Wrestlemania or Bound for Glory

Wrestlemania or Bound For Glory

  • Wrestlemania

  • Bound For Glory

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Did I see someone write that at Wrestlemania people are miserable? Unreal. I've attended 3 Wrestlemania's and let me tell you that is very far from the truth. Nobody who thinks they will be miserable will not be at Wrestlemania. I remember being in the last row of the last section at Wrestlemania XX and to my left there were guys from England, to my right guys from Ireland, in front of me a family from Canada and match after match everyone was out of their seats having an unbeleiveably good time. At Wrestlemania 23 the crowd reaction for Batista vs Taker as well as Michaels vs Cena was unbeleivable. This year at the Citrus Bowl I watched one of the most emotional moments ever as Ric Flair wrestled his final match. The atmosphere was unparrallel. I watched 35 year old men tearing up in the stands as well as at the Hall of Fame Ceremony with names like Flair, Hogan, Hart, Piper, Guerrero, etc. When Bound For Glory can produce somthin like that at all then post it up here. Until then, Bound For Glory will always be lightyears behind the majesty and tradition of Wrestlemania and that my friends is true.:flair:Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
Lol at this thread. Shit WrestleMania > Good Bound For Glory. There's no comparison.

The only people who think that Bound For Glory is special are the people who work for TNA. They build it up like any other PPV and expect you to buy into the fact it's supposed to be their most important card of the year. Bound For Glory is just like any other TNA PPV. One great match, a couple of good matches, a couple of bad matches, and 3 matches with 20 wrestlers involved.

For all it's faults WrestleMania feels special towards the run up, even if the show is lacking.
Well I voted for WWE's Wrestlemania without hesitation. When WWE made Wrestlemania, is was very groundbreaking, a pay per view event. twenty years later when TNA follows in WWE's steps, its not so magical. many non wrestling fans I talk to know about certain wrestling events, Hogan slamming Andre, Yokozona cheating over Bret, for Hogan to come back, Hogan losing to Ultimate Warrior,... wow Hogan sure has made memories for the fans:p...at Wrestlemania. The quality of matches at Wrestlemania are unbeatable. Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat, Bret vs Owen, Michaels vs Ramon, Hart vs Michaels, Stone Cold vs Hart, Stone Cold vs The Rock, Angle vs Michaels, Undertaker vs Giant Gonzales, wait, cut that last one:p. Hart and Michaels sure had a lot of good matches... at Wrestlemania. The Events such as the Undertaker winning 16 matches of the 24 events, Ric Flair's retirement match, The roster celebrating after Randy Savage won at WM4, after Hart won at WM10. Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit hugging to end WM20. The Hall of famers that have been celebrated at Wrestlemania including Curt Hennig, Eddie Guerrero, Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan, Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair, Bobby The Brain, and Rowdy Roddy Piper. The celebrities that have appeared at WM including Aretha Franklin, Pamela Anderson, Jenny McCarthy, Snoop Dogg, Donald Trump, Pete Rose, Floyd Mayweather, Lawrence Taylor, Sugar Ray Leonard, Mr. T, and Muhammad Ali. The viewing audience also shows the grand spectacle of Wrestlemania. 93,173 went to the third Wrestlemania, and 74,635 were at WWE's last Wrestlemania in the meanwhile, 4000 went to Bound for Glory's 3rd event and latest. Well those are my reasons for siding with Wrestlemania.
However, if you wish to debate it.. lets take a look. Edge v. Undertaker, no gimmick needed for going on 3 straight Pay Per View matches and its still selling to more people than Joe v. Angle.
Yeah that would have nothing to do with the fact that probably at least 200% more people are actualy aware of the WWE product compared to TNA's.
And to suggest that it was actually the Edge vs Taker match that sold all the PPV's is unrealistic to say the least (Im trying to be nice here). Just like JOE vs Angle wasn't the sole reason for TNA's fans purchasing that PPV.

Yeah, because while the W.W.E. understands its fans aren't complete morons.. apparently T.N.A. feels its fans are completely stupid enough to think a Street Fight renamed 20 different times can still sell more and more with each new name.
Yeah, because while TNA understands its fans aren't complete morons... apparently WWE feels its fans are completely stupid enough to think that GOD is actualy wrestling Vince McMahon as Shawn Michaels partner!!!apparently WWE think GOD can sell...

Let me tell you something. If you polish a turd, its still a turd.
AGREED! No matter how much you dress it up with fancy lighting and HD sets, shitty wrestling is still shitty wrestling, especially when you have the likes of TNA and ROH showing how it should be one (irrispective of the gimmick).

