Da Prophet
Mid-Card Championship Winner
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In time, we all think about fresh starts.Some hope for them while others take them as they please.Tonight we begin something new, in what will be the first ever episode of Poison.This will be new, it will be a revolution, thousands of people watch as the new superstars climb to the top of sports entertainment.While tonight there will be no ladders, no chairs or tables.....we have something else, we have heart.We have something inside each one of our guys who are willing to do anything for a win.So for all you people watching, sit back and enjoy, because once you have a taste of Poison it is in your system and you will be back!
**Pryo Goes Off**
The camera pans around the arena as the music is blasting and the fans are all standing on their feet.Fans have signs and the arena seem to be sold out for this first ever show.We see some of the younger kids covering up their ears because if the pryo.The camera then gives us a shot of the ring and then moves down and in front of the announce table, where Jim Ross and Matt Striker are sitting.
Ross: Hello Ladies and Gentleman and welcome to this huge night in the world of WPWA wrestling.It is the debut of Poison, I'm joined by my broadcast partner, the one and the only Matt Striker.
Striker: While thank you Jim, and hello to you the fans.....wait why should I say hello to you.Well anyway, tonight has been talked about all week, we have seen so many parts of WPWA debut this week but they have saved us for Friday Night.We are going to be the best out of all 5 other so called shows.
Ross: Well Matt I really can't say anything at the moment that would make that statement false.They did sign us you know, and what a pair they picked might I add.
Striker: It was all done by our great General Manager Dave Batista.What a man, he has the brains and you power to run this brand.He has shown that he can handle himself in the press and is able to speak in front of large crowds.
Ross: Just wait a second Matt, Batist......
Ross is cut off by Matt Striker who puts his hand over his mouth.He whispers something in Ross' ear and then takes his hand away from his mouth.Matt puts his headset back on and gets ready to begin again.
Ross: I mean Dave Batista.How could you think he is anything but a bully?Have you seen the video, he picked on a little and then just drove away, the kid cried!
Striker: I have seen it and think that the kid was yelling at Dave and he did the right thing.He drove away and didn't give the child anything, you don't give in to children Ross.
Ross: All the kid wanted was a autograph from his favorite wrester!How could Batista signing a piece of paper be giving in.
Striker: Ross you must understand that our General Manager is a very busy man and doesn't have time to deal with little children.He has his own and that is all the children he should have to deal with.
Ross: Their just Children, they are fans, all they want is one autograph so they can show their friends at school.Why is that so hard for our General Manager, he used to do it all the time, what has changed?
Striker:He grew up, he realized what is important and that is winning.If you lose here in wrestling you don't last long, Batista lost nearly every time he had a title shot in 2007 and that is when he sucked up to the fans.He is at the top of the mountain in wrestling and is a legend, he got all this when he turned against the fans.
Ross, just shakes his head and looks down at some papers on the table.He picks one of them up and hands it to Striker.They look at each other and then Striker hands the paper back to Ross.He takes a sip of water and then puts the bottle on the desk.
Striker: OK, It is time for the first match so lets head to the ring with Howard Finkel will do the announcing.
Ross: I love Mr Finkel, one of the best in wrestling!
Howard Finkel: Ladies and Gentleman,it is time for your opening contest which is for 1 fall and will decided who will face Douglas Williams next week for the European Championship.
Howard Finkel: Introducing first he is from Blackpool, England...William Regal.
Regal appears at the top of the stage and is wearing his trademark coat, he slowly walks to the ring but is touched by a fan on the way down.Regal stops and looks at the fan and then wipes his hand with a cloth that he hand in his pocket.Regal then drops it on the ground and walks to the ring, he stops at the ring steps and lifts the back of his coat up and the heads into the ring.Regal takes off his coat and hands it to the ref who gives it to one of the people working around the ring.Regal then walks over to a corner and waits for Archer to arrive.
Howard Finkel:And making his way to the ring he is from Dallas Texas, Vance Archer!
Striker: This is the future right here Ross, I know you don't think much of Archer but believe me he is the real deal.
Ross: I have no doubt about his ring ability but he isn't a team player and you have to get along with people backstage.
Archer has already made his way to the ring while Striker and Ross were talk and the match starts.
Both men begin this match staying in opposite corners, Regal fakes to run at Vance and Archer goes to the safety of the ring ropes.Regal has a evil grin on his face and they lock up.Archer gets the advantage from the lock up and turns it into a headlock.Archer keeps his hold on and Regal begins to move around and twist and turn.Regal slowly steps his way to the ropes but Archer just moves back into the middle of the ring and then goes to ground with this headlock.Vance has the hold locked in and Regal head begins to go red, Archer doesn't seem to want to let go of this hold and Regal is finding it hard to get out of it.Regal begins to move around and gets to his knee, Archer tries to go back to the ground but Regal elbows him in the stomach.Archer however doesn't let go of the hold but is taken up and slam to the mat with a back supelx.Archer lands on his neck region and has released Regal from the hold.Regal slowly gets to his feet and gets the blood flowing again after minutes of begin stuck in the headlock.Regal walks over to Archer and picks him up, he then slings him off into the ropes and Archer off the rebound is nailed with a clothesline.Regal hooks the leg of Archer....1...kick out.Regal doesn't seem to mind about the kick out and goes back to the attack.Regal locks in a headlock of his own.Archer quickly begins to move around and tries to get to the ropes and this time Regal pulls him back.Regal is still standing while holding Archer in this headlock, Archer begins to deliver small right hands to the back of Regal, which cause him to lose his grip and Archer takes advantage with a neck breaker.Archer covers and puts his forearm in the face of Regal....1...2...kick out.Archer looks around the arena and see that most of the fans are not interested in this match.He stands up and gets out of the ring, Archer grabs a mic off one of the crew members from around the ring.
