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WPWA Excellence.wz

Theo Mays

Part Time Poster

Theo Mays here! And I have been selected to take over for the WPWA brand of Excellence. First off I'd like to thank The Crock for building an excellent foundation of superstars for this select brand and I look forward to taking over in the process. Below you will find the Excellence brand of champions. And in the next post you will find the Excellence roster page. I look forward to working with the great minds that make up the WPWA and I hope to see a fun and impactful ride here in the Book This section.

I like what you've done Theo. I hope that the roster isn't too hard for you to work with, it was just what I had envisioned before I had to give up my spot.
I like what you've done Theo. I hope that the roster isn't too hard for you to work with, it was just what I had envisioned before I had to give up my spot.

The roster should be good for me, maybe minus a few minor changes. At first I didn't think the roster would work, but then ideas just popped and everything just started to flow.
Great. It was just really hard to put together a roster with there being five of us and all. Well, best of luck Theo.
WPWA Saturday Night Excellence Review
By Theo Mays​

Theo Mays here! And what a first episode it was from the Excellence brand this past Saturday night. AJ Styles and Jeff Hardy duel it out in a epic ladder match, which saw AJ Styles capture the WPWA Intercontinental Championship. We also saw our General Manager, Shawn Michaels wanting Randy Orton to be the face of the X-Division. Orton seemed suspicious about the idea at first, but it may seem as if Orton took Michaels offer more serious as expected, as Orton RKOed The Hurricane and Consequences Creed during their match on Excellence. Orton refused comment, so we will have to wait until next week to see what is on the mind of Excellence's own Apex Predator. Also on Excellence, Shawn Michaels named Joey Styles the commissioner of the extreme and Styles has set up an Extreme Excellence set for two weeks from now on the third episode of Excellence. There are still many questions to be answered for next week. We know Orton's decision is up in the air and we saw Mike Knox attack Kane, so what will be Kane's reaction to the ordeal, and what will be the fall out of the epic bout between Styles and Hardy? Tune in next Saturday for the second installment of WPWA Excellence!


Theo Mays here for the Excellence brand site and I have been informed that each week the Excellence site will be having a exclusive web match featuring the Excellence brand talent. The first web match will occur in the next couple days. On commentary will be myself and a guest commentator each week. We look forward to seeing you in the near future on WPWA Excellence.WZ!

Theo Mays-Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to the weekly website exclusive match here on the Excellence site. I of course am Theo Mays and joining me on commentary this week is none other than wrestling great, Booker T!

Booker T-Theo Mays, muh brotha. What’s up?

Theo Mays-Not a lot Book. Some marriage problems here or there. Wife saying she is gonna leave, yet she can’t resist coming back for some Theo lovin’. Enough of me Book, I’m so glad that you are joining me here today and I fully expect to see you on this week’s Excellence show.

Booker T-Ya damn right Theo. Booker T ain’t gonna go missing two weeks on TV. I will be on Excellence on Saturday night and you can dig that.

Theo Mays-Oh I dig that, SU….

Booker T-Oh no you didn’t Theo. You don’t go and steal Book’s lines. Now that is something for you to dig. SUUUUUUUCKAAAAAAAAA!


Theo Mays-Are you ready for some tag team action Book? Looks like we are in store for some high flying, fast paced action, as Generation Me is making their way down to the ring. Matt and Jeremy Buck, what can ya tell us about these kids Book?

Booker T-Well Theo they remind me a whole lot of a young Hardy Boys. Back when the Hardys wore those ridiculous pants. These youngsters keep you on the edge of your feet brotha and can shock you at the drop of a dime.


Theo Mays-Here comes the coolest of the cool, yes that’s right The Colons. Carlito and Primo have put their differences aside and look to conquer the tag team division here on Excellence. Now Book, you know a little bit about brotherly love, dontcha?

Booker T-Damn right sucka. Me and Stevie were the best tag team WCW had to offer. Harlem Heat could not…

Theo Mays-You and Stevie Ray were brothers? I was referring to you and Goldust.

Booker T-Shut up fool. Now Carlito and Primo may think they are the next best brother tag team like Harlem Heat, but they are far from achieving that kind of greatness. A win here though Theo would be getting off on the right foot. Same can be said for these Buck boys.

The bell rings and we are underway, as Carlito and Max Buck start the match. The lock up and Carlito gets Max in a headlock. Max pushes Carlito in the ropes and Carlito bounces off and Max leapfrogs over Carlito, who bounces off the opposite set of ropes and gets nailed with a dropkick from Max. Max goes for the quick cover.


Theo Mays-Some quick offense here to start for Max Buck. He knows that to beat The Colons, you have to get on the offensive early and try to end this sooner rather than later.

