Wow, WWE didnt mess things up yet! (Orton vs Kingston)

Kofi might make that jump if this feud is worked properly. Orton will have a lot to do with that. So far its playing out perfectly. But, for all the vince is racist bullshit, look at the black wrestlers who've been there. There isn't really one besides Booker who deserved to be near the main event scene. It's really another example of people finding a reason to bitch because guys they think are great don't get the push they want them to get. Maybe it's because they don't draw. Ever think of that? Woever mentioned Koko B. Ware(comedy jobber) R Truth, and Viscera(really? Viscera?) not getting a world title shot, youre insane. Do you actually believe any of them deserved that? Hell Viscera won kotr as Mabel and that was shit. Lay off the racism shit cuz that has nothing to do with it.
I agree with drondog Black people in wwe are seriously underrated and misused it has always been that way. I think it sucks and is bad for business. I mean the last World Champion they had that was black was Booker T before he left and he was a good Champion but he was also already well known. i think they need to put the belt on Someone like Mark henry, MVP, Kofi Kingston, Shelton Benjamin, etc. These guys work harder than anybody on the roster and have nothing to show for it. Henry and MVP should have already had the Tag Belts by now. Shelton Benjamin has been in almost every Money In The Bank match but has never won. One other quick point to bring up about Shelton Benjamin is does anyone remember how quickly they made us forget the fact that he beat Tripleh at One Point. Tell me what you think.

Yeah Shelton has no charisma. That's why he doesn't get pushed. If Henry was champ everyone who posts here would be bitching up a storm. MVP is the only one who could really be a legitimate champ, yet, he has heart issues. I don't see why any of these guys have earned the opportunity to carry the company. None of them are that good. Mid carders at best. Guaranteed if someone came along who had the it factor, vince would push them to the moon, no matter the color of their skin. Someone else mentioned lashley and compared him to lesnar. Not even close. Lashley came off as a whiney bitch with his high pitched voice and lesnar was a monster. I'd say lashley got shoved down all our throats too.
Oh stop it, all of you saying there's anything racist about how WWE uses talent. The fact is this: Vince is a great businessman. Racism is bad business. Hence, Vince does not manage his talent in any sort of racist way. Talent always shines through, and if they're not pushed (Mark Henry, Shelton Benjamin, etc) then there's something wrong with their performance, not anything Vince and his team are doing.
To say Vince or the WWE does ANYTHING due to race is asinine. This is the PG Era WWE. The last thing Vince wants to do is give a hint of being racist toward black athletes. Kofi, and The Most Valuable Strong Man Thug Crew beat Legacy clean in order to give relevancy to the feud at hand. They want to make Kofi stronger by having someone like Orton feud with him. Don't be surprised if Kofi ends up beating Orton a time or two. Kofi's beaten some good wrestlers and beat Jericho to win the IC title.

Give this some time. I'm sure everything will work out the way it always does. With the WWE screwing things up.
I believe that if WWE do the right thing they could be onto a winner with this feud. Both men are fairly young and and extremely talented. Kofi really needs to be elevated into the upper card and a feud with Orton is the way to do it. I hope that Kofi is given the chance to prove himself and break the mold of 'white' Champions.

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