Archer: Why should I have to preform in front of you people when you don't have the respect to sit down and watch it.
Archer is not watching his back and Regal runs up and shoves him in the back.Archer is sent forward and his head hits the steel post outside the ring.Regal picks up the mic and looks as it he is going to say something only to throw it into the fans.Regal is waiting for Archer to get up, he slowly makes his way to his feet and blood begins to flow down his face.Archer wipes the blood away from his eyes and then turns around and is hit with a right hand from Regal which knocks him down.Archer is sent down to the floor with a right hand from Regal, but he is quick to his feet and fires one right back.Regal stumbles back but neither are keeping track of the count, it is at 7 at that time.Archer his nailed with another and the count is at 8, at which time both men slide into the ring.As both men enter the ring the both go to opposite corners.Vance wipes his face again and Regal wipes his, both men are waiting for the moment to strike.Regal walks to wards Archer with his guard up and goes for a single leg take down only to be countered by Archer who grabs his head and hits a DDT.Archer covers...1...2....kick out.Archer thought he had it but that is not the case, he gets to his feet and looks at Regal.
Striker: Lets go, Archer finish this!
Archer is staring at Regal and then looks at the top rope, Archer then looks back at Regal and again at the top rope.Vance goes outside to the ring apron and then climbs to the top rope.He looks ready but then gets down, he goes to get in the ring but seems to have had second thoughts.Vance goes back to the top rope but this time he wasted has giving Regal the chance he needed.Regal runs over to the turnbuckle and knocks Archers leg off, and he falls down.Archer is hang up on the turnbuckle and Regal delivers some huge right hands to the face of Archer.Regal then looks at the middle of the ring and climbs onto the second rope.He goes for a superplex but Archer holds on.Regal tries again but once more Archer holds on.Archer begins to fight back and knocks Regal down and his head hits the mat hard.Archer this time doesn't wait and nails a picture moonsault on Regal.Archer has hit it and hooks both leg this time....1....2....kick out again.Regal once more kicks out and Archer isn't happy.Vance lifts Regal up onto his shoulders for Blackout but Regal counters a inverted DDT.Archer is down and Regal is quick to lock in the Regal Stretch.Archer begins to scream and finds out that he can't move.He is trapped like a rat and has no choice but to tap.Archer taps out and Regal win this match.
Regal stands up and and tells the the ref to raise his hand which he does.Regal then shoves the ref away from him and gets out of the ring, Regal looks around and then walks up the ramp.
Howard Finkel: Introducing first he is from Blackpool, England...William Regal.
Regal appears at the top of the stage and is wearing his trademark coat, he slowly walks to the ring but is touched by a fan on the way down.Regal stops and looks at the fan and then wipes his hand with a cloth that he hand in his pocket.Regal then drops it on the ground and walks to the ring, he stops at the ring steps and lifts the back of his coat up and the heads into the ring.Regal takes off his coat and hands it to the ref who gives it to one of the people working around the ring.Regal then walks over to a corner and waits for Archer to arrive.
Howard Finkel:And making his way to the ring he is from Dallas Texas, Vance Archer!
Striker: This is the future right here Ross, I know you don't think much of Archer but believe me he is the real deal.
Ross: I have no doubt about his ring ability but he isn't a team player and you have to get along with people backstage.
Archer has already made his way to the ring while Striker and Ross were talk and the match starts.
Both men begin this match staying in opposite corners, Regal fakes to run at Vance and Archer goes to the safety of the ring ropes.Regal has a evil grin on his face and they lock up.Archer gets the advantage from the lock up and turns it into a headlock.Archer keeps his hold on and Regal begins to move around and twist and turn.Regal slowly steps his way to the ropes but Archer just moves back into the middle of the ring and then goes to ground with this headlock.Vance has the hold locked in and Regal head begins to go red, Archer doesn't seem to want to let go of this hold and Regal is finding it hard to get out of it.Regal begins to move around and gets to his knee, Archer tries to go back to the ground but Regal elbows him in the stomach.Archer however doesn't let go of the hold but is taken up and slam to the mat with a back supelx.Archer lands on his neck region and has released Regal from the hold.Regal slowly gets to his feet and gets the blood flowing again after minutes of begin stuck in the headlock.Regal walks over to Archer and picks him up, he then slings him off into the ropes and Archer off the rebound is nailed with a clothesline.Regal hooks the leg of Archer....1...kick out.Regal doesn't seem to mind about the kick out and goes back to the attack.Regal locks in a headlock of his own.Archer quickly begins to move around and tries to get to the ropes and this time Regal pulls him back.Regal is still standing while holding Archer in this headlock, Archer begins to deliver small right hands to the back of Regal, which cause him to lose his grip and Archer takes advantage with a neck breaker.Archer covers and puts his forearm in the face of Regal....1...2...kick out.Archer looks around the arena and see that most of the fans are not interested in this match.He stands up and gets out of the ring, Archer grabs a mic off one of the crew members from around the ring.
