Wrestlemania at Wembley Stadium?

For the guy that asked about title changes at UK PPVs, the only one that happened was William Regal losing the European title at Rebellion 2000 and winning it back the next week on Raw, nothing benefits, just a pure house show really.

Its such a shame though. I'm just curious but when Raw, Smackdown and ECW are filmed here in England, what happens in America? Does Raw get shown at the time that it would of been shown normally?

The shows gets taped at the 8pm time in England and gets shown in the US at the same time it's usually shown.

I think it would pretty sweet to see a WrestleMania outside of North America, it is after all supposed to be the 'global phennomenon". The WWE has a solid fanbase in England so why not have one there. This wembly stadium sounds perfect. Ive also heard of this arena called the Theatre of Dreams, im pretty sure that its the home arena for Manchester United and would be an epic wrestlemania venue. Theatre of fucking Dreams come one thats perfect. If not in England another good choice would be japan, possibly in the Tokyo Dome.

Old Trafford's main set back would be that it doesn't have a roof over the pitch where the ring would be placed. It holds about 65,000-70,000 fans alone, but could be extended to 80,000 at least. Best place would be Wembley or one of the Olympic Arenas being built for 2012.

What I think should be done is another tester for a PPV, much like they did with Summerslam, but do it in a way that can't be spoiled. Though given we would be awake at 1am to watch Raw, Smackdown or a PPV, and other sports like the Olympics, surely the fans could try it for one PPV in the UK? The NFL want to play more games in England after the success of trying a match in Wembley (though it messed up the pitch), I'm pretty sure if WWE tried a standard PPV in the UK and see how it turns out LIVE, ala Backlash, it could work for Wrestlemania. Was WMIX played at 8pm Eastern Time? Cause I remember it being bright and still daylight at the time it was on.

I did think of the idea they did for WM2 where they had it in different arenas but one in US, UK, etc, but the time would kill that one for sure!

While I think this could very well work and be a great way for WWE to branch out and prove that it's global, something would have to happen first.
You can't just throw Wrestlemania anywhere...it's the biggest event of the year and you have to KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that it'll work. What I would do is have one of the other "Big 4" over there first. Royal Rumble, Summerslam, or Survivor Series are the next biggest shows of the year behind Mania. If you could do any one of these successfully in England..say in the next 2 years, then I think WWE might feel good about having a show the caliber of WM there as well shortly thereafter.
i'm kinda going of topic here with this post, but it's to do with wrestlemania becoming more gobal..

before i start dreaming of having a wrestlemania in australia, i'd like to see the WWE do a raw/smackdown down here as the house shows sell out quite easily so i'm quite sure a proper televised event would do wonders. now, if for some odd reason they were to ever do a wrestlemania in australia, the best venue would be the MCG in melbourne. the arena holds over 99,000, so just shy of 100,000.
but you should easily get over the 100,000 mark with adding another 10,000 seats on the ground and marking out about 5,000 for the stage.
the attendence could add up to 104,000.. now that would be something amazing!
furthermore, the venue is outdoors so it could allow for bigger pyro much like at wrestlemania XXIV
I think that if there was ever a Wrestlemania in England, it would be after 2012, when London has become even more "World Friendly." Remember WWE always wants there to be access for fans to come from all over the world, after London has hosted the Olympic Games, WWE can be certain that it is ready to hold a Wrestlemania. Wrestlemania 28 or 29 perhaps? Even 30?

But as mentioned by good ol' Phoenix suggested, bring over a Survivor Series, Summer Slam or better yet a Royal Rumble first and then using the success of that, measure it for a possible host for Wrestlemania in the future.

I remember this time last year, people were discussing where Wrestlemania 25 would be held, if I remember correctly, a lot of people were speculating that WWE might take 'Mania to Mexico, but with them cancelling shows there recently there isn't much chance of that anymore.

Not only would a Wrestlemania in London attract fans from the UK, but hardcore Mania - going American's would make the trip, plus remember The US is about the size of Europe more or less, so WWE could attract people from other closer countries like France, Italy, Spain and Germany. The revenue could be phenomenal for the WWE.

