Wrestlemania 32 - The Undertaker vs Shane McMahon (Hell in a cell)

You kind of answered your own question with "Shane loses, what was the point of him coming back?"...

The only point to him coming back was the possible angle of him taking control of the company.

Bottom line is that they were desperate for some major story here. They were already looking at a Wrestlemania without several big stars and quality performers and then Cena (by all accounts, Undertaker's likely opponent) went down.

You couldn't feed Taker Reigns or HHH. Lesnar had already been done as had Bray Wyatt the year before. They literally ran out of options.

So they said, forget strong competition, we need a major storyline. Unfortunately, it has already been made crystal clear Shane's return is not permanent and almost a 100% certainty that it ends the RAW after Wrestlemania, so he's not going to win, it's really that simple.

By adding stipulations, Vince is only trying to make it seem more meaningful and important to get more Network buys.
You kind of answered your own question with "Shane loses, what was the point of him coming back?"...

The only point to him coming back was the possible angle of him taking control of the company.

Bottom line is that they were desperate for some major story here. They were already looking at a Wrestlemania without several big stars and quality performers and then Cena (by all accounts, Undertaker's likely opponent) went down.

You couldn't feed Taker Reigns or HHH. Lesnar had already been done as had Bray Wyatt the year before. They literally ran out of options.

So they said, forget strong competition, we need a major storyline. Unfortunately, it has already been made crystal clear Shane's return is not permanent and almost a 100% certainty that it ends the RAW after Wrestlemania, so he's not going to win, it's really that simple.

By adding stipulations, Vince is only trying to make it seem more meaningful and important to get more Network buys.

Thanks for the response, Merper.

I completely agree, but I do have one question though. What about the new art graphic they got for Raw and Smackdown, hinting on a Brand Split? Do you think that may add to the possibility that Shane might win?

Also, what was said that made it clear that Shane's return wasn't permanent? I know as of now he hasn't signed yet, but I'm sure he could sign the night of WrestleMania or right before or during Raw. Now, If I had to decide I would say I'm mostly sure that Taker's gonna win, but I don't know WWE has done some pretty awful crazy ending to storylines before.
I see Roman losing to HHH, only to come out at the main event and take out Taket, handing Shane the win and control of Raw. The next night on Raw, Reigns is gifted the world Title and they on Raw whilst HHH gets sent to Snackdown, which he and Steph will control
Thanks for the response, Merper.

I completely agree, but I do have one question though. What about the new art graphic they got for Raw and Smackdown, hinting on a Brand Split? Do you think that may add to the possibility that Shane might win?

Also, what was said that made it clear that Shane's return wasn't permanent? I know as of now he hasn't signed yet, but I'm sure he could sign the night of WrestleMania or right before or during Raw. Now, If I had to decide I would say I'm mostly sure that Taker's gonna win, but I don't know WWE has done some pretty awful crazy ending to storylines before.

Unfortunately, in today's social media world, not much is kept a secret. And since the day after his surprise appearance on RAW many inside the industry have said Shane is not back for a long-term stint and that this was a Wrestlemania stunt and nothing more.

Now, of course those could be lies or they've kept things more tight-lipped and secretive than they normally do, but i tend to believe those reports. It just seems too convenient that Shane suddenly wants back into the business right in time for Wrestlemania and a match with the Undertaker.

Truthfully, I hope I am wrong. I hope Shane wins somehow in an extremely shocking turn of events with 4 or 5 twists during the match and outside interference from old fan favorites or new, fresh faces. WWE needs a major shake up and putting him in charge of RAW would certainly begin the process of turning the company around.

Unfortunately, I can't bring myself to believe that will happen. Especially since WWE creative has been so terrible, boring and lackluster for the last 1-2 years.
I see Roman losing to HHH, only to come out at the main event and take out Taket, handing Shane the win and control of Raw. The next night on Raw, Reigns is gifted the world Title and they on Raw whilst HHH gets sent to Snackdown, which he and Steph will control

It's not necessarily a bad idea but having Reigns lose his match vs HHH wouldn't make a ton of sense when they've spent sooooo long trying to build him up, get him over and make him seem like a legitimate champion.

