Wrestlemania 26...The Hart Dynasty's Only Shot Ever?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
Wrestlemania 26 is only a few weeks away, and you can be sure The Hart Dynasty will be left off of the card. The Hart Dynasty have had a couple of shots at the WWE unified tag titles, but they never won. They have had their moments of spotlight, but every time it seems like they might be going some where, they quickly fade away into obscurity. Besides wrestling Cryme Tyme 10,000 times, they really haven't done anything worth mentioning.

Wrestlemania 26 could be a perfect chance for the Hart Dynasty to break through, and get a much needed boost because of one man....Bret Hart. I think it's a lock Bret will beat Vince at the big show, and finally get his revenge. Imagine if The Hart Dynasty were on the same show. This could be huge for them.

The big question is, how would The Hart Dynasty be used? A tag team championship match is probably the most logical match for them to be involved in. A tag team title win, plus Bret's victory over Vince could be the next step to making them a force to be reckoned with, but that's not going to happen because R-Truth and Morrison have that spot.

I believe this is a HUGE opportunity The Hart Dynasty will never see again. Think about it, this is Wrestlemania, WWE's #1 ppv, and one the original members of The Hart Foundation is competing in a match we all thought we would never see. If The Dynasty were also on this card, and happened to win the tag titles, it would make for a memorable moment. This would be a perfect scenario for them, and they most likely won't ever see another chance like this again.

Do you think The Hart Dynasty will ever see another chance to break through other than Wrestlemania 26?

Is it a mistake to not have them on the card?

I think it's a huge mistake to not have them on the card. WWE is destroying tag team wrestling. I mean, instead of tag teams, that are put together, ya know, to BE A TAG TEAM, we get these two random pairings of Miz/Big Show and Truth/Morrison. WWE doesn't care about the tag division, and I think it stinks.

The Harty Dynasty should have been battling cryme tyme for the titles at this ppv. Miz should be defending his U.S. title against MVP. R-Truth and Morrison should be in a triple threat match against McIntyre for the IC Belt. And Big Show should have taken MVP's spot in the MITB match. But, then again, that's all just my opinion. Wrestlemania has 4 hours to burn, so why not use it wisely? Have some more title matches, for God sakes.

I just don't get it. They put The Hart Dynasty together as a tag team. If you're not going showcase them AS A TAG TEAM, how do they ever get over? It makes no sense at all. I think you could be onto something in believing that this may have been their last shot. If the WWE doesn't do something to repair their God awful tag division, these two will never get over.
Let me offer this up. You're trying to get the Hart Dynasty over as a heel team, and meanwhile their relative on the card is a face Bret Hart. There's a clash right there - if you try to align or set the two entities up, it turns the New Hart Foundation babyface without reason.

So simple enough - have the New Hart Foundation come down to the ring and turn on Bret, aligning with McMahon, just as Batista has done recently. On the following night, the Harts are rewarded with a title shot. If Bret does stay on WWE programming, it could create an interesting dynamic. Plus, with Drew McIntyre getting the "golden boy" treament on Smackdown, it could set up quite the facinating alliance between McIntyre, Smith, and Kidd.

That's just my take on that. Perhaps they WILL be a part of the WM Card by being a part of the Hart / McMahon match. And certainly, that rub wound benefit them FAR more than any match with Cryme Tyme or ShowMiz would...
I am sure they will make the save if Bret gets "in trouble"... they clearly aint working as heels and everyone thinks Bret will just walk over Vince... I doubt this... Vince will go all out to screw Bret... and with the "No Holds Barred" Rule... I can see the Dynasty being Bret's Proxy's to carry most of the match...
I think it would be a mistake not to use the Dynasty to watch Brets back at Mania. Granted it would give them a face or tweener push but that is not a bad thing if it gets more people caring about them in some form. I agree that the tag division is not being used properly and falls short of its potential. I do think the Truth / Morrison teaming is a good one how ever as thier styles mesh good. To not use the Dynasty at Mania to get a rub from Bret would be a lost oppertunity to push the Hart team and with the up- coming release of the Hart family DVD it would make sence to make the Dynasty more high profile in the coming months. Hopefully WWE will not waste the oppertunity at Mania to get them involved in some form. I do think that regardless they still have a good future ahead of them and will one day get the belts.
Am I the only person that just doesn't see why everyone is so obsessed with the Hart Dynasty? They do absolutely nothing for me. PowerSlam magazine here in the UK last year listed Tyson Kidd in their top 50 wrestlers of 2009 but left out John Cena..go figure