Booker T-Here ya see Max with a headlock on Carlito. Wrenching the neck here is a smart move from one half of the high flying trio and all this does is ware Carlito down the longer this match goes.

Carlito is up, but Max still has the move locked in and he drags Carlito over to his corner and tags in Jeremy. Jeremy climbs to the top and hits and axe handle onto the back of Carlito. Jeremy runs across the ropes and dropkicks Carlito in the knees, sending him down to the canvas. Jeremy picks up Carlito and goes for a suplex. Carlito is up in the air, but he falls off Jeremy’s shoulders and nails a neckbreaker.

Theo Mays-I guess that is what we’d call a cool reversal from Carlito.

Booker T-I see what you did there Theo and what Carlito needs to do here is make a tag. Obviously the crowd thinks different, as they chant Jeremy’s name throughout the arena here.

Carlito is up and instead of making a tag he grabs Jeremy and clubs him in the back of the head. Carlito then whips him into the corner. Carlito walks over and nails him with a couple of elbow shots before tagging in Primo. Primo gets right in and kicks Jeremy down in the corner. Primo stays on the attack and drives his knee into the face of Jeremy Buck. The referee gets his count to 4 before Primo releases the hold. The ref deals with Primo and Carlito drives his foot into the side of Jeremy’s head.

Theo Mays-Cheap but smart strategy from the Colons there Book.

Booker T-Damn right sucka. Gotta do what you gotta do to score the victory Theo and the Colons are implementing that right here, right now.

Primo drags Jeremy out of the corner and goes for the instant cover.


Primo yells at the ref and lifts Jeremy up and goes for a German suplex, but when he throws Jeremy up, he counters and lands on his feet. Primo is stunned as Jermey nails him with a clothesline, followed by a dropkick. Jeremy makes a diving tag into Max.

Theo Mays-And there’s the tag! Max is in like a house of fire Book. Primo, meet Mr. Left and Mr. Right and thanks for visiting, down he goes. Oh hey Carlito, don’t feel left out, here is some for you.

Booker T-Max is going to town dawg. Taking out Carlito there and now he can send his focus back on the legal man.

Primo is up and turns and gets a back body drop from Max. Primo rolls outside and him and Carlito consult. However Max avoids the ref and dives through the middle ropes and crashes on top of The Colons and all three men crash into the security wall.

Theo Mays-What a move by Max Buck! He just sacrificed his body like a lamb there and takes out The Colons.

Booker T-Again Theo it is that do whatever it takes to win mentality there and GenMe is showing they have it.

Theo Mays-The ref’s count is at five Book and Max is getting back in the ring, but ohhh he is cut off by The Colons and we have a pornstar’s weekend, some double team action.

Booker T-You’re an odd little man Theo.

The Colons continue the double team, but from out of nowhere Jeremy is on the apron and he runs across and nails a running flip onto the Colons, as Max ducks out of the way in the nick of time. Max rolls into the ring and rolls back out to break the count. Max grabs Primo and rolls him back in. Max climbs the apron and nails a springboard leg drop and goes for the cover.


Max takes Primo and whips him across the ropes and nails a Hurricanrana into a pin.


Carlito is pushed back to his corner by the ref, as Max slowly makes a tag to Jeremy. Jeremy heads to the top and nails a flying crossbody onto Primo, but his momentum throws Primo into a pinfall.


Both men are up and stare down. Primo goes for a kick, but Jeremy ducks and nails a spin kick of his own, sending Primo to the mat. Jeremy lifts Primo up and whips him into the ropes. Carlito makes a blind tag as Jeremy nails Primo with a spinning DDT. Carlito from behind nails the Backstabber and runs over and pushes Max off the apron. He goes for the cover.


Theo Mays-And the Colons are victorious! An opposing team’s worst nightmare, the blind tag.

Booker T-Smart tag team wrestling at its finest Theo. Carlito caught Generation Me off guard and put the nail in the coffin with the Backstabber.

Theo Mays-Can’t fault Generation Me though Book. They put on a hell of a match here in our first web exclusive.

Booker T-They sure did dawg. This is a young team on the rise and they will learn from this defeat and will only get better.

Theo Mays-Couldn’t have said it better myself Book. And Book, I want to thank you for joining me this week on the first web exclusive and I wish you the best of luck on the second edition of Excellence this coming Saturday.

Booker T-I appreciate the invite brotha and you damn right well know that Book is gonna whoop ass Saturday night. Now can you dig that….


Booker T-I’ll letcha slide on that one dawg.

Theo Mays-Haha. Thanks again Book. Join me, Theo Mays here every week for the web exclusive on the Excellence brand site. For Booker T, I’m Theo Mays. Enjoy the rest of your week and I will see you again soon. Adios!

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