Wrestler's Court


Everybody Has A Price!
So I was just interested in knowing some of the things that have happened in them.I know what they are and i know a few stories,but i am sure that there is many good ones that i dont know and would like to know.Also What are your thoughts on them?

For those of you who dont know what it is:

wikipedia said:
Wrestler's Court
the unofficial forum among WWE wrestlers for the policing of wrestlers that violate the rules and traditions laid down by the company. The punishments meted out can range from pranking to paying for other wrestlers' travel expenses. In Matt and Jeff Hardy's book Exist 2 Inspire, they mention an incident they had with The Court while it was still headed by The Undertaker, "We got to the next house show and Bradshaw told us, 'You guys have been sentenced to Wrestler's Court. Your trial is set for next week at Raw. Wrestler's Court is exactly what it sounds like. All the wrestlers gather in the locker room, and they hold a mock trial. The Undertaker is the judge and JBL is the prosecuting attorney. It's pretty scary, because once you get up there on the stand, everybody's against you." Judges for Wrestler's Court have included: The Undertaker, John Bradshaw Layfield, Hardcore Holly, and Brian Adams.

Discuss.What are your thoughts on the wrestlers court?

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