Anyway, to get to my point, I don't think Hart Dynasty are worthy of a place on this card. We have heel tag team champions, so there's your first stumbling block. And then there's the quite important fact that they aren't over aside from on the internet. So to put them on this card would be a bit silly, whereas the tag match that we do have sees four guys who are all over facing off. Now I know people don't like tag teams being put together adhoc, it's not ideal. But in terms of putting on a show, it makes sense. Morrison-McIntyre and Miz-MVP were both played out, and there aren't really any other contenders for the two midcard titles at the minute. So to have Morrison and R-Truth team up made a lot of sense, and given the history of Miz and Morrison and the great PPV match they had back in October, well I can't wait for that match.

So if you aren't including them in the tag match, then where else would you fit the Hart Dynasty? Look at the card, it's stacked, I'm actually hoping they do go ahead and add a women's match just so I get a chance to grab a beer from the fridge and whatever...

Now if you wanted to somehow have them involved with the Bret match as a vehicle for getting them over, I wouldn't be against it, but I don't think it's required.

Most overrated tag team around at the minute.
The Hart Dynasty might be left off the official card for Wrestlemania this year, but I still believe they will show up at some point. I wouldn't be surprised if they become involved somehow in the Vince VS Hart match. It would make sense whether they side with Bret and turn face or side with Vince and remain heels.... any interaction with Hart would help them out big time and I am pretty sure they will be involved with that match somehow. One of the best ways for the Hart Dynasty to get more over at this point would be onscreen interaction with a legendary relative like Bret.

I don't see them appearing at the show in another way because they are not in any official matches, perhaps they might work the dark match or something against some random other team. Even if they were left out entirely, then there's always next year. I wouldn't say that this is an opportunity they will never see again, they have only been on the roster for a little over a year. Now, if they are left off both this year's card AND next year's card.... that's when it would be time to worry.

Not having them on the card is not really a mistake on WWE's part because it would make more sense for them to get involved in the Hart angle, but it's not the end of the world if they are left off the show completely.... they will have other opportunities, although likely none as big as a chance to work the same show as Bret. There would still be a chance for them next year; I really hope they make some type of appearance on the show, whether they are in a match or not.
Perhapse if Bret stays after wrestlemania he would be their manager.That would be interesting thing to happen because I just dont see them get the push without some storyline.If they were smart they would include them to Hart-Mcmahon storyline but I think its to late for that now
Given how bone dead obvious it is to get them involved in the McMahon storyline, and the fact that they haven't been, no explanation for them not being hasn't been offered, they haven't even had a vignette coming to visit Brett, etc., etc., the only logical explanation is the "surprise" run in to get involved in the match.
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The Hart Dynasty is one of the most impressive tag teams I've seen in years. I wish the WWE would focus more on the tag division and build it up more like it was in the early 90's. I know, fat chance...but you can still dream.
The Hart Dynasty is one of the most impressive tag teams I've seen in years. I wish the WWE would focus more on the tag division and build it up more like it was in the early 90's. I know, fat chance...but you can still dream.

Agreed! WWE needs to put a major focus on the Tag Titles. I think the tag titles would be a good spot for Smackdown for a little while. I think they should move the IC title back to Raw and have Smackdown heavily focused to The Tag Titles, World Title, & The Women's Title. I think this would be great exposure for them. The Hart Dynasty has gotten a good push in the right direction from Bret Hart and his popularity. I think if they could run with this they could turn it in a great way to jump start the Tag Title Division.
I miss the days where I looked forward to Tag Matches for the titles. Now they are almost a waste of time.
Also breaking up Cryme Time was a horrible decision and a move in the wrong direction for the Tag Team division.

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