Archer: Why should I have to preform in front of you people when you don't have the respect to sit down and watch it.
Archer is not watching his back and Regal runs up and shoves him in the back.Archer is sent forward and his head hits the steel post outside the ring.Regal picks up the mic and looks as it he is going to say something only to throw it into the fans.Regal is waiting for Archer to get up, he slowly makes his way to his feet and blood begins to flow down his face.Archer wipes the blood away from his eyes and then turns around and is hit with a right hand from Regal which knocks him down.Archer is sent down to the floor with a right hand from Regal, but he is quick to his feet and fires one right back.Regal stumbles back but neither are keeping track of the count, it is at 7 at that time.Archer his nailed with another and the count is at 8, at which time both men slide into the ring.As both men enter the ring the both go to opposite corners.Vance wipes his face again and Regal wipes his, both men are waiting for the moment to strike.Regal walks to wards Archer with his guard up and goes for a single leg take down only to be countered by Archer who grabs his head and hits a DDT.Archer covers...1...2....kick out.Archer thought he had it but that is not the case, he gets to his feet and looks at Regal.
Striker: Lets go, Archer finish this!
Archer is staring at Regal and then looks at the top rope, Archer then looks back at Regal and again at the top rope.Vance goes outside to the ring apron and then climbs to the top rope.He looks ready but then gets down, he goes to get in the ring but seems to have had second thoughts.Vance goes back to the top rope but this time he wasted has giving Regal the chance he needed.Regal runs over to the turnbuckle and knocks Archers leg off, and he falls down.Archer is hang up on the turnbuckle and Regal delivers some huge right hands to the face of Archer.Regal then looks at the middle of the ring and climbs onto the second rope.He goes for a superplex but Archer holds on.Regal tries again but once more Archer holds on.Archer begins to fight back and knocks Regal down and his head hits the mat hard.Archer this time doesn't wait and nails a picture moonsault on Regal.Archer has hit it and hooks both leg this time....1....2....kick out again.Regal once more kicks out and Archer isn't happy.Vance lifts Regal up onto his shoulders for Blackout but Regal counters a inverted DDT.Archer is down and Regal is quick to lock in the Regal Stretch.Archer begins to scream and finds out that he can't move.He is trapped like a rat and has no choice but to tap.Archer taps out and Regal win this match.
Howard Finkel: Ladies and Gentleman your winner William Regal!
Regal stands up and and tells the the ref to raise his hand which he does.Regal then shoves the ref away from him and gets out of the ring, Regal looks around and then walks up the ramp.
The camera goes to a shot of backstage to where we find, Miz who is wearing jeans and a jumper, with the hood down over the head of Miz.Miz is drinking a can of Mother when Alex Riley walks up to him, in a black jumper.Alex is holding a briefcase and is swinging it around and around.He stops and looks at Miz, Riley then puts the case down on a table and then again looks at Miz.
Alex Riley: You know that stuff is supposed to be bad for you.
Miz looks at Riley, as if to say what the hell are you talking about.Miz then throws the can in the garbage and wipes his mouth.
Miz: Riley, you may be right, but I'm the Miz.I think I know what to eat and drink, while you and me may be friends don't try and act like you know what is best for me.I have had some of the world greatest tag partners and still I have done more then all of them.I have be the United States Champion,Tag Champion and soon to be Pure Champion.And you will stand tall beside me as my partner, we will do straight to the top of wrestling and not stand down.We will start a new era in sports entertainment, the era of Miz and Riley.The new Pure Champion and European Champion!
Alex Riley: Well......that's a great plan but....what if I beat you tonight.And I win the Pure Championship against Morgan, what about that buddy!
Miz: Thats not the plan, the plan is for me to win tonight and then beat that idiot Morgan, and for you to win the European Championship!Stick to the plan,I'm the mastermind here and I make the decisions.
Alex Riley: You make the decisions here, yeah I don't think so!
Miz and Riley get in each others face,Miz begins to mouth off to Riley who is not standing down.It looks as if these two are about to go at it when Triple walks past and spots the case on the table.Triple H looks again and slowly walks up to the table, he opens up the briefcase and pulls out a bit of paper.Hunter shuts the briefcase and slowly walks away and sneaks behind a crate backstage.Hunter begins to read the piece of paper and laughs, both Miz and Riley however don't hear him.He then walks out from the crate and puts the paper on the table.Hunter goes to put it in the briefcase but it is not there anymore.He looks under the table and all over for it but can't find it.Hunter stands up and and wipes his face, at that moment Triple H looks around and spots that both Miz and Riley have gone.Hunter picks up the piece of paper and walks off backstage somewhere.
