Wrestlers from Japan


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OK so i was reading about Kassius Ohno getting the pink slip and this got me thinking about how many wrestlers from Japan have really made it big in the states? I can say without a doubt i haven't researched this topic so I don't have all the names correct. But I think it is a reasonable question. I remember Tajiri, Funaki The Great Muta, Ultimo Dragon, Jushin Liger(althought to be honest i was never sure if he was Japanese or mexican), among a few others that never really made a difference.

Now The Great Muta was probably the biggest star in my opinion. Funakis' time has Smackdown's #1 announcer was just short of awesome. But i am trying to think of a Japanese wrestler that actually challenged for a world tittle or even a decent lower title.
If you consider Funaki as having 'made it' in the states surely TAKA Michinoku would have made it as well.

Jushin Liger is definitely Japanese.

The Great Muta was probably the only one your listed that was used to his fullest capability but a major national promotion.

Going further back Toru Tanaka and Masa Saito had multiple tag title runs in the WWWF / WWF with Mr Fuji (when the belts actually meant something). Mr Fuji was born in Hawaii so wouldn't come into the reckoning.

Tatsumi Fujinami had short spells in the WWWF and WCW winning the WWWF Junior Heavyweight Title and NWA World Heavyweight title. In the later if memory serves he headlined Superbrawl I with Ric Flair.

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