While I believe it would attract some die hard fans from Europe to a Royal Rumble in London, a Wrestlemania in London would become a MUST for any vauge fan within Europe, and it could be such a good thing for culture, bringing a bit of the accepting american spirit here to Europe.

Vince could change Europe forever with a Wrestlemania in London, I truley believe that.

Tokyo would be fricking awesome too, the Japanise fans are immense.
summerslam 92 was at wembley but in awkwerd fashion was taped ( not going to happen now adays ) there on august 29 and shown here on ppv the 31st

it drew over 80,000 and to this date was one of the best ppv's in history ( imo )

but unf. i dont see wwe having ppvs over there like this simply because the big 4 have to be live and the time difference is a killer the wwe wont gamble with a time slot on one of these events its too much of a risk
It could happen, and would be great for the WWE. The only problem I see with it, is the time difference. Instead of it starting at 630p or 7p here, it would have to start at 130p or 2p (If I'm figuring the time right). I know the time isn't a big issue, but it may effect viewership.

The build-up would definitely be huge, and I'm sure the wrestlers would love for a new fanbase, that will undoubtedly be into every single match. Vince would be smart to do it, as it would be a cashcow that he could milk for every penny.
Wrestlemania happens on a Sunday yeah? So how would having a PPV on a Sunday afternoon affect viewership? It wouldn't at all, the UKs biggest sporting event is the FA cup final, that is held 3pm on a Saturday, no problems there.

Wembley Stadium has one major advantage...it is the largest stadium in the world with every seat under cover...which is needed as you can't trust the British weather in April!

You guys have to realise that Wembley of Summer Slam 1992 is not the same as the current Wembley, it's a different stadium, though would it be too big a gamble?
It will definatly happen at some point, Outside of N. America the UK is WWE's biggest market, so it is a matter of when rather than if in my opinion. However WWE might decide to test the water with another PPV first and then do it 2 or 3 years down the line. The benefit of hosting aPPV at wembley would not just be UK fans, but it would also allow more fans from accross europe to make the trip. Wembley has already hosted football games, NFL games, music and other events; so logistically and planning-wise it shouldn't be too much of a problem. The stadium is certainly capable holding 95k+.

The only issue is the timing because the UK is 6hrs + ahead and the could impact buyrates in the USA and Canada as it might have to be shown at a different time, as it would be inconvicvable to pre-record their biggest event of the year. However the event could be started at 11/12am UK time which is only 1 or 2 hours earlier than the usual US start time.

So all in all it seems like a good idea, and would be a great way for WWE to reward its fans overseas, and prehaps gain some.
It could happen, and would be great for the WWE. The only problem I see with it, is the time difference. Instead of it starting at 630p or 7p here, it would have to start at 130p or 2p (If I'm figuring the time right). I know the time isn't a big issue, but it may effect viewership.

The time difference is actually a HUGE deal and is the only thing preventing it from happening.

It will definatly happen at some point, Outside of N. America the UK is WWE's biggest market, so it is a matter of when rather than if in my opinion.

The thing is, though ... Vince can sell out stadiums here in the United States. So why is he going to go through the hassle of dealing with the time difference, when he can sell out a stadium here in the Primary Market, and not have to deal with the logistics of how he's going to show the event on PPV?

The main revenue of PPV is obviously not the actual live attendance ... but the people at home who actually order the event. That is why the live gate isn't necessarily as important. If you were in charge of a Billion dollar company, where would your focus be? Would it be to cater to the tens of thousands of people at the stadium, or would it be to the MILLIONS of people ordering at home?

The only issue is the timing because the UK is 6hrs + ahead and the could impact buyrates in the USA and Canada as it might have to be shown at a different time, as it would be inconvicvable to pre-record their biggest event of the year. However the event could be started at 11/12pm UK time which is only 1 or 2 hours earlier than the usual US start time.

So all in all it seems like a good idea, and would be a great way for WWE to reward its fans overseas, and prehaps gain some.

I don't follow your logic.

We have 4 different time zones across the United States. 5, if you count Hawaii.