Howard Finkel:Ladies and Gentleman the following contest is for one fall, introducing first, from Cameron, North Carolina.....Matt Hardy V1.
Matt Hardy appears at the top of the ramp and the crowd go nuts.They begin to chant "Hardy" and as he stops at the top of the ramp.Matt looks around and throws his hand up for his trademark sign.Matt begins to walk to wards the ring, and walks up the steel steps.He enters the ring and runs over to the turnbuckle.Matt climbs up and tells the crowd to get on their feet, as they continue to go nuts.
Striker: Ross, I have big hopes for this match here tonight.You have two of the top highflyers in the world going at it tonight right here on Poison.
Ross: How right you are Matt, we can expect some great moves from these two.
Introducing now, from Brooklyn, New York....Amazing Red!
Red makes his way out and runs down the ramp and slides in the ring.Red runs over to the right turnbuckle and does a back flip for the fans.Red then walks over to a corner and waits for the match to begin.
Both men walk to the middle of the ring and shake hands, Red and Matt make eye contact and but Hardy strikes with a right hand which sends Red to the ground.Red gets to his knee when Hardy, runs at him and connects with a clothesline.Red's head is nearly knocked off, and his body is sent upside down.Hardy doesn't take time to just look at his work as he turn Red over onto his back and deliver a leg drop, Hardy hooks the leg....1...kick out.Red gets the shoulder up.Matt grabs Red by the head and pulls him to his feet, Hardy slings Red into the ropes and Matt goes for a back body drop.Red however gabs onto the ropes and then runs at Hardy and connects with a DDT.Red then hooks the leg...1...2...kick out.Red doesn't stop on the attack a he slings Hardy into the turnbuckle and ten jumps up and hits a drop kick.Hardy is hit in the face and stumbles back and the falls to the outside of the ring.Red runs back and then jumps over the top rope and onto Hardy who just makes it back to his feet.They both crash into the guard rail.Hardy's head, is squashed up against rail as Red gets back to his feet first.Red is up and takes time to gather himself and then kicks Hardy in the gut as he lays on the ground.Red gets onto the apron and begins to stamp his foot getting the crow on their feet.They begin to chant "RED" and then he takes a few steps back and does a moonsault but Hardy moves out of the way and slides into the ring, and Red hits the ground hard.Matt looks down at Red who is lying still on the ground outside the ring.Hardy gets to his feet and then climbs to the top rope, Hardy waits and waits for Red to rise and when he does Matt jumps forward at Red.But Red jumps out of the way and Matt just like Red before falls to the ground with another miss.
Striker: Both men putting everything into this match, we can see that with all the crash and burns.
Ross: Why, Matt have you only just tuned in, we can all see that they are putting everything into this match.
Red able to escape climbs on top of the guard rail and then delivers a huge leg drop.Red then gets Hardy to his feet and shoves him into the ring.Red gets him in and covers.....1....2....kick out.Red is unable to get a 3 count so he attacks the skull of Hardy with right hands.Hardy tries to cover up but Red is like a shark that smells blood.Hardy twist a turns and once able to escape he clotheslines Red which sends him to the ground.Matt falls on top of Red and covers...1...2...kick out again.Matt wipes his face and then lifts Red onto his shoulders, Matt walks forward and then hits a Samoan drop.Matt turns around and hooks the far leg...1...2...kick out.Hardy is unable to get a 3 count and again picks Red up.This time Hardy slings him into the ropes and connects with a back body drop.Red is sent flying up into the air and then comes crashing down.Hardy looks down at Red and climbs to the top rope, Hardy waits for Red to rise and then goes for a Axe handle, however Red counters with a kick to the gut.Red then picks Hardy up and has him in position for a suplex, Hardy begins to fight but Red is able to connect.Red covers....1...2...kick out, Hardy kicks out and Red gets up quickly.Red runs to wards the ropes but Hardy gets up and connects with a side effect.Red is sent down to the ground with Hardy's trademark move.Hardy's is standing a calling for the Twist of Fate.The crowd are up and Hardy connects with a kick to the gut,he grabs Red by the head and goes for the finish.However Red counters and turns it into a backslide....1...2....3.Red gets the win and quickly rolls out of the ring where the ref raises his hand.
Matt gets up and isn't happy that he lost.But when Red gets back into the ring he and Matt shake hands.But as Red goes to leave Matt kicks him in the knee.Red goes down and Hardy rips off his knee pad and hammers on his knee with right hands.Hardy grabs Reds leg and jumps on it and digs his knee into his leg.The leg is bent in a bad position and Hardy then begins pull and twist.Hardy then gets out of the ring and grabs a chair, Hardy walks up the steps with a smile on his face.Hardy goes to hit Red in the leg but Red ducks, as he goes to run he falls to the ground.
Ross:That knee must have giving out on him, somebody has got to do something.
Striker:Why, Red should be able to fight him off.