Really, since last Wrestlemania they've been working so hard to get him over. A full year of hard work, absurd storylines (Sheamus' cash in and brief title stint), HHH getting active again, etc. would go to waste if he loses at WM32.
I think somehow Shane goes over clean at Mania beating Taker or a screwjob finish in the sense of interference in the Cell but who will interfere in the Cell? None other than Mr. McMahon himself, Vince I think he and his own son Shane are in cahoots with each other and that Shane will get power pretty much ousting his sister and brother-in-law completely that is what I think or if not Mr. McMahon it will be either Cena interfering or The Bullet Club making their debut and The Bullet Club helping Shane
Sting shows up on behalf of Shane and has the long awaited staredown with Taker...AT Wrestlemania, IN front of 100,000 people, IN the hiac...,what an image. What a Wrestlemania moment. Sting and Taker go at it as the crowd goes fuckin apeshit.

Scorpion deathdrop on Taker. Sting turns around and whoos the crowd. Taker sits up and tombstones Sting. Shane hits Taker with chair...goes for another shot but Taker grabs his throat, chokeslams him snd tombstones him straight to hell.

1. Taker ends his career on a high note
2. Sting and Taker have their WM moment without having to job to one another.
3. Just fuckin book it
It's the most intriguing match on the card and I'm still apathetic towards it. I'm sure Shane will bump hard. Not as hard as he used to though, only a fool would expect this to match any of Shane's previous shortcut thrillers.

I'm actually hoping for some of that Wyatt/Bullet Club fan fiction stuff to happen.
Who do you cheer for in this match?

If Undertaker wins - Shane doesn't get control and The Authority stays.

If Shane wins - Undertaker can't compete at WrestleMania ever again.

It's a lose-lose situation no matter what.

There are other problems and questions. Undertaker is working for Vince. Shane is 50 years old and hasn't wrestled in years. He's probably not in ring shape and certainly not a credible opponent. Why did Vince even give him the match to start with? Is Shane back full time?

This match makes no sense, and the build has been terrible. However I'm still looking forward to the match.
You're a glass half empty kind of guy eh BSE?

If Undertaker wins - Shane doesn't get control and The Authority stays.

Or, if Undertaker wins, he still gets to compete at Mania.

If Shane wins - Undertaker can't compete at WrestleMania ever again.

Or, if Shane wins, he gets control of Raw.

It's a lose-lose situation no matter what.

It's a win-win situation no matter what.

There are other problems and questions. Undertaker is working for Vince.

Taker isn't working for Vince. He was given a match at Mania and he's taking it. Not for Vince, just because he views Shane as only another Mania victim. Last night, he even said something about ripping Vince's throat out or something? I don't know, something like that.

Shane is 50 years old and hasn't wrestled in years. He's probably not in ring shape and certainly not a credible opponent. Why did Vince even give him the match to start with? Is Shane back full time?

This is a valid concern. Although it won't really matter if Shane is in ring shape or a little rusty, he's likely to get his ass kicked for the majority of the match. One of Shane's best qualities in the ring was his ability to sell, as long as he can do that, it should be fine.

As for if he's back full time, that's part of the intrigue, no? If we knew that, we'd probably know the outcome of this match before hand.

This match makes no sense, and the build has been terrible. However I'm still looking forward to the match.

The build has been rather weak, but the match seems like the best of the worst option at this point. I would have liked to see Reigns/Taker and HHH/Shane but it is what it is.
I still think Shane loses, but it would be sweet if he does't...

Maybe this is where The Rock gets involved? Comes out and gets into the ring and reveals he is there for Shane. Gives Undertaker the rock bottom and people's elbow and throws Shane on him for the win.

Cuts promo after explaining why, setting up a year-long build to Rock vs. HHH at 33.
How far we have come on this one. And it has been an utter roller-coaster of anticipation, no?

I have to admit, I have never really been on board with this match, Shane McMahon is not a wrestler and I really think that an actual wrestler could be doing with the rub at WrestleMania; especially if Shane is only sticking around for the WrestleMania season and the pissing off again. Guys like AJ Styles and Kevin Owens could have did so much in a losing effort than Shane will invariable offer.