East Coast (5 hrs behind England's time)
Central (1 hr behind US East Coast)
Mountain (2 hrs behind US East Coast)
Pacific (3 hrs behind US East Coast)
Hawaii (4 hrs behind US East Coast)

If you start the event at 12 PM, then that would mean it would start at 7 AM East Coast time and 4 AM West Coast time. Obviously, nobody is going to order that over here.

Did you mean to suggest to start the event at 12 AM, England time? Then, the show would start at 7 PM East Coast time.

But are 80,000 fans going to really want to attend a show at 12 AM in the morning, and stay until 3 AM or 4 AM in the morning ... especially when they have to work on a Monday?
The only issue is the timing because the UK is 6hrs + ahead and the could impact buyrates in the USA and Canada as it might have to be shown at a different time, as it would be inconvicvable to pre-record their biggest event of the year. However the event could be started at 11/12pm UK time which is only 1 or 2 hours earlier than the usual US start time.

If it started at noon there, it'd be starting at 7a here, and not one person would buy it.

For it to start at regular time here, it would need to start at midnight there.

No matter when it starts in the UK, the time would be a big deal here in the US. We already have a big problem with fans of east coast teams having to wait until 11p on some nights to see their favorite team play on the west coast. West coast fans have to watch baseball games at 11a sometimes due to the time difference. Throwing Wrestlemania off by 5 hours would be huge. Where I am, it would start at roughly 2p. For the west coast, that's 11a. Some people here still go to church, and I doubt they'd give it up for anything, much less Wrestlemania.
If timing is the only problem for Wrestlemania at Wembley then just start it earlier in London so it'll air closer to its normal time in the states.
If timing is the only problem for Wrestlemania at Wembley then just start it earlier in London so it'll air closer to its normal time in the states.

It would have to start later in England. Close to midnight.

Not only would the fans not go to a show at midnight, but no fans here would buy it if it started too early. Also, what wrestler would want to main event any show at close to 4a?
I'd love to have Wrestlemania at Wembley. I'd also like to have Survior Series at Old Traford, Royal Rumble at the Millenium Stadium and Summerslam at The Emirates Stadium. Those three probably would never happen.
The only problem is the time. If in the UK, we started at 7.30 in America it's about 3.30.
So maybe yes, maybe no. It could happen, it could not.
I'm sorry but I just can't see Wrestlemania being outside America. it would be great for a change of venue but I doubt it would ever happen. It might sell out like you said, but the WWE loves America to much to dessert the people who helped them in the begining, when it wasn't worldwide. No matter how many people would go in the UK or where ever, Amrerica would double it.
I'm sorry but I just can't see Wrestlemania being outside America. it would be great for a change of venue but I doubt it would ever happen. It might sell out like you said, but the WWE loves America to much to dessert the people who helped them in the begining, when it wasn't worldwide. No matter how many people would go in the UK or where ever, Amrerica would double it.

As far as the Live Gate, I completely disagree. I think the Overseas market can definitely outdraw a US live gate. Wrestling isn't as popular here, as it once was. UFC is definitely more popular than wrestling.

If we have WWE run a House Show at a 20,000 seat arena, they may do 6,000-7,000 in an Average Market. If they run New York or Los Angeles, they'll get a little more ... like around 10,000 or so. I know you guys Overseas can draw better than that. As far as our House Shows, we don't even get the ring lights for entrances, pyro, a stage setup, or anything. Lilian Garcia also does not ring announce at our Raw House Shows. But she does work Overseas at your House Shows ... and you guys get all the bells and whistles on your shows, where as we do not. We get the basic white ring lights to light the ring. That's it.

BUT ... as far as PPV buys, that doesn't mean that there are more PPV buys awaiting WWE overseas, than in the U.S. Since our population is much heavier, the PPV audience at home is obviously much larger than the PPV audience at home overseas.

The biggest and ONLY problem, is the Time Difference. It has nothing to do with WWE "loving" their US market, and not being fond of their Overseas markets. But it is strictly the Time Difference, and the fact that their largest At Home market of PPV subscribers resides here in the United States.

