Wrestler's that need new finishers!


Dark Match Jobber
So this is my very 1st topic on here as jaredtyler i had a old account a year ago,
so anyhow i feel that something that has been mentioned many times in wrestling forums are wrestlers need new finishers, however i don't see it on here. so i guess ill get this post rolling. What Wrestler's needs a new finisher?
here's mine

Curtis Axel Needs a more aggresive moveset and maybe a snapping suplex ddt as a main finisher.

Brie bella the facebuster sucks, i would like to see a submisson perhaps a reverse sleeperhold.

Now it's your turn! choose them wrestlers! and send some rep please.
and any tips on making posts send em my way.
daniel bryan needs a better move than knee move, i would give daniel bryan a tit a whirl backbreaker!
Guys don't use certain moves down to safety... The Pepsi Plunge is quite dangerous to do, so while he has the GTS they won't go there... remember Burchill wasn't even allowed his Exploder/C4 Suplex... had he been bet your ass he'd have gotten over...

The one that stands out is Wade Barrett... the Bullhammer plain sucks but it's clear that while he could just manage Wasteland on the bigger guys, his arm injury killed that move... give him a good old fashioned Jackknife or Million Dollar Dream... with his size both would be pretty impressive moves...
Wreslers that need new finishers 1. Wade Barrett 2. Big E Langston ( What is it supposed to do) 3. Mr.Anderson (it just looks weak) 4. Samoa Joe ( i always thought chokes were illegal) 5. Anyone who uses a clothesline : Jay Bradley, Harper & Rowans etc... ( sorry JBL)
I'm almost positive "new" finishing moves people list on here are going to lean towards submissive moves. I think it's because we feel we don't see those enough.

I would scrap "Wasteland" from Barret altogether. I didn't think that move really got him over and in my opinion doesn't have a name or style a guy like Barret would perform. I would replace it with a classic move done a bit differently, like a stylized powerbomb. Haven't seen much of those lately.

Also Kofi Kingston's due another finisher, possibly a grappling one. A DDT suits him I think. But I'm sure WWE and Kingston could find something more original than that.

I suck at thinking up finishers. I guess it's because I don't really feel they need to change anything up just yet. Pretty happy with the product there.
I would change Fandango's finisher because it may be bad for him in the long run. I think Kim's old finisher, Eat Defeet would fit his dancing gimmick. Change Wade Barrett's finisher to an Asiatic Spike, jack knife power bomb, or elbow from the top Magnus style, I definitely wish they would change Santino's finisher to maybe choke hold.
Honorable mention: I like the big finish for Big E., but I would like for him to have a secondary finisher such as the Pounce. That would look devastating coming from him.
Big E Langston -- His move is absolutely horrible. It doesn't even look as if the opponent is taking that much damage, more like his arm taking most of the impact. He's a big guy, I'd give a "big" move.. maybe a Butterfly Suplex, with him holding his opponent in the air for a while? Sounds like a good move, but my only concern is that it'd be near impossible for him to lift a guy like Mark Henry in that position.

Alberto Del Rio -- It's not the move itself that's bad, just that it isn't "World Heavyweight Champion" worthy. I don't look at it as a very dynamic finisher that's worthy of ending a match. I'd say change it to Del Rio's other finisher, the Enzurguri, to the head. That's a move that could end a match on a good note.
Damien Sandow, he needs something smarter and more vicious, that can be put up anywhere, it takes to much set up for his character.
here are guys in my book need new finishers. Curtis Axel needs a move that just looks like a finisher and it NEEDS to be named. Amborse's finisher is great, but name it. Seth Rollins really needs a finishing move to be named as i think he has star potential as well when he leaves the Shield. and finally, while i like Sandow's finisher, he needs one that looks more strong.
The first guy I thought of when I saw the thread title was Wade Barrett. I haven't been a fan of either of his finishes. Not sure what would make a good finish for him, as he doesn't have a definitive style in my opinion. He doesn't target a body part with a majority of his moves, he transitions between strikes and grapples well enough, but there doesn't seem to be any real pattern. A submission finish wouldn't be bad for a guy like him, dragon sleeper perhaps.

Fandango most certainly needs a better finish, while the guillotine legdrop is impressive enough, is does far too much damage. I've always thought that Regal's old finisher would work rather well. The Regal Cutter or cut throat neckbreaker. Could add a full spin, much like dancing, before the drop.

Big E needs a new one as well. I haven't been a fan of the move since he first used it. It looks sloppy, doesn't take full advantage of his strength, and really doesn't look painful at all. I'd suggest off the top of my head the Tiger Bomb/ Pearl River Plunge. Powerful looking, he should have the strength to use it properly. The Dominator wouldn't be a bad idea either. You could even use Ron Simmons in a cameo showing him how to use it. The pump handle slam would be another powerful looking option.

Curtis Axel needs to be using either the perfect plex or a variation of it. I don't care if Cena is using a version of the fisherman's ddt, the perfect plex is a legitimate finish and Axel has every reason in the world to use it. If he's strong enough, using a delayed fisherman's wouldn't bad idea. Of course on much larger guys like Show, he could just use the regular perfect plex to end it. There is no reason to distance Axel from his heritage. There also is no reason why he couldn't use his grandfather's "axe" as a signature move as well.

