize? Oh wait he bombarded a thread and maybe insulted a mod. Jenks posted porn! Y2J4Life probably spammed alot. How can a guy that made bad threads be compared to those?

The people who are now moderators and have large amounts of rep etc.. obviously are in that position because they have earnt respect from people from being good at whatever it is they do. From what I understand Y2J4Life did a whole host of things including spam and making alts, and indeed Jenks did post porn so I have heard. But you know what, those things are non-directional. They are not DESIGNED to offend anyone and they aren't directed at any person in particular. However insulting someone because they had a distantly similar thread to your own except far better is meant to offend someone. I place what he did as more offensive and deserving of prison than the other two. At the very least they are going to contribute more intellectual input than him at any rate.
Takes Pricks Like A Man!

Since being confined to the walls of the WrestleZone Prison, that is exactly what my client has done. He has taken his punishment “like a man” and has worked towards becoming a better poster because of it.

Now, I , like many of you, had my doubts about whether he would be able to take this punishment and roll with it. However, Takes Pricks Like A Man has become a whole new poster. Under the pseudonym of Safari Man, he has gone on to show us, that if released, he would not be a danger to other posters. His stupidity of calling staff names has all but disappeared and now there only remains a poster who is willing to do anything to make it back to the regular WrestleZone Forums.

Having spoke to Safari Man in the role of somewhat of a mentor to him, I can see that he has accepted what he did was stupid and has become a more rounded personality because of it. When was the last time you saw him attack the point of view of another? When was the last time you heard him being completely irrational? My point being that Safari Man is a better poster. Having accepted what he did was wrong, he now knows what is correct. He has continually showed us that if he was released, he would look to spend time in more constructive efforts. His glass-making ability is coming along nicely and if he was to be released soon, then I suspect that is what he would like to make one of his port of calls. He has also expressed some desire to take part in the official eFed of WZF and that is to be encouraged, I think.

At the end of the day, Safari Man is in here for a stupid mistake that he accepts as being such. In his long spell in the Prison, he has gone from being a silly poster, to someone who could make a difference in a few areas of the boards without causing any problems. It is my view that he would integrate well into the forums society and perhaps show us that he has grown as a poster and personality from the one he started WZF with.

So, I ask you as a man of reputation, to hear the case of Safari Man. A poster who knows he has committed his crimes and has served his punishment accordingly. He is ready to be integrated back into regular society having been completely rehabbed by his stay in The Prison.

First, I'd like to thank Kluderbuncker for the chance to get out of "prison". I believe that I have done a good job of keeping my cool, and posting well while in here. I'm a pretty confident person, but I don't try to come off as cocky or arrogant. I'd like to think that I have gained respect of many on the forums. I came in here with no respect from anyone, and here I am 7 months later with a fair amount of it.

I've took the heat, I've bit my tongue and haven't argued with anyone. I've never really begged to get out of here but I have asked.

I believe that I have showed that with my wrestling knowledge, maturity, and activity (all of which have greatly increased throughout my tenure in here) I can be a contributing member to the WrestleZone forums. Whether it be with my graphics, e-fedding, or wrestling posts.

interesting, i get Coco. Not sure if he likes me or not but he can write/argue etc

I'm back from Melbourne on Monday morning. If i don't make any headway after this case i may go back to BILL LESNAR considering this normal way of posting is getting me nowhere.
i'm just visiting. Got back from the Aussie open a few hours ago. Cracking week.

I'm in a decent mood right now so i'll give you a little personal detail. I was born and bred in NYC and am currently living in NZ.

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