That said, it has become one of the most anticipated matches on the entire card personally. Shane has shown that he is a spot monkey, and that is what WWE needs him to be. The opponent, the built and the match stipulation all lend themselves to an entertaining match with a lot of high octane spots. Don't get me wrong, I am excited to see it after all of this time. I just wish that the WWE would have had more faith in an in-house talent doing the job and getting the rub.

Taker takes this one after an entertaining spot fest.
So this might be a twist, but I have a serious theory as to what the scoop on Vince just might be. And I think it has something to do with how Shane's been bending his wrist a lot lately. I'm not sure if that's a lingering affect from past injuries (mine doesn't do it) or if it's a sign that he's working the angle even better, but whatever the case my theory is that Shane had come out of the closet to Vince McMahon years ago, and was unceremoniously "future endeavored". I'm not even joking here, nor am I using this as a way to gay bash. In fact, I'm hoping Shane wins and this IS the scoop he had.

I get it, we all know Shane's straight. He's mentioned his sons and his wife in the past, and it's been brought up time and time again. But the fact is, he doesn't have to be 100% Gay just for this storyline to work. Not to mention, Vince is known to push the limits. And with "coming out" being a hot topic these days it wouldn't surprise me if WWE went about this in a manner to cash in on it. If TNA can be on a station catering to women because it's owned by a woman, then WWE can script Shane into being a bisexual or homosexual son who's come back to reclaim his heir to the throne.

So how did the scoop come about? Well, let's take it back to when Shane left. Kayfabe wise it's never been discussed as to why, so it's not too far along to believe that Shane happened to come out to Vince off camera. During this, Vince released his son from the company and bought out his shares which he in turn sold to Stephanie, Triple H, and other investors. In doing so, Shane filed a workplace claim lawsuit and claimed that Vince fired him due to his sexual preferences. In an undisclosed settlement, it's agreed that Shane will keep his stake in the company and be allowed to venture on to do his own thing. However, Vince has to also change his product (keep in mind this was around the end of the Ruthless Aggression era) to be more family friendly and neither of the parties can bring it up again.

However, being Vince's son, Shane makes a shocking appearance the night after Fastlane to which Vince shits himself. We all saw it, that's not even fan theory just look at his face. Shane didn't refuse to hug him out of serious business, he refused to hug him after smelling that shitty smell (no seriously, go back and watch he even fans his nose). This is also where I first noticed that stereotypical bend in Shane's right arm (because he talks using the left) that a lot of stereotypical over exaggerated gay character in films had; I noticed it again when he beat up on the ONE BLACK SECURITY GUARD a few weeks later, and finally a third time last night during his leap onto the Undertaker. Side note, a fellow forum member last night had made notice of Shane wearing a Red Thong which showed during the Last Ride attempt. Whether it was there or not, who knows; but if that was the angle they're going for then it definitely would fit. Anyway, because Vince KNEW Shane would hold his sexual preferences against him and ruin everything for the WWE, Vince quickly reacted and set up this match at WrestleMania.

And now, to further capitalize on the attempt to win over some LGBT fans, I believe that Shane McMahon will in fact walk out with control over Monday Night Raw by beating the Undertaker at the big dance. And then, on the first show under his power he will announce that he is in fact, although loyal to his wife and kids, a bisexual. He will then unveil everything about how Vince refused to give him control because of his preference and then from there, who knows what happens. Maybe Stephanie gains control at SummerSlam. I don't know, but this is my theory... and it's one that's been highly endorsed by Shane's own mannerisms.
John Cena is cleared to return it appears.....they want to get a huge reaction, have him sub into the match after Shane "gets taken out" backstage during the night. Cena bearing Taker is believable, Shane beating taker spits in the face of all those who failed to end the streak
Shane needn't win this match as he doesn't need the rub off Undertaker at Wrestlemania. But even Brock didn't need it yet he was given the win.

I am confused about who should win. I want Shane to be the face GM of Raw. On other hand, I don't want a part-timer to get a huge rub.