I can see why you like T.N.A. with the first thing you said. And you contradict yourself with the second.

Before you even ask. I say you contradict yourself because first you praise T.N.A. for giving us gimmick after gimmick, then even you say they're overdone.
No I was simply highliting that although I personaly think the gimmicks are a little overdone, they should at least be praised for trying to give us something different every time. What is wrong with that?

By giving us the exact same gimmicks, repackaged with a different name, every week? :headscratch: Do you even watch T.N.A., weekly?
Much like the lyrics on songs today, it is very difficult to go in a direction that hasn't already been done. Can you give me 52 examples of different matches that haven't already been done? So that we can then see something fresh every week of the year?
I doubt it, so while WWE will simply do the same shit over and again, TNA at least try to spice it up a bit. Again, what is wrong with that?
And yes mate... I do watch TNA weekly and have done for the past 3 years now. And I can honestly say, I enjoy it more now than ever.
Thats my opinion and Im entitled to it. I guarantee Im not the only one.

I would completely hope you would. Because you're making yourself look like a fool with these outlandish claims.
Your opinion, sure some would agree, but then a lot of people would side with what I've said. Thats the great thing about having competition in the wrestling industry. It gives us something to (dis)agree on and debate.
WWE has one great match every couple of PPV's. TNA has great matches on nearly every week. The fool is the one who would look at this in WWE's favour.

Look, I love T.N.A., I'm a fan of it.. but you're arguing about T.N.A. having far superior wrestling, to the W.W.E. in a thread asking which Pay Per View is better. Bound For Glory, or Wrestlemania. Whats next on your list of things to do?
Try reading the post again and you will see that the reason I brought up TNA's wrestling was due to it being one of my reasons for choosing BFG over WM.
I really don't understand what your getting at here? It was a logical point I brought up. Again, try reading the original post.

Perhaps you'd like to create a thread in the T.N.A. section, asking people who they'd prefer.. Sharkboy or Steve Austin. Lets see how great T.N.A. wins that war.
Yep, given this sites age demographic Im sure Stone Cold would win hands down.
But then lets try having a vote on a website aimed at 3 - 9 year olds and ask them the same question. Im sure Shark Boy would win THAT one hands down.
Point is, Sharkboy is used to garner younger fans for TNA. Much like WWE is doing with their new comic book magazine segment which has the Hardy's fighting space monsters on other planets lol.

Now I'll touch upon one of your previous points:
you're arguing about T.N.A. having far superior wrestling, to the W.W.E. in a thread asking which Pay Per View is better. Bound For Glory, or Wrestlemania. Whats next on your list of things to do?

You said something about hypocrites?
Perhaps you'd like to create a thread in the T.N.A. section, asking people who they'd prefer.. Sharkboy or Steve Austin. Lets see how great T.N.A. wins that war.
So what relevance was that to this thread?
Wrestlemaina will always be the main ppv of wrestling period. I mean it makes headline news around the world. They have celebrities who appear. Who does TNA get? Make-a -Wish kids want to go see the ppv. I don't want that much TNA but I thought their main ppv was Slammaversery or whatever its called.
The predictability of a match can affect the flow and response. High flying moves and high spots can be entertaining to watch. However, the most fundamental element of a good match is STORYTELLING. This is soemthing that no promotion in the history of wrestling has done better than the WWE, and all stories are at the apex around Wrestlemania time. Look at Flair-Micheals...totally predictable outcome, however the story told was something on a scale that TNA has not been able to do thus far. Austin-Bret, Angle-Micheals, even Warrior-Hogan, the stories are on such an epic scale that you cant even begin to compare the two promotions. And you aren't reading the comments of a WWE mark; I go to every ROH show on the east coast. Right now, and even before last years Bound for Glory, the stories being told in TNA are not the focal point. I fully respect the tna roster (who aren't aging to the point that they are shells of them former selves) for the athleticsm they can provide. But they will never catch on with a general public if they don't use their skills to tell a story. Yes WWE does limit their wrestlers throught the year; but notice how during Wrestlemania everyone pulls a little trick out of their book that they normally wouldn't use. It makes the event more special, the spots seem more dangerous, and the feeling of awe greater. Bound For Glory, while admittedly a very good PPV, doesn't do enough to distinguish itself from the rest of the monthly PPV's. And therein lies the difference. If you took away all the signs and pictures so the ring was a blank canvas and didnt have anything but the wrestlers, the arena, the crowd, and the ring with no logos, you'd know Wrestlemania at the drop of a dime. it would be hard to tell if the event was Bound for Glory

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