Wrestler's that need new finishers!

Most of the guys that were named on this topic are just a one or two tweaks away on their finishers to have a main event caliber finishers.

Barrett bullhammer sucks in the way that he currently delivers it but i remember on an episode of roh tv a few years ago seeing chris hero delivers a version of the elbow strikes on kenny omega and telling to myself" wow that could be a sick finisher" since it was so simple and effective looking at the same time. Basically hero was facing his opponent and put one of omega arm behing kenny,then pulled on the arm to make omega spin while at the same time hero delivered a discus style elbow strike/ bullhammer toomega face. The fact that both guys were spinning on opposite directions when kenny omega got hitted made it looks that much better and i see no reason with barrett size and power that it would not look just as impressive if not even more.

Seth rollins should just go back at using his blackout flying stomp finisher. It was another simple looking finisher but was easy to believe that it could beat anyone with it. Imagine yourself on one knee and then rollins jumps on the back of your head and stomp you to the ground. Instant ko if you ask me and the bigger the opponent, the more effective it gets. Then again i would mark so much if he starts using his god last gift finisher.

Big e big ending is week looking, but if he would start using the tko which is only a slightly different move from his current finisher, then it would be a credible way to beat his opponents.
There are many and I mean many superstar finishers that need a facelift and the only reason is because when they pull it off there is no surprise to the move. Diamond cutter/RKO are perfect examples of no one sees it coming. Bryan's knee is one of those hit anywhere moves, so is the codebreaker. Cena's and Punks are two for sure that would benefit from a different finisher, not that they are impressive but its a struggle match more then a surprising move. The only time its impressive is when Cena rolls through and hits it or he hits in on 2 guys at once, but I think he needs something new.

Other guys who not necessarily need a new move but maybe faster execution are crossrhodes, Bray wyatts maidens kiss (I think is the name of it), but then again just my opinion.
Big E Langston: because like many other have said, it looks like it does nothing. I think a type of powerbomb might suit him better or maybe a running attack like a spear or clothesline (like JBL's, because the way he did it was just vicious)

Alberto Del Rio and Jack Swagger: I don't think they need to change it but needs to add a grapple or attack move. Staying with a submission as the finisher leaves them away from "moments". eg. big royal rumble eliminations, element of surprise to finish a match (like how the rko can be hit at any given moment in a second and end a match)
MWRedskins said:
Seth Rollins really needs a finishing move to be named as i think he has star potential as well when he leaves the Shield.
When he was face in NXT he did a great standing shiranui called the Skywalker and I think it got renamed Exclamation Point when he turned heel (also because of trademark laws, probably).

I suspect that the reason Show switched to the KO punch is because of his age. Also, the chokeslam has gotten quite nerfed, since Undertaker uses it (mostly as a signature move), as does Kane. Eventually, it will go the way of the flying elbow drop and the ddt. Show's a heavy guy and if that leaves the Final Cut, his lower limbs won't last.
First post ever, apologies if it's a bit weak.

You guys are already naming a lot of people I would name (especially people like Barret) so I'd like to chime in, if I could, with a couple people who I wish kind of... "diversified" their finishers a bit.

I've never, ever really felt the RKO was as powerful a tool to Orton as the Diamond Cutter was to DDP. I'm not sure if Orton can't/won't do many of the variations of the RKO as DDP has (such as when DDP took Gurrero up for a powerbomb then turned it into a Diamond Cutter), but I would enjoy Orton's RKO far more if it wasn't held to the following two areas: where you can see it coming and when someone leaps from the top. I'd love to see a suplex or a reverse suplex turned into an RKO now and then.

I'm a big submission fan, but over a while Punk's Anaconda Vise has gotten somewhat stale to me (let alone not being used as much as it used to be), like... it isn't used from enough angles or set ups. I was talking with a friend of mine who studied akido and was looking closely at MMA and he spoke of some ways to perform, or at least set up, the Vise from standing positions that are commonly seen in WWE (like starting arm drags, ducking clothelines, etc).

