WPWA Poison.wz

Da Prophet

Mid-Card Championship Winner

Welcome to the offical Website of WPWA Poison, the most exciting, the most impactful wrestler show in the world.Join us every Friday Night to see the what our guys will put on the line.While others fear pain we welcome it, are you ready to join the hottest thing in wrestling.....ARE YOU!!!

Offical Theme Song
This War is Ours by Escape The Fate


General Manager; Batista
Commentators; Matt Striker and Jim Ross
Interviewer; Maria
In Ring Announcer; Howard Finkel


Pure Championship;
European Championship;

Poison Roster;

Triple H
Finishing Move: Pedigree

Finishing Move: Lethal Injection

Matt Hardy
Finsihing Move:Twist of Fate

Amazing Red
Finishing Move:Red Eye, Red Star Press

Percy Watson
Finsihing Move:primetime

Samoa Joe
Finishing Move:Muscle Buster

Finishing Move: Border Toss

Finishing Move:Back to the Future

The Miz
Finishing Move:SCF( Skull Crushing Finale)

Alex Riley
Finishing Move:Hit the Showers

Matt Morgan
Finishing Move:Carbon Footprint

William Regal
Finishing Move:Regal Stretch

Douglas Williams
Finishing Move:Revolution DDT

Joey Mercury
Finishing Move: Double Underhook DDT

Finishing Move: Playmaker

Finishing Move: DDT

Vance Archer
Finishing Move: Blackout

Stevie Richards
Finishing Move:Stevie T

WPWA Poison will be televised on Friday Nights every two weeks and will have an action packed episode every week and have something new always.

WPWA Pay Per Views

26th September/2nd Month - Poison presents Unleashed
21st November/4th Month - VPW presents Know Your Role
16th January/6th Month - Massacre presents No Justice
13th March/8th Month - Temptation presents Eminence
8th May/10 Month - Excellence presents War Zone
3rd July/12 Month - SUPERSHOW

A Message from our General Manager​
This year we go for gold, I will make this brand the best in wrestling.While some have bashed me for taking on this role I will show them that I can be a General Manager.We will be putting on the first WPWA Pay Per View and belive me when I say it will be huge.I will ut everything into it and all the guys on my roster will do whatever it takes to win.So tune in on Friday Night and see the Poison take affect, once you have a small taste it's in your system and you will be back!

On the first ever episode of Poison we will crown number one conenders for both the European Championship and the Pure Championship.It will be action packed but can you handle it?

Winner gets a shot at the European Championship on the next episode of Poison against Douglas Williams
William Regal vs Vance Archer

Winner has a shot at Matt Morgan for the Pure Chamionship sometime in the future
Triple H vs Suicide vs Alex Riley vs The Miz

Showtime on Primetime
Percy Watson Talk Show

Singles Match
Kaz vs Samoa Joe

Singles Match
Amazing Red vs Matt Hardy
Some really interesting match ups you have got there on your first episode and I hope to read it soon!
After the offical WPWA draft had finished and websites were uploaded onto the web, General Manager was rushed by the press and this is what happened.
We get a shot of the huge huge building with a bunch of press out the front of it.As the camera moves up the building we see the WPWA logo in the middle in red.The camera however moves back to the ground as the doors open and out walks Poison General Manager Batista who is wearing a black suit and tie.He whipes his face and puts on his glasses.Batista walks out and is rushed by the press, they begin to yell questions at him and instead of rushing forward he stops.He take's off his glasses and just looks around and up at the night sky.He puts his glasses in his pocket and looks at one of the guys in the crowd.He stares at him and then laughs, as he laughs one of the guys from the press walk out from the huge crowd.

Press: Excuse me Batista but, what are your thoughts on people saying that you can't run a wrestling brand or show because you used to be a wrestler?

Batista: We'll what I say to that is who then? If not a guy who know's the wrestling world who should run it? They tried to have someone who had nothing to do with wrestling run it back with WCW and look at how that turned out.I don't see anyone talking about Shawn Michaels running a show, but why not me? I have the brain to run it, I have been in the ring and understand what it takes out of you and will not have my guys burn out.I know what a Championship match means to these guys and will not let those matchs end without a clean winner.I will be the best General Mangaer in the histroy of wrestling, and I will prove it!

The press seem shocked as they didn't expect Batista to come out like that.They all look at each other as another guy steps forward.

Press 2*:Batista......

He is cut off by Batista who grabs the mic out of his hand and then steps forward and goes nose to nose with him.The interviewer begins to shake and Batista laughs but then does not take a step back.

Batista:Lets get this right.....my name is.....Dave Batista!That is what you will call me.I demand respect and I have a right to be known as Dave.So if anybody doesn't have a problem with it please call me Dave.

He hands the mic back to the interviewer and he steps back itno the crowd not wanting to ask his question.The press seem to move away from Batista and he makes his way to his car.As he goes to get in and little boy wearing a Batista shirt runs up to the car.

Little Boy: Daddy look it's Batista!

Dad: Come on, I'm sure Mr Batista dosen't want to be harassed by people tonight.He has a very important job to do, with running a company these days.Lets go, and I'll by you some ice cream.

The boy looks as if he will cry and he grabs his Dad's arm and pulls on it and begin to scream!


Dad: Please not here son, don't make a fool of yourself.Lets go and I will by you soemthing nice, a toy maybe.Hey there is an idea, I will buy you a Batista toy for your wrestling ring.

Batista has yet to get into his car as he has been watching this unfold for the past several minutes.Batista his an angry look on his face grabs the kid by the arm and lifts him onto the front of his car.He Batista gets out his pen and signs a piece of paper he had in his pocket, Batista then holds is glasses in his hands and puts them on the little boy.

