Wrestlemania 28: John Cena VS The Rock

John Cena and The Rock: Who is Right?

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  • The Rock does not need to help WWE weekly.

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Tonight it was announced that John Cena would face The Rock at Wrestlemania 28?

How are these two legends going to keep things hot from now until April 1st? Who will win? Will it be everything we have dreamed of for years and years? Keep all discussion in here!
I'm going to WrestleMania now. So exciting. They had to do this, and it's the perfect time to do it. The WWE's in a sort of slump, so this is the perfect time to bring one of the biggest legends ever back to really feud with the biggest guy in this generation.

The thing is, won't this kind of overshadow every other main event leading up to April 1? I don't see The Rock staying around all year, and if he does, he'll get stale very quickly. I really don't know how they can keep the feud between Cena and Rock fresh throughout the year, so I'm thinking that they won't really mention it much for the rest of 2011.

Something will be happening in the near future that takes Rock off of TV and eventually, out of the WWE Universe's mind. Then, when the Road To WrestleMania begins next year, Rocky's gonna return and reignite the feud. It's gonna be on the backburner for the rest of 2011, though.

As for the match itself, I see it being somewhat similar to Rock/Hogan, except with a less split crowd. As we've seen throughout this feud, Cena has been booed, and he hasn't done one heelish thing, and he doesn't need to. He needs to continue to be John Cena throughout this feud, and The Rock will continue to make him the bad guy simply by not being The Rock. The crowd will make the match, just like Rock/Hogan, and it'll be electric. Common sense tells me that Cena will be standing tall, with the torch truly passed, but I don't think that'll sit well with the fans. I can't believe that Rock will win, since he won't be around forever, but I just don't see how they can put Cena over either.

I really don't know. And I don't think anyone will know until at least next year's Royal Rumble. Point is, I'll be at WrestleMania XXVIII to witness one of the last dream matches of this generation, and a match that will be talked about for the rest of 2011, 2012, and beyond.
Well that was quick lol. They will sell out the tickets so fast, and it won't matter what they fill up the event with, because this one match will sell the show.
I think its great, but we have to wait an entire year for the match that everyone wants. They built it for this year to only have it a year later. That match alone will sell next years mania already. What if Cena gets hurt before mania and needs surgery the match is off. They should have done it at SS.
Undertaker going for 20-0 and now Rock vs Cena with a year build. Going to be EPIC. Was I the only person pissed that they almost teamed up a little bit and shook hands? The reason there was so much interest was cuz the Rock was finally calling out Cena on the PG crap.

BTW .. Perfect time for a heel turn at mania for cena =]
A great way to end the program for the moment. This way Cena isn't completely buried and you're already getting eager anticipation. People have wanted this for years, and the buy rates will soar.

Of course anything could happen in a year's time- Cena could be injured, and a match that has a year's hype could fall drastically short and be a big letdown if it's not perfect, so this is a big risk, but it's a great one. This was a very good booking move, a nice turnaround after what we've just seen.

Undertaker going for 20-0 and now Rock vs Cena with a year build. Going to be EPIC. Was I the only person pissed that they almost teamed up a little bit and shook hands? The reason there was so much interest was cuz the Rock was finally calling out Cena on the PG crap.

Yeah but this way like I said you don't bury anybody. It's a good way to put the whole thing on hiatus for a while.

Unfortunately my early prediction is that Cena will win. You can't put a star of the past that doesn't make many appearances over the edge of your company's spear, for better or worse. But who knows? Cena wouldn't really need to win that match either.
All I can say is I hope it lives up to the hype. I'm kind of a fan of the Rock but I still don't like Cena. Wrestling wise both guys aren't great but then again they might be able to pull off a good match. Of course it will be mainly entertainment so i'm not really getting my hopes up for good wrestling but yeah. Its what most people wanna see (I won't say everyone since not everyone wants it to happen.) From what I just saw, this match has no where near the hype the Rock and Hogan had for W.M. 18.
If Cena doesn't get hurt it will be great... but Cena has a history with lengthy injuries. Booking a PPV main event a year in advance is very risky.
It will sell and a lot of people want to see it none the less.
I'll go one step forward and say its gonna be Miz vs Morrison. Mania 28 will be what Mania 27 should have and I said this in my review of Mania 27: They sacrificed this Mania for the next.
I knew this day would come. A lot of people doubted it, called me crazy, but I knew even years ago that one day...one day The Rock was going to come back for at least one more match. There was just no way that Wrestlemania 20 was going to be it for him, I always knew in my heart that at some point Vince would be able to finally convince The Rock to come back for one more match...and it's finally happened. To call this a dream match isn't even remotely fitting, this is a dream match to end dream matches and without a doubt is the single biggest and most important wrestling match in the entire WORLD for the last 10 or 20 years. We may have to go all the way back to Hogan vs. Andre for this one people. I can't even imagine how many people are going to be at Wrestlemania for this match next year, but I expect more attendance records to be easily broken.