Hardy slowly walks over to Red and then cracks him in the back.Red screams out and then Hardy connects with a sot to the knee.Which again makes his scream, Hardy again attacks the knee time and time again.Red is screaming in pain and Hardy then chucks the chair to the outside.Matt picks Red up and hits a Twist of Fate on Red.His head is twist and then is slammed into the mat.Hardy looks down at Red and then walks up the ramp, leaving Red lying on the mat.
Matt Hardy appears at the top of the ramp and the crowd go nuts.They begin to chant "Hardy" and as he stops at the top of the ramp.Matt looks around and throws his hand up for his trademark sign.Matt begins to walk to wards the ring, and walks up the steel steps.He enters the ring and runs over to the turnbuckle.Matt climbs up and tells the crowd to get on their feet, as they continue to go nuts.
Striker: Ross, I have big hopes for this match here tonight.You have two of the top highflyers in the world going at it tonight right here on Poison.
Ross: How right you are Matt, we can expect some great moves from these two.
Introducing now, from Brooklyn, New York....Amazing Red!
Red makes his way out and runs down the ramp and slides in the ring.Red runs over to the right turnbuckle and does a back flip for the fans.Red then walks over to a corner and waits for the match to begin.
Both men walk to the middle of the ring and shake hands, Red and Matt make eye contact and but Hardy strikes with a right hand which sends Red to the ground.Red gets to his knee when Hardy, runs at him and connects with a clothesline.Red's head is nearly knocked off, and his body is sent upside down.Hardy doesn't take time to just look at his work as he turn Red over onto his back and deliver a leg drop, Hardy hooks the leg....1...kick out.Red gets the shoulder up.Matt grabs Red by the head and pulls him to his feet, Hardy slings Red into the ropes and Matt goes for a back body drop.Red however gabs onto the ropes and then runs at Hardy and connects with a DDT.Red then hooks the leg...1...2...kick out.Red doesn't stop on the attack a he slings Hardy into the turnbuckle and ten jumps up and hits a drop kick.Hardy is hit in the face and stumbles back and the falls to the outside of the ring.Red runs back and then jumps over the top rope and onto Hardy who just makes it back to his feet.They both crash into the guard rail.Hardy's head, is squashed up against rail as Red gets back to his feet first.Red is up and takes time to gather himself and then kicks Hardy in the gut as he lays on the ground.Red gets onto the apron and begins to stamp his foot getting the crow on their feet.They begin to chant "RED" and then he takes a few steps back and does a moonsault but Hardy moves out of the way and slides into the ring, and Red hits the ground hard.Matt looks down at Red who is lying still on the ground outside the ring.Hardy gets to his feet and then climbs to the top rope, Hardy waits and waits for Red to rise and when he does Matt jumps forward at Red.But Red jumps out of the way and Matt just like Red before falls to the ground with another miss.
Striker: Both men putting everything into this match, we can see that with all the crash and burns.
Ross: Why, Matt have you only just tuned in, we can all see that they are putting everything into this match.
Red able to escape climbs on top of the guard rail and then delivers a huge leg drop.Red then gets Hardy to his feet and shoves him into the ring.Red gets him in and covers.....1....2....kick out.Red is unable to get a 3 count so he attacks the skull of Hardy with right hands.Hardy tries to cover up but Red is like a shark that smells blood.Hardy twist a turns and once able to escape he clotheslines Red which sends him to the ground.Matt falls on top of Red and covers...1...2...kick out again.Matt wipes his face and then lifts Red onto his shoulders, Matt walks forward and then hits a Samoan drop.Matt turns around and hooks the far leg...1...2...kick out.Hardy is unable to get a 3 count and again picks Red up.This time Hardy slings him into the ropes and connects with a back body drop.Red is sent flying up into the air and then comes crashing down.Hardy looks down at Red and climbs to the top rope, Hardy waits for Red to rise and then goes for a Axe handle, however Red counters with a kick to the gut.Red then picks Hardy up and has him in position for a suplex, Hardy begins to fight but Red is able to connect.Red covers....1...2...kick out, Hardy kicks out and Red gets up quickly.Red runs to wards the ropes but Hardy gets up and connects with a side effect.Red is sent down to the ground with Hardy's trademark move.Hardy's is standing a calling for the Twist of Fate.The crowd are up and Hardy connects with a kick to the gut,he grabs Red by the head and goes for the finish.However Red counters and turns it into a backslide....1...2....3.Red gets the win and quickly rolls out of the ring where the ref raises his hand.
Howard Finkel: Your winner....The Amazing RED!!!
Matt gets up and isn't happy that he lost.But when Red gets back into the ring he and Matt shake hands.But as Red goes to leave Matt kicks him in the knee.Red goes down and Hardy rips off his knee pad and hammers on his knee with right hands.Hardy grabs Reds leg and jumps on it and digs his knee into his leg.The leg is bent in a bad position and Hardy then begins pull and twist.Hardy then gets out of the ring and grabs a chair, Hardy walks up the steps with a smile on his face.Hardy goes to hit Red in the leg but Red ducks, as he goes to run he falls to the ground.
Ross:That knee must have giving out on him, somebody has got to do something.
Striker:Why, Red should be able to fight him off.