I may be part of the minority, but I like Bryan's knee to the face. It has a SCM feel to it. If he added more of a build up to use when it's appropriate, it would be nearly the same. It might not be the most difficult move, or the most impressive move in terms of strength; but it's one of the most realistic finishes being used today.
Not a NEW one but I really wish Big Show would go back to using the chokeslam as his finisher. It just seems so stupid to me that he has a punch. He punches people 100 times throughout the course of a match, but just because he doesn't scream and ball his fist up slowly/dramatically, it's 1/100th as effective all those other times? I know realistically if Show hit someone with all his power, it'd destroy 99% of men on earth. But from a logic standpoint it just doesn't make sense that all his other punches have zero effect. Why not just punch harder all the other times if you're in his shoes?
daniel bryan needs a better move than knee move, i would give daniel bryan a tit a whirl backbreaker!
But realistically he needs a move he can hit on anyone and the flying knee accomplishes that.

I think Cesaro needs a more impactful move than the Neutralizer. He should bring back the Ricola Bomb or the UFO.
The Miz. The SCF is basically the same as Ambrose's finisher and it looks 1000 times weaker than Ambrose's and don't say he has the Figure Four because he looks awful when he uses it.
I would like to see big e do something like the border toss and someone like Kofi to have something off the top rope those kinda of moves seem more like like they would put them down for a three count
daniel bryan needs a better move than knee move, i would give daniel bryan a tit a whirl backbreaker!

In a practical sense the knee to the head move makes sense. DB isn't a big wrestler so he might not be able to do a tilt a whirl backbreaker (which I don't think is an ideal finisher since it leaves no time to set it up for the crowd response since it's too fast) on guys like Ryback or Big Show. The knee to the Head move at least allows Bryan to smash someone's face which, regardless of size, can knock people out.

In any event I really don't see that move being used for long. If the Orton's punt being banned is any indication I say the Knee to the Face is a concussion away from being restricted.
I like the Bullhammer elbow for Barett but not as a knock out move though I suggest his finisher be a kind of suplex sorta like a Tazplex that would be awesome. As far as Big E goes I'd give him a primary and secondary one should be either a black hole slam or David Otunga's move and the other one should be the dominator as someone else said because he would look awesome using that move.
Randy Orton. RKO is one of the weakest looking versions of the cutter style finishers I've seen. It's good when he catches a guy who was say, coming off the top rope, or things like that, but sometimes it just looks horrible and ridiculous. Especially when he does it on a chair or ring steps, or through the announce table like bryan a week or so ago? I mean the impact of the move is chin/shoulder, so dropping down onto a chair should realistically do damage to your shoulder more then his chin, and same the way he did it on the announce table. It was his back and shoulder that hit the table not bryan's chin or face so aside from the visual of the breaking table it should have had no extra affect on bryan himself. Now if set as a T where person receiving breaks through table chest/stomach first while chin/shoulder impact is on mat than it's realistically more impactful. He should change it up, he's used it so long it's stale. Maybe switch to a variation of an STO or complete shot/flatliner/downward spiral over the shoulder ddt. Instead of a jumping version, a lifted version where he lifts his opponent then pulls him down with him as he falls back. Or possilby something that doesn't impact on the arm or shoulder given his previous issues health wise in those areas.

Tensai and Clay should do bonsai drop/earthquake splash.

Wade Barrett-given his back ground, perhaps change the bullhammer into a heartpunch? or load his fist with something as like show, a punch/forearm finish with you do those many times during a match doesn't make sense.

Mark Henry-instead of WSS, something like the emerald fusion or air raid siren, where they are drapped over shoulder and back and drop backwards with weight on them like the samoan drop.

Jericho- if he ever comes back, never do codebreaker again. and with similar sized opponents that he's faced recently and likely to face again, go back to original LionTamer/ Walls of Jericho instead of horribly watered down version that is only a boston crab.
Finishers only really matter if the wrestler is over, look at Cena and Punk, neither of their moves look consistently devastating, but the crowd pop huge for both, because the guys are over. The wrestler makes the finisher in 99% of cases, there are exceptions like DDP and Austin who started getting over off their finishers, but it was just a start.

Having said that The Miz using a submission move with 30 years of not working to it's name is a bad idea and his skull crusher thing looks like shit, I think him using that short stop DDT that he hits really well would be a better finisher. I'm also begging one of the big guys to use the old fashioned powerbomb, I mean Ryback's powerbomb looks much better than Shellshock..
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Dolph Ziggler. The Zig Zag looks really weak.

Agree with you guys about Wade Barrett, Axel, Big E, Damien Sandow and Daniel Bryan. Personally I would love to see Daniel Bryan use William Regal's exploder suplex as his finishing move. It pays homage to the guy who trained him, fits his wrestler persona and looks devastating. Perfect move for Daniel Bryan.
Naomi- Here crossbody is weak, and she has botched it a couple of times. We've seen her go in the ring, and I think she's fully capable of doing better things.