Batista: Please kid......do not yell or scream when near me, because that will get you nothing.As tonight you get nothing, and why can I take back what I just gave you...well who is going to stop me!

Batista laughs out loud and takes back the autograph and the glasses that he gave to the boy.He puts them back on and rips the paper up and throws it on the ground.The Dad is in shock as Batista gets into his car and shuts the door, he turns the car on and puts his head out the window.

Batista: If I were you I would trade that one in....better luck next time.

Batista drives off and the little boy begins to cry and his Dad is just in shock at what this boys hero could do to his son a little 4 year old boy.The camera goes black as we see Batista car drive off into the night.
After the offical WPWA draft had finished and websites were uploaded onto the web, General Manager was rushed by the press and this is what happened.
We get a shot of the huge huge building with a bunch of press out the front of it.As the camera moves up the building we see the WPWA logo in the middle in red.The camera however moves back to the ground as the doors open and out walks Poison General Manager Batista who is wearing a black suit and tie.He whipes his face and puts on his glasses.Batista walks out and is rushed by the press, they begin to yell questions at him and instead of rushing forward he stops.He take's off his glasses and just looks around and up at the night sky.He puts his glasses in his pocket and looks at one of the guys in the crowd.He stares at him and then laughs, as he laughs one of the guys from the press walk out from the huge crowd.

Press: Excuse me Batista but, what are your thoughts on people saying that you can't run a wrestling brand or show because you used to be a wrestler?

Batista: We'll what I say to that is who then? If not a guy who know's the wrestling world who should run it? They tried to have someone who had nothing to do with wrestling run it back with WCW and look at how that turned out.I don't see anyone talking about Shawn Michaels running a show, but why not me? I have the brain to run it, I have been in the ring and understand what it takes out of you and will not have my guys burn out.I know what a Championship match means to these guys and will not let those matchs end without a clean winner.I will be the best General Mangaer in the histroy of wrestling, and I will prove it!

The press seem shocked as they didn't expect Batista to come out like that.They all look at each other as another guy steps forward.

Press 2*:Batista......

He is cut off by Batista who grabs the mic out of his hand and then steps forward and goes nose to nose with him.The interviewer begins to shake and Batista laughs but then does not take a step back.

Batista:Lets get this right.....my name is.....Dave Batista!That is what you will call me.I demand respect and I have a right to be known as Dave.So if anybody doesn't have a problem with it please call me Dave.

He hands the mic back to the interviewer and he steps back itno the crowd not wanting to ask his question.The press seem to move away from Batista and he makes his way to his car.As he goes to get in and little boy wearing a Batista shirt runs up to the car.

Little Boy: Daddy look it's Batista!

Dad: Come on, I'm sure Mr Batista dosen't want to be harassed by people tonight.He has a very important job to do, with running a company these days.Lets go, and I'll by you some ice cream.

The boy looks as if he will cry and he grabs his Dad's arm and pulls on it and begin to scream!


Dad: Please not here son, don't make a fool of yourself.Lets go and I will by you soemthing nice, a toy maybe.Hey there is an idea, I will buy you a Batista toy for your wrestling ring.

Batista has yet to get into his car as he has been watching this unfold for the past several minutes.Batista his an angry look on his face grabs the kid by the arm and lifts him onto the front of his car.He Batista gets out his pen and signs a piece of paper he had in his pocket, Batista then holds is glasses in his hands and puts them on the little boy.

Batista: Please kid......do not yell or scream when near me, because that will get you nothing.As tonight you get nothing, and why can I take back what I just gave you...well who is going to stop me!

Batista laughs out loud and takes back the autograph and the glasses that he gave to the boy.He puts them back on and rips the paper up and throws it on the ground.The Dad is in shock as Batista gets into his car and shuts the door, he turns the car on and puts his head out the window.

Batista: If I were you I would trade that one in....better luck next time.

Batista drives off and the little boy begins to cry and his Dad is just in shock at what this boys hero could do to his son a little 4 year old boy.The camera goes black as we see Batista car drive off into the night.

That horrible, horrible man :[ I hope Joe delivers a muscle buster to him on the first night in!
Offical PPV Poster


On the debut of WPWA Poison, General Manager Dave Batista will be adressing the arean.After he has finished the Main Event will take place and it has been made a NO DQ.So we will have a winner when the night is finished.

You can purchase tickets from today to be apart of the first ever WPWA Pay Per View "Unleashed".Tickets start at $75 and range from $95, $120, $160 and for the first six rows the price is $350.For family packs please contact us here or call 1900 POISON PPV
As seen on WPWA Poison last night, Amazing Red suffered a knee injury.However doctors have released information and the injury is not as bad as it was first reported.The injury will keep Red away for Poison for 2 shows and he will be cleared after that.

Also, it is being reported that Dave Batista will be having a assistant, which will help out with the role of being General Manager.
Nice first show, man. Very nice indeed. Only just got around to reading it. Started it and then got distracted by, I dunno, a squirrel outside the window or something. And don't worry, Batista's comments didn't go unnoticed...
Friday Night Poison - Rebound
By Da Prophet

In a week that saw many parts of the WPWA company debut brands, each one had something different.It may have been the X-Division or Nexus, or even a superstar losing it.But on Friday Night Poison made its first televised appearances.It was filled with a great opening contested to see who would face Douglas Williams for the European Championship in two weeks.We had the General Manager show his dominance in the ring with a huge spear on maybe the biggest star in wrestling Triple H.We had a Fatal Four which was filled with exciting moments, and had the crowd on their feet.But when the night was over and fans went home, they all knew that what they had experienced was a taste of the biggest brand in WPWA, they had seen the best.....Poison.
WPWA Poison Breaking News!!!

The GM of Poison, Dave Batista has been looking around for talent. It is unknown who he looking to sign but former ECW guys seem to be at the top of the list.

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