Hardy slowly walks over to Red and then cracks him in the back.Red screams out and then Hardy connects with a sot to the knee.Which again makes his scream, Hardy again attacks the knee time and time again.Red is screaming in pain and Hardy then chucks the chair to the outside.Matt picks Red up and hits a Twist of Fate on Red.His head is twist and then is slammed into the mat.Hardy looks down at Red and then walks up the ramp, leaving Red lying on the mat.
We are backstage in the office of the General Manager, Dave Batista.He is wearing a suit and tie and is on his computer, typing something up.He prints it off and the signs it down the bottom.He puts it on his desk and takes a sip off water.
Dave Batista:Bob!, Bob, get in here.I have it ready, get in here!
Bob:Sorry sir...I....I...just didn't hear you.
Bob picks up the papers which are on Batista's desk and puts them in a folder titled, "New Talents".He goes to leave the office but then turns around and looks at Batista.
Dave Batista:What, do you want.Did I forget to give you some of the papers?
Bob:No, I just wanted to ask did you watch VPW this week?
Batista sits forward and signals for Bob to come forward.He does and Batista grabs him by the tie, pulls him over the table.Batista goes nose to nose with Bob and locks eyes.Batista stands up and then shoves him to the ground.Batista then throws the water bottle a Bob and has a disgusted look on his face.
Dave Batista:Watch it.....why would I watch a second...no, third...no.Fourth....no, I got it, the worst wrestling show, which the WPWA put out.If I wanted to see garbage, I would watch the Super bowl!But to answer your question, yes I did.Why you may ask, well I wanted to see The Rock.But more on that later, now get out of my office.
Bob gets up and runs out of Batista's office, and down the hall.Batista is seen in walking down, the hall and into the video management crew office.He walks in and puts his laptop on the desk.
Dave Batista:I want this for later tonight.I want the videos in the file that is open on the desktop and I want the picture that are on this USB.
Crew Member: No problem sir, I will have it done by the time you are out there.
Dave Batista:Thank you, at last somebody who isn't an idiot.
Batista walks out and goes back to his office, he shuts the door and we go back to the ring for the next match.
Howard Finkel: Ladies and Gentleman, the following contest is to be contested as a No Holds Barred Match!
Ross: What!, when did this happen?
Striker: Another treat from our General Manager tonight.What a man, he really does do everything for the fans.
Ross: You know you going to hell right? How can you sit here and talk about Dave Batista as if he is a saint?
Striker doesn't answer and then camera just shows the entrance ramp waiting for Joe to make his way to the ring.
Howard Finkel: Making his way to the ring, from Samoa,....representing the Nation of Voilence.......The Samoa Submission Machine.....Samoa JOE!!!
Joe makes his way to the ring with his towel in hand.He gets onto the ring apron, and then chucks it out into the fans.Joe gets in and climbs on the top rope.Joe throws his arms to the side and yells the words "Tap Out".
Howard Finkel: And making his way to the ring, he is Kaz!
Kaz runs to the ring and jumps over the ropes onto Joe knocking him down.They fight to the outside of the ring and Joe gets the advantage over Kaz, he grabs him b the hair and slams his head into the guard rail.Joe however doesn't stop there, he does it again, followed by lifting Kaz up and dropping him down outside the ring.Joe walks back and waits, Kaz slowly gets up and Joe runs at him only to be countered by Kaz who kicks him in the face it a spin kick.Joe is sent stumbling back and then falls over, he sits up and Kaz hits him with two huge boots to the face.Kaz tries to lift Joe but is unable to, his body is to heavy for him.Kaz instead grabs a tool box from under the ring.But before he can get anything out Joe is up and hits him from behind with a forearm.Kaz is sent down to the ground and Joe starts to deliver bots to the body of Kaz.The huge boots of Joe are begin dug into the body of Kaz who tries to fight back but can't.Joe stops and lifts Kaz onto his shoulders, he goes to ram his head into the ring posy when Kaz slides off and shoves Joe into it instead.His head cracks off the post and blood begins to rush down.Kaz then picks up a chair and hits him in the gut, Kaz then lifts the chair up and hits him in the back which knocks him down.Kaz begins to hammer down with chair shots on Joe who isn't moving.The ref comes down and checks on him, Joe appears to be knocked out cold.Kaz tries to lift him up but once again is unable to get him in the ring.Kaz grabs him by the head and pulls, this appears to work as he gets him in the ring.Kaz covers...1...2...kick out.Kaz is in shock and begins to hammer on the head of Joe with right hands, as blood flows down his face, Kaz covers...1...2...kick out.Kaz this time climbs to the top rope and goes for a splash, Joe is able to move out of the way and Kaz is sent crashing to the ground.Kaz is up holding his ribs and Joe then connects with a DDT.Joe hooks the leg....1..2...kick out.Joe wipes his face and then gets up, he runs of the ropes and delivers a leg drop.He gets up again and delivers it again.Joe lifts him up, and slings him into the ropes, Joe lifts him onto his shoulder and then hits a Samoan drop.Joe turns around and covers...1...2....kick out.