If Europe, Australia, or anywhere else can find a way to get more At Home PPV subscribers to WWE PPV's than the U.S. ... then I am sure you will be seeing Wrestlemania and many more PPV's go overseas. Until that point, WWE is simply going to go where the bulk of the money is.
I think it would be a great idea.
And it wouldn't just benefit people in the UK, it'd be great for Irish people like myself. And I think there'd even be people from France and Germany flying to England for it. It would just be great for us Europeans, who deserve something more than house shows and the occasional Raw episode, to experience what the Americans experiece even if it's just once.

I would queue for days for a ticket for Mania in England...

But I still don't think it will happen, despite the WWE knowing for a fact that it would sell out in a heartbeat.
As far as the Live Gate, I completely disagree. I think the Overseas market can definitely outdraw a US live gate. Wrestling isn't as popular here, as it once was. UFC is definitely more popular than wrestling.

If we have WWE run a House Show at a 20,000 seat arena, they may do 6,000-7,000 in an Average Market. If they run New York or Los Angeles, they'll get a little more ... like around 10,000 or so. I know you guys Overseas can draw better than that. As far as our House Shows, we don't even get the ring lights for entrances, pyro, a stage setup, or anything. Lilian Garcia also does not ring announce at our Raw House Shows. But she does work Overseas at your House Shows ... and you guys get all the bells and whistles on your shows, where as we do not. We get the basic white ring lights to light the ring. That's it.

BUT ... as far as PPV buys, that doesn't mean that there are more PPV buys awaiting WWE overseas, than in the U.S. Since our population is much heavier, the PPV audience at home is obviously much larger than the PPV audience at home overseas.

The biggest and ONLY problem, is the Time Difference. It has nothing to do with WWE "loving" their US market, and not being fond of their Overseas markets. But it is strictly the Time Difference, and the fact that their largest At Home market of PPV subscribers resides here in the United States.

If Europe, Australia, or anywhere else can find a way to get more At Home PPV subscribers to WWE PPV's than the U.S. ... then I am sure you will be seeing Wrestlemania and many more PPV's go overseas. Until that point, WWE is simply going to go where the bulk of the money is.

I imagine you've never been to a UK House show...

They're usually sold out but we definitely do not get bells and whistles like you say... We get no titantrons, no commentators, really crap overinflated merchandise, no ramp, no stage etc... I remember going to one in Nottingham a few years back and when Randy Orton came out to do his signature pose in front of the bronze shower, he got 2 shitty little foil streamers come down. He actually turned around and looked at it as if to say, "this is a joke", now of course this is probably in character....but still. We also get below par matches and it really shows through by the wrestler's body language. One show I went to Umaga was wearing Orton's trunks to his match!

Personally, I don't think wrestlemania is too far away from the UK... my mum works for the people who could potentially make this happen and I know for a fact that talks are in the pipeline for the 2012 Superbowl to be staged at Wembley...

this could be bigtime in terms of money for WWE with the NFL charging £80-£400 for the NFL games, WWE could make a killing from gate receipts and people are always gonna order wrestlemania regardless of where it is and what time it's on. Personally, I think there can't be many fresh venues in the states for WWE to consider, other than college venues, however given by how crappy the Citrus Bowl and the surrounding area was, this shouldn't be a viable option.
Love love love the idea.

If they did host WrestleMania at Wembley, it would be a sell-out, no doubt. Every single WWE fan in England would try to get a ticket, not to mention those outside of the U.K. Transportation links are fine within London to get the event and to go back to hotels ect. Wembley could get over 100,000 people in there I'd say. It's 90,000 seated, and then on the floor it could go to just over 100,000, depending on a few things such as size of the stage ect. The Hall of Fame could be done at the O2 Arena, or numerous other places in London. Then you can have RAW & SD! at the O2, or other places.