Just my .02.
One that would work for Barrett is the old fashioned Heart Punch... It's an oldschool vicious move... I am hearing this Bad News stuff and that doesn't bode well as he used an enzuguri or the Ghetto Blaster as it was called.

Big Show is working with his physical limitations... he is an older guy of abnormal size...he's already close to living longer than Andre did... so anything that is impact or unusual stress on his heart is gonna be risky. The punch is simple, plays as his hand is gonna be bigger than most and has limited effect on him... He can deliver it without cardio effort or impact to his body.
I'm glad at least a couple people here have mentioned that Fandango needs a new finisher. Not because it's not impressive enough or anything like that. But because it's going to cut his career short. Austin has said several times on his podcast that just doing the Stunner wore on his body to the point where it was a big reason he didn't want to wrestle anymore because it was so rough on him to deliver. He even mentioned something while talking about Fandango once that the ought to use another move. He mentioned that move by name but now I can't remember what it was, but it was a rather obscure move that's not being used right now, seemed like it was the finisher of someone around during the ruthless aggression era. I remember thinking it would be pretty cool to see Fandango using so-and-so's finisher but that's all I can remember now. :/

Regardless Fandango is going to need a hip replacement by the time he's 40 if he keeps using that move night in night out possibly several times a night if he gets himself into high demand high profile matches where there are several false finishes.
I'm glad at least a couple people here have mentioned that Fandango needs a new finisher. Not because it's not impressive enough or anything like that. But because it's going to cut his career short. Austin has said several times on his podcast that just doing the Stunner wore on his body to the point where it was a big reason he didn't want to wrestle anymore because it was so rough on him to deliver. He even mentioned something while talking about Fandango once that the ought to use another move. He mentioned that move by name but now I can't remember what it was, but it was a rather obscure move that's not being used right now, seemed like it was the finisher of someone around during the ruthless aggression era. I remember thinking it would be pretty cool to see Fandango using so-and-so's finisher but that's all I can remember now. :/

Regardless Fandango is going to need a hip replacement by the time he's 40 if he keeps using that move night in night out possibly several times a night if he gets himself into high demand high profile matches where there are several false finishes.

I would imagine the Stunner has having a bad effect on Austin due to the sit down part of it, right? Compressed the spine which rattled the neck?
Apparently it's been bothering his hips a lot and knees as well, but yes, primarily his neck. I don't quite understand how it bothered his knees, but unless I'm remembering incorrectly (totally possible) he did include his knees as a part of what the stunner aggravated.

Fandango is doing that same sit-down move the stunner involves, but he's doing it from the top rope. It's going to ruin him long-term if he does it all the time. It makes for a great spot now and again, and he performs it wonderfully, but geez...
Apparently it's been bothering his hips a lot and knees as well, but yes, primarily his neck. I don't quite understand how it bothered his knees, but unless I'm remembering incorrectly (totally possible) he did include his knees as a part of what the stunner aggravated.

Fandango is doing that same sit-down move the stunner involves, but he's doing it from the top rope. It's going to ruin him long-term if he does it all the time. It makes for a great spot now and again, and he performs it wonderfully, but geez...

I haven't been keeping up fully (by watching) but I can't really remember the last time I saw some top rope stuff, like superplexes, on a regular basis. I would imagine this might tie into what you're saying about Fandango (I've not seen his finisher), that some of those high end moves that really mess with joints and spines should be more limited.

No idea how the Stunner harms the knees though.
One that would work for Barrett is the old fashioned Heart Punch... It's an oldschool vicious move... I am hearing this Bad News stuff and that doesn't bode well as he used an enzuguri or the Ghetto Blaster as it was called.
thank you for copying my suggestion for a wade barrett replacement move without referencing my post.

I've noticed this trend in many of you posting that you take what others have already posted and regurgitate them as though they were your own thoughts.

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