12 months is a long time to build, but being an old school fan I'm always down for a good, long, well-built program. This is the biggest money match wrestling has had in many, many years, and as an avid fan of the industry I haven't been this excited in a very long time. It's finally happening, and damnit, it's going to be fucking amazing. I may even have to actually make the physical trip to see this match in person.
Don't all hate me at once but i'm hoping Cena wins this for the fact that the Rock shouldn't be able to come back after 7 years and just take over once again. I'm not a cena fan by any means but he has been improving in the ring a little and his time is far from being up. The Rock will give us the hype, entertainment, and it will give WWE the money and the ratings. In the end I think its only right to let Cena take the win. He is currently in the WWE and has been for a fair amount of time. Works hard and whether he's a puppet or not he has been busting his ass for the good and bad reasons. I just don't think its right for the Rock to come back and just start stomping on younger stars. I like the Rock to an extent so again, don't hate me :rolleyes:
BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! The WWE is shitting on us. The Rock is gonna go film movies and then everybody is gonna forget about it until next march rocky's gonna come back. they could have done this before. maybe for this mania and let someone else challenge miz. i just feel like they jerkin us just to get us to buy wrestlemania. they did it this year with rock, and they already doing it next year, at an event thats exactly 1 day less than a year away. they should do it now! while everyone is so excited about it. hopefully it doesnt fizzle out. cause rock cant come back in a year and get the same pop with the fruity pebbles line.
I guess this means Cena is out of the Royal Rumble. Lol

Should be an electrifying match and a great WM. Too bad we have to wait a whole year. But i guess it will be worth it for this one.
Of course anything could happen in a year's time- Cena could be injured, and a match that has a year's hype could fall drastically short and be a big letdown if it's not perfect, so this is a big risk, but it's a great one. This was a very good booking move, a nice turnaround after what we've just seen.

That's a possibility. I recall Mr. Kennedy announcing he will cash in his MITB at WM24. So its going to be a risk for the WWE to pull this off.

One way I could see this happening is if they protect Cena the Whole Year. That means shorter matches and less riskier bouts.

Now another question leading is how will Undertaker face at WM28? 20-0 has to mean something so they better get Sting or HBK vs. Undertaker III.
I cannot describe how excited I am. I also kind of like the whole one year build thing. It's old school style like from the 80s before all the television and monthly ppv coverage. You could tell where they were going with something months ahead of time, but the slow build would help it. I think that could work here.

I will say WWE has undertaken a big risk though. If this thing works, it'll be the biggest match in years. I wouldn't even be able to pinpoint one bigger for you in recent memory. But it all has to be perfect to have the effect they want. You can't give anything away early, but you also can't let people just forget. It'll be interesting to see with weekly broadcasts and monthly ppvs how they manage to slowly build this thing for so long. They'll also have to make sure that both men are at 100% ... an injury would be devastating.

I think this is probably the biggest risk WWE has taken since the first Wrestlemania. You're selling a match that you assume will have to able body participants in one year. If they can't go, Mania might bomb and the backlash would be huge.