However, I'd say the WWE would need to test the waters first. By this, I mean holding a big PPV in the UK to see how everything works out. For this, they should first host SummerSlam once over here. It's a big enough PPV for it to be a sellout. If promoted right, with the right card, it would sell out Wembley easily, just from UK fans alone. Then, holding RAW & SD! at the O2 Arena the next nights, it would work. WWE could do a deal where you buy all 3 tickets and stay in London for 3 nights ect, see it all. If that works, then they should try for WrestleMania.
As it has been said here time and again, the reason why this will NEVER happen is simply because of the time difference between the UK and the US, and the internet. SummerSlam '92 was pretty awesome being in Wembley Stadium, but the internet didn't exist then, at least certainly not in the form it exists now. So there was absolutely no need to have to worry about spoilers being leaked onto the internet. There's no way to prevent that happening now. When Raw does go overseas now, say to the UK or anywhere else, it airs in the US at the normal start times, but I can always find the spoilers right here on WrestleZone if I want them.

The reason they can hold a PPV in Canada or Puerto Rico is because there's no real timezone difference. They can still be held at the same times without worry.

Oh, and to the person who said that WrestleMania is as big, if not bigger than the Super Bowl. Ummmmmmmmmmmm, maybe if you're not from the US and could care less about (American) football. But here in the US, the Super Bowl is practically a national holiday in the way everything changes about that day. It's the day of the most expensive commerical time in the US. It's always one of the, if not THE, highest viewed program of the year. It makes all other sporting events in this country look extremely small by comparison (and, yes, racing fans, that includes the Daytona 500).

Basically, the Super Bowl is to WrestleMania what a giant condor is to a hummingbird.
But this is WWE! If anyone could figure out how to get around the time difference problem, it's them.

I'm not saying they'd be able to create some sort of time warp thing so USA and UK are on the same time zone, but this is the company that had 1 event in 3 different places. And that was back in the 80's when that kind of thing seemed impossible.

I can't think of a suitable solution to this, I'm no Vince Mcmahon. But I'm sure they could think of something!
Isn't the superbowl usually shown quite early? I know it's not exactly the same fan base, but would it be so bad if Wrestlemania was shown in the afternoon in America so it could be shown at night time in UK?
Just a thought.
As it has been said here time and again, the reason why this will NEVER happen is simply because of the time difference between the UK and the US, and the internet. SummerSlam '92 was pretty awesome being in Wembley Stadium, but the internet didn't exist then, at least certainly not in the form it exists now. So there was absolutely no need to have to worry about spoilers being leaked onto the internet. There's no way to prevent that happening now. When Raw does go overseas now, say to the UK or anywhere else, it airs in the US at the normal start times, but I can always find the spoilers right here on WrestleZone if I want them.

The reason they can hold a PPV in Canada or Puerto Rico is because there's no real timezone difference. They can still be held at the same times without worry.

Oh, and to the person who said that WrestleMania is as big, if not bigger than the Super Bowl. Ummmmmmmmmmmm, maybe if you're not from the US and could care less about (American) football. But here in the US, the Super Bowl is practically a national holiday in the way everything changes about that day. It's the day of the most expensive commerical time in the US. It's always one of the, if not THE, highest viewed program of the year. It makes all other sporting events in this country look extremely small by comparison (and, yes, racing fans, that includes the Daytona 500).

Basically, the Super Bowl is to WrestleMania what a giant condor is to a hummingbird.

I know. I don't know how many times it needs to be said in this thread. It just seems to go right over people's heads and they pay no attention to it. They keep wanting to talk about the "Live Gate" and "Selling out the Stadium". That isn't the issue. Nor is it even WWE's first priority.

The priority will always be to the At-Home ... PPV Audience first ... as opposed to any particular market ... especially an overseas one.

Let me say it again and elaborate further ... "The At-Home Subscribers to WWE's PPV's come first ... and play the most critical determination on where an event is held."

Since most of WWE's subscribers are in the United States, that is the Market most catered to.

You have to understand that certainly drawing 80,000 fans to a stadium is impressive. They could come close to that here in the United States. But drawing 80,000 fans in England is not as important, in the big scheme of things, as compared to catering to the MILLIONS of people in the United States, at home, who order the PPV's.

Therefore, the time of the event will ALWAYS be catered to the Millions of subscribers at home, at the time that is most convenient to them. There is a routine here in the United States, where it airs one Sunday of every month, at 8:00 PM Eastern Time ... 5:00 PM Pacific Time. That may also be the time they are contractually obligated with the cable companies to air their programs. Don't take that to the bank, but I think that is probably also a factor.