Ross: This is one hell of a blood bath, Kaz and Joe both would wish that this was a normal match.
Striker: I don't think Joe would, have you seen him when he is angry.
Joe stands up and goes to the outside, he grabs the tool box that Kaz tried to use before.Joe brings it into the ring and opens it up, he grabs a screwdriver and holds it in his hands.Joe walks to wards Kaz and tries to jam it in his face.Kaz grabs his hands and tries to fight him off but Joe is over powering him, Kaz kicks Joe in the gut from the ground.Joe stumbles back and Kaz gets the screwdriver and then chucks it to the outside.Kaz picks up the tool box and cracks Joe in the skull with it.All the tools fall out and are spread all over the ring.Kaz spots a hammer and picks it up, he holds it in his hand and hits Joe in the knee.Joe goes down and he holds his knee, Kaz drops the hammer and then locks in a single leg Boston crab.Kaz sits down, and Joe is trying to crawl away.But Kaz pulls him back and isn't letting go,once again Joe is trying to escape but Kaz pulls him back.Joe looks as if he is about to tap when he counters and urns it into a jackknife pin cover...1...2...kick out.Kaz kicks out and gets up, he runs to wards the ropes and gets out of the ring.Kaz looks under the ring and finds a sledgehammer, he holds it in his hands as Joe gets to his feet.Joe looks at Kaz and shakes his head, Joe looks out to the crowd and then runs off the ropes and jumps over in a suicide dive type move.Joe falls on top of Kaz and both men hit the ground.
Striker: Oh My God!What a huge move by Joe, he has a bad knee and all.What a match Ross, this isn't even the Main Event for tonight but should be.
Ross: These men are down, they're no countout's and no DQ's, what will happen next.
Joe slowly gets to his feet, and has to use the ring apron to stand.Joe looks around and then tells the announcers to move, he rips off the tables cover and throws it to the ground.Joe walks to wards Kaz and grabs him by the hair, Joe then slams his head into the table.But Joe doesn't stop, he continues to slam Kaz head first into the table time after time.His head is like a ping pong ball bouncing up and down.Joe finally stops and Kaz just falls back wards and to the floor.Joe again slowly walks to wards Kaz trying not to use much energy, he grabs his arm and pulls him to his feet.Joe slaps him in the face and goes to sling Kaz into the steel steps only to be countered by Kaz who sends Joe knee first into the steps instead.Kaz is up first and stumbles back wards and falls over right beside the sledgehammer he had in his hands before.Kaz picks it up and charges at Joe and hits him in the gut with it.Joe however doesn't go down and is still standing, Kaz again hits him this time in the head which does knock hi to the ground.Kaz chucks the hammer away and then after trying different way and positions, he gets Joe back into the ring.Kaz hooks the leg...1...2....kick out.Joe gets the shoulder up and Kaz is in shock.After surviving the head shot Kaz doesn't know what else to do.Kaz again makes it to his feet and climbs to the top rope.He yells at Joe to rise and get some more.Kaz is waiting and Joe is up, he turns around.........and counters!Joe is able to catch Kaz coming off the top rope and then slam he down to the mat.Joe grabs his head and locks in the choke hold.Kaz begins to twist and turn but Joe has it locked in, he tries to get to the ropes but Joe just rolls back into the middle of the ring.After trying for minutes Kaz taps out.
Ross: What a match!That was had everything in it, a great fight and a even better ending.I must say Matt you were right about this match begin a treat.But it was not for the fans, that is not the reason Dave Batista gave us this match.
Striker: Why thank you Jim, I do love it when you say I'm right.A Hall Of Famer like yourself is someone I respect and hope to be like someday or even better.
Samoa Joe!!!
Ross: What!, when did this happen?
Striker: Another treat from our General Manager tonight.What a man, he really does do everything for the fans.
Ross: You know you going to hell right? How can you sit here and talk about Dave Batista as if he is a saint?
Striker doesn't answer and then camera just shows the entrance ramp waiting for Joe to make his way to the ring.
Howard Finkel: Making his way to the ring, from Samoa,....representing the Nation of Voilence.......The Samoa Submission Machine.....Samoa JOE!!!
Joe makes his way to the ring with his towel in hand.He gets onto the ring apron, and then chucks it out into the fans.Joe gets in and climbs on the top rope.Joe throws his arms to the side and yells the words "Tap Out".
Howard Finkel: And making his way to the ring, he is Kaz!