Eric Rowan- A running splash? Really? He's a powerhouse, he should be doing Jackknife Powerbombs and Death Valley Drivers, not Splashes and Clotheslines.

Sin Cara- what is his finisher anyway? I saw him use a hurricanrana DDT on an episode of Superstars as his finisher, so yeah. I think he should do something more basic, like a moonsailt or something.

Tyson Kidd- His Blockbuster move is kinda stupid and he shouldn't use the sharpshooter. We know that you came from the Hart Dungeon, but could you stop using everything that Bret did? First it was a remake of his song, than it was the pink and black, and now this. Be original or be gone, dammit.

Dolph Ziggler- His Zig Zag is so stupid. At first it was Ok, but know its just him grabbing a dudes neck, and throwing him down. He should use the Leapfrog Fame Asser that he used a while back ago.
I would say that Curtis Axel needs a submission move. I like the "Edgecator" and can see Axel using that - he just looks like he should have a submission finisher. Damien Sandow is another who needs a finisher. I can't personally think of one but anything is better than his current move.

I liked the move Fandango used on Smackdown and would like to see him use it more often. Obviously he can't use that against everyone but that is what the leg-drop could be used for. I'm fine with Wasteland for Wade Barrett but for some reason he started using that elbow.
The new "Silencer" (Side Effect) finisher that Damien Sandow has been using is great & I hope he continues to use a combination of that move & the 'Terminus" (Straightjacket Neckbreaker) as a finisher.

Wade Barrett should go back to using "Wasteland" as his main finisher. 'The Bull Hammer" actually grew on me a lot, especially when he added some theatrics & started revealing the red underside of his elbow pad everytime before he hit the move but it just isn't that good of a finisher in today's WWE.

The Miz has the worst finishers on the entire roster. The "Skull Crushing Finale" is incredibly weak looking & extremely lame, it was only kind of cool when Y2J did it out of nowhere back in the day. & The Miz using the Figure Four Leg Lock is just awful. I actually didn't mind his original finishers when he was with Morrison (I think they were just his Neckbreaker Combo that he still uses, just as a signature these days & then another kind of Neckbreaker). Miz should go back to using those & then add a different submission that he can actually do as his main finisher, like the inverted Sharpshooter that Edge used to use, I think he called it the Edgeacution or Edgeacation or something.

I can't stand the stupid "W.M.D./K.O. Punch" finisher that The Big Show uses either, it's just a freakin' punch! His size does nothing in terms of selling the move for me. Everyone else punches each other during their matches & the Big Show still brawls & punches other superstars during his matches & people aren't getting knocked out every 10 seconds. It's just flat out lame & shows a huge lack of creativity to me. The Chokeslam, that Mid-Air Leg Drop/Side Slam thing Show first used when he came to WWE, anything is better than 'ol sausage fingers crying & punching people all the time.

As much as I kind of hate to admit it, I do think Dean Ambrose could use another finishing move down the road. His Headlock Driver is fantastic but it should eventually just become one of a few great finishers that he could pull out at any time. His Knee Templar was amazing, the "Moxicity" was cool, etc. Adding any of them to his new repertoire would be awesome.

Curtis Axel should use "The Perfect-Plex" as his main finishing maneuver. I really like the inverted Neckbreaker he uses too but I think he should use that as his set-up move to "The Perfect-Plex".

Same deal with Fandango. I really like his Leg Drop from the Top Rope but it should be used as a set-up move or simply used as an alternate finisher.

Christian has a pretty bad set of finishing moves as well. Smaller guys shouldn't use the spear, that should be reserved for the Roman Reigns & the Golbergs of the world. The "Killswitch/Unprettier" has always bothered me. Not only is it extremely weak looking but it looks incredibly easy to reverse/get out of. The Frog Splash he abopted for awhile wasn't terrible but it still didn't feel like a solid, main finisher for him.

Santino Marella has got to get something else besides The Cobra. He had his big spot with the move at The Rumble with Foley & now the bit is old & stale. He can still sell the socks & use the move occasonally but like Mick he needs another move that isn't so goofy & that feels more like a real finisher.

I'm pretty sure Sin Cara just uses a Tilt-A-Whirl Armbar as a finisher, I'm not sure though because he is never around long enough to really tell. Either way, I'm pretty sure he could use a new finisher. I liked the idea someone had of a simple Moonsault for him.

I can't stand when a smaller superstar uses the spear, let alone a Diva. I don't care how big, large, thick, big boned, etc. a female superstar is, she should never use the spear as a finishing move. Sorry Kaitlyn.

Tensai and Clay should do bonsai drop/earthquake splash.
I really like this idea as well. Maybe they could even do a Double Bonzai Drop as their Tag Team Finisher???
WADE BARRETT. The guy has had the worst luck in the world when it comes to finishers, He has not had one since he debuted in the WWE and with the talk of him being repackaged, There is a good chance that it might happen.

BIG SHOW. Having a punch as a finisher just seems stupied to me and seeing as he is the largest athlete in the World, You would have thought that he'd of had something a little bit more impressive.

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