Being that English time is 5 hours AHEAD of Eastern Time in the US, that would mean that you would be starting the event over there at 1:00 AM on Monday morning, so the event is aired at its normal scheduled time in the United States. Obviously, there is no way they are going to draw 80,000 fans early Monday morning at 1:00 AM to Wembley Stadium. Furthermore, the crowd would be zonked out before the show even ends at 5:00 AM in the morning. Not to mention how poor the quality of matches would be that early in the morning.

WWE can not repeat what happened in 1992 with SummerSlam, and simply replay the tape of the event for the U.S. audience, because of the Internet. Someone Overseas will post the results, and it will be all over the Internet. Then, the buys in the States will be greatly reduced, since we will already know what the results will be.

I see absolutely no way around this. None. If anyone from England has any potential ideas to work around this problem, I would damn sure love to hear it. But it is the combination of the Time factor and the Internet, that is preventing you from getting any WWE PPV.

So again, WWE would like to draw 80,000 fans to Wembley ... but that is NOT AS IMPORTANT to them as catering to the MILLIONS of buyers of their PPV's here in the United States.

When you look at the logistics, it is simply impossible to successfully hold Wrestlemania, or any PPV in England, Ireland, Australia, or anywhere else overseas in this day and age.
Well from a personal point of view, this would be awesome... to have WM - or any major PPV, for that matter! - to be held somewhere in Europe, for example Wembley. Hell, I went to London for one day only to see Meat Loaf (yes Meat Loaf lol) do his world premiere of "Bat Out Of Hell III" at the Royal Albert Hall, so you can bet your a** I'll go to Wembley if Wrestlemania is there!!

But as has been pointed out - it could really be a problem with respect to the PPV audience, and the biggest market for WWE of course being America. However, that problem might not be THAT huge. I mean, you could start the PPV a little later here than the regular time... and it would be on somewhere in the afternoon in the US. Not primetime programming, but definitely not nearly as "un-watchable" as PPVs are hereabouts... I mean, if I want to watch a PPV live, I have to stay up until 2am for it to start, and most don't finish before 4.30 or 5 am... Considering that the next day is always a Monday, THAT kinda of DOES suck lol.

But yeah... I believe this will hardly ever happen, and definitely not with Wrestlemania. I guess with WM, they just HAVE to stay inside the US... for patriotic/loyalty reasons alone. America is just THEIR prime market, and they need to make those fans happy... and they show that they respect those fans by holding their biggest PPV of the year in the "home country". So maybe it would be possible with one of the minor PPVs, but even that is still highly unlike.

But a nice thought nonetheless. ;) In fact, I had even considered for a few days doing the trip to Houston this year, and being a part of WM25... but all in all it was just too expensive, especially with all the concerts and other shows I want to see this year hehe. But still a nice thought.
I imagine you've never been to a UK House show...

They're usually sold out but we definitely do not get bells and whistles like you say... We get no titantrons, no commentators, really crap overinflated merchandise, no ramp, no stage etc... I remember going to one in Nottingham a few years back and when Randy Orton came out to do his signature pose in front of the bronze shower, he got 2 shitty little foil streamers come down. He actually turned around and looked at it as if to say, "this is a joke", now of course this is probably in character....but still. We also get below par matches and it really shows through by the wrestler's body language. One show I went to Umaga was wearing Orton's trunks to his match!

Forget commentators and all that stuff. If the event isn't televised, commentators aren't going to be there anyway. Why would they?

When I say we don't get bells and whistles, I mean there is no special lighting for wrestler's entrances, no pyro, or anything. Imagine what wrestling looked like back in the early 90's before WWE began doing all that. That is what I am trying to say that our House Shows look like.

I think the best way to show you and compare what our house shows look like, and what your house shows look like, is to visually show you.

These are a few clips of what the Overseas House Shows look like, and some of the entrances.


Now, this is what the House Shows look like in the United States.


There really is no comparison. Like I said ... no pyro, no entrance lights, not even a lighted up gate .... no nothing.

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