Kaz runs to the ring and jumps over the ropes onto Joe knocking him down.They fight to the outside of the ring and Joe gets the advantage over Kaz, he grabs him b the hair and slams his head into the guard rail.Joe however doesn't stop there, he does it again, followed by lifting Kaz up and dropping him down outside the ring.Joe walks back and waits, Kaz slowly gets up and Joe runs at him only to be countered by Kaz who kicks him in the face it a spin kick.Joe is sent stumbling back and then falls over, he sits up and Kaz hits him with two huge boots to the face.Kaz tries to lift Joe but is unable to, his body is to heavy for him.Kaz instead grabs a tool box from under the ring.But before he can get anything out Joe is up and hits him from behind with a forearm.Kaz is sent down to the ground and Joe starts to deliver bots to the body of Kaz.The huge boots of Joe are begin dug into the body of Kaz who tries to fight back but can't.Joe stops and lifts Kaz onto his shoulders, he goes to ram his head into the ring posy when Kaz slides off and shoves Joe into it instead.His head cracks off the post and blood begins to rush down.Kaz then picks up a chair and hits him in the gut, Kaz then lifts the chair up and hits him in the back which knocks him down.Kaz begins to hammer down with chair shots on Joe who isn't moving.The ref comes down and checks on him, Joe appears to be knocked out cold.Kaz tries to lift him up but once again is unable to get him in the ring.Kaz grabs him by the head and pulls, this appears to work as he gets him in the ring.Kaz covers...1...2...kick out.Kaz is in shock and begins to hammer on the head of Joe with right hands, as blood flows down his face, Kaz covers...1...2...kick out.Kaz this time climbs to the top rope and goes for a splash, Joe is able to move out of the way and Kaz is sent crashing to the ground.Kaz is up holding his ribs and Joe then connects with a DDT.Joe hooks the leg....1..2...kick out.Joe wipes his face and then gets up, he runs of the ropes and delivers a leg drop.He gets up again and delivers it again.Joe lifts him up, and slings him into the ropes, Joe lifts him onto his shoulder and then hits a Samoan drop.Joe turns around and covers...1...2....kick out.
Ross: This is one hell of a blood bath, Kaz and Joe both would wish that this was a normal match.
Striker: I don't think Joe would, have you seen him when he is angry.
Joe stands up and goes to the outside, he grabs the tool box that Kaz tried to use before.Joe brings it into the ring and opens it up, he grabs a screwdriver and holds it in his hands.Joe walks to wards Kaz and tries to jam it in his face.Kaz grabs his hands and tries to fight him off but Joe is over powering him, Kaz kicks Joe in the gut from the ground.Joe stumbles back and Kaz gets the screwdriver and then chucks it to the outside.Kaz picks up the tool box and cracks Joe in the skull with it.All the tools fall out and are spread all over the ring.Kaz spots a hammer and picks it up, he holds it in his hand and hits Joe in the knee.Joe goes down and he holds his knee, Kaz drops the hammer and then locks in a single leg Boston crab.Kaz sits down, and Joe is trying to crawl away.But Kaz pulls him back and isn't letting go,once again Joe is trying to escape but Kaz pulls him back.Joe looks as if he is about to tap when he counters and urns it into a jackknife pin cover...1...2...kick out.Kaz kicks out and gets up, he runs to wards the ropes and gets out of the ring.Kaz looks under the ring and finds a sledgehammer, he holds it in his hands as Joe gets to his feet.Joe looks at Kaz and shakes his head, Joe looks out to the crowd and then runs off the ropes and jumps over in a suicide dive type move.Joe falls on top of Kaz and both men hit the ground.
Striker: Oh My God!What a huge move by Joe, he has a bad knee and all.What a match Ross, this isn't even the Main Event for tonight but should be.
Ross: These men are down, they're no countout's and no DQ's, what will happen next.
Joe slowly gets to his feet, and has to use the ring apron to stand.Joe looks around and then tells the announcers to move, he rips off the tables cover and throws it to the ground.Joe walks to wards Kaz and grabs him by the hair, Joe then slams his head into the table.But Joe doesn't stop, he continues to slam Kaz head first into the table time after time.His head is like a ping pong ball bouncing up and down.Joe finally stops and Kaz just falls back wards and to the floor.Joe again slowly walks to wards Kaz trying not to use much energy, he grabs his arm and pulls him to his feet.Joe slaps him in the face and goes to sling Kaz into the steel steps only to be countered by Kaz who sends Joe knee first into the steps instead.Kaz is up first and stumbles back wards and falls over right beside the sledgehammer he had in his hands before.Kaz picks it up and charges at Joe and hits him in the gut with it.Joe however doesn't go down and is still standing, Kaz again hits him this time in the head which does knock hi to the ground.Kaz chucks the hammer away and then after trying different way and positions, he gets Joe back into the ring.Kaz hooks the leg...1...2....kick out.Joe gets the shoulder up and Kaz is in shock.After surviving the head shot Kaz doesn't know what else to do.Kaz again makes it to his feet and climbs to the top rope.He yells at Joe to rise and get some more.Kaz is waiting and Joe is up, he turns around.........and counters!Joe is able to catch Kaz coming off the top rope and then slam he down to the mat.Joe grabs his head and locks in the choke hold.Kaz begins to twist and turn but Joe has it locked in, he tries to get to the ropes but Joe just rolls back into the middle of the ring.After trying for minutes Kaz taps out.
Ross: What a match!That was had everything in it, a great fight and a even better ending.I must say Matt you were right about this match begin a treat.But it was not for the fans, that is not the reason Dave Batista gave us this match.
Striker: Why thank you Jim, I do love it when you say I'm right.A Hall Of Famer like yourself is someone I respect and hope to be like someday or even better.
Ladies and Gentleman your winner.......