Expecting lots of interference in this match, though.
I am confused about who should win. I want Shane to be the face GM of Raw. On other hand, I don't want a part-timer to get a huge rub.

That's the art of great booking. People want to see Shane take over as GM of Raw but they don't want to see Undertaker end his WrestleMania career like this.

There is so many options with executing the outcome it's unreal.

Do they go with a clean finish.
Who interferes? Could HHH help Undertaker?
Could Reigns/Cena help Shane or Undertaker, possibly setting up the heel turn.
Will the Balor Club debut?
This is a very intriguing match. Who should win? Shane? IF he wins, he would be in some way, on the same level as Lesnar as the only two men that has defeated the Undertaker at Wrestlemania.
On the other hand, I really want to see Shan win this one, not because I want himt to defeat the Undertaker, but because I would love to see him as the new authority figure.

BUT, if Taker wins, what was the whole point of bringing back Shane?

That being said, these are the reasons why this match IS the main event. We have been invested in both characters, as fans we don't want either man to lose and we don't know at all who is going to win.

I think it's going to be a great match, but I have no idea who is going to win and people have been saying the debut of Ballor Club, I say, not this way. Let Shane and Tkaer have their moment.
Well, this match ended up being exactly what we all thought it was going to be. No more and no less, this match ticked all of the boxes and ended up being thoroughly absorbing and overwhelmingly entertaining.

Going in to this match, we all had a feeling that Shane McMahon was simply in the match due to necessity more than anything else. We knew that he was there to be a spot monkey and that The Undertaker would be the one that would be coming out on top in the match that has shaped his career. These are the things that we knew.

But it didn't stop this match being one of the highlights on the whole show. The spot on the top of the cell was, frankly, one of the most terrifying and most brilliant spots I have seen in recent memory in the WWE. When Shame climbed all the way to the top of the steel and stood there looking down, my palms genuinely got a little sweaty. I have a feeling that the WWE will be talking about that spot a lot going forward and quite rightly so. Brilliant.

The match itself told a good story. From start to finish, you could tell that a win meant everything to these two and it was entertaining stuff. The “Come and get me” gestures from Shame made me smile every single time and when The Undertaker patted him on the cheek to end the match, I genuinely smiled. Both wrestlers told a story and took part in a particularly brutal match. Like I pointed out, this match ended up being what everyone expected it to be. But that shouldn't stop us from praising it. Great match.
Shane McMahon is plain insane. I legitimately didn't want him to jump off the Cell last night because I thought he was actually going to kill himself... and he landed HARD. There's no way the shoulder he landed on isn't all kinds of fucked up today, I'm astonished it actually stayed in the socket. That will go down, along with his 50 ft drop and Foley's tumble through the announce table, as one of the most incredible moments in WWE history.

This match was exactly what I expected it to be. I knew it wouldn't be a technical work of art, but I always said it would be exciting and fun to watch, and it definitely was that. Never legitimately thought Shane would win this one so I wasn't too disappointed by the ending, and even if Shane were to continue working with the WWE, there are better ways of incorporating him back in than sacrificing Taker at Mania. If this whole thing is over, it was fun for what it was I guess.
I'm glad they put a crash pad under that table (a luxury I don't think Foley got) but there is no way that isn't going to cause at the very least some short term health issues. It was spectacular to see but I don't want anyone taking that kind of risk in wrestling ,it's completely unnecessary and if you need to do stuff like that to get over you're doing it wrong. If he was just a bit off he would've died, it's just not worth it.

Overall I thought that match was pretty good, about on par from what I expected. I felt they did about as good of a match they could've considering and outside the Women's title match was probably the best match on the card. I feel that this was the true main event of Wrestlemania and it certainly didn't disappoint.
Outcome was exactly as we all knew it would be from day one.

The true shame here is the complete lack of creativity and writing that went into this.

How do you have these 2 wrestle a completely clean match without any outside interference? I expected something from Shane and then something from Vince, using different wrestlers to help their cause and nothing happened.

This match had 1 good moment with Shane's jump from the top of the cell. But overall it was a thud, was way too long and the result was predictable the moment the match was made.

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