But screw all that. After all these years, The Rock and John Cena is finally going to happen!! This is why I'm a wrestling fan.
I'm still baffled by the announcement that The Rock will be facing John Cena at next year's WrestleMania. I mean, what the hell? What is The Rock gonna do for the rest of this year? Make movies? I guess he'll make movies 'cause making sporadic appearances won't make sense either since the match isn't gonna happen until WrestleMania. Anyway, I'd like to see John Cena pick up the victory. It's not because I'm a fan of John Cena. It's because The Rock doesn't need the win. He's done everything in the WWE, so what better way to put talent over than to lose to John Cena who has beaten all of the active big timers (minus the Undertaker...which is another head-scratcher).
It was great to see the match being booked but like other post have already said booking a match a year away is very risky. Now if Cena was going on vacation for most of the year then we could assume that he can cut his risk of injury in half but he isn't going anywhere. On top of that Rock does alot of his own stunts in his movies so he could easily be hurt also by that time. I'm gonna just hope that both guys will be fine by then & seeing as this match is a year away they have alot of time to plan it out. This should be both guys greatest match seeing as they both have a whole year to plan it out.
I knew it would happen after Rock's initial promo on Cena but I never thought it would be announced this early but that could be a good thing, this next 12 months could be the biggest 12 months in John Cena's career and it will be awesome to follow this and see how Rocky fits into RAW each week, wether it be live or satellite.

How I wish I had enough money and/or lived in America to make the journey.. ):

Vince wanted one million buys for WrestleMania 27, if he didn't get it this year, he bloody damn well will get it next year I think. WrestleMania will sell out very fast and everyone is going to want to watch it. I don't care who you are, young, old, TNA wrestler, if you don't want to see this match, there is something wrong with you. Rock vs Cena has that WrestleMania feel and it will let up a spot in a WWE Championship match for someone else besides Cena to take too.

I can't wait.
At least it makes Cena not a chance of winning the rumble and won have the title at all anytime before the rumble and at mania. He will get himself another main event though. Man i really hope they do some outside trash talking over the net and interviews to keep it relevant. Alot can happen in a year though. Cena could get injured. A major star can be born. Who knows.
I'm totally stoked for this match. X pretty much summed up my entire thoughts on this topic. It is a bigger dream match in my mind then Rock vs Hogan. The difference being Rock is actually going to be able to put on a good match with Cena.

Also, I was just thinking about this. The last couple of Mania's the crowd has been dead after Taker's matches. Least when they're in the undercard and not the main event. Now you have a match that can be bigger than the streak match. Which it's been needing for the past couple of years.
at an event thats exactly 1 day less than a year away

Actually Wrestlemania 28 is on April 1st, 2012 so it's three days short of a year away. Get your facts straight. While I am not thrilled with having to wait a year I understand that this is a Wrestlemania type match and furthermore Miami is the Rock's hometown so it's the perfect setting. As long as Cena stays healthy this will be epic; it could be better than Rock versus Hogan.
To all of you ******s who gave so many posters shit for so long saying that The Rock will never wrestle again, eat your own fucking words, bitches.

The Rock vs. John Cena is going to be the biggest WM match since Hogan v. Rock IMO. That was a clash of two eras, just like this.

Wrestlemania is the only place for this match to take place, and in Rock's hometown too makes it perfect.

Bold move by WWE to name it a year out, let's hope Cena and Rock are both healthy come a years time! The build for the match in the lead up to Mania is going to be off the charts.
I am confused. What will Cena do for the next year. Yes he could I guess attempt to continue win titles buit since he already has a Mania match will he be confined to the Rock for the next year? Please somebody help me out with this concept because I just don't get it or like it. How can a wrestler continue to do what he normally does when he has already agreed to a match at Mania. Will the feud go away and come back? Or will this just be one huge build up. I really have more questions than answers now.
I want Cena to win also. I find this more of a passing of the torch type of match where they beat the hell out of each other with the Rock handing the reigns to Cena. Not much of a pass since Cena picked up the Rock's ball when he left and took off with it. I am just not so sure they can plan this whole year build up very well without the Rock being on TV every week. He will probably show up after the Rumble and start his catch phrases all over again, but I don't see it having the impact that it did this year.

I can actually see both of them shaking hands afterwards too.
This match is what the fans want to see. Now male fans can boo Cena and little kids and women can still cheer him while the men can cheer for Rock. I think its BS that we have to wait a whole year though. I would like to see a WWE All Stars themed Summer Slam. Austin vs Punk, Jomo vs HBK, and here have Cena vs Rock. I was hoping Rock would come back for a long period of time. I know he may be afraid of ring rust and wants to properly prepare but a whole freakin year is a tease. To make this match be what it needs to be Rock needs to be around the whole year and i dont think he will. This also pretty much gives it away that Cena will not be WWE Champion a year from now. I have to say I love the Cena/Rock idea but its going to take alot to keep it current and I'm not sure if WWE can keep up a